考研英语应用文写作全攻略(一)第一节私人和公务信函一、概述书信是日常生活中常用的文体,是用以交涉事宜、传达信息、交流思想、联络感情、增进了解的重要工具。书信一 般可分为商务信件或公函(B u s i n e s s Le t t e r o r Of f i c i a lC o r r e s p o n d e n c e)和私人信件(Pr i v a t e Le t t e r)两大类。值得注意的是,英语书信的写法与汉语书信有一些明显区别,应特别加以区分。英语书信通常包括下面几个组成部分:信端、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束语、签名、附件、再启等。下面我们将逐个进行介绍。1.信 端(He a d i n g)信端即信头,一般包括写信人的地址和写信日期。一些正式信函的信端还包括发信人或单位的电话号码、电报挂号、电传、传真和邮政编码等。西方国家中有些信端甚至还有单位负责人的姓名、职务和职称等。信端的目的是使收信人一看便知道书信来自何处,何时发出,便于复信和查阅。用一般的信纸写信时,信端应写在信纸的右上角,若字数较多,可从信纸中间或偏右的地方写起。若字数较少,可适当多向右移一些,使整个信端的重心落在右上角。信端的写法主要有并列式和斜列式两种。从目前情况来看,前者更为常用。采用并列式时,每行开头要左对齐;采用斜列式时,每行开头逐次向右移二三个字母的距离。例如(1)并列式1 6 Fu x i n g St r e e tHa i d i a n D i s t r i c tB e i j i n gPo s t C o d e:1 0 0 0 3 5Pe o p l e,s Re p u b l i c o f C h i n aTe l:6 3 2 1 1 2 3 4A u g.2 0,2 0 0 4(2)斜 列 式(In d e n t e d Fo r m)1 6 F u x i n g S t re e tHaidian DistrictBeijingPost Code:1 0003 5People*s Republic of ChinaTel:63 21 1 23 4Aug.20,2004写信端时,先写发信人的地址,地点的名称按由小到大的顺序排列,然后与其它项目和发信日期。具体次序是:第一行写门牌号和街名;第二行写区名、市(县)名、省(州、邦)名,往国外寄的信,还要写上国家的名称;国家名称的前面加上邮政编码,其后可写上电话号码,最后一行写发信日期。如果写信人的地址是机关单位的名称,则将其作为第行。如果写信人的单位没有门牌号码和街名,则第一行可写上所在班级或专业组的名称;第二行写系、科、室名称;第三行写学 校名称;第四行写市(县)、省(州)名称;然后再写邮政编码、国名、电话号码、发信日期等项。如果使用标点符号,则在每行末尾加逗号,最后一行的末尾加句号。但当前的信件中行末大都不加标点符号,但在每行之内该用标点符号的地方,仍要用标点。特别要注意的是,门牌号码和街名之间要加逗号。月份和日期之间不可用逗号。在西方国家,城市名称之后往往写有字母或数字(如 New York,1 03),表示城市的邮政编码。关于发信日期的写法,应注意以下几点:年份应完全写出,不能简写。月份要用英文名称,不要用数字代替。月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May,June,July,因为较短,不可缩写。写日期时,可用基数词1,2,3,4,5,28,29,3 0,3 1 等,也可用序数词1 st,2nd,3 rd,4 th,5 th,28th,29th,3 0th,3 1 1 st等。但最好用基数词,简单明了。日期可有下列几种写法:Oct.20,2004 1 0 May.,2004 3 rd June,2004 Sept.1 6th,2004其中,最为通用。2.信内地址(Inside Address,Introductory Address)信内地址收信人的姓名和地址,写在信纸的左上角,从信纸的左边顶格开始写,低于写信人地址和发信口期一二行,也分并列式和斜列式两种,但应与信端的书写格式保持一致。其次序是,先写收信人姓名、头衔和单位名称,占一二行,然后写地址,可占二至四行,例如:并列式M s.J o a n n a K e rryP e k i n g U n i v e rs i t yH a i di a n D i s t ri c t,1 0 0 8 7 1B e i j i n gC h i n a斜列式M s.J o a n n a K e rryP e k i n g U n i v e rs i t yH a i di a n D i s t ri c t,1 0 0 8 7 1B e i j i n gC h i n a3.称 呼(S a l u t a t i o n)对收信人的称呼应自成一行,写在低于信内地址一二行的地方,从信纸的左边顶格开始写,每个词的开头字母要大写,至于末尾处的符号,英国人用逗号,但美国和加拿大英语则多用冒号。称呼用语可视写信人与收信人的关系而定。给外国人写英文信时,称呼用语要注意以下几点:对没有头衔的男性一般称呼M r.。M r.用在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,不可只用在名字之前,例如对的称呼,应该是:M r.或M r.Wh i t e,不可是:M r.P h i l。若称呼多个男性,则在姓名前用M r.的复数形式M e s s r s.。对一般以人名为名称的公司和企业常用这种称呼,例如:M e s s r s.B l a c k a n d B r o t h e r s 布莱克兄弟公司。对女性一般称呼M r s.,M a d a m或M i s s,M r s.用在已婚女子的丈夫的姓氏之前,或姓氏和名字之前,一般不用在名字前M a d a m e此词可以单独使用或加在丈夫的姓名之前M r s.没有复数形式。若称呼多个女性,则在姓名前用M m e.的复数形式M m e s.而对以女子名字为名称的公司、企业可用M e s d a m e s称呼。M i s s多用于未婚女子,此词可缩写为M s ,用于姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,一般不用于名字之前。对收信人的称呼,也可用头衔或职位的名称,不分性别。例 如P r o f e s s o r (缩写为P r o f.),D o c t o r (缩写为D r.),G e n e r a l (缩写为G e n.)0这些称呼都放在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,如 P r o f.(P h i l)Wh i t e 等。对外公函中对收信人的称呼,可 用G e n t l e m e n (而不是G e n t l e m a n),D e a r Si r (s)和M yd e a r Si r (s)等。G e n t l e m e n之前不能加D e a r,后面也不能带姓名。用Si r s时,前面常用D e a r一词,但也可单独用Si r o若收信人是妇女,则无论已婚或未婚,都可单独使用M a d a m或其复数 M e s d a m e s o对外国高级官员的称呼,如国家元首、政府首脑、部长、大使、公使和特使等,可用(D e a r)Si r,(D e a r)M r.C h a i r m a n,(D e a r)M r.P r e m i e r,(M y d e a r)M r.A m b a s s a d o r,Y o u r E xc e l l e n c y(复数为 E xc e l l e n c i e s)对君主制国家的国王和皇帝等男性君主,可 以S i r称呼,对女王、女皇和皇后等女性君主,可 用M a d a m称呼。有时也用Y o u r M a j e s t y称呼以表示。客气和尊敬Y o u r M a j e s t y可兼指男性和女性,其复数为Y o u r M a j e s t i e s o对王室成员,如太子、王子、亲王和公主等,一般可用(D e a r)S i r或(D e a r)M a d a m但在正式尊称时,一,般 用Y o u r Hi g h n e s s (复数为Hi g h n e s s e s)o收信人称呼先生(男人)M r./E s q.夫人(已婚)M r s.小姐(未婚)M i s s夫人、小姐统称M s.夫妇俩人M r.a n d M r s.两位或两位以上男子M e s s r s两位或两位以上女子(已婚)M e s d a m e s两位或两位以上小姐(未婚)M i s s e s常见的头衔(汉英对照)如下:教授 P r o f e s s o r博士 D o c t o r (D r.,P h.D.)医学博士 M e d i c a l D o c t o r (M.D.)总统或校长P r e s i d e n t主席或董事长C h a i r m a n副主席或副董事长Vi c e C h a i r m a n副总统或副校长Vi c e P r e s i d e n t首相 P r i m e M i n i s t e r总理 P r e m i e r省长或州长G o v e r n o r市长M a yo r参议员Se n a t o r大使 A m b a s s a d o r秘书长 Se c r e t a r y G e n e r a l一秘 F i r s t Se c r e t a r y二秘 Se c o n d Se c r e t a r y院长 D i r e c t o r,D e a n副院长 Vi c e D i r e c t o r系主任 D e a n,He a d,C h a i r馆长 C h i e f L i b r a r i a n,C u r a t o r阁下 E xc e l l e n c y神甫F a t h e r4 .信的正文(B o d y o f t h e L e t t e r)信的正文每段笫一行应往右缩进约四五个字母。在写事务性信件时,正文一般开门见山,内容简单明了,条理清楚。在写私人信件时,信写好之后若有什么遗漏,可 用 P.S.表示补叙。5.结束语(C o m p l i m e n ta ry C l o se)结束语是写信人表示自己对收信人的一种谦称,只占一行,低于正文一二行,从信纸的中间或偏右的地方开始写。第个词的开头字母要大写,末尾用逗号。结束语视写信人与收信人的关系而定例如写给机关、团体或不相识的人的信,一般用:Y o urs(ve ry)trul y,Y o urs(ve ry)f a i th f ul l y,Y o urs(ve ry)si n c e re l y,等等。写给上级和长者的信一般可用:Y o urs(ve ry)re sp e c tf ul l y,Y o urs(ve ry)o b e d i e n tl y,Y o urs g ra te f ul l y,Y o ursa p p re c i a ti ve l y,Y o ur o b e d i e n t se rva n t,等等。写给同志或同事的信一般可用:F ra te rn a l l y y o urs,C o m ra d e l y y o urs,等等。写给熟人或朋友的信可用:Yours,Ever yours,Yours affectionately,As ever,Yours sincerely Yours devotedly,(Most)Fondly yours,Yours excitedly,Intimately y o u rs,等等。写给亲属或挚友的信一般用:Yours,Ever yours,Yours as ever,As ever,Yours affectionately,Lovingly yours,(Much)Love,With Love,Lovingly,Your loving son,Your most affectionate,Your devotedfriend,Devotedly,等等,意即:您 的 永 远 是 您 的 您 的 亲 爱 的 、”您的爱子(孩子、姐妹、侄、侄女、祖 母)、您的挚友 等。写给挚友的信有时也可用:Yours hurriedly,Yours hastily,Yours in haste,等等。写信给挚友,表示歉意时,可用:Contritely yours,Regretfully yours,Yours in(with)regret,Yours in(with)deepremorse 等。在欧洲一些国家里,多把Yours放 在sincerely等词的前面。在美国和加拿大等国,则多用,把yours放 在Sincerely等词之后。Yours 一词有时也可省略。6.签 名(Signature)信末的签名一般低于结束语一二行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始写。若写信人是女性,与收信人又不相识,则一般在署名前用括号注上Miss,Mrs.或Ms.,以便对方回信时知道如何称呼。有的还有署名后写上自己的职称、职务或头衔7.附 件(Enclosure)信件若有附件,应在左下角注明E n c l.或Enc.若附件不止一个,则应写出2(或3,4,5等)E nds.,例如:Enc:ResumeEncls:Grade Certificate8.再 启(P o stscrip t,缩写为 P.S.)再启部分用于补叙正文中遗漏的话,一般应尽量少用,正式的函件中更应避免使用。二、注意事项首先,写信者应设身处地想到对方,尊重对方的风俗习惯。其次,英文信应该行文流畅、言简意赅,避免冗长。这就是说,写信者应用尽可能少的文字表达其必须传递的信息,而且写信者应将其所需传递的信息表达清楚,以免对方产生误解。书信交往,同样需要以礼待人。因而在写信过程中,要避免伤害对方感情,措辞上多选用些礼貌婉转词语。最后,除了避免语法、拼写、标点错误外,信中所引用的史料、数据等也应准确无误。三、常用句式常用的起首语有:1)Thank you for your letter dated D ec.2 2,1 9 6 9.2)Many thanks for your letter of Sept.5,1 9 9 7.3)A thousand thanks for your kind letter of J une 5,1 9 9 7.4)Your kind letter of November 2 2 th arrived this morning.5)Your letter which arrived this morning gave me great comfort.6)I n reply to your letter dated 4 th J uly,I want to say7)Thank you very much for your letter of A ugust 2 and the gift you sent me on C hristmasE ve.8)What a treat to receive your kind letter of May 5 th!9)I t is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting.1 0)F irst of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me.ll)With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that 1 4)I am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has beenapproved.1 5)I wish to apply for teaching position you are offering.1 6)I am too excited and delighted at your good news.1 7)I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations.常用的结束语有:1)A waiting your good news,2)L ooking forward to your early reply,3)H oping to hear from you soon,4)We await your good news.5)I hope to hear from you very soon.6)We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.7)I look forward to our next meeting there in L os A ngeles.8)Your early reply will be highly appreciated.9)A ny other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you.1 0)The help you give me is sincerely valued.1 1)I hope everything will be well with you.1 2)Please let us know if you want more information.1 3)I hope you always enjoy yourself.1 4)I wish you very success in the coming year.1 5)Please remember me to your family.1 6)With best regards to your family.1 7)A ll the best.1 8)With love and good wishes.四、分类举例1)私人介绍信(Private L etter of I ntroduction)例1D irections:One of your classmates and friends L i F ang will go to a university inNew York to study for several months.Please write a letter to an A merican friend inNew York and introduce L i F ang to him/her.You should write about 1 0 0 words and do notneed to write the address.D ear Mrs Mark,I am giving Miss F ang L i,a classmate of mine,this note of introduction to you andMr.Mark,when she goes to visit New York C ity.Miss L i is my good friend.She is invitedby a university to study there for a few months.She is a kind young lady.T believeyou will enjoy meeting and knowing each other and become friends.I t is my hope thatyou will kindly invite her to stay in your house for a few days.K ind regardsVery affectionately,X X X*I t is my hope that.是一个强调句式,意同 I hope that.stay in your house表示在你家小住。例2D irections:Your friend Mary B rown will go to Washington D.C.next month.Writea letter to Tony who is there and introduce Mary to him.You should write about 1 0 0 wordsand do not need to write the address.D ear Tony,This letter will introduce my best friend Mary B rown of whom you ve often heard memention.She is going to be in Washington D.C.next month to lecture.I want very muchto have her meet you there.A nd this seems like an excellent chance for you to meet each other.I think bothof you will have a lot in common.So far as I know,you both are interested in modernliterature.Once you meet her,you will really enjoy her company.A ny kindness to herwill be duly appreciated by me.Yours affectionately,X X X*这是一个向朋友介绍朋友的介绍信。Tony和M.y都是写信人的朋友,在他看来,他们志同道合,有共同爱好,所以希望他们相识,信中说 you both are interested in modernliterature once you meet her,you will really enjoy her company”。2)应聘信(A ccepting Request for an I nterview)例1D irections:You have just received a letter from a company,which replied yourapplication for a job and asked you to go to the interview on A ugust 3 0.Please writea reply which is about 1 0 0 words and you do not need to write the address.D ear Mr.Wang,Thank you for your reply of A ugust 2 0 about my application for a position.I t cameto hand this morning as a pleasant surprise.I am glad to tell you that I will attendthe interview at the time you set for the morning of A ugust 3 0.I will bring along fulldetai 1 s of my testimonials as you suggested.I would like to introduce myself to the company and hope to be a member of it.Iwould certainly spare no effort to acquit myself to your satisfaction.Yours respectfully,X X X*come to hand表示收到。s e t表示设定时间。spare no effort不遗余力。3)推荐信(L etters of Recommendation)例1D irections:You are preparing to introduce your student to sb.Write a letter about1 0 0 words and express your opinion clearly.1)what the referee want to obtain2)the reason you want to introduce him or her.3)the opinion and suggestion of yourself.You do not need to write the address.D ear Professor Smith,I t is my pleasure to recommend my student Mr.Wang G ang for admission to yourdepartment for pursuing a master degree in accounting.I am engaged in accounting teaching at a university in B eijing C hina,I enjoy mywork and all of my C hinese students,who are so clever and friendly.H owever Mr.WangG ang excels almost any others.H e is not only outstanding in the field of accountingbut also gifted for the E nglish language,for he seems to understand almost every wordI say in class.A s concern as his personality,I find him honest,responsible,andcooperative.I bet you*1 1 like him too.I recommend him enthusiastica ly.I f you need further information regarding Mr.WangG nag,do not hesitate to contact me.B est regards,Sincerely yours,X X X*be engaged i n表示从事(.工 作),as concern a s关于、提及例2D irections:You are asked to write a recommendation of your student for a positionof marketing clerk about 1 0 0 words please express your reason clearly.You do not needto write the address.D ear Mr.Manager,I am writing this letter to recommendate my student Wang G ang who is seeking theposition of marketing clerk of your company.H e says you are satisfied with his presentation at the interview and requirerecommendation to be attached to his exceptional academic performance in the college.A s his political instructor,I think Mr.Wang is well qualified for the position heseeks.H e always ranks among the top five in his grade,has passed C E T-6 and obtainsa certificate of intermediate computer skills.Mr.Wang is a studious,selfless,andaspiring young man,and he is awarded the title of Three G ood A ctivist by the collegeevery year.1 believe he is a good candidate worthy of your consideration.Your sincerely,X X X interview即面试,be well qualified表示完全具有资格、很合格例3D irections:You are going to write a recommendation for sb.as you wi1 1 introducehim or her a job.Please express your idea clearly about 1 0 0 words.You do not need towrite the address.D ear Sirs,I take delight in recommending Mr Wang G ang to the E ducation D epartment of youruniversity.Mr Wang is a conscientious and strong-minded young man.H e was first trained fortwo years in B eijing Normal University and assigned to work as a high school teacher.H is desire,however,was to instruct E nglish in a university.Then he entered the B eijingI nstitute of E ducation to study E nglish for another two years.H is academic record wasexceptionally good,especially in A merican literature course.Now,H e has graduated from the institute and hopes to study further abroad,whichwill benefit his future employment prospect and may help fulfil his desire.I should appreciate it very much if you would consider him.Yours sincerely,X X X*take delight in表示很乐于(做某事)。例4D irections:Your are asked to write a recommendation for a student.Please give yoursuggestions and express your opinions clearly about 1 0 0 words.You do not need to writethe address.To Professor Zhang,I have the pleasure of writing this letter of recommendation for Mr.L i Ming,whois a student of mine.H e wishes to be considered an appl icant for the MS course of biologyat your college.Mr.Wang is a gifted young man.H e has devoted his heart to his study and research.Not only has he obtained A s in all major subject areas,but he has also published severalarticles in the school journal,illustrating his originality and his deep understandingof science.F or his competence,he is respected by everyone who knows him.I feel sure that,if he is accepted by your college,he will be able to develop histalent to its fullest potential.I sincerely hope you wi1 1 give him favorableconsideration.Yours cordially,X X X*推荐信经常使用一些褒奖的形容词来描述被推荐人。以下是一些常用的描述品行和能力的词语,供大家参考:bright,clever,capable,gifted,talented,ingenious,outstanding,prominent,diligent,assiduous,industrious,conscientious,hardworking,humorous,good-humored,cooperative,compromising,competent,original,innovative,ambitious,creative,original,innovative,inventive,imaginative,firm,persistent,persevering,resourceful,kind-hearted,generous,honest,helpful,cheerful,considerate,devoted,dedicated,committed,promising,far beyond the average person 等。以上各词应根据语意选择,但不要过于堆砌。4)祝贺信(L etters of C ongratulation)例1D irections:Please write a letter of about 1 0 0 words to congratulate your friendL i Ming,who did well in the passed college entrance exam and has been enrolled in PekingUniversity.You do not need to write the address.D ear Ming,We are very happy to know that you have successfully passed the college entranceexamination this year and have been admitted into Pek