大学英语听力丛书丛书主编李道顺丛书主审余澄清新感觉大学英语听力教程College EnglishListening Courses(1)主编 李道顺 李双锁武汉大学出版社大学英语听力丛书丛书主编李道顺丛书主审余澄清新感觉大学英语听力教程College EnglishListening Courses(1)武汉科技大学中南分校语言与语言教育研究所组织编写主 编 李道顺 李双锁副 主 编 田 仙 枝 鞠 丽李 艳 雄 孙 沅 媛 杨 飓编者(按拼音顺序)范 煜 郭 敏 刘 芳 李 晶 刘 晶刘 婉 婷 孙 蕾 谢 春 林 易 帆阳 光 袁小花 朱秀峰 周云霞 陆金燕武汉大学出版社某厂有位员工,技术不错,就是组织纪律性差点,厂里出什么乱子时.,总有他的参与。虽然经过几次劝导,他也是好一阵坏一阵。老板爱其才,不想轻易辞退他。经过观察,老板发现该员工特别喜爱足球,下班时爱和朋友们游戏一番,因此该员工被称为厂里第一脚。不久老板决定,成立厂里的足球队,由该员工担任主管,负责训练以及联系其他厂举行友谊赛。老板规定每次训练或比赛前每个人必须先按质按量完成自己的工作。该员工看见能够做自己感兴趣的事情,就爽快地答应了。由于有了动力,该员工不仅工作勤快认真,而且管理球队也是井井有条,工作纪律性和责任心有了很大的提高。这则小故事说明,做任何事情,只要因材施教就能达到事半功倍的效果。就高校英语听力教学而言,我们也面临着这样 种形势:市场上现有的听力教材大多是按照普通一二批本科生的听力水平编写的,有的听力教材甚至超出目前中国高校学生的基本听力水平。这使得许多独立院校、高职院校的学生在使用和学习这些教材的过程中非常困难,容易失去学习的信心。针对学生的实际情况,我们组织了一批长期耕耘在教学第一线并长期从事教学研究的优秀教师编写了 新感觉大学英语听力教程(共有四册)。这套教材具有四个特色:1.专业素质与非专业素质并重,趣味性与技巧性同步,满足了成功素质教育教学的基本要求。现在编写的教材过多地强调专业知识的传授,而忽视了对学生整体素质的培养。成功素质教育是我国方兴未艾的素质教育的新突破,是大学人才培养模式的新创造,它是武汉科技大学中南分校率先提出的一种全新的大学教育理念。它是以让学生具备成功者所共有的特征即成功素质为培养目标,实行专业素质与非专业素质的有机结合,使学生在学校即具备成功素质,一跨出校门就能适应社会,并能在激烈的竞争中获得成功素质的一种教育理念和教育模式。成功素质教育教学观还要求教师应该让学生变被动学习为主动学习,变“要我学”为“我要学”。在 新感觉大学英语听力教程这套书里,编者在基础阶段到提升阶段的编写内容上介绍了听力技巧和听力训练。这不仅便于学生自学和巩固所学的知识,而且还能激发学生主动学习英语的兴趣。2.教材体现了实用教学理念。成功素质教育认为,教学最重要的原则是“管用、够用、会用”,即“三用”原则。“管用”即教学内容要管用,不管用的不教;“够用”即保证教学内容达到培养目标;“会用”就是保证教学内容为学生真正掌握。教学的主要目的不仅仅是传授知识,更应该是传授方法、训练思维、开启智慧。正是在这样一种教学理念的指导下我们编写了 新感觉大学英语听力教程系列教材。从教材每课题材的选择到每种题型的搭配,编者都一一把关,力求教材内容的编写符合“三用”原则的基本要求。3.教材的编写体现了因材施教的理念。成功素质教育认为,学生人人都可能成功,但同时又承认人的素质基础和素质特长的差异,因此主张因材施教。学校要根据学生基础和特长确定素质培养的目标和方法。前言开头的一个小故事正是说明了这点。我们教材编写的整个过程也体现了这一基本理念。4.本教材的编写注重多元文化。一直以来,英语教材都是一元文化。编写者只注意英、美文化而忽视了中国文化。本教材的编写坚持多元文化的原则,不仅注意英、美文化,同时也融入中国文化,因而促使中、西文化的融合与和谐发展。这套大学英语听力丛书由四个分册组成,每 册 16个单元,每册后均附有测试题两套。每单元由listening Strategy和 Listening Passages两大部分组成。书后附有词汇、练习答案和录音听力材料,可供读者参考使用。本套教材可作为高等院校,尤其是独立院校、高职院校学生大学英语听力教材,同时可供学有余力的英语爱好者及相关英语工作者作为扩大知识面、提高专业水平的英语听力学习材料。丛书由武汉科技大学中南分校语言与语言教育研究所组织编写,丛书主编李道顺教授,主审余澄清教授。李道顺、李双锁为第一册主编,余澄清主审,田仙枝、鞠丽、李艳雄、孙沅媛、杨阚副主编,谢春林、刘婉婷、阳光、刘芳等参加编写。本套书在编写和出版过程中得到了武汉大学出版社领导和编辑人员的热忱关心和大力支持,在此表示感谢。由于编者水平有限,加之时间仓促,书中错误之处在所难免。恳请广大同仁批评指正,也衷心希望广大读者能给我们提出宝贵的意见和建议,以便再版时修正。编 者2007年7月于武昌序为了适应我国政治、经济、文化、教育的需要,我国各行各业都在学习英语,掀起了 波又一波的热潮。“你的英语学习得怎么样?”“怎样才能学好英语?”成为一个大家(包括教师、学生和家长)瞩目的问题。英语被看成是个科目、一个整体。但是相对来说,“你学什么英语?”这个较为具体的问题却谈论得比较少。如果我们再深入一点观察我们自己是怎样学习和使用自己的母语,就会发现一般人对自己的母语并非全都掌握的,例如一个医生、一个工程师或一个语文教师在工作中所使用的语汇就大不相同。至于法律条文,更不是一般人所能理解。解放初期,有一个俄语专业毕业的学生被分配到武汉当长江大桥建设中的前苏联专家的翻译,有一天专家要他去拿一个c o 6 a M K a,在俄语里,c o 6 a K a 是“狗”,而在构词法里 M K a 是“小”的意思。结果他花了几天找到一头小狗拖去工地,专家见后哈哈大笑,原来c。6 a u K a 除了“小狗”的意义以外,在机械用语里还有“制动片”的意思。其实英语中的dog也有这个意思,不过一般人很少用到它。从语体使用的角度看,我们对自己的母语也不是全都懂得的。般来说,我们掌握三方面的语言:一是语言的核心部分(包括基本的词汇和语法);二是和我们的职业或专业有关的语言(例如法律语言、会计语言、计算机语言);三是和个人的爱好有关的语言(例如音乐语言、集邮语言、足球语言)。母语如此,遑论外语?所以学习一门外语不可能掌握它的全部,除了语言的核心必须学好外,只能根据需要,学习一些和自己有关的语言。这个想法 从 2 0 世 纪 的 6 0 年代就开始流行,这就是所谓专门用途语言(Language for SpecificPurposes),而且深入到教学大纲和教材、教法的不同层面。在我国的大学英语教育中,首先出现的是供文科和理工科使用的不同的教材,其后又出现供医科、农科使用的教材,等等。当然专门用途语言也有许多有待讨论和解决的问题,例如怎样处理基础和专业的关系、专门化的程度、怎样进行需要分析,等等。这些问题只能通过实践的摸索才能得以完满解决。我很高兴看到由余澄清主审,李道顺、罗虹、安铁汉、余澄清、李双锁主编的“高等院校艺术英语类图书”的问世。教材从实际需要出发,考虑到各种语言能力的培养,内容丰富、练习充实;这是专门用途英语的另一枝奇花,可以满足艺术类学生的大学英语的需要。当然一套好的教材是“炼”出来的,只有反复使用、修订,才能趋于完善。但是这总归是在实践的过程中迈出可贵的一步,值得祝贺!是为序。桂诗春2006年 11月序目录Unit 1 Learning English 1Part On e Listening Strategy:Identifying Consonant Cluster 1Part Tw o Listening Passages2Unit 2 College Life5Part On e Listening Strategy:Recognizing Incomplete Plosion5Part Tw o Listening Passages6Unit 3 Places of Interest9Part On e Listening Strategy:Detecting Liaison9Part Tw o Listening Passages 10Unit 4 Travel 12Part On e Listening Strategy:Identifying Sentence Stress 12Part Tw o Listening Passages 14Unit 5 Dreams and Ambitions 17Part On e Listening Strategy:Recognizing Strongand Weak Forms 17Part Tw o Listening Passages 18Unit 6 Success22Part On e Listening Strategy:Recognizing Assimilation 22Part Tw o Listening Passages23Unit 7 Media25Part On e Listening Strategy:Recognizing Elision25Part Tw o Listening Passages26Unit 8 Computer28Part On e Listening Strategy:Detecting Intonation28Part Tw o Listening Passages29Unit 9 Family32Part On e Listening Strategy:Identifying Numbers32Part Tw o Listening Passages33Unit 10 Friendship35Part One Listening Strategy:Identifying Years35Part Two Listening Passages36College English Listening Courses(1)Contents Unit 11 Culture39Part On e Listening Strategy:Identifying Dates39Part Tw o Listening Passages40Unit 12 Holidays and Special Days42Part On e Listening Strategy:Identifying Time42Part Tw o Listening Passages43Unit 13 Education46Part On e Listening Strategy:Identifying Telephone Numbers46Part Tw o Listening Passages47Unit 14 A Job Interview 50Part On e Listening Strategy:Identifying Money50Part Tw o Listening Passages51Unit 15 Food54Part On e Listening Strategy:RecognizingCountry and Nationality54Part Tw o Listening Passages56Unit 16 Fashion58Part On e Listening Strategy:Identifying Address58Part Tw o Listening Passages59Test 161Test 264Keys to the Exercises68Tapescripts84Unit 1 Learning EnglishPart One Listening Strategy:Identifying ConsonantClusterConsonant clusters are groups of two or more consonants said together with no vowel inbetween,e g./pl/,/br/,/sp/etc.Consonant clusters are very important in English pronunciation,and grasping this point is efficient to improve listening ability.Directions:Listen to the following ten dialogues,and write down the answers to thefollowing questions with no more than 10 words.1 .What does the woman think of her work?2.Where are the two speakers?3.How can the man find Mr.Browns phone number?4.What can we learn about the man from the conversation?5.How much will the man pay if he rents the room for two weeks?6.How does the woman go shopping?7.What does the woman mean?8.How did the woman learn about the job?9.Where are the woman and the man?10.What does the man mean?College English Listening Courses(l)Unit 1 Learning English Part Two ListeningPassagesPassage 1Exercise 1Directions:Listen to the passage and choose the right answers to the following questions.New words:university expect goal1.According to the speaker,how will students feel about the university life at its beginning?A.Excited and fearful.B.Excited and tired.C.Excited and anxious.2.What will help the students become clear about their own goals?A.Walking around the university.B.Understanding the university requirements.C.Getting used to university requirements.3.Why does the speaker advise the students not to give up learning?A.Because learning can help them understand their own value.B.Because learning can help them improve their life.C.Because learning can help them get university degrees.Exercise 2Directions:Listen to a more authentic version of the conversation and decide whether thefollowing statements are True or False.Put T or F in the brackets.()1.College students never worry about anything as soon as they start their college life.()2.For students,the universitys requirement is not important at all.()3.The university could help students overcome some difficulties.Exercise 3Directions:Listen to the passage again and retell it.Passage 2Exercise 1Directions:Listen to the passage and answer each of the following questions with no morethan 10 words.New Words:pronunciation,major,record,practice1.Do we have to sound like a native speaker of English when we speak,according to thespeaker?2.Does the teacher spend much time on pronunciation exercises in class?Why or whynot?3.What does the speaker sometimes do on her own to improve her pronunciation?Exercise 2Directions:Listen again and fill in the blanks.My own(1)in English isnt terribly good and I need to(2)on it.As we arenon English(3)students,our class is usually very big.That(4)our teacher doesnthave much time for(5)in pronunciation and intonation in class.Exercise 3Directions:Listen to the passage again and retell it.Unit 2 College LifePart One Listening Strategy:Recognizing IncompletePlosionIn connected speech when a plosive consonant like/k/,/g/,/t/,/d/,/p/,/b/is followed byanother consonant,it is not fully pronounced.This is called incomplete plosion.Directions:Listen to the short dialogues and choose the best answer,paying attention toincomplete plosion.1.A.Pop songs.C.Jazz.B.Classical music.D.Poem.2.A.Badminton.B.Football.C.Basketball.D.Baseball.3.A.The man.B.The woman.B.He agrees with the woman.C.The newspaper is responsible for environmental protection.D.The newspaper has much to do with the environment.C.Jack.C.Reading.C.Flowers.4.A.Listening.B.Speaking.5.A.Candy.B.Chocolates.6.A.He doesnt agree with the woman.7.A.At a bus stop.C.Near a sports park.8.A.Patience.C.Luck.9.A.She went to a theatre.C.She read some books.B.Outside a bookstore.D.In front of a library.B.Persistence.D.Decision.B.She watched TV.D.She went to a concert.College English Listening Courses(l)Unit 2 College Life 10.A.Attend a dancingparty.B.Go to work.C.Have a walk.D.Go to a restaurant.Part Two Listening PassagesPassage 1Exercise 1Directions:Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.New Words:adjust to comfortable dorm homesick1.A.Activities at college.B.Responsibilities of being a college student.C.Living on ones own.D.A new and different experience of being a college student.2.A.Talking with friendly people.B.A sense of being on her own.C.Having no class on Fridays.D.Being homesick.3.A.People being friendly.B.Living on her own.C.Having Fridays off.D.Having more free time.Exercise 2Directions:Listen to the passage again and fill out the following blanks with the exact wordsyou have heard.College is a new and different(1)for me.Fm away from home,so I have many thingsto(2)to.Being on my own,talking with friendly people and having Fridays off-these arejust something I like about college.Living at college gives me a sense of responsibility,of being on my own.My parents will notbe around,telling me what to do and what not to do.Everything I do has to be my own(3).People in the college are very friendly to me.When I got(4)on my first day,with asmile,the(5)told me what building I was looking for.Also I feel(6)in the dorm,because there are friendly people around to talk with.Having Fridays off一this is another(7)I like about college.On Fridays,I neednt getup early in the morning.Usually my roommates and I just(8)in,something I wouldnt do inhigh school.I do like things about college,but this doesnt(9)I dont miss things at home.I canstill get(1 0).Exercise 3Directions:Listen to the passage again and retell it.Passage 2Exercise 1Directions:You are going to hear an introduction to a program for university students.Listento it carefully and answer the following questions.New Words:flyer semester laboratory be intended for1 .What is the name of the program?2.Where does it take place?3.How many countries can the students travel to?4.What is this flyer intended for?Exercise 2Directions:Listen to it again and decide whether the following statements are True(T)orFalse(F).()1.No computer laboratory is provided on the ship.()2.There is a swimming pool on the ship where students can swim.()3.When the ship is at sea,classes are held every other day.()4.When the ship is in port,students can do a lot of sight seeing.()5.The fee for taking part in this program is mentioned in this introduction.Exercise 3Directions:Listen to the passage again and retell it.Unit 3 Places of InterestPart One Listening Strategy:Detecting LiaisonIn connected speech words are not spoken separately.The final consonant of a word is oftenlinked to the first vowel of the next word.This is called liaison.When a word ending with r”or“re”goes before a word beginning with a vowel sound,the sound Irl is usually pronounced as alink.Directions:Listen to the tape and supply the missing words.1.Do you want?2.Id been smoking 5.8.I know youve got to open.want to give you this3.we cantof these troubles?4.Please feelyou like.5.It sounds likestep for you.6.1good opportunity thatmy desk.7.It would be nice toto practice on.one first.9.She buy she wants.10.Were for weeks.Part Two Listening PassagesPassage 1Exercise 1Directions:Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F).New Words:memorial dignified portrait()1.Every president of America has lived in the White House.()2.The White House is only a three storied building built of stone.()3.The White House used to be called the presidents house.()4.The British burned it in the war of 1812.Exercise 2Directions:Listen to a more authentic version of the conversation and answer the followingquestions.College English Listening Courses(l)Unit 3 Places of Interest 1.When did theWhite House become the official home of presidents?2.Which president lived in the White House at the time of the fire?3.What did the presidents wife save from the White House during the fire?Exercise 3Directions:Listen to the conversation again and retell it.Passage 2Exercise 1Directions:Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.New Words:rampart1.A.Song Dynasty.C.Ming Dynasty.2.A.Three.Exercise 2imperial defensive recruit superviseB.Yuan Dynasty.D.Qing Dynasty.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.Directions:Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with the missing information.Located in(1)kilometersComposed of(3)(4).Construction mainly supervised byProvince Lengththe imperial city,inner rampart and(6)vinces.Exercise 3people fromcounties in(5).Labor recruited(8)proDirections:Listen to the conversation again and retell it.Unit 4 TravelPart One Listening Strategy:Identifying SentenceStressSentence stress is the music of spoken English.Like word stress,sentence stress can help youto understand spoken English,especially when people speak fast.Sentence stress is what givesEnglish its rhythm or“beal”.You remember that word stress is accent on one syllable within aword.Sentence stress is accent on certain words within a sentence.Most sentences have two typesof words:content words and structure words.Content words are the key words of a sentence.They are the important words that carry themeaning or sense.So they should be stressed in spoken English.Structure words are not very important words.They are small,simple words that make thesentence correct grammatically.They give the sentence its correct form or“structure”.So theyshould not be stressed in spoken English.Directions:Listen to the conversations.Pay attention to the sentence stress in eachconversation and decide which answer is the best one to the question you hear.1.A.Husband and wife.B.Manager and secretary.C.Telephonist and guest.D.Salesgirl and customer.2.A.Very interesting.B.Very boring.C.Very entertaining.D.Very tiring.3.A.Take a No 15 bus.B.Take a No 50 bus.C.Walk to the zoo.D.Take a No 15 bus first and then walk.College English Listening Courses(l)Unit 4B.At a bar.C.At a shop.5.A.She has probably had a lot of free time this week.B.Shes probably not planning to come on Saturday.C.Shes probably not at home.D.She has probably tried to call.6.A.The talks havent started yet.B.The talks havent achieved much.C.The talks have produced a general agreement.D.The talk