翻译的 标 准(李玉杰)Criteria of Translation Alexander Tytler:1.A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the originalwork;译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容2.The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that ofthe original;译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同3.A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.译文应像原文一样流畅自然 NidaFunctional equivalence 功能对等In the light of linguistic orientation,translation consists in reproducing in thereceptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.(Nida)(翻译是用最恰当、自然和对等的语言从语义到文体再现源语的信息)Yan FuFaithfulness,expressiveness and elegance 达、雅 Qian ZhongshuSublimation 化境 Fu LeiSimilarity in spirit 神似 Lu XunFaithfulness and smoothness 忠实、通顺 Liu ZhongdeFaithfulness,expressiveness and closeness 信达切 Gu ZhengkunPolyadic complementary standard 多元互补标准 Chen HongweiCorrespondence in meaning and similarity in function 意义相符 功 能 相 彳 以 Equivalence 等值 Equivalent effect 等效Chapterl(戴越越)1.翻译的本质In the light of linguistic orientation,translation consists in reproducing in the receptor languagethe closest natural equivalent of the source language message,first in terms of meaning andsecondly in terms of style.(Nida)By signs involved in it,intralingual translation,interlingual translation and intersemiotictranslation.(Roman Jakobson)Translation is in essence during different information exchange and communication,(textbook)5.翻译学研究的思维特点1)Combination of systematic analysis and systematic comprehension2)Combination of vertical orientation and landscape orientation3)Combination of accuracy and ambiguity4)Combination of radiation and convergence5)Combination of recall and advance6.翻译学的学科特点Translatology is also called Science of Translation or Study of Translation.Translatology is ascience to study translation.It is a comprehensive science consisting of general translatology,special translatology and applied translatology.It deals with general laws of translation,studies oftranslation with special reference to Chinese and English,and methods to apply theories topractice.8.新老三论的内容1).Philosophic Method2).Horizontal Method3).Discipline Method9.什么是学科方法翻译中常用的学科方法有?Different languages have the same structural principal:1).Consonant+vowel2).Intonation3).Extending from concrete to abstract4).Reasonable word5).Adj.+N.;Adv.+V.6).Coordination7).Shift of perspective8).Subject+predicate9).Active and passive10).Negative,interrogative,commandC h a p t e r!(段娟)Association:4,联想:联想既是译者在接受原文时的一种途径和方法,也是再传播过程中再创造的基础。联想是在一定条件下所产生的对原文文本的一种偏离。但这种偏离又不违背原文文本的整体性意义和底蕴与内涵,往往使译文更生动,形象,更富于创作性。想象不同于联想,它并不只局限于形象性而是基于原文的总体框架和意蕴,而产生出更大的创造性,它可以使原文的片断变成整体,使部分变成圆满,空缺得到填充,不定得到确定,他是一种创造意识。5,Functions and status of the original text:The original text is the medium of the author and translator.Translation is a rewriting of the original text.8,所 谓“权力”,是指一切控制力与支配力所 谓“话语”,这一-术语在Foucalt(福柯)那里,早已超出语言学和文艺学中的话语概念。它 是“权力”的表现形式,所有权力都是通过话语来实现的。原因:译者的知识结构,教育背景,经历与经验,都会形成不同于别人的先在结构,他又是以这种先在结构作为基础参与作者对话的,其对话后生成的意义必然不可能完全与他人相同。12,Multiplicity of translation criteria信、达、雅忠实、通顺神似化境等值等效Faithfulness,expressiveness and eleganceFaithfulness and smoothnessSimilarity in spiritSublimationEquivalenceEquivalent effect可以说,对于翻译活动而言,企图定出一条放之四海而皆准的标准时不可能的。它必须是多元的,它们之间有各自的侧重,乂可以互为补充。Chapters(李玲伟)(1)1.Whatever relation of the two objects is,substitution or association,symboldoes not refer to the object itself,hence the meaning comes out;2.Symbol has a material form,otherwise,it can not be aware by the receiver;3.Symbol process includes sender and receiver,that is,a relation of subject andobject.(4)老师没有给出具体的答案,在书上第84-85页。(5)老师没有给出具体的答案,在书上第86-87页。(15)老师没有给出具体的答案,在书上第154,第159/60页。(这道题我没有勾,但是其他同学勾上了,所以我还是找答案了!)Chapter 4(黄先群)(这章老师没有给题目,就总结了一下PPT)4.1 Objective Study Meaning Searching4.1.1 Meaning is the combination of the two(Yizhi and Yiwei).Translation is translating meaning.(Nida)Meaning is the tie of the subject and object.It is also the tie of man and theworld.Translation is a cross cultural,cross interlingual communicative activity.4.1.2 Original Text-The Decisive As Well As the Open OneP168的四点问题(1)The language the author used with personal experience and emotional force(2)The distance between the author and the language he used(3)The abstract and ambiguity of the language itself(4)Different people,different understanding4.1.3 Heteronomy of the lext the Main Evidence of TranslatorLiteral works contain not only authorythmicity but also heteronomy.Language is a tool of communication.4.2 Aspect Features of Literary TextIngargen put forward:There are five aspects in the combination of form and contents:(l)Sound(2)Combination of meaningful units(3)Represented object(4)Schematized aspects(5)Metaphysical qualityProf.Tong Qingbing put forward:There are three aspects in the literary text:(l)Literal discourse(2)Literary image(3)Literary implication4.3.2 Text of Law and Its TranslationThe following rules should be followed:1.Clear in order2.Accurate in language3.Serious in writing4.Formal in styleText of Advertisement and Its TranslationAdvertisement has the following functions:Informative functionAesthetic functionExpressive functionVocative functionPrinciple:Similarity in functionSlogan of Advertisement:Literal translation,shift of perspective and imitativetranslation:Chapter 5(孙晓莉)1.What is power discourse?(P207)Power discourse theory is put forward by French philosopher Michel Foucault who defined“power“as all the things and concepts that could direct and control peoples ideas andbehaviors.And discourse in his theory is far beyond that in linguistics and literature.According to him,discourse is the form of power and all power come into effect in the way ofdiscourse,namely,in fact,power refers to the power to deliver a discourse.Restrictions from power discourse:External Control-Society Control/Ideology ControlInternal Control of Languages2.What functions do context have?Context has 8 functions:(according to 西桢光正教授 P219)Absolute functionRestrictive functionExplanatory functionDesign functionOmission and amplification functionGenerative functionTransformational functionAcquisition functionChapter 6(易三琴)1.翻译主体有哪些责任?社会责任 social responsibility学术责任 academic responsibility道德责任 moral responsibility2.翻译者的主体性在传统翻译研究中为什么不受重视?因为对于大多数不懂外文的人来说,它们往往把译文文本当作原文文本来读,以为至理,以为指南3.主体和客体的关系是什么?在翻译活动中是如何体现的?主体和客体是一对关系范畴,它们互相规定,彼此依存。4.译者的再创造性主要体现在哪几个方面?“Recreation“mainly embodies the following:Psychological attention and aesthetic expectation before reading;Recreation and reconstruction of text in the process of reading;Text reconstruction in the process of translation5.为什么说译者既有主动的一面又有被动的一面?因为它受着外界的制约,也受着客体本身的制约Chapter 7(陈咏梅)5 语义成分成分分析在翻译活动中起到怎样的作用?(P302-310)Componential Analysis Word can be divided into sememes which can be called semantic feature orsemantic components.This method is called componential analysis.The function of the componential analysis is to help the translator understandthe accurate meaning of words in original text.Componential analysis is also a good way for checking when translation isdone.Componential analysis is an effective way in doing accurate translation,getting the text fully understood and assuring the quality of translation.Componential analysis is an important step in control activity in translation.11.翻译腔的问题应如何看待?(P316-318)Advantages and Disadvantages of Translationese13.风格是否可译?在风格翻译中影遵循怎样的原则?(P319-330)Language style refers to language characteristics Chinese:parataxis,topic-prominent language English:hypotaxis,subject-prominent language Parole style is dynamic.Style translation refers to parole style.Generalized Style and Style in Narrow Sense Views of generalized style include factors of language style and factors ofnon-language style.Views of style in narrow sense include author language style and rhetoricalstyleSubjective Style and Objective Style Subjective style is also called individual style.Objective style is a general style.System of Style and Translation Principles Style is a systematical structure.Other characteristics of system of style:1.Material feature2.Entirety3.Unique4.Sensible There are five basic principles in system:1.Entirety2.Structure3.Level4.Environment5.Optimization