CatchwordsPPT制作制作by李敏华李敏华流行语流行语李李XX陈陈X熊熊XX梁梁XX冯冯XX陈陈吴吴XX陈陈IntroductionIntroduction Catchwords means some popular words.People talk about them from one to one.We live in an amazing time,in a net time.Now,Ill show you the top ten catchwords on the Internet.Well find that they have the close relation with our life.To give strength or Ungelivable给力给力&不给力不给力Source:from a funny comic novel of the Westward Journey 六集搞笑漫画日和的西游记旅程的终点一集中,画面一开始,师徒三人(动画设定为八戒仙去了)历经磨难到达天竺后,却发现所谓的天竺只有一面小旗子,上书“天竺”二字。弄得师徒三人都愣了神,悟空不无抱怨地说:“这就是天竺吗,不给力啊老湿。”悟空的这番话也成为后来“给力”一词的渊源。网友根据“给力”造出一个新的英文单词ungelivable(不给力)。No.1Everything is nothing.神马都是浮云 Source:from the event“小月月”which soon spread across the Internet.“什么都是浮云什么都是浮云”的的谐音,意思是什么都谐音,意思是什么都不值得一提,有抱怨不值得一提,有抱怨感叹之意。感叹之意。No.2a tough and difficult decision非常艰难的决定非常艰难的决定 Source:As we all known,the Internet event between TengxunQQ and 360.原文:当您看到这封信的时候,我们刚刚作出了一个非常艰难的决定。在360公司停止对QQ进行外挂侵犯和恶意诋毁之前,我们决定将在装有360软件的电脑上停止运行QQ软件。我们深知这样会给您造成一定的不便,我们诚恳地向您致歉。同时也把作出这一决定的原因写在下面,盼望得到您的理解和支持。No.3My father is Li gang!我爸爸是李刚我爸爸是李刚!Source:a boy drived a car hurt two girls badly,and one was finally dead.he shouted:My father is Ligang!Actually,no one can do whatever he want in defiance of(无视)the law even his parents were high official.No.4NO.5What I am smoking isnt a cigarette,but loneliness!哥抽的不是烟,是寂寞!Source:Someone uploads a picture of a man eating noodles in Baidu BBS,with a note below:哥吃的不是面,是寂寞!.Soon the similar sentence rise up everywhere.NO.6Jia Junpeng,your mother calls you back home for dinner!贾君鹏,你妈妈喊你回家吃饭!Source:Someone releases an empty note titled贾君鹏,你妈妈喊你回家吃饭!in Baidu WOW BBS.There are 7.1 million clicks and 0.3 milion replys in only one day.NO.7Life is like a tea table,with cups placed all over it.人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具Source:Similar with the sentence whichZhang Ailing Said:人生是一袭华美的袍,上面爬满了虱子。NO.8Dont be obsessed with me.I am only a legend!不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说!Source:From MOP(猫扑大杂烩)NO.9What makes you unhappy?Tell us to make us happy.你有什么不开心的?说出来让大家开心一下。Source:Life is full of pain.Happy is a hard thing to us.So we must get rid of unhappy,speak it out,and do something to make others happyNO.10Lei Feng does good things without leaving a name,but he records everything In his diary.雷锋做好事不留名,但把每一件事情都记到日记里。Source:Many BBS discused Leifeng and his Diary.Someone said:Chairman Mao told us to learn from Leifeng,but I never write a diary.It cannot be explained in detail!这事不能说的太细!Helplessly,I have no idea我勒个去我勒个去 makes me admire and hate羡慕嫉妒恨羡慕嫉妒恨 Great!亚克西 Climb up the wall上墙上墙(微博微博)Philippine National Police菲警菲警 MoreSummariesI think that all the catchwords above are familiar to you.They have been a part of our life.Some of them may dispear soon,some of them may be reserved for a long time.No mater what,We should think about the means behind the funny and ironicarnk(具有讽刺意味的)(具有讽刺意味的).Thank you!