苏州园林苏州园林The Classical Gardens of SuzhouIntroduction Introduction The main architecture types are:pavilion(亭,轩,榭,阁)(亭,轩,榭,阁),terrace(台)(台),hall(堂,馆)(堂,馆),tower(楼)楼)corridor(廊)(廊)亭台楼阁轩榭廊堂馆亭台楼阁轩榭廊堂馆Introduction Introduction There are four very famous classical gardens of suzhou:The Humble Administrators Garden(拙政园)(拙政园)The Lingering Garden(留园)(留园)The Lion Gorest Garden(狮子林)(狮子林)The CangLang Pavilion Garden(沧浪亭)沧浪亭)CorridorCorridorOrnamental Perforated Windows (花窗,漏窗)(花窗,漏窗)These windows are used to decorate the corridor and framed viewsFramed Viewst h e v i e w w a s f r a m e d b y something,so that the view just looks like a painting or a p i c t u r e .Distant fragrance hall (远香堂)堂“refers to the principal room of a house,it is often as a place for host to greet guests,hold the banquet(盛 宴)and so on.Why is it called 远香堂”?The answer is about a famous chines essay-My Love on Lotus(爱莲说)the poet compared himself to flower(借花自喻),using the object to express his thoughts(托物言志)The Pavilion in The Lotus Breezes 荷风四面亭荷风四面亭 亭”everybody is familiar with it.It is the most common building in the classical gardens,even in the whole ancient chinese architecture.The Listen to Rain Pavilion.听雨轩听雨轩 轩“,a small,high and ventilated(通风)room a,always has the big,long windows.In the room A scene of antiquity(古色古香 spreads out before us.there are:Brush,Inkstick,Paper,Inkstone(笔墨纸砚),chess,calligraphy(书法),couplets(对联),and,bonsais(盆景).and so onOutside the window,there are lotus,bamboos,plantain(芭蕉).iTwo beautiesThe one is the beauty of the The other one is the beauty of poetry.Thank you