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    Accident Prevention事故预防Basic Concepts基础概念Page 2 17 May 2023Accident Costs 事故损失Accident investigation 事故调查(人力,物力,财力)Lost time 损失的工时Disruption 设备设施损坏Lost production产量下降Absenteeism 事故当事人歇工Management distraction 分散管理精力Rehabilitation 事故后重建工作Replacement labour 事故岗位员工的更替Consultation 磋商Page 3 17 May 2023Every employee must understand their role in prevention of accidents 每一位员工必须明白自己在事故预防工作中所扮演的角色以及自身的职责。*will consult with employees and actively encourage you to suggest ways in which we can improve our performance in the health and safety arena*将与员工进行协商交流,积极的鼓励每位员工提出合理的建议来提高我们的健康安全绩效。Consultation 磋商Page 4 17 May 2023Every employee should understand that you are positively encouraged to adopt a see it sort it approach.If you can take action to prevent an accident,then do so.The finer detail can be discussed later 我们鼓励每一位员工采取一种“看到它-解决它”的事故预防思路。如果你所采取的行动成功的阻止了一起事故的发生,我们将会进一步讨论你所采取的行动的细节。Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions不安全行为和不安全状态Page 5 17 May 2023 For an accident to happen,2 factors have to be in place at the same time:一起事故的发生,一定会具备两个因素:1.Unsafe conditions 不安全状态2.Unsafe acts不安全行为 The accident prevention programme aims to prevent these factors coming together事故预防的程序的目的就是阻止这两个因素同时发生Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions不安全行为和不安全状态Page 6 17 May 2023 Every employee should take action to ensure the aims of the accident prevention programme are achieved每位员工都应该采取行动来确保达到事故预防程序的目标。Zero accidents is probably unrealistic but with your active participation we can reduce the number of incidents in the workplace 零事故的目标短期内难于实现,但是如果每位员工 积极参与到我们的事故预防中,我们能减少工厂各类事故的发生。Understanding Accident Causation理解事故原因Page 7 17 May 2023A trailing lead across a pedestrian route is an unsafe condition the accident will not occur until someone comes into contact with the lead,the unsafe act一辆装铅的拖车横放在人行道上是不安全的状态,此时不会发生事故,如果有人接触到铅,事故就发生了。Understanding Accident Causation理解事故原因Page 8 17 May 2023Accident prevention requires that the 2 states do not co-exist at the same time.To do this we can:预防事故发生就是防止不安全状态和不安全行为同时发生,因此,我们可以:Remove the lead 将铅移走 Prevent access while the lead is in position 在铅未移走之前,禁止通行Page 9 17 May 2023Employee Action员工的行动You should take action then consider the need to report an issue你应该有所行动,并考虑是否有需要汇报。Where possible,you should report that you have already rectified the problem rather than the problem itself 可能的话,你应该汇报你如何解决了问题,而不是问题的本身Employee Action 员工的行动Page 10 17 May 2023If an issue is outside of your control warn others in the area and report the problem to your line manager 如果你发现的问题超出了你的控制范围,警示该区域的人并向直线经理汇报你发现的问题Safety comes first you can stop work to prevent an accident安全第一,你可以停止工作去阻止一起事故。Near Misses or Incidents 未遂事件Page 11 17 May 2023A incident(near miss)is an unplanned event that does not lead to injury,ill health or property damage,but,had the potential to result in any one of these.未遂事件指的是还未引起人员伤害,健康危害或者财产损失的意外性事件,但是存在潜在的可能性导致这些后果It is an accident without people being present.这是一起没有人的时候发生的事故Report near misses 汇报未遂事件Page 12 17 May 2023then we can prevent accidents汇报未遂事件,我们可以阻止一起事故Reported near misses lead to changes in unsafe acts and conditions汇报未遂事件可以改变不安全行为和不安全状态Page 13 17 May 2023The effect is to prevent accidents The effect is to prevent accidents其作用就是阻止发生事故 其作用就是阻止发生事故Report near misses 汇报未遂事件


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