第一单元budgetv.plan carefully how much of sth.willbe needed(为)作出安排She has learned how to budget hertime carefully.她已学会了怎么精心安排自己的时间。The government has budgeted 10million dollars for educationspending.政府在预算中拨款一千万美元作为教育经费。vi.plan the spending of moneycarefully制定预算As a student,you have to learnhow to budget.作为学生,你得学会如何制定开支计划。n.C the amount of money a personor organization has to spend on sth.预算It is important to balance onesbudget.使收支平衡十分重要。一They are preparing the companysadvertising budget for 2007.他们正在制定公司2007年的广告预算。chargev.ask sb.for an amount of money fora service 向收费,要价We do not charge for delivery.我们免费送货The doctor charged us 400 dollarsfor a five-minute examination.医生做一次5分钟的检查要了我们400美元。acutea.1.quick to notice sth.敏感的;敏锐的Dogs have an acute sense of smell.狗有灵敏的嗅觉。一The critical professional requiresunusually acute observation.评论家需要非常敏锐的观察力。一2.very serious or severe 严重的The president suffered acuteembarrassment from this news.这新闻使总统十分难堪。一He felt acute pain on his back.他感到背部很疼。hourglassn.C (计时用的)沙漏The use of the hourglass datesback to almost two thousand yearsago in China.沙漏的使用在中国可追溯到差不多两千年前。restlessa.unable to keep still because one isnervous,bored,or impatient 烦躁的;不安静的After one month in the job,he feltrestless and decided to leave.这工作他干了一个月就感到厌倦,于是决定不干了。The children grew restless with thelong wait.等的时间一长,孩子们就逐渐躁动不安起来。restlesslyad.in a restless manner;impatiently烦躁地;不安静地She walked back and forthrestlessly in her room.她焦躁不安地在房间里走来走 高 He moved about restlessly,lightinga cigarette.他焦躁不安地走来走去,点燃了一支烟。elbowvt.push sb.with the elbows 用肘推(或撞)人He elbowed me out of the way.他用肘把我推开了。一She elbowed her way forward.她用胳膊肘推挤着向前走。一n.C the joint where the arm bends肘He sat with his elbows on thetable.他坐着,双肘架在桌上。His arm was wrapped from theelbow to the fingers.他的胳膊从肘部一直包扎到手指。abrupta.1.(of behavior)rough;offensive粗鲁的,无礼的The manager was offended by hisabrupt reply.经理被他的粗鲁的回答激怒了。一The head teacher is very abruptwith parents.主任老师对家长们的态度很粗f2.sudden and unexpected 突然的,意外的The road is full of many abruptturns.这条路有许多急转弯。一His abrupt departure surprisedeveryone.他突然离去,使大家都很吃惊。openinga.beginning;starting 开始的He left after the opening speech ofthe debate.辩论会的开场白之后他就走了。一The queen attended the openingnight of the theatre.女王观看了这家剧院的首夜演出厂n.1.C an occasion when a newbuilding,road,etc.is used for thefirst time,esp.one that involves aceremony开业典礼;落成典礼the opening of a new highway一条新公路的通车典礼 一Many attended the opening of thenew sports center.很多人参加了新体育中心的落成典礼。2.C a position that is available in abusiness or firm 空缺职位There are few openings inpublishing for new graduates.出版行业能为新毕 也的大学生提供的空缺职位极少。Im trying to apply for an openingin an advertising firm.我正在申请广告公司的一个空缺职位。rituala.done regularly and in the samew ay例行的;惯常的Every day the work begins with theritual greetings.每天的工作以例行的问候开始。一They made ritual apology and left.他们做了程式化的道歉,然后就离开了。n.C,U sth.done regularly and inthe same way 惯例Wives make a ritual of theirhousehold duties.家庭主妇每天都是一成不变地操持家务。Ive wound up the clock so manytimes that it has become a ritual.我经常给钟上发条,以致这已成了我的习惯。interactionn.1.C,U communication 交流The interaction of the two groupsproduced many good ideas.两个组通过相互交流提出了许多不错的见解。If there was more interactionbetween the two,their problemswould be solved.如果双方有更多的沟通,他们的问题会得到解决。2.C,U a process by which two ormore things affect each other 相互作用;相互影响the interaction of two medicines两种药之间的相互作用The interaction between differentpolice forces would improve the rateof solving crimes.警方相互合作可以提高破案笨7一conventionn.1.C,U general,usu.unspokenagreement about how people shouldact or behave in certain situations 习俗;惯例By convention,the leader is alwaysa man.按照惯例,领导总是由男性担任Wearing a coat and tie is anaccepted convention on such anoccasion.在那种场合,穿外套系领带是约定俗成的穿着要求。2.C a meeting of members of aprofession,political party,etc.会议;大会They hold the annual conventionin July.他们每年7 月召开年度会议。The convention decided on a newrule.大会就一项新规定作出决议。一leisuren.1.U time free from work or otherduties;spare time 空闲,闲暇Weve been working all weekwithout a moments leisure.我们已整整干了一周,无一刻闲直He has some leisure from hisstudies.他在学习之余有些空闲时间。2.U ease悠闲,安逸A life of easy leisure makes a manless adventurous.安逸的生活会使人变得不思进而7After she retired,she lived inleisure at home.她退休后闲居在家。leisurelya.without hurrying从容的;不匆忙的walk at a leisurely pace迈着从容的步伐行进 一He walked at a more leisurelypace.他慢悠悠地走着。一assessvt.judge or decide the amount,value,quality,or importance of sb.orsth.评价,评估They assessed the value of thehouse at$600,000.他们估算这幢房子值60万美元。一They say they can assessintelligence from these tests.他们声称通过这些测试能对智力进行评估。surroundingsn.(pl.)all the objects,conditions,etc.that are around and may affect sb.orsth.;environment周围的事物;环境pleasant surroundings令人愉快的环境 一The new surroundings made thechildren very happy.新的环境让孩子们很开心。probev.try to find out the truth about sth.调查;探究The matter must be probed to thebottom.这件事必须彻底调查。一She tried to probe his mind to findout what he was thinking.她试图探究他的心思,以便知道他在想些什么。n.C 探针(医生检查伤口用的钝头细长工具)The doctor lost the probe duringthe operation.手术过程中,医生弄丢了探针。一sociala.1.relating to society and peopleslives in general 社会的Governments have made efforts toimprove womens social andeconomic status.政府已作出努力以提高妇女的社会地位和经济地位。Not least important,marriage is agreat social stabilizer of men.很重要的是,婚姻是促使男子稳定的一大社会因素。2.relating to meeting people andspending time with them 社交的She often attends socialgatherings.她常出席社交聚会。一His reasons for calling were purelysocial.他来访的原因纯粹是为了社交。一sociallya d.与 社 会(或社交)相关地We have known each othersocially for a long time.我们相交已久。For socially ambitious couples thisis a problem.对社交上雄心勃勃的夫妇来说,这是一个问题。tickvi.(of a clock or watch)make a shortrepeated sound(钟、表等)滴答响The old clock ticked noisily.那口老钟的滴答声很响。My watch doesnt tick because itselectronic.我的表不滴嗒作响,因为它是电子表。n.sing.the short repeated soundthat a clock or watch makes(钟、表的)滴答声The continual tick of the clock goton my nerves.钟不断地作响,令我心烦。The ticks seem to be coming fromthat bag over there.滴答声似乎是从那边的袋子里发出的。consequentlyad.as a result 因此,所以My car broke down andconsequently I was late.我的汽车半路上出了毛病,所以来晚了。I spent most of my money in thefirst week and consequently had verylittle to spend on food during the lastfew days of the holidays.我在假期第一周就用掉了大部分钱,因此最后几天几乎没什么钱买吃的了。devicen.1.C a machine or tool for aspecial purpose 器械,装置He made a device to make thedoor shut by itself.他制作了一种能使门自动关闭的装置。A computer is a device forprocessing information.计算机是一种处理信息的装置。-2.C a way of doing sth.方法,手段Her illness is only a device toescape seeing him.她所谓生病只是回避见他的种策略。By various devices he was able tomake a huge fortune.他通过各种手段赚了一大笔钱。一faxn.0 传真;传真机1 1 1 send you a fax with the detailsof the meeting.我会把会议的细节用传真发给棕厂Ill send you the agreement by fax.我会把合同用传真发给你。一emailn.C,U(also e-mail)电子邮件Nowadays people send far moreemails than letters by post.现今人们发送的电子邮件远多于信件。They keep in touch by email.他们通过电子邮件保持联系。一givenprep,taking sth.into account;considering如果考虑到Given the uncertainty over myhusbands future I was left with littleother choice.鉴于我丈夫前途的不确定性,我别无选择。Given the circumstances,youvedone really well.考虑到环境因素,你做得已经很出色了。gatheringn.C a meeting 集会,聚会I met him once or twice at familygatherings.我在家庭聚会上遇到过他一 两次Soon afterwards,the gatheringbroke up and the guests took theirleave.不多久,聚会结束,客人告辞。impersonalityn.U the quality of not showing orincluding personal feelings 不牵涉个人感情;无人情味It was a system of impersonality;itmade no difference who you were,so long as you could master its rules.这是一项不牵涉个人感情的制度,只要你掌握规则,你是谁都无关紧要。electronica.1.using devices such as radios,televisions,computers,e tc.使用电子设备的This dictionary is available inelectronic form.这部词典有电子版本。Ive only now become familiar withthe benefits of electronic banking.我现在才熟悉电子银行的优点。一2.produced or operated by a flowof electrons 电子的an electronic address book电子地址簿an electronic game电子游戏 一significancen.sing.,U the importance of anevent,action,e tc.重要性;重要意义Could you explain to me thesignificance of this part of theagreement?请把合同中这部分的含义给我解释一下好吗?Few people realized thesignificance of the discovery.几乎没人意识到这二 发 现 的重要性。conductvt.1.carryout 进行;实施conduct an experiment做实验 一We have been conducting a surveyof the region.我们对该地区进行了调查。2.act as the path for electricity,heat,etc.传 导(电或热)Copper conducts electricity well.铜具有良好的导电性能。He wasnt sure if rubber conductedelectricity.他不能肯定橡胶是否导电。一n.U the way sb.behaves 行为,举止The prisoner was set free earlybecause of good conduct.那个囚犯因表现好而被提前释贰一Nobody can stand such shamelessconduct.没有人能容忍如此不知羞耻的行为。increasinglyad.more and more 日益;愈 力 口Increasingly,people are realizingthat our basic problems are noteconomic ones.人们逐渐认识到我们的根本问题并不是经济问题。The country became increasinglyrich and successful.这个国家日趋富足昌盛。一conferencen.C a formal meeting(正式)会议The Institute of Accountants isholding its conference in Edinburghthis year.会计师协会正在爱丁堡举行今年的会议。Shes an organizer of theInternational Conference on AIDSthat the university has every year.她是大学每年召开的爱滋病国际会议的组织者。teleconferencen.C(通过电话、电视等手段召开的)远程会议Holding a teleconference can savetime and money.召开远程会议既省时又省钱。The technicians were busypreparing for todays teleconference.技术人员正忙着为今天的远程会议做准备工作。obtainvt.get sth.that one wants 获得,得到He always manages to obtain whathe wants.他想要的他总能弄到。一Further information can beobtained from our head office.可以从我们的总部获得更多的资料。superba.extremely good 极好的The sports center is superb.这个体育中心是一流的。一The view from my window issuperb.从窗外看去,景色壮丽。whereasconj.in contrast;while 然而;但是He earns$8,000 whereas she getsat least$20,000 every year.他一年只挣八千美元;而她却至少挣两万美元。She is hard-working,whereas he islazy.她很勤快,而他却懒惰。postala.relating to post;sent by post 邮政的;邮寄的Domestic postal services will bereviewed this year.今年将对国内邮政系统进行评店efficienta.working well and without wastingtime,money,or energy 效率高的a very efficient secretary办事效率高的秘书Lighting is now more energyefficient.现在的照明更节能。一impolitea.not polite 无礼的,失礼的It would be impolite to leave in themiddle of the meeting.在会议中途离开会是失礼的。She had no wish to appearimpolite but there was somethingabout the man that made her so.她并不想表现出有失礼仪,但那个男子的举止使她不得不如此。elapsevi.(of time)pass(时间)过去,逝去Three years have elapsed since welast met.自我们上次见面以来,已经过去三年了。Four years had elapsed since heleft college and still he hadnt found ajob.他大学毕业上四年了,却仍未找到工作。skillfula.(BrE skilful)having or showingability to do sth.well 熟练的;有技巧的He is skillful at inventing excuses.他善于编造借口。一Soon they became very skillful inanswering such questions.他们很快变得善于回答这类问题skillfulnessn.U(BrE skilfulness)熟练;技巧He was admired by all for hisskillfulness.他技术精湛,赢得众人交口称薄His performance tonight speaksvolumes for his skillfulness.他今晚的表现充分说明他技巧之熟练。competenta.having the necessary ability,skill,knowledge,e tc.有能力的;能干的;胜任的Hes not competent to look afteryoung children.他不太会照管孩子。一My secretary is perfectlycompetent,but she doesnt havemuch patience.我的秘书完全能够胜任工作,只是耐心不够。fulfill(BrE fulfil)vt.1.do what one must do 履行;执行fulfill an obligation履行义务 A nurse has many duties to fulfill incaring for the sick.护士在护理病人时要履行许多职责。2.achieve sth.one wanted to do 实现;完成I have fulfilled many of myyouthful aims.我已实现了我年轻时的许多目标厂Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled aboyhood dream.游玩迪斯尼实现了他儿时的梦盛capitaln.sing.,U money used to producemore wealth or for starting abusiness资本;资金Our return on capital has morethan doubled since 2000.2000年以来,我们的投资收益翻了一番还多OSince the stock market crash,companies have been trying to raisecapital by selling new stock.股市崩溃以来,不少公司一直在设法通过销售新股筹集资金。fall behindmove more slowly than other peopleso that one is behind them 落在.后面She hurt her ankle and fell behindthe others.她的脚踝受伤了,所以落在了其他人后面。His mother was chatting and didntnotice that he had fallen behind.他妈妈一直在和别人聊天,都没发现他落在了后面。result inmake sth.happen;cause 导致;造成的结果Our efforts resulted in success.我们的努力取得了成功。If left untreated,the condition willeventually result in blindness.这种情况如果不治疗 最终会导致失明。run out1.(of food,money,etc.)there is nonele ft用完;耗尽Their supplies soon ran out.他们的供给很快就用完了。We must act quickly because time isrunning out.时间所剩无儿,我们得赶快行动。2.use all of sth.and not have any left用完;耗尽We can see that the manager isrunning out of his patience.我们可以看出,经理快没耐心The printer has run out of paper.打印机的纸用耳亍7in a rushin a hurry匆忙地Im in such a rush that I cant stop.我忙得手脚不闲,停不下来。Everybody is always in a rush to getready in the mornings.早上,每个人的准备工作都总是很匆忙的。go withexist or take place at the same timewith sth.e lse 同时发生;伴随Money does not always go withhappiness.有钱并不一定就幸福。一Responsibility goes with becoming afather.做父亲就得有责任。work atput effort into sth.or doing sth.致力于;从事Ive been working at my essay all day.我整天都在不停地写文章。You will have to work at the weakpoints in your English if you want topass the examination.你如果想通过考试,就得在你英语薄弱的环节上下功夫。in persondoing sth.by oneself 亲身;亲自The winner will be there in person tocollect the prize.获胜者将亲自去那里领奖。I had seen her before on TV,but shelooked very different when I met herin person.我以前在电视上见过她,但当面相见,她却看上去很不一样。due tobecause of sth.由于His lateness was due to the veryheavy traffic on the way.他迟到是因为路上车辆太多。His hunger was due to not eating forthe entire day.他整天没吃东西,因此感到饿。一pour intogive a lot of effort,money,etc.to sth.大量投入(精力或金钱等)Theyve poured thousands of dollarsinto developing the business.他们已投入数千美元开展业务。一A lot of his time was poured into hisresearch.他的很多时间用在了研究上。spiten.(in of)despite;regardless of 虽然;尽管They went out in spite of the rain.尽管下雨,他们还是外出了。In spite of all of his efforts hefailed.尽管他作了种种努力,但还是失败了。clashvi.1.disagree about sth.不一致;冲突The couple clashed on thequestion of where to spend theirholidays.夫妻俩对上哪儿去度假意见不一致。Richard clashed frequently withGoldsmith.理查德和戈德史密斯经常意见相左。e to a fight 冲突They clashed with the police in thestreet.他们在街上 和警察发生了冲突。一The two armies clashed near theboundary this morning.今晨两支军队在边境附近发生了交火。n.1.C an argument 不一致;争论There is a clash between the twoparty leaders.两党的领导人之间发生了争执。一There is a clash of interests in thisproject.这个项目中存在着利益上的冲突。2.C a short fight 冲突The demonstration ended in aviolent clash with the police.示威游行最后以与警察发生激烈冲突结束。There were violent clashesdowntown.在市中心发生了暴力冲突。traditionn.C,U beliefs or customs passeddown from one generation to thenext传统By tradition,people play jokes onApril 1.根据传统习俗,人们在四月一日相互捉弄和开玩笑。Its a tradition to sing Jingle Bellson Christmas.圣诞节唱“铃儿响叮当”是一种传统。adjustmentn.C,U the act of adjusting 调整I made a few very minoradjustments to the decoration,whichin general had been excellent.我对装饰做了几处小修改,但总体来说装饰棒极了。The room was full of dancers,allmaking last-minute adjustments totheir costumes.满屋子是舞蹈演员,都在对演出服做最后的调整。honeymoonn.C a holiday taken by a couplewho have just got married;(fig.)aperiod of good feeling or goodrelations蜜月期;(喻)短暂的和谐期I havent had a holiday for tenyears,not since our honeymoon.自蜜月以后,整 整 10年我都没有休过假。As he tries to deal with theproblems,he may find that hispolitical honeymoon is over.当他设法处理那些问题时,他会发现自己的政治蜜月期已经结束。marvelousa.(BrE marvellous)extremely good;wonderful非常好的;绝妙的Its marvelous how hes managedto climb that far.他竟然能爬那么远,真是不可,蔽7The performance is simplymarvelous.演出精彩极了!一amusementn.1.U the feeling of being amused愉快,快乐She could not cover heramusement at his mistake.对他的错误,她禁不住觉得好灵厂To everybodys amusement,theactor fell off the stage.那个演员从舞台上掉了下来,大家都感到好笑。2.C sth.that makes time passpleasantly 娱乐(消遣)活动The hotel offers its guests a widevariety of amusements.这家旅馆为客人们提供各式各样的娱乐活动。Ou