单击此处编辑主标题单击此处编辑主标题单击此处编辑副标题单击此处编辑副标题单击此处编辑标题单击此处编辑标题正文部分样例A正文部分样例B正文部分样例C正文部分样例D正文部分样例I正文部分样例II正文部分样例III单击此处编辑标题单击此处编辑标题正文部分样例A正文部分样例B正文部分样例C正文部分样例D正文部分样例I正文部分样例II正文部分样例III正文标题正文标题第一级第二级 第三级第四级第五级正文标题正文标题第一级第二级 第三级第四级第五级样例文本样例文本AGemmi Cong 精美PPT模板尽在如下豆单欢迎大家欣赏和下载样例文本样例文本AGemmi Cong 精美PPT模板尽在如下豆单欢迎大家欣赏和下载样例文本样例文本BCORBA使用一种接口定义语言(IDL)用于刻画对象将体现出来的接口。CORBA又规定了从IDL到特定编程语言,如C+或Java,实现的映射。这个映射精确的描述了CORBA数据类型是如何被客户端和服务器端实现的。标准映射的有Ada、C、C+、Smalltalk、Java、以及Python。还有一些非标准的映射,为Perl和Tcl的映射由这些语言写的ORB实现。CORBA的IDL只是IDL的一个例子。在提供用户语言和平台中性的远程过程调用规范的同时,CORBA也定义了通常需要的服务,例如事务和安全。样例文本样例文本BCORBA使用一种接口定义语言(IDL)用于刻画对象将体现出来的接口。CORBA又规定了从IDL到特定编程语言,如C+或Java,实现的映射。这个映射精确的描述了CORBA数据类型是如何被客户端和服务器端实现的。标准映射的有Ada、C、C+、Smalltalk、Java、以及Python。还有一些非标准的映射,为Perl和Tcl的映射由这些语言写的ORB实现。CORBA的IDL只是IDL的一个例子。在提供用户语言和平台中性的远程过程调用规范的同时,CORBA也定义了通常需要的服务,例如事务和安全。样例文本样例文本CConsiderable effort was required by CICS application programmers to make their transactions as efficient as possible.A common technique was to limit the size of individual programs to no more than 4,096 bytes,or 4K,so that CICS could easily reuse the memory occupied by any program not currently in use for another program or other application storage needs.When virtual memory was added to versions OS/360 in 1972,the 4K strategy became even more important to reduce paging and thrashing(computer science)unproductive resource-contention overhead.The efficiency of compiled high-level(COBOL and PL/I)language programs left much to be desired.Many CICS application programs continued to be written in assembler language,even after COBOL and PL/I support became available.With 1960s-and-1970s hardware resources expensive and scarce,a competitive game developed among system optimization analysts.When critical path code was identified,a code snippet was passed around from one analyst to another.Each person had to either(a)reduce the number of bytes of code required,or(b)reduce the number of CPU cycles required.Younger analysts learned from what more-experienced mentors did.Eventually,when no one could do(a)or(b),the code was considered optimized,and they moved on to other snippets.Small shops with only one analyst learned CICS optimization very slowly(or not at all).样例文本样例文本CConsiderable effort was required by CICS application programmers to make their transactions as efficient as possible.A common technique was to limit the size of individual programs to no more than 4,096 bytes,or 4K,so that CICS could easily reuse the memory occupied by any program not currently in use for another program or other application storage needs.When virtual memory was added to versions OS/360 in 1972,the 4K strategy became even more important to reduce paging and thrashing(computer science)unproductive resource-contention overhead.The efficiency of compiled high-level(COBOL and PL/I)language programs left much to be desired.Many CICS application programs continued to be written in assembler language,even after COBOL and PL/I support became available.With 1960s-and-1970s hardware resources expensive and scarce,a competitive game developed among system optimization analysts.When critical path code was identified,a code snippet was passed around from one analyst to another.Each person had to either(a)reduce the number of bytes of code required,or(b)reduce the number of CPU cycles required.Younger analysts learned from what more-experienced mentors did.Eventually,when no one could do(a)or(b),the code was considered optimized,and they moved on to other snippets.Small shops with only one analyst learned CICS optimization very slowly(or not at all).内内 容容 概概 览览标题标题1标题标题2标题标题3标题标题4标题标题5内内 容容 概概 览览标题标题1标题标题2标题标题3标题标题4标题标题5内内 容容 概概 览览第一节第一节第二节第二节第三节第三节第四节第四节第五节第五节内容内容内容内容公公 司司 发发 展展2003.10 OOO2003.10 OOO2003.10 OOO2000200120022003公司发展公司发展公司发展公司发展2001.10 YYY2001.10 YYY2001.10 YYY2002.10 ZZZ2002.10 ZZZ2002.10 ZZZ2000.01 XXX2000.01 XXX2000.01 XXX交交 互互 图图AFBCED中间饼饼 图图50%24%10%16%50%24%16%10%AAADDDBBBCCC项目项目AB项目项目A项目项目B状状 态态 图图内容内容 C内容内容 B内容内容 A关关 系系 图图A结点结点D结点结点C结点结点B结点结点ABCD关系关系概概 念念 图图概念概念概念概念A A概念概念概念概念D D概念概念概念概念B B概念概念概念概念C C项项 目目 图图AXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYCZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZBCA影影 响响 分分 析析 图图 文字内容文字内容影响影响3影响影响2影响影响1图图 表表DDDFFFEEEBBBCCCAAA中间中间标标 题题图图 表表AAABBB内容内容内容内容1672354图图 表表cccAAA标题标题bbbaaaBBBCCC项项 目目 图图因素因素B因素因素D因素因素A因素因素C项项 目目 图图BACD总总 结结 1 2 3 4 5标题标题