2022年四川广安中考英语试题及答案广安市2022年初中学业水平考试试题英 语注意事项,I表试卷分为试题卷(I 10页)和基通卡两部分 考武时间120分 许.满 分 120分2.考生务麴莉.请先耨姓名,准考证号等信息用黑色美逶多字名址身在答题卡上的指定位置.待监号E N N 条彩格后.认A 披对条彩帽上的出名.点考证号与自己的准考证上的信息是否一致3.请将选择题价案用2B 铅笔填涂在基题卡上的相应位置.非选择也答案用黑色1 法芬字笔冬在冬黑卡上的相应位算 超出各越区城书写的琴案无效.在单磕纸、试题&上冬理无虬4 号试结来,监考员必场将奉考学生和续考学生的冬题卡.试题卷一并收日卷【(共三部分:满分70分)第一部分 听 力(共两节:满分20分)第一节(共 10小题;每小题1分.满 分 10分)听下面10段对话 旬段对话后有 个小题,从 延后所给的A、B.C 个选项中选出最住答窠.并将答案转涂到答题卡上的相应位置听完每段对话后.你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关向即和阅设F一小的毋段时话读两遍美 语 试 整 第 I 页(共 10页)4.When is Lucys binhday?邑KC6.How is the weather today?A.Hot.B Wann7.How many times has the man been to Chengdu?A.Once.B.Twice.8.What is the building made of?A.Wood.B.Stone.9.How did Tom go to school today?A.By bus.B.By taxi.10.Whose bike is broken?A.Alices.B.Bobs.第二节(共10小题;倔小题I分.满 分10分)听卜面段对话和段独门衽段时话或独门后有几个小鹿,C.Cool.C.Three times.C.Glass.C.On footC.Jacks.从题后所给的A,B.C二个选项中选出最佳答案,并将答案转涂到答题K上的相应位置听完每段对话或独门后.你 有15秒钟的时间来回答行关问踵何段对话或独白读二遍听 第11段对话,回答第”至12小题11.Whai is Eden doing now?A.Reading a book.B.Drawing a pancake.C.Eating a pancake.12.What class is Eden in?A.Class 4.B.Class 5.C.Class 6.13.听 第12段时话,问答第13至14小题What size is the T-shirt9A.Small.B.Medium.C.Large.14.How much is the T-shirt?A.$13,B.$30,C.$33.英 涛 试 涯 星2页(共10页)听 第13段时话,问答第15至16小鹿15.Where is the bank?A.Its opposite the school on Tree Street.B Ifs opposite the school on King Road.C.hs opposite the park on Tree Street.16.How far is it to the bank?A.About 1 kilometre.B.About 2 kilometres.C.About 3 kilometres.听下而一母独臼,回答第17至20小题17.What was the matter with the boys lather last week?A.He had a fever.B.lie had a backache.C.He had a stomach ache.18.I low did the boy communicate with the ductor?A.By telephone.B.On the Internet.C.By letter.19.How long will the boy mn with his father every morning?A.Half an hour.B.An hour.C.One and a ha汗hours.20.When is the boy going to do Taiji with his faiher?A.In the morning.B.In the aAernoon.C.In the evening.第二部分 基础知识运用(满 分15分)完形填空 共两篇,共15小题j每小期1分,满分15分)无通读下而两带斯文掌握其大意.然后从各咫所给的A.B、C、D四个选项中选出可以培入相应空白处的最佳选项,并将其选项转涂到答题仁上的相应位置,ADo you often smile?Do you like a smiling lace?Smile is ver nice.1(lets us(eel warm tn 21 hearts.Smile is important.When you aresad.make a big smile,and it can make you happy again When you are worried,make a bigsmile,and it can help you keep cool again.When you arent successful,make a big smile and itcan 22 you to iry again and work harder.Smile is very easy,but it is very 23.So lets learn to smile.Everyone 24 smiles.When we give others a smile,wc can feel happy,coo When you 25 others,smiling faces,you can feel warm.Lets smile every day.Don、1 you think so?21.A.hisB.yourC.ourDher22.A.takeB.haveC.playDhelp23.A.usefulB.thankfulC.hope fillD.awful24.A.docsB.buysC.watchesD.needs25.A.makeB.secC.giveD.do英 漕 试 题 第3页(共10页)Once there were three trees on a hill.They were 26 their hopes and dreams.The firsttree said.I want to be a treasure box.Then I could be filled with 27 The second tree said,Someday I will be a ship.I will take the king 28 the sea.”Finally,the third said.*l want togrow to be the 29 tree in the forest.People will see me on the top of theHowever,several years later,the first tree was made into a wooden box fbr animals.Andthe second tree became a fishing ship.The last tree was still there,but 30 knew him.Then one day.a 31 mother wanted to make a wooden bed for her baby.She hadno money 32 she chose the wooden box.The first tree could feel the baby was thegreatest treasure fbr the mother.The second tree helped a fisherman in a heavy rain.For thelast tree,when the villagers were(ired.they 33 take a break under it on hot days.Thethree trees*34 come true.Sometimes,when things don、happen as you expect,dont lose 35.Wherever you arc,please remember the dccis沁n you,ve made at first.Hold on to it!Thats what we call“dream”.26.A.looking fbrB.making up C.talking aboutD.writing about27.A.moneyB.time C.(bodD.love28.A.throughB.against C.fromD.across29.A.shortestB.tallest C.oldestD.newest30.A.everyoneB.anyone C.nobodyD.somebody31.A.poorB.rich C.strangeD.proud32.A.becauseB.or C.soD.till33.A.shouldB.could C.needD.must34.A.reportsB.risks C.interestsD.dreams35.A.hopeB.way C.changeD.choice第三部分 阅读理解和口语运用(共两节:满分35分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;杞小题1.5分,满 分30分)阅读下列短文.从各题所给的A、B,C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其选项转涂到谷期卡上的相应位罚Food walk through the ancient townTime:10:00 am-2:00 pm.Friday SaturdayPlace:Yudai Ancient TownPrice:90 each personTel:82101973While walking through the ancient town,you can taste lots of delicious snacks.Kung fu ShowTime:7:30 pm-8:30 pm.Thuzlay-FridayPlace:Peace SquarePrice:80 each personTel:83227232Two lovely pandas,named Ai Long and AiJie,are fond of Chinese Kung fit.Toexperience and leam it from a great master,ihcy come here.英 海 试 题 第4页(共10贡)Music FestivalArt ExhibitionTime:7:30 pm-10:30 pm,July 13-14Time:9:00 am-9:00 pm.August 1 -10Place:Pioneer TheaterPlace:Star GalleryPrice:*120Price:FreeTel:86103721Tel:86552545Crazy Brain,a well-known band,w ill giveA lanxMU Chinese ink painter uses traditionala concert.They w ill play some pieces ofwonderful music.“gong bi*to paini Chinese women.36.If you and one o f your friends plan to enjoy the food walk,you w ill pay_A.90 B.120 C.160 D 18037.When is the right time lo watch Kung lu Show?A.8:30 pm-9:30 pm on Friday B.7:30 pm-8:30 pm on FridayC.7:30 am-8:30 am on Thursday D.7:30 am-6:30 pm on Thursday38.Linda wants(o go to a concert,she can phone_.A.82101973 B.83227232 C.8610372!D.8655254539.If youd like to team about the art exhibition,you can go to _.A.Star Gallery B.Pioneer TheaterC.Yudai Ancient Town D.Peace Square40.Where can we probably see this passage?A.In a report.B.In a storybook.C.In a diary.D.In a newspaper.BNightingale was the worlds Grst great nurse.She was boni in a rich family in 1820.inFlorence.Italy.She could have lived an easy,comfortable life.But instead,she chose to work hardand care for the sick.Because she is one o f the worlds greatest nurses,every year on her birthday.May 12,people celebrate International Nurses Day to remember the love and help tliat she gave toso many people.When she was 24.she told her parents she wanted to be a nurse.But they didnt like the idea.The family had lots o f money,so they thought it would be better if she didnt work.Nurses werenot very well respected at that lime.But Nightingale went on with her dream.She went toGermany to I cam to be a nurse.There were no nursing schools al that time.She had to learn bypractising.Dunng a war in 1854.Nightingale and a team o f 38 nurses from England went to carefor soldiers near Turkey.She made the hospitals much cleaner there.At night,she would look afterthe soldiers.She carried a)with her,and soldicn*began to call her“The Lady with theLamp*.In I860,after the war.Nightingale opened the first nursing school.She also worked tomake hospitals better and make rales for nurses.She died in 1910 in London.England at the age o f90.Nightingales birthday became International Nurses Day in!974.英 语 试 题 第5页(共1 0页)41.Ni g h t i n g al e w as _.A.an Am er i can B.a Can adi an C.an It al i an D.a G e r m a n42.W h e n di d Ni g h t i n g al e beg i n t o w an t t o be a n u r s e?A.A(t l i e ag e of 24.B.W h e n s h e w a s s t i l l a l i t t l e g i r l.C.Si n ce s h e w as bom.D.Aft er s l i e w en t t o En g l an d.43.Wh a l p r obl em s di d Ni g h t i n g al e h av e befor e 1854?A.Her p ar en t s di dn t w an t h er t o be a n u r s e.B.Th er e w er e n o n u r s i n g s ch ool s at (h at t i m e.C.Sh e di dn t h av e en ou g h m on ey.D.Bot h A an d B.44.W h e n di d Ni g h t i n g al es bi r t h day becom e In t er n at i on al Nu r s es,Day?A.In 1820.B.In 1854.C.In I860.D.In 1974.45.Wh a t di d t h e s ol di er s m e a n by cal l i n g Ni g h t i n g al e*Th c Lady w i t h t h e Lam p*?A.Sh e s ol d l am p s.B.Sh e cou l d br i n g h op e t o ot h er s.C.Sh e l en t l am p s t o ot h er s.D.Sh e l ov ed t h e l am p.CY o u m a y k n o w abou t ju n k food*l i k e Fr en ch fr i es.Bu t do y ou k n o w abou t ju n k s l eep*?Recen t l y,a Br i t i s h s u r v ey(调代)s h ow s t h at t h er e ar c m a n y el ect r on i c p r odu ct s i n t een ag er s,bedr oom s.Th ey ar e i n fl u en ci n g t een ag er s s l eep badl yT h e s u r v ey w as don e a m o n g 1,000 Br i t i s h k i ds fr om 12 t o 16,h i bu n d t h at 5 0%of t h em g otju s t 4 t o 7 h ou r s s l eep ev er y day.Bu t doct or s s ay t h ey n eed 8 t o 9 h ou r s.Al m os t 2 5%of t h e k i ds s ai d t h ey oft en fel l as l eep w h i l e t h ey w er e w at ch i n g TV.l i s t en i n g t om u s i c or u s i n g ot h er el ect r on i c p r odu ct s.“Th i s i s v er y w or r y i n g J s ai d Dr.Ch r i s,a Br i t i s h p r ofes s or(教授).“W e cal l i t Ju n k s l eep.Ilm ean s y ou don t g et en ou g h s l eep an d t h e qu al i i y(质量)of i h c s l eep i s l ow.t oo.If y ou don t g et ag ood r es t,y ou w on,t do w el l i n s ch ool t h e n ex t day.”T h e s u r v ey (bu n d t h at qu i t e a few of(h e k i ds fel t t i r ed each day becau s e of t h e ju n k deep,es p eci al l y g i r l s bet w een 13 an d 16 fi l i n g t h e w or s t.Near l y al l t h e t een ag er s h av e a p h on e.M P 5or T V i n t h ei r bedr oom s.A n d l ot s of t h em ev en h av e al l t h e t h r ee.Dr.Ch r i s s u g g es t ed t h at p ar en t s s h ou l d h el p t h ei r ch i l dr en k eep a w a y fr om el ect r on i cp r odu ct s,an d t een ag er s s h ou l d s p en d l es s t i m e on t h e el ect r on i c p r odu ct s.46.Wh a t docs t h i s p as s ag e m ai n l y t al k abou t?A.Ju n k food.B.Ju n k s l eep.C.El ect r on i c p r odu ct s.D.Th e i m p on ai i ce of s l eep.英 语 试 题 第6页(共1 0页)47.How many of the children sleep only 4 to 7 hours a day in the survey?A.200.B.250.C.500.D.1000.48.Junk food and junk sleep are similar to each other because_.A.they arc both low in qualityB.they are both needed in our lifeC.they are both enjoyed at weekendsD.they are both necessary-for peoples health49.Which of the following is TRU E according to the passage?A.Teenagers of 12 to 16 only need 4 to 7 hours,sleep each day.B.Few of(he teenagers have electronic products in their bedrooms.C.Teenagers spend too much time on electronic products.D.Girls between 13 and 16 spend the least time on electronic products.50.Which of the Allowing should be the best way lo solve the problem?A.Parents must uke the electronic products away from their children.B.Parents stop the teenagers from using any electronic product.C.Teenagers should decide not to use the electronic products.D.Teenagers should spend less time on the electronic products.What is a tsunami(海啸)?Tsunamis arc often caused by earthquakes or volcanoes(火I h).Theaverage 卬eed(平均速度)of the waves(波浪)i$300 mph and the waves can Iasi from Gve minutes toan hour.Whai to do in a tsunami?Firstly,when a strong earthquake is felt,leave the waler at once,get to the shore(海岸 land goas far away as you can from the beach fast.If it allows,go to a higher ground.Secondly,turn on(he TV for news and weather report.They will tell you more about thetsunami.Thirdly,get ail members of your family together and let everyone know the tsunami iscoming.Choose a place to stay together.Make sure the place is safe and as far away from theshore as possible.Bring emergency supplies(应急 JU品)when you have to leave your house.At last,if you find a huge wave is coming,climb onto the roof of your house or on the highestpoint of the nearest building.Hold on to anything thats strong enough.Climb a tree if you have to.For a tsunami,the only way to survived 后免is to be prepared.51.When a tsunami comes,the waves will_.A.go as quickly as 300 mphB.become stronger before the earthquakeC.cause heavy rainD.last shorter and shorter英 语 试 题 第7页(共1 0页)How many suggestions arc mentioned in this passage?A.Two.B.Three.D.Five.54.When a tsunami is coming,your family had better_.A.go to the beach togetherC.stay in your houseB.stay in a safe place togetherD.put emergency supplies on a lower grouixlWe should do the following when a tsunami is coming EXCEPT_.55.A.listening to the weather reportC.getting emergency supplies readyWhats the best title of the passage?A.How to keep safe in the waterC.What to do after a tsunamiB.D.B.D.going to a low place to keep safeleaving the water as far away as you canWhat a tsunami isHow to survive a tsunami第二节 口语运用(共5小咫:用小胭I分,满分5分)根据下面的对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出最佳选项,使对话完整通顺,并将其选项转涂到答题卡上的相应位置.其中有一项为多余选项.A:Hi,Tom!You look very happy today!B:Oh,yes.Guess what?My best friend Ben is coming.A:Really?56B:Tomorrow.1 can wait to see him.A:57B:He will stay with me for two weeks.A:58B:He is really friendly.Tm sure you will like him when you see him.A:What does he look like?B:59 He plays Ibotball well.A:Could you introduce him lo me?B:60A.How long will he stay?B.O f course.C.How often does he visit you?D.Whai is he like?E.He is tall and strong.F.When is he coming?英 法 试 题 第8页(共10页)广安市2022年初中学业水平考试试题卷n(共四英部 分;语晶分50分)第一部分 单词 拼 写(共两节:共2 0小 题:每 小 超1分,满 分2 0分)第一节 根据汉语提示.用雌词的正确形式填空.号空一词,并将答案写在答鹿K上的相应位IS.6 1.W e p l an t ed m a n y t r ees in(,:月).62.O u r s ch ool team(a t h e foot bal l m at ch l as t w eek.63.H e i s r eadi n g a book abou t (现代的)h i s t or y.64.C a n y ou p as s m e t h e s ci s s or s t o cu t t h e w ool off the(&器)?65.W e s h ou l d face an y di ffi cu l t y w i t h a(勇敢的)h ear t.66.Com p u t er s were(发明)n ot l on g ag o,bu t t h ey ar c p op u l ar n ow.67.T o m went(往惨 h)t o h av e a r es t aft er di n n er.68.Th ey n eed io(筹集)en ou g h m o n e y t o bu i l d a n e w s ch ool.69.Th er e ar e m a n y (手提包)i n t h e s h op.Th ey l ook v er y p r et t y.70.Li n g l i n g w as s o _(粗心的)t h at s h e br ok e t h e w i n d o w of h er bedr oom.第二节,根据如文内丽而内所给单词的正确形式侦审.每空一词,每词一次.并将答案写住答就卡上的相应位置,I wnprige a help hand with final good bet note ik|Da n n y l i v ed a h ar d l i fe w i t h h i s m ot h er t n a s m al l (ow n.Al t h ou g h t h ey w er e p oor,t h ey w er eal w ay s 71 t o t h os e i n n eed.O n e day.D a n n y s aw 72 ol d m a n ca n y a h u g e bag.T h e m a n l ook ed t i r ed an d h u n g r y.H e 73 p eop l e t o h el p h i m car r y t h e bag.74 n obody ag r eed t o h el p h i m.Da n n y ot t er edt o g i v e h i m a 75.Th e ol d m a n t ol d D a n n y t h at h e h ad n o m o n e y t o p ay h i m.76 a l au g h.Dan n y s ai d t h at h e w as ju s t t r y i n g t o h el p.H e as k ed t h e ol d m a n w h en:h e w an t edt o g o.H e (ol d Dam i y (o fol l ow l i i n t77.t h e ol d m a n s t op p ed n g h t i n fr on t of Dan n y s h ou s e.,Th i s i s my h ou s e!”cn ed Dan n y.Th e ol d m a n ju s t t u r n ed ar ou n d an d t ol d Dan n y,*Th i s bag i s for y ou.Us e i t 78 Th en h e w en t off.Dan n y op en ed t h e h ag an d w as 79 t o fi n d a l ot of m on cj-i n s i de.A 80 i n s i de i t s ai d,Hel pcom es t o t h os e h el p.”第二部分 短 文 改 错(共1 0小 题:每 小 题1分,满 分1 0分)卜面也文中的画线部分是错误的,请改正,但不得改变原文意思,井将答案写在答题k上的相应位置,Ch i l dr en an d adu l t s en joy w i t h k i t es.81.Th er e ar e a l ot of k i t e fes t i v al s an d com p et i t i on s i n Ch i n a,Jap an an d m a n y ot h et s cou n t r i es.Bu t k i t es ar e n ot ju s