LET DATA TELL YOUStatistics,Data analysis,And decisionG5 groupFor QTM PresentationG5 Industry Co.,Ltd.HERE IS A COMPANYIts business scope isAll kinds of metal stampings22.1%53.6%11.4%12.2%The main productsNotebookCar components Smart phoneSeverTHERE IS A CONTRACTNOW:BUT,IT REQUIRE THE PRICETO REDUCE FOR 15%.DO YOU SIGNTHE CONTRACTTHEN,YOU NEED THE DATATO COMPILE STATISTICSTO ANALYSETO MAKE THE DECISIONPart I:TO COMPILE STATISTICSWe collect the forty-two days data from the factoryIn this situation,it seems that the project will be loss if you accept the contract.Summary measures for selected variablesSummary measures for selected variablesDPPM:The number of defects in million of products.Amount_DefectsDPPMCost_per_unitGross profitCount42.00042.00042.00042.00042.000Mean152423.0715177.35734902.448103.620-0.770Median146488.5005314.00036283.407103.765-0.915Standard deviation32504.848683.0645786.5950.6210.621Minimum101125.0003734.00024627.068102.525-1.935Maximum213720.0006356.00045661.392104.7850.325From the data,we can get the following information So,we should use these information to further analyze the issue.Part II:DATA ANALYSISAccording to the data,the diagram can be draw From the diagram we can find the gross profit ratio is inverse relative with the defects ratio.Then,We will through the regression analysis to find the linear equationFrom the F-test and T-test,we get the p-value Significant Level 0.05 and the R-square=0.9435,all these indicate the DPPM and the profit is significant correlation.From the Scatter diagram we can find the DPPM and the profit is linear correlation.Now,we can get the linear equation.Profit=1.9951-0.0001*DPPMSo,DPPM should down to 19951 and below.The DPPM is normal distribution.The biggest value of frequency appear near the mean.NOW,WE WILL ANALYSE THE DATA OF DPPM Hypothesis Testing The DPPM data as independent samples were analyzed by T test.Assumption:H0 19951For 19951 is the break-even point PSignificant Level 5%We reject H0 and accept Ha,so for the population DMMP will more than 19951.If accept the contract we must improve the project.SOLUTION 1SOLUTION 3SOLUTION 2IMPROVEMENTThere are three solutions to be choose for the improvementSOLUTION 1SOLUTION 3SOLUTION 2We test three solutions respectively,and obtain the relevant dataThrough ANOVA,we get the p-value Significant level 0.05,so the H0 will be rejected,then three solution is significant difference.And the DMMP sample means of every solution are all under the break-even point 19951.All solution is feasible.How to choose the solution,we need decisionsPart III:MAKE THE DECISIONIt is estimated by expert,We got the expected returns of each solution SucceedFailureSolution 181Solution 2143Solution 3102The expected returns of each solutionWE MAKE THE DECISION TREETHE optimal decision isSign the contract and choose the solution 2 to make improvement.After improvement,we collected about thirty days data to check.Use the thirty days data,we draw the P-control chartFrom the P-chart we know the productive process is in the control.Results for one-sample analysis for DPPMResults for one-sample analysis for DPPMSummary measuresSummary measuresSample size30Sample mean3773.462Sample standard deviation1051.409Confidence interval for meanConfidence interval for meanConfidence level95.0%Sample mean3773.462Std error of mean191.960Degrees of freedom29Lower limit3380.860Upper limit4166.065Use the data after improvement,we can estimate the DPPM in new situation.According the sample data,we get the lower and upper limit in 95%confidence level.Then use the return function Profit=1.9951-0.0001*DPPMWe estimate the profit per unit will be in the interval 1.66 and 1.58.Now,we can sign the contract and it will be profit.