冀教版小学英语三年级下全册精案精编目 录上 U nitlL essonlI,mHungry!上 U nitlL esson2M eat ChickenAnd Fish上 U nitlL esson3Wouldyou like some soup?教案 14-U nitlL esson3Wouldyou like some soup?教案 2上 U nitlL esson4Vegetablesand fruit 教案 14-U nitlL esson4Vegetablesand fruit 教案 24-U nitlL esson5Breakfastlunch and supper上 U nitlL esson6What*sfor breakfast?上 U nitlL esson7What,sfor L unch?上 U nitlL esson8Again,please!上 U nitlL esson9L etsEat!L ets Drink!4-U nit2L essonlOInthe Restaurant!上 U nit2L essonllPizzaand Hamburgers上 U nit2L essonl2HotDogs and Donuts4-U nit2L essonl3Howmuch!4-U nit2L essonl4Howmuch are they?上 U nit2L essonl5L et smake soup!上 U nit2L essonl6Again,please!上 U nit3L essonl7Skirtand pants上 U nit3L essonl8N ewand old4-U nit3L essonl9Coatand scarf4-U nit3L esson20Shoesand socks上 U nit3L esson21Pyjamas 教案上 U nit3L esson22Daysof the week4-U nit3L esson23Anew coat for L i M ing4-U nit3L esson24Again,please!上 U nit4L esson25Bedroom 教案上 U nit4L esson26Homework 教案4-U nit4L esson27T Vand telephone4-U nit4L esson28Inthe bedroom上 U nit4L esson29Brushand comb上 U nit4L esson30T oys 教案4-U nit4L esson31Games 教案4-U nit4L esson32Again,please!冀教版三年级下册英语教案冀教版三年级下:L e sso n l I m H un g r y!教学内容分析:培养学生用英语思考和交流的习惯和让学生通过小组练习,培养合作学习的能力。将他们的学习兴趣和初步的听说能力转化为学习成就感和进一步学习的动力。本节课的教学内容属于在真实的环境中表达自己的需求。内容有趣并且生活化,符合三年级学生的兴趣所在。教学目标知识目标(1)、要求学生掌握下列单词e a t、d r in k、ta b l e f o o d(2)、能理解并能口头运用句子 I9 m (h un g r y/th ir sty)o I wa n t to (e a t/d r in k);能力目标:能够在真实的环境中表达自己的需求。情感目标:初步了解中西方饮食差异,注意饮食卫生及营养。教学难点分析:本课的四个单词和句子。教学课时:一课时教学过程 S t6 P 1、(1)G r e e tin g:H e l l o,b o ys a n d g ir l s!H o w a r e yo u to d a y?(2)师生同唱“I L o ve Y o u”,(可以边做动作边唱)S te p 2.引入课题:用张贴画出示本课主题图,引导学生:W h o a r e th e y?学生可以说出一些家庭成员的身份,(比如 d a ug h te r,f a th e r,m o th e r,so n).W h a t a r e th e y d o in g?学生可以用汉语回答,从而引出本课要学的有关饮食的内容。(板书课题:L e sso n 1)S te p 3、利用卡片出示桌子,放录音。学生模仿读音,找同学领读,分组读。依次学习f o o d ,e a t,d r in k,(在学习e a t,d r in k时教师可以加上动作,板书e a t,d r 教k)鼓励发音不标准的学生多练习几遍,至读音标准。采用多种形式全班练习,利用小卡片组长组织练习,直至读熟。S te p 4、G a m e:(1)Q uic kl y a n swe r.(快速抢答)(2)G ue ssin g wo r d s.(猜单词)S te p 5、P r a c tic e in g r o up s(小组之内组长组织练习上面游戏)。S te p 6、D e m o n str a te:(I n tr o d uc e:wa n t)T:I wa n t a p e n c il.I wa n t a p e n c il .M a y I h a ve a p e n c il?I wa n t a b o o k,sa yto g e th e r,c l a ss!S s:I wa n t a b o o k.(L e a r n to sa y:wa n t)S te p 7、(板书 I wa n t to)U s e a c t i o n s t o d e m o n s t r a t e t h e n e w p h r a s e s oT:r m h u n g r y.I w a n t t o e a t .(揉搓自己的肚子,装出吃东西的样子)E a t ,e a t.I m t h i r s t y .I w a n t t o d r i n k .(摸着自己的喉咙,装出喝水的样子)D r i n k,d r i n k.(Le a r n t o s a y :h u n g r y a n d t h i r s t y).St e p 8、D r i l l:练习举着有食物和饮料的卡片,引导学生完成下列句子。T:(举着有食物的卡片)1 m h u n g r y.I w a n t t oSs:E a t.T:(举着有饮料的卡片)1 m t h i r s t y .I w a n t t o-Ss:D r i n k.St e p 9 弓 I 导学生:Lo o k!Th e r eJ s a b o y a n d a g i r l .Li s t e n,w h a t a r e t h e y s a y i n g?听一听他们在说些什么?播放录音,看图学习句子。(配合手偶同时使用)小组之内练习句子。表现好的一组奖励金星。课堂练习小组讨论对本课内容总结汇报,完 成 活动手册,练习完成写单词的部分。1冀教版三年级下册英语教案作业安排:活动手册冀教版三年级下:Le s s o n 2 Me a t、C h i c k e n A n d F i s h教学内容分析冀教版课标小学英语三年级下册u n i t l f o o d a n d m o r e n u m b e r s Le s s o n 2 Me a t、C h i c k e nA n d F i s h的内容。要求学生正确的听、说、口头运用食物单词m e a t、c h i c k e n f i s h.正确的听、说、口头运用数字单词 e l e v e n、t w e l v e、t h i r t e e n、f o u r t e e n、f i f t e e n。教学目标知识目标:a.正确的听、说、口头运用食物单词m e a t、c h i c k e n f i s h.b.正确的听、说、口头运用数字单词 e l e v e n、t w e l v e、t h i r t e e n、f o u r t e e n、f i f t e e n。c.能理解并能口头说句子Th i s f o o d i s g o o d.能力目标:通过图片、词语和对话理解句子所表达的意思,让学生能口头运用句子表达自己的感情;能听懂简单的指令和要求做出适当的反应。情感目标:保持学生学习英语的兴趣和热情,鼓励学生将英语运用到生活中。教学难点分析本课的八个单词和句子。教学课时一课时教学过程一.C l a s s Op e n i n g a n d Re v i e w1.G r e e t i n g.Te a c h e r:H e l l o,b o y s a n d g i r l s!H o w a r e y o u t o d a y?”(E n c o u r a g e t h e c l a s s t or e p l y)C l a s s:“”2.Si n g a n u m b e r s o n g:ONE,TW O,”Te a c h e r a n d c l a s s s i n g t o g e t h e r w h i l e d o i n g a c t i o n s.3.Re v i e w Le s s o n 1:W a t c h t h e v i d e o t w o c a t s”,A f t e r t h e v i d e o,a s k t h e c l a s ss a y o u t t h e s e w o r d s a n d s e n t e n c e s f o o d,e a t,d r i n k“T m h u n g r y.I w a n t t o e a t.I m t h i r s t y.I w a n t t o d r i n k.”(视频播放,让学生在情景中回顾所学知识,有助于学生对知识的进一步理解。歌曲的引入,调动学生的学习积极性,活跃课堂气氛。)二.Ne w C o n c e p t s1.Me a t,c h i c k e n,f i s h.T:A f t e r s a y i n g t h e v i d e o,I f e e l a l i t t l e h u n g r y.No w,Le t s e a t s o m e t h i n g ,o k?G u i d i n g t h e s t u d e n t s e e s t h e p i c t u r e:Th e s t u d e n t c a n s p e a k t h e f a m i l i a r w o r d s (f o re x a m p l e:b a n a n a s,a p p l e s,p e a r s,g r a p e s),a n d t h e n ,i n t r o d u c e t h e n e w w o r d s:m e a t,c h i c k e n a n d f i s h.St u d y c h i c k e n,f i s h o n e b y o n e i n o r d e r.E n c o u r a g e n o n s t a n d a r ds t u d e n t i n p r o n u n c i a t i o n.2冀教版三年级下册英语教案P r a c t i c e s e v e r a l m o r e t i m e t o r e a d t h e p h o n e t i c s y m b o l a l l o w.(通过反复朗读加深对单词的记忆。)T:“W h a t i s D a n n y s a y i n g?”D a n n y:Th i s f o o d i s g o o d!E x p l a i n g o o d i s aw o r d w e c a n d e s c r i b e f o o d p h r a s e.I f w e l i k e a c e r t a i n f o o d,W e s a y t h e G o o df o o d!o r Th i s i s g o o d f o o d!.(通过幻灯片展示,从视觉上让学生理解记忆。)G a m e T i m e:(1)Use m o r e wo r d s th a t y o u l e a r n e d(2)、Use th e th i n g s a r o un d y o uPr a c ti c e i n g r o upPa ss th e g r o up g a m e,p r a c ti c e th e wo r d s.(游戏的练习,既调动学生的兴趣,将所学知识灵活运用于生活。)Pl a y th e ta p e,A sk th e stud e n ts to p o i n t to th e p i c tur e a n d r e a d th e wo r d s o nth e b o o k o(播放课文录音进一步巩固所学知识。)2.N um b e r s e l e ve n to f i f te e n.De m o n str a te:Use sl i d e to sh o w 1 1 p i tc h e s.Wh e n th e stud e n t c o un ts th e te n th e te a c h e r sa y se l e ve n,twe l ve,A sk th e c l a ss sa y a f e w ti m e s a f te r th e te a c h e r.Sh o w th a t th e n e x t n um b e r s h a ve te e n o n th e e n d to r e p r e se n t te n .Stud yth i r te e n,f o ur te e n,a n d f i f te e n o n e b y o n e i n o r d e r.(在数字单词的教学中,通过让学生找单词书写的规律来掌握它们的读音,进而记忆。并通过数数的方式加以巩固。)Dr i l l:L e t stud e n t c o un ti n g wi th te a c h e r f r o m 1 to 1 1,T h e n l e t th e m se l ve s c o un ti m m e d i a te l y a f te r,Pr a c ti c e a g a i n a n d a g a i n twe l ve,th i r te e n,th i r te e n、f o ur te e n,f i f te e n.G a m e:T h e te a c h e r use sl i d e to sh o w p i c tur e s a n d l e t stud e n ts to g ue ss a n d c o un t“Wh a t i s i t?H o w m a n y?”(通过师生之间的猜谜游戏的练习,巩固数字单词。)三.Cl a ss Cl o si n g.T h e stud e n ts si n g a so n g o n e,two ”A ssi g n h o m e wo r k.课堂练习Ch o o se a n d ti c k.(挑出不同类别的一项)()1.A.wa r m B.c o l d C.g o o d()2.A.f a th e r B.f o o d C.m o th e r()3.A.o r a n g e s B.p i n k C.p ur p l e()4.A.b a n a n a B.a p p l e C.m i l k()5.A.o n e B.th r e e C.m e a t9 .作业安排活动手册板书设计:L e sso n 2 M e a t,Ch i c k e n a n d F i sh3冀教版三年级下册英语教案1.(pictures to show the words below)meat chicken fish2.eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen11 12 13 14 15冀教版三年级下:L e sso n 3 Wo ul d y o u l i k e so m e so up?L esson 3 Would You L ike Some Soup?在学习新课以前通过视频“two cats”回顾上节课的重点知识,组织学生通过游戏形式练习运用上节课的口语词汇和句子。通过课件的展示学习新知识(参考优秀课件)。创设情景,组织学生进行对话和练习。教师指导完成相关练习。教 学设 计思路教学目知识:1.要求学生掌握下列单词noodles、dumplings、soup、rice2.能理解并能口头运用句子Would you like some?Yes,please./N o,thanks.能力:培养学生在真实的环境中运用英语口语的能力。情感:使学生了解更多的用餐礼节。提醒学生注意用餐时的礼节。标教 学重点本课的四个单词和句子,要求学生能够将单词和句子灵活运用,注意单词的发音和拼写。教 学 computers,radio,pictures,cards媒体一、Class Opening and Review 视频播放,让学1.Greeting 生在情景中回顾所学T eacher:Hello,boys and girls!How are you 知识,有助于学生对today?(Encourage the class to reply)知识的进一步理解。Class:“”通过游戏形式巩功 2.Review 固旧知识,培养学生教_Watch the video two cats After the video,ask the运用英语口 语的能皿 class say out these words and sentences food,fish,eat,力。学、一drink I m hungry.I want to eat.I m thirsty.I want 通过图片展示让to drink.”学生从视觉上理解词过、3.Practice in the group:语。程 M ake a dialogue using the food pictures they have:通过仓设情景,A:r m hungry.I want to eat fish/chicken/meat.What 让学生巩固对词汇的about you?运用。B:r m hungry,too.I want to eat 通过播放课文录二、N ew L esson 音,学习课文内容,1.T eacher:I have much food.T hey are delicious.练习学生的听力。4冀教版三年级下册英语教案M mmgood!Do you want to eat.OK?L et s eat.L et s 组织小组练习运learn.用重点句型,培养学Show the pictures:noodle,dumplings,soup,rice L et生对知识的运用能力students read after teacher several times.和表演能力2.T eacher:Do you like them?WhatT s your favouritefood,noodles,dumplings,soup or rice?Students:.3.Play a guessing game:T eacher:Guess,whatJ s this?If you are right,thepicture is for you.OK?4.Present the dialogue by using computer.T eacher:T oday,Jenny comes to L i M ing s house.Whatdo they eat?L isten carefully!Explain the meaning of the words“some morev5.PracticePractise the dialogue in two.A:Would you like some,?B:Yes,please./N o,thanks.6.Act it out.Give the best group a present.5冀教版三年级下册英语教案冀教版三年级下:L e sso n 3 Wo ul d y o u l i k e so m e so up?教学内容分析:本课是冀教版小学英语三年级下学期第二册第一单元第二课,本单元主要学习的是食物的名称。而本课主要学习的是几种常见的食物名称nood les、d umplings、soup、ric e,以及句型 W ould you like some?Y es,plea se./N o,tha nks.教学目标:1.要求学生掌握下列单词nood les、d umplings、soup、ric e2 .能理解并能口头运用句子W ould you like some?Y es,plea se./N o,tha nks.3 .能在真实地环境中进行会话。4.注意用餐中的礼节。教学难点分析:本课的四个单词和句子。教学课时:1课时教学过程:S tep 1 W a rm-up/R evision(1)L et s c ha nt.O K?T a b le food ,ta b le food,I m hungry.I wa nt to ea t.T a b le food,ta b le food,I m thirsty.I wa nt to d rink.T a b le food,ta b le food,L et s ea t.L et s d rink.(2)P la y a ga me:R a c e a nd W rite the numb ers(from o ne to fifteen)(3)M a ke a d ia logue using the food pic tures they ha ve:A:Pm hungry.I wa nt to ea t f i sh/c h i c ken/mea t.W ha t a b out you?B:I m hungry,too.I wa nt to ea t S tep 2 P resenta tion(1)S a ys:I ha ve muc h food.T hey a re d elic ious.M m good!D o you wa nt to ea t.O K?L et s ea t.L et s lea rn.(2)S how the pic tures:nood leS,d umplings,soup,ric e L et them rea d a fter mesevera l times.(3)A sk:W ha t s your fa vourite food,nood les,d umplings,soup or ric e?(4)P la y a guessing ga me:G uess,wha tJ s this?If you a re right,the pic ture is foryou.O K?(5)P resent the d ia logue b y using c omputer a nd sa y:T od a y J enny c omes L i M ing shouse for supper.W ha t d o they ea t?L et s look.T hen let them a c t it out.(6)S a ys:D o you wa nt to b e a host?H ow to trea t your little guest.L ook c a refully.P resent the d ia lo gue of numb er 2.E xpla in“some more”.T hen let th e stud entssa y a fter the ta pe or c omputer.S tep 3 P ra c tic e(1)P ra c tic e the d ia logue in three:A:W ould you like some,?B:Y es,plea se./N o,tha nks.A:A re you hungry now?B:N o.6冀教版三年级下册英语教案(2)A c t it out.A t la st I ma y find out whic h is the b est gust.G ive them someflowers.S tep 4 A ssessment(1)T o ha ve a n interview with their fa milies a nd friend s using the d ia logue weha ve lea rned.(2)D ra w a nd write d own the food you like.课堂练习:完成活动手册L2 题作业安排:1.H a ve a n interview with your fa milies a nd friend s using the d ia logue we ha velea rned.2.D ra w a nd write d own the food you like.7冀教版三年级下册英语教案冀教版三年级下:L esson4 V egeta b les a nd fruitL esson 4 T ea c hing D esignItemsS pec ific c ontents S upplementT he tea c her pla ys the song W e like fruit,through a sking the stud ents questions:W ha t d othey like,turning to wha t d oes J enny like,na tura lly lea d ing in the word fruit a nd教 学 设 计sentenc e pa ttern we like*.In the proc ess of思路 tea c hing,the tea c her guid e the stud ents stepS umma ry of b y step,mea ntime the tea c her b y d int ofT ea c hingD esign教学目标T ea c hingA iminteresting ga mes to help the stud ents to keephigh enthusia sm in lea rning a nd ma ster theknowled ge.T he tea c her a lso pa y muc ha ttention to the stud ents c oopera tion a ndself-improvement.W ha t s more,the tea c hershows her(his)enc oura gement to the stud ents.1.K nowled ge(1)V oc a b ula ryvegeta b les,fruit,morning,a fternoon,eveningfish,c hic ken(2)S entenc es:I d on,t likeI like 2 .A b ilities(l)T he stud ents c a n freely use the word s:vegeta b les,fruit,fish,c hic ken,morning,a fternoon,evening.(2)T he stud ents c a n use the sentenc epa ttern:I d on t like*I like in their d a ily3.E motionT he stud ents strengthenvegeta b les a nd fruit a re goodlife.the sense tha tfor the hea lth.1.K ey P oints(1)V oc a b ula ries:vegeta b les,fruit,教 学 重 难morning,a fternoon,evening点a ndK ey P ointsS pec ia lD iffic ulties(2)S entenc es:I d on,t like*-I like2.S pec ia l D iffic ultiesT he tea c her how to ma ke the stud entsma ster the key points in the text.8冀教版三年级下册英语教案教学媒体 ra d io a nd ta pe rec ord er,projec tor,T ea c hing pic tures rela ting with the text,c omputer a ndM ed ia d isk1.L ea d inS tep one:T he tea c her pla ys the song:W e like fruit,a nd the stud ents listen to the song.T hen the tea c her set severa l questions:(l)C a n you tell me wha t fruit d o you see?(2)W ha t fruit d o you like?T he song W e likeT he stud ents a nswer the question,fruit is in selec tedT he tea c her pla ys the song a ga in a skingc ourse ma rethe stud ents to sing with the music if theylike.S tep two:T he tea c her a sks the stud ents:W ha t d oesJ enny like,c a n you tell me?T he stud ents try to a nswer the question.T he tea c her d oesn,t give the a nswer.2.S ta rt new lessonS tep one:T he tea c her pla ys the ta pe rec ord er,a nd教学过程 the stud ents listen to the ta pe c a refully withT ea c hing the b ook c losed.C ourse S tep two:T he tea c her repea ts the question:W ha td oes J enny like,c a n you tell me?T he stud ents give the a nswer.W hen the stud entsS tep three:finish lea rning pa rt 1,T he tea c her ta kes out the pic tures:fish,the tea c her c a n pla ysc hic ken,vegeta b les a nd fruit.song or short movieT he tea c her a sks the stud ents:D o you know files c onc erning thehow to sa y these word s in E nglish?knowled ge a b out fish,T hen the tea c her pla ys the ta pe a ga in.T he c hic ken,vegeta b lestea c her ha s pa use a t ea c h of the following a nd fruit to ma ke theword s:fish,c hic ken,vegeta b les a nd fruit,stud ents feel rela xed.T he tea c her a sks the stud ents try to tellthe E nglish na mes for the pic tures.S tep four:T he tea c her a nd the stud ents ha ve littlega mes to pra c tic e the word s.T he tea c her a sks the stud ents:W ha tfruit/vegeta b les d o you like?T he stud ents a nswer.9冀教版三年级下册英语教案S tep five:T he tea c her a sks the stud ents:W ha tfruit/vegeta b les d o you know,c a n you tell me?T he stud ents a nswer.S tep six:T he tea c her gives the stud ents a topic“Is fruit good for hea lth?”a sking them tod isc uss in groups.S tep seven:T he tea c her tells the stud ents they willlea rn pa rt two.F irst,the tea c her pla ys the ta pe.T hen the tea c her a sks the stud ents thefollowing questions:(1)W hen d oes J enny get up?(2)W ha t d oes J enny d o in the a fternoon?(3)D oes J enny go to b ed in the evening?S tep eight:T he tea c her shows the stud ents thepic tures of“morning,a fternoon a ndevening”.T he tea c her stic ks the pic tures on theb la c kb oa rd a nd write the c orrespond ing word sb e