冀教版小学英语第五册教案Lesson 1:Fathers Mothers Brothers and Sisters一、教学目标:1、知识目标:学生能熟练的掌握家庭成员的英文名字。并且能掌握older/younger than 句型。2、能力目标:能在情景中灵活运用词汇和句型,简单介绍自己的家庭成员。3、情感目标:让学生了解做任何事情前,都应想想他人的感受,学会关心别人,培养学生喜欢用英语交流的兴趣。二、教学重难点:教学重点:使学生能够正确地认识本课生词,并能掌握older/younger than句型。教学难点:older/younger than句型的灵活的运用。三、教学准备:录音机,卡片。四、教学过程:Class Opening and ReviewSing The Family in Our House to review members of the family mastered in Level Key ConceptsI am older/younger than _INTRODUCEShow a picture of my family.Introduce my family to the students.T:Look,this is my father and mother.My father is fifty-seven yearsold.This is my mother.She is fifty-five years old.Are they young?(No,they are old.)T:Look,Who are they?Can you guess?Yes,they are my grandfather and my grandmother.Teach these two words.Are they old?(Yes,they,re very old.)T:Who is she?Guess.She is my sister.Yes,I have one sister.I don,thave brothers.Ask:Do my father and mother have sons?How many daughters do they have?My sister is thirty.I m twenty-eight.Who is older?My sister.Mysister is older than me.I m younger than my sister.T:My father is older than me.My mother is older than me.Older,whaV s meaning.Younger,what s meaning.Make up the sentencesAsk the students to make up the sentences with older/younger than.USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPEAsk the students to look at the books.Discuss the pictures:How many people are there in Li Ming s family?Who are they?Explain Why Li Ming has two grandfathers and grandmothers.Does Li Ming has brothers and sisters?Look at the Smith family.Discuss:Where does Jenny s family live?Who are in Jenny s family?How old are they?Play the audiotape as the students follow in their student book.SING A SONGJenny is twelve.Bob is twenty.Bob is older than Jenny.Bob is olderthan Jenny.Lynn is eight.Lynn is eight.Lynn is younger than Jenny.Lynn is younger than Jenny.P R A C T I C EA sk th e stud e nts to i ntrod uc e th e i r f a mi ly i n g roups.P R E S E N TU S E T H E A C T I V I T Y B O O KC la ss C losi ng可向同学们介绍知识窗:同学们你们知道f a mi ly的由来吗?F a mi ly就是F a th e r a nd moth e r,I love you.这句话的每一个单词首字母组合而成的。在国外,小朋友们起床以后的第一件事就是对父母说这句话。五、板书设计L e sson 1:F a th e rs M oth e rs B roth e rs a nd S i ste rsg ra nd f a th e rg ra nd moth e rf a th e rmoth e rsond a ug h te r(b roth e r)(si ste r)六、练习:(一)、用家庭成员填空。I h a ve two a nd .M y a nd h a ve one son,h e i s myM y si ste r i s my f a th e r a nd my moth e r,s .(二)、写一写:用old e r/young e r th a n各写两句话。L e sson 2 :A unts,U nc le s a nd C ousi ns一、教学目标:1、知识目标:掌握家庭成员词汇a unt unc le c ousi n。2、能力目标:通过情景创设,让学生理解句意,并在情景中学习单词,培养自主学习的能力,获得与同学交流的方法,在日常生活中正确使用以上词汇。3、让学生了解做任何事情前,都应想想他人的感受,学会关心别人,培养学生喜欢用英语交流的兴趣。二、教学重难点:能听懂、会说、会读和会写本课四会单词和句型。三、教学准备:录音机、家庭成员树状图四、教学过程:(一)、Class opening and review1、Greeting:Hello!How are you today?Nice to meet you!How is the weather?(轻松的课前交流,给学生创设愉悦的英语语言氛围)2、Song:The family in our house”.(选择学生喜欢的歌曲和儿歌,激发学生的学习兴趣)3、Game:Play“Letters”to review the words.(二)、New ConceptsFamily members:aunt uncle cousin.(1)show the family s picture of LiMing.1、Introduce the words“wife”and“husband”.T:Li Ming s father is Li Ming s mother?s husband.What is“husband?Can you guess?S:Yes,丈夫 read it please.T:Li Ming s mother is Li Ming s father s wife?What is wife”?Can you guess?S:Yes,妻子 read it please.T:You re very clever2、show Li Ming s mother s sister and brother.T:Li Ming mother?s sister is aunt.Can you guess“aunt”?S:Yes 姨 read it please.T:Li Ming s mother s brother is uncle.Can you guess“uncle”.S:Yes W read it please.T:Very good(用英语介绍重点单词叔叔、阿姨,使学生更容易理解他们和爸爸、妈妈之间的关系。另外,这种方式小学生更喜欢,他们愿意更主动地猜测其中的人物。)3、提问What s Li Ming s aunt s name?Who is her husband?Who is his wife?(提出问题帮助学生理解课文内容,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。)4、Let the Ss introduce Li Ming s fathers sister and brotherby themselves.Prictice with“cousin”.(通过课文的学习,可以用这种方法检查学生的理解情况,培养学生口头表达能力。)5、Use the student book and audiotape,practice their listenin g.6、Dra w i ng :Dra w i ng y ou r fa mi ly a nd i ntrodu c e th e me mb e rs ofy ou r fa mi ly .(学生会对这样的活动感兴趣,既培养了学生运用新学知识的表达能力,又锻炼了学生听的能力。)(三)、Cla ss c losi ng五、板书设计Le sson 2 :Au nts,U nc le s a nd Cou si nsa u nt(moth e r?s si ste r/fa th e r s si ste r)u nc le (moth e rJ s b roth e r/fa th e r s b roth e r)c ou si n(u nc le s/a u nt(s c h i ld)六、练习:(一)、猜单词。例:My moth e r s si ste r(a u nt)1.My fa th e r s b roth e r()2.My fa th e r s fa th e r()3.My a u nt s son()4.My u nc le s da u g h te r()(二)、改错:My u nc le i s ta ll th a n my a u nt.My si ste r i s olde r th a n my moth e r.My c ou si n sh orte r th a n my a u nt.Lesson 3:What Do They Look Like?一、教学目标:1.说出并且听懂下列词汇Long short straight curly(hair)2.会读、写、说出并且听懂下列词汇:gray hair,glasses(复数概念),eyes 3.读出或是背诵一些描述hair eyes的简单句子,同学之间可以进行简单的口语交 际。4.在原有基础上更好的掌握比较级。二、教学重点:如何用英语藉述外貌三、教学过程:(一)、Class opening and reviewStep 1:Lead a dialogue like this:T:How tall are you?SI:metres tall.T:How tai 1 are you?S2:metres tall.T:Is he/she taller/shorter?S:He/she is taller/shorter.Step 2:导入新课一、利用图片卷发、直发、长发、短 发4种不同的发型,并涂上颜色复习staight hair,curly hair,long hair,short hair 以及 blond,red,brown,black.并画上不同颜色的眼睛。二、猜单词:根据英语表达(如father s brother)猜出单词,获胜的同学可以随意挑选发型、眼睛、来组成自己这个组的人物标志,为下一步教学做铺垫。():新授一、描述各组的人物标志如:She has short,curly,blond hair.Her eyes are brown.(分层教学,学生自由选择:A:能流利地用英语描述一个人物B:能参照课本描述出一个人物C:能用英语短语说出这个人物最基本的特征。这样可以使每个阶段的学生得到练习)二.描述自己的特征。三、猜猜看。请学生用英语说出一个同学的特征,其他同学猜猜是哪位。四.自学课文1、自学课文第二部分,找出重点。2、w e a r g la sse s,g ra y.以实物讲解单词,开火车拼读单词,比比谁能最先默写出来。3、赛读课文。以小组为单位赛读课文,一人读一句,比比哪个小组的课文读地最流利,发音最准确。4,跟读。五、让学生自己介绍自己的家庭(自己说,让学生学以致用)(三)、C l a ss c l osi ng五、板书设计Le sson 3:W h a t D o Th e y Look Li k e?Gra yg l a ss-g l a sse s六、练习仿照课文写一篇小练笔,介绍自己的家庭。(写之前学生已经在课上进行了口头表达)七、课后反思: