2022大学英语(一)习题库及答案试题1Quiz for Unit 1I.S pell the following words with the help oftheir definitions and the first letters given.(10 points)1、e n.a usu.S hort piece of writing on a particular subject by a student,esp.as a part ofa course of study2、o v.to hide from view;to make it difficultto see or understand3、s v.to look at or to consider(a person,place,or condition)as a whole;to examine4、1 adj.very bad,unpleasant,useless5、,v.talk about past experiences,esp.with pleasure参考答案:1.essay 2.obscure 3.survey 4.lousy 5.reminisceII.Complete the following sentences with the words given below,change the form where necessary.(10 points)permanentconquerconvince surround1、Those players who are not at all will havefew chances to succeed.2、To the difficulties in study,you must workhard and try to find a better way of studying.3、We should him of the approaching danger,otherwise he will be really in danger.4、It s a job,not a part-time one.5、This is a beautiful campus,and the dormitories and t e a c h i n g b u i l d i n g s a r e a l l w i t h t r e e s a n dg r a s s.参考答案:1.c o n f i d e n t?2.c o n q u e r 3.c o n v i n c e 4.p e r m a n e n t 5.s u r r o u n d e dH I.F i l l i n t h e f o l l o w i n g b l a n k s w i t h c o r r e c ta d v e r b s o r p r e p o s i t i o n s.(10 p o i n t s)1、T h e c h i l d r e n f i l e d t h e t h e a t e r q u i e t l y,a s t h ep l a y h a d a l r e a d y b e g u n.2、I t s s o c o l d t h a t I f e e l s n e e z i n g.3、W e s h o u l d f e e l p r o u d a n d s e l f-a s s u r e d w h e n w e l o o kb a c k t h e d a y s w e h a v e p a s s e d i n c o l l e g e.4、H e w a s a n a u g h t y b o y w h e n h e w a s l i t t l e,b u t n o w,h e h a s c o m e u n d e r s t a n d t h a t h e s h o u l d d o so m e t h i n g g o o d t o o t h e r p e o p l e.5、S o m e t i m e s w e n e e d t o s c r e a m t h e t o p o f o u rl u n g s t o r e l a x o u r s e l v e s.参考答案:1.in t o.孩子们安静的走进剧院,剧已经上映。file into鱼贯而入;根据从句的提示,这 里 应 是 into而不是out ofo2.like.天气很冷以致我想打喷嚏。feel like doing想要,like为介词.3.on/upon.当我们回顾大学生活时,应感到骄傲和自信。back on/upon回忆,回顾。此为固定搭配。4.t o.他小时候是一个淘气的孩子,但现在已逐渐明白应做一些对他人有好处的事。come to do逐渐开始。5.at.有时我们大声呼喊以放松自己at the top of ones lungs为固定搭配,表示大声地”;at the top of sth.在.上面。IV.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.(10 points)1.How can you convince him the death of hiswife,since he was with her a few minutes ago?A.of B.on C.inD.from2.It is easy for a horse to at the soundof guns.A.frighten B.surpriseC.horrifyD.panic3.The experiment involves on some mice.A.to operating B.operatingC.to be operating D.in operating4.After the bell rang,the teacher began to passpapers to the anxiously waiting students.A.away B.outC.through D.by5.The train arrive at 5 pm was late forsix hours.A.due to B.have toC.suppose toD.owing to参考答案:1.A.你如何能使他相信妻子的死讯,几分钟前他们还在一起。本题考固定搭配convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事。2.D.frighten,horrify,surprise 均为及物动词,在此不合要求。Frighten是吃惊,害怕,horrify使恐怖,使惊骇,surprise使吃惊,惊讶,panic vi.受惊,惊慌。3.B.这个实验要给几个老鼠做手术。Involve为及物动词,后接名词性的词语,不接不定式。4.B.铃响后,老师将试卷发给焦急等待着试卷的学生Pass away 去世,pass out 分发,pass through 经过,穿过,经历;pass b y 经过,掠过。5.A.应 5 点钟到的火车晚了 6 个小时Due为形容词,表示“预期的,应到的;owing t o 表示“由于,因为。此处应填入定语;have t o 和 suppose t o 在这里不符合句子结构要求。V.R ead the following passages and give the best answer to each question with the information you have got from the passage.(20 points)Passage 1Dear S ir or Madam:I should like to have you considermy application for the position of accountant that you advertised in the April 26th issue of theTimes.I am a graduate of the Oriental S chool ofCommerce with seven years accounting experience intwo responsible positions.The details of my education and experience are given on the enclosed sheet.While my experience has been largely in manufacturing,I have had a great desire to get into the employ of trading company because of the wider field of work and the greater opportunity forbroadening ones knowledge of how business is done.After three yearsf experience with the Yokohama Steel Company,I took a position with Douglass&Elliot.During the four years thatI have been with this firm,I have gained a good knowledge of manufacturing accounting and have been promoted several times.May I have an interview at your convenience to substantiate these statements and to answeryour questions?Very truly yoursJohn1.According to the passage,which of the foilowing is true?A.The Times will employ an accountant.B.John has seven years*accounting experienee.C.John worked in Yokohama for four years.D.John studied in the Orient School of Commerce for six years.2.Paragraph three implies that.A.John plans to do business some dayB.John doesn,t hope to be only a good accountantC.John has a good knowledge of how business is doneD.John3.The purposeis interested in manufacturingof writing Paragraph four is to show thatA.John is a good accountantB.John plans to do business some dayC.John is a top student in the Orient Schoolof CommerceD.John has worked for some famous companies4.The word asubstantiatew meansA.v e r i f y?B.j u s t i f y?C.i m p r e s s D.e l a b o r a te5.W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g b e s t d e s c r i b e s t h e p a s s ag e a s w h o l e?A.I t i s a n a p p l i c a t i o n l e t t e r.B.I t i s a n o r d e r l e t t e r.C.I t i s a s a l e s l e t t e r.D.I t i s a p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s l e t t e r.参考答案:1.B2.B3.A4.A5.AP a s s a g e 2M a n y p e o p l e b e l i e v e t h e g l a r e f r o m s n o w c a u s es n o w-b l i n d n e s s.Y e t,d a r k g l a s s e s o r n o t,t h e y f in d t h e m s e l v e s s u f f e r i n g f r o m h e a d a c h e s a n d w a t e r i n ge y e s,a n d e v e n s n o w-b l i n d n e s s,w h e n e x p o s e d t o s ev e r a l h o u r s o f “s n o w-l i g h t”.T h e U n i t e d S t a t e d A r m y h a s n o w d e t e r m i n e d t ha t t h e g l a r e f r o m s n o w d o e s n o t c a u s e s n o w-b l i n d n es s i n t r o o p s i n a s n o w-c o v e r e d c o u n t r y.R a t h e r,am a n,s e y e s f r e q u e n t l y f i n d n o t h i n g t o f o c u s o n i n b r oa d e x p a n s e o f b a r r e n s n o w-c o v e r e d t e r r a i n.S o h i sgaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something tolook at.Finding nothing hour after hour,the eyes never stop searching and eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache.Nature offsets his irritation by producing more and more fluid which coversthe eyeball.The fluid covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs,and then is obscured,and the result is total,even though temporary,snow-blindness.Experiments led the Army to a simple methodof overcoming this problem.Scouts ahead of mainbody of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes,creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape.Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight,dark colored objects ahead on which they too can focus.The men following can then see something.Their gaze is arrested.Their eyes focus on a bush and stop searching over the snow-blindness landscape for something to see.By focusing their attention on one objectat a time,the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind and the white terrainis overcome.6.According to the passage,to prevent headaches,watering eyes and blindness caused by the glarefrom snow,dark glassed are.A.useful B.indispensable C.ineffective D.effective7.The eyeballs become sore and the eyes musclesache because.A.tears cover the eyeballsB.the eyes are irritated by blinding sunlightin the snow-landC.the eyes are irritated by blinding snowD.there is nothing to focus on8.When the eyes are sore,tears are produced toA.clear the vision B.relieve snow-blindnessC.ease the irritation D.loosen the museles9.Snow-blindness may be avoided by.A.concentrating on the solid white terrainB.providing the eyes with something to focus onC.searching for something to look at in snow-covered terrainD.covering the eyeballs with fluid10.The scouts shake snow from evergreen bushes inorder to.A.give the men behind something to seeB.find out what is underC.warm themselves in the coldD.show the way forward to the men behind参考答案:6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.AVI.S hort answer questions.(10 points)Directions:In this part there is a short passagewith five questions or incomplete statements.R eadthe passage carefully.Then answer the questionsor complete the statements in the fewest possiblewords(not exceeding 10 words).When we are learning a foreign language,we constantly have to fight a battle,and that isa battle with our own language,always wants tointerfere with the target language.Every time wewant to say something,we have to push aside our own language,because it keeps coming up in front.And we only become successful at doing this when we manage to suppress our own language and use the target language with some degree of fluency.So this means that grammar does have a role inlanguage learning.It is not something we are completely unconscious of.And I think there are three good reasons why we still need grammar.The first reason is that when we are learning English as a foreign language,wecannot avoid grammar.We are learning a language in an artificial situation,in the classroom;we are not learning a language as young child followinghis mother round the room,and copying things she says and doing things she tells him to do.Weare learning,sitting in rows,in a highly artificial way,so that it takes a long time to acquire language and grammar.Every time we learn something,we have questions about it.The second reason why we need grammar when we are learning a foreign language asgrown-ups,is that grammar gives us shortcut tolearning.Its a quick way to understand something.The more information we are given,the more it helps us tounderstand something.The more information we aregiven,the more tit helps us to understand theprinciples of language acquisition,so that we cancommunicate better.The third reason why we learns that it is expected.In other words,it is unimaginable that we would learn a language and nothave any grammar.If we dont have any grammar,all the mistakes we make willbecome a habit,and we will learn to form very,very bad habits in the way we express ourselves,because no one would correct us.QI.What is the topic of this passage?grammar iQ2.Why do we have to fight a battle with our own language?Q 3.W h a t d o e s t h e a u t h o r m e a n b y ”l e a r n i n g al a n g u a g e i n a n a r t i f i c i a l s i t u a t i o n”(l i n e 2.P ar a.2)?Q 4.T h e r e a s o n w h y g r o w n-u p s n e e d g r a m m a r w h e n l e ar n i n g a f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e i s t h a t g r a m m a rQ 5.F r o m t h e l a s t p a r a g r a p h,w e s e e t h a t w i t h o u tg r a m m a r参考答案:1.W h y w e l e a r n/n e e d g r a m m a r w h e n l e a r n i n g a fo r e i g n l a n g u a g e2.B e c a u s e i t a l w a y s w a n t s t o i n t e r f e r e w i t h t h et a r g e t l a n g u a g e.3.J u s t s i t t i n g i n c l a s s r o o m i n a h i g h l y a r t i f i c i a1 w a y.4.Gives them a shortcut to learning/gives thema quick way to understand something.5.We wouldnt know whether we express ourselves correctly.VII.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(15 points)1、I just want to impress you that,even though youhave completed four years of engineering,there are still many things about the subject that you don,t know.2、The years have obscured that name of the professor,but not the lesson she taught.3、Their smiles broadened as the students noted therewere only five essay-type questions.4、I have been panicking at the idea of graduating.5、This was the year that I made some lifelong friends,and through many triumphs and failures.I cameto know more about myself.参考答案:1.我想让你们牢牢记住,即使你们已经完成了四年工科学习,这个领域中你们还有很多东西要学。2.悠悠岁月使我忘记了这位教授的名字,但我牢牢记住了他的教诲。3.看到只有5 道论述题,学生们一个个脸上笑开了花。4.一想到毕业心里就一阵阵恐慌。5.正是这一年,我结交了一些终身好友,历经多次的成功与失败,我对自己有了更多的了解。VIII.Translate the following sentences into English.(15 points)1、尽管很累,他还是爬到了山顶。2、对于孩子们来说,用积木来摆个房子简直是小菜一碟。3、我发觉我掉队了。4、不到三周我就要见到海外归来的孩子了。5、毕业前,很多学生都迫不及待地找工作。参考答案:1.Even though he was very tired,he managedto climb up to the top of the mountain.2.It is a just snap for the children to buildup a house with the blocks.3.I find myself being left behind.4.In less than three weeks,I will meet my kidscoming back from overseas.5.Before graduation,many students couldnt wait to find a job.Quiz for Unit 2I.Spell the following words with the help oftheir definitions and first letters given(10 points)1.i n.a problem or subject people discuss2.o n.a chance to do sth.or an occasion when it is easy to do sth.3.e v.to give and receive(sth.in returnfor sth.else)4.i n.the effect or influence that and event,situation,etc.has on sb.5.m n.a particular task or duty undertakenby an individual or a group参考答案:1.issue 2.opportunity 3.exchange4.impact 5.missionII.Complete the following sentences with the words given below,change the form where necessary.(10 points)amount extendn pursue injure1、The young lady wants to her bachelors degree in two years.2、His girlfriend was seriously in a broad accident when she attempted to get across the road.3、My parents have spent a large of money in enabling me to continue my study.4、They the rai Iway to the next town.5、S he the goal of perfection in her heart.参考答案:1.obtain 2.injured 3.amount 4.extended 5.pursuesIH.Fill the following blanks with correct adverbs or prepositions.(10 points)1、The teacher asked his students to comment thefilm they had just seen.2、The only access the village is by boat.3、Your hair and eyes remind me your mother.4、I have no intention changing my plans to fitin with his.?5、Can I connect my printer your computer?参考答案:1.o n.老师要求他的学生对所看过的电影发表评论2.t o.只能乘小船进入这个村庄。acccess做名词时,后面一般跟介词to,表示“接近,进入,通道,使用.的权利”。但表示“(疾病的)发作,(怒气的)爆发”时,则不接to,如in an access of rage 勃然大怒。3.o f 你的头发和眼睛让我想起了你的母亲。remind sb.of sth.为固定搭配,表示“使某人想起,提醒某人想起某事”4.of 我没有改变计划来迎合他的想法。intention是名词,表示 有.的意图”时,一般的搭配是have intention of doing sth.或者Have intention to do sth.本题中空格后面 changing 是动名词形式,所以用of.5.T o.我可以把打印机连到你的电脑上吗?表示 把.连接到 时一般的搭配是 connect sth.l+to(with)+sth.2 如果sth.1与 sth.2是对等或相当的东西,多用with;如果sth.1是sth.2 的附属部分则用tooIV.Choose the one that best completes the sentenee.(10 points)1.More information becomes through the use ofthe internet.A.attainable B.availableC.approchable D.applicable2.all her other qualifications.Mary was anexcellent cook.A.exceptB.in addition toC.b e s i d e sD.e x c e pt f o r3.W h i c h i s t h e b e s t a p p r o a c h t h e t u n n e l?A.t o B.w i t hC.b es i d esD.t o w a r d s4.No t u n t i l r ec en t l y d i d I t h e c o l l eg e l i f e.A.u s e t o B.g et u s et o C.u s ed t oD.u s ed i n5.I t i s n o t t o q u a r r el w i t h y o u r b o s s.A.w o r t h y B.w o r t hC.v a l u eD.v a l u a b l e参考答案:1.B.通过网络,可以获取更多的信息。这四个形容词在意思上非常结进,但描述的对象却有区别。a t t a i n a b l e主要指“(目标等)可以实现的,可达成的,(场所,年龄等)可达到的a v a i l a b l e描述的对象较广,指可“利用的,能够得到“。a p p r o a c h a b l e主要指“(场所)可接近的,可进入的;a p p l i c a b l e(人)易于接近的。则 主 要“(规则,计划,安排,解决办法等)切实可行的所以本题选B2.B除其他方面的资格