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    2022年江苏大学英语考试真题卷(本卷共分为1 大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总 分 100分,60分及格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共5 0题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.Buy Nothing Da y The da y a fter Tha nksgiving,a l I the world(a t lea stin the US)goes shopping.In Americ a this is the b iggest shopping da yin the entire yea r,known a s Bla c k Frida y,whic h sounds dire,b utev i dent Iy derives from the fa c t tha t storekeepers lose money a l I yea ra nd this is the first da y in whic h they fina lly get into the b la c k whic hmea ns to ma ke money.Some stores a lso c a l I it Green Frida y.It5 9 s theb iggest da y of the yea r for reta ilers,when shopkeeper s c a n mea surewha t their ta ke is going to b e this yea r,a nd the hoiida y spirit flowsa s fa st a s the c a sh registers c a n ring it up.Gifts,dec ora tionsy c a ndya nd ma ga z i nes disa ppea r quic kly,a nd woe to the reta i I er who doesn1 1t ha ve a s muc h in stoc k a s the c onsumers wa nt.nBuy it now1 1 is the phra seof the da y-a nd peopIe ha ve b een doing just tha t for yea rs,egged on b ythe industry tha t b egins a dvert ising a nd dec ora ting ea r Iier a nd moreela b ora tely ea c h yea r.This is a b out wa ste,c onspic uous a nd exc essivec onsumption a nd b eing ma nipuIa ted b y a dvertising to spend more tha n weha ve on things we don t need-a I I idea s we support a nd promote.Wha tsha 11 we do Then a I ong c omes someth ing I ike I nterna t i ona I Buy Noth i ngDa yf a da y when peopIe a round the world pI edge to themseIves to b uya b solutely nothing for 24 hours.Alwa ys a da y la ter tha n the USTha nksg i ving da y in most na t i ons,there a re a c t i vities,c el eb ra t i ons a nddemonstra t i ons of va r i ous k i nds a ga i nst over-c onsumpt i on.Peop I e a reenc oura ged to not ma ke a ny purc ha ses throughout the entire da y.The ideais to inc rea se pa rtic ipa nts9 9 a wa reness of their spending ha b its a ndto th ink a b out ma ss c onsumer i sm a nd i ts effec t on the c u Itura I a nd na tura Ienv i ronment of the wor I d.The fa mous(or i nfa mous,depend i ng on your po i ntof view)Adb uster1 9 s Ma ga zine a nd the first Buy Nothing Da y were b othsta rted b y a ma n na med Ka lle La snt a n a dvertising exec utive turneda nti-c onsumer ist a c tivist.He produc ed the a d tha t the networks wouldn9t run.He tried to b uy a ir time for it over a nd over,b ut wa s turned down,with rema rks to the effec t tha t there1 9 s no la w tha t we ha ve ton a nd it s in oppos i t i on to the c urrent ec onom i c polic y of the United Sta tes.”But we do ha ve TV a ds.The Buy Nothing Da y TV a ds of USA tel I us:Lea ve your wa llet a t home a nd c eleb ra te Buy Noth i ng Da y,the a nnua Irevolt a ga inst c onsumer c ulture.n M.The a vera ge North Americ a nc onsumes five times more tha n a Mexic a nt ten times more tha n a Chineseperson,a nd thirty times more tha n a person from India.1 1 a re themost vora c ious c onsumers in the wor Id.n.a wor Id whic h c ouId dieb ec a use of the wa y we North Americ a ns I ive.M Give it a rest on BuyNothing Da y.M But a t TWHQ(Treehugger World Hea dqua rters)peopIe wereseriously c onf I ic ted a b out the idea of Buy Noth i ng Da y-memb ers spendtheir time promoting ec o-reta i lers a nd designers who need c ustomers,notb oyc otts.Eire sa idf Bla c k Frida y is a lso a n importa nt da y for ourec o-gift ma ker friends.The hoi ida ys a re the time when they get to showtheir stuff a nd ma ke the money they need to get through a nother yea r ofc ompet i ng in this c ra zy Wa l ma rket.We ha ve put a lot of energy into thegift guide a nd so ha ve the a wesome vendors who sent us stuff to helppromote ec o-friendly hoiida ys to the press.I think they deserve oursupport this time of yea r,with gift guides a nd other promotion tha t wec a n offer.M Some peopIe suggest:Buy Nothing Da y1 is a b out ra mpa ntc onsumption of over pa c ka ged,b l ister wra pped rub b ish.We shouId not b eone dimensiona l a b out this.Whic h is b etter for the pIa net A.Forone da y nob ody b uys a nything(next da y they hop in the c a r a nd hea d offto the ma 11 a s norma l)or B.Everyb ody b uys a b i eye Ie on tha t da y.How to expa nd the messa ge:Buy Noth i ng Da y PeopIe a t TWHQ suggest:一b uy someth i ng from store-unwra pped,env i ronmenta 11y-fr i end Iy-b uy a sub sc ription to GSA orga nic produc e b ox-b uy memb ership to ac a r sha re network-b uy loc a l-b uy orga nic,rec yc led,non toxic,reused,dura b le,func tiona I-b uy c a rb on c redits for the fa mily stra vel for the pa st or upc om i ng yea r-b uy sola r pa ne I s-b uy ac omposting toilet There a re a lterna tives to Buying Nothing tha t a reequa 11y positive a nd a lmost a s c hea p.Things I ike c utting up c reditc a rds a nd dropping huge b uy nothing b a nners a c ross shopp i ng ma ils ha vef r i ghtened a nd a ngered some reta i lers.CBS,ABC a nd NBC refuse still toa ir a ds promoting Buy Nothing Da y.(A ta lking pig a nd a ma p of NorthAmeric a seemed to b e offens i ve.)If you b e I ieve tha t peop I e ha ve theright to ma ke dec isions b a sed on informa tion instea d of propa ga nda;ifyou b e Ii eve tha t over-c onsumpt i on is selfish;if you b e Iieve tha tshopp i ng c a n b ec ome a c ompu I s i ve disorder a nd if you b e I ieve tha t it isthe vehic Ie for getting one deeper a nd deeper in deb t,then plea se dopa rtic ipa te.It s ea sy.Simply sta y home,b uy nothing a t a ll.Dont go shopping.Don t b uy a nything.If you work,tA.YB.NC.NG2.To understa nd the ma rket ing c onc ept,it i s on Iy nec essa ry to understa ndthe differenc e b etween ma rketing a nd se11ing.Not too ma ny yea rs a go,most industries c onc entra ted prima rily on the effic ient produc tion ofgoods,a nd then relied on persua sive sa lesma nship to move a s muc h ofthese goods a s possib le.Suc h produc tion a nd selling foc uses on the needsof the seller to produc e goods a nd then c onvert them into money.Ma rketing,on the other ha nd,foc uses on the wa nts of c onsumers.It b eginswith first a na lyzing the preferenc es a nd dema nds of c onsumers a nd thenproduc ing goods tha t wi 11 sa tisfy them.This eye-on-the-c onsumera pproa c h is known a s the ma rketing c onc ept,whic h simply mea ns tha tinstea d of try ing to se11 wha tever is ea siest to produc e or b uy for resa Ie,the ma kers a nd dea lers first endea vor to find out wha t the c onsumer wa ntsto b uy a nd then go a b out ma king it a va i Ia b Ie for purc ha se.This c onc eptdoes not imply tha t b usiness is b enevo I ent(慈善的)or tha t c onsumersa t i sf a c t i on is given priority over profit in a c ompa ny.There a re a I wa ystwo sides to every b usiness tra nsa c tion-the firm a nd the c ustomer-a nd ea c h must b e sa t i sf i ed b efore tra de oc c urs.Suc c essfu I merc ha nts a ndproduc ers,however,rec ognize tha t the surest route to profit is throughundersta nding a nd c a tering to c ustomers.A striking exa mp Ie of theimporta nc e of c a ter ing to the c onsumer presented itself in mid-1985,whenCoc a Cola c ha nged the fIa vor of its drink.The non a c c epta nc e of the newfIa vor b y a s i gn i f i c a nt port i on of the pub Ii c b rought a b out a promptrestora tion of the Cla ssic Coke,whic h wa s then ma rketed a I ongs i de thenew.King Customer ruled!The ma rketing c onc ept disc ussed in the pa ssa ge is,in e s s e n ce,.A.a form of persuasive salesmanshipB.the customer-centred approachC.making goods available for purchaseD.the practice of turning goods into money3.In a n event known a s the Grea t Dying”,some 250 mi 11 ion yea rs a go,90 perc ent of a l I ma rine Iife a nd nea rly three-qua rters of la nd-b a sedp I a nts a nd a nima ls went ext i net.Sc i ent i sts ha ve I ong deb a ted the c a useof this c a la mity-whic h oc c urred b efore the era of dinosa urs-withpossib iI ities inc luding suc h disa sters a s meteor impa c ts.Resea rc hersled b y Peter Wa rd of the University of Wa shington now think the a nsweris glob a l wa rming c a used b y voI c a n i c a c t i v i ty.Their f i nd i ngs a re reported in Thursda y1 1 s online edition of the journa l Sc ienc e.Theystudied the Ka roo Ba sin of South Afric a,using c hemic a l,b iologic a l a ndother evidenc e to rela te la yers of sediment there to simi la r la yers inChina tha t previous resea rc h ha s tied to the ma rine extinetion a t thesa me period.Studying a 1,000-foot thic k sec tion of exposed sediment,Wa rd s tea m found evidenc e of a gra dua I ext inet ion over a b out 10 mi 11 ionyea rs f o 11 owed b y a sha rp inc rea se in ext i net i on ra te tha t I a sted a nother5 m i 11 i on yea rs.They b e I i eve tha t the ext i net i ons were c a used b y g I ob a Iwa rming a nd oxygen depriva tion over long periods of time.Ma ssivevoI c a n i c flows in wha t is now Sib eria b rought on the wa rming while,a tthe sa me time,geo logic a c t i on c a used gIob a I sea I eve Is to drop,Wa rdexpla ined.n0nc e you expose a huge a mount of underwa ter sediment to thea tmosphere,two very b a d things ha ppen-a huge a mount of c a rb on in thesediments is relea sed a nd a lso metha ne.Onc e(metha ne)hits thea tmosphere it s the most effic ient greenhouse ga s on the pla net,hesa id.Tha t provided a one-two punc h of wa rming a nd a dec i ine in oxygenI eve I s,he sa i d.Some of us ha ve b een toy i ng with the i dea tha t d inosa ursevoIved to b e a Iow-oxygen a da pta tion,resulting from this era,Wa rdsa id,1 1 We know b irds c a n I ive a t muc h lower oxygen c onc entra tions tha nwe do,a nd we think there were simila r lung a da pta tions in dinosa urs.Currently the a tmosphere c onsists of a b out 21 perc ent oxygen,b ut thea ddition of ga ses a t tha t time c ould ha ve lowered I eve Is to 16 perc entor I ess,Wa rd sa id.w If you d i dn t I i ve on the sea I eve I you d i dnt live,he c ommented,reflec ting the fa c t tha t oxygen c onc entra tionsdec i ine with a ltitude.The result would ha ve b een to el imina te ha lf theliving spa c e on the pla net,sa id Wa rd.Ac c ording to Peter Wa rd s resea rc h,.A.90%of animals and plants went extinct 250 million years agoB.dinosaurs died off as a result of meteor impactsC.the Great Dying has much to do with volcanic activityD.global warming played a minor part in the“Great Dying”4.In a n event known a s the Grea t Dying,some 250 mi I I ion yea rs a go,90 perc ent of a l I ma rine Iife a nd nea rly three-qua rters of Ia nd-b a sedp I a nts a nd a nima ls went ext i net.Sc i ent i sts ha ve I ong deb a ted the c a useof this c a la mity-whic h oc c urred b efore the era of dinosa urs-withpossib iI ities inc luding suc h disa sters a s meteor impa c ts.Resea rc hersled b y Peter Wa rd of the University of Wa shington now think the a nsweris glob a l wa rming c a used b y voI c a n i c a c t i v i ty.Their f i nd i ngs a re reported in Thursda y5 9 s online edition of the journa l Sc i enc e.Theystudied the Ka roo Ba sin of South Afric a,using c hemic a l,b iologic a l a ndother evidenc e to rela te la yers of sediment there to simi la r la yers inChina tha t previous resea rc h ha s tied to the ma rine extinetion a t thesa me period.Studying a 1,000-foot thic k sec tion of exposed sediment,Wa rd,s tea m found evidenc e of a gra dua I extinet ion over a b out 10 mi 11 ionyea rs f o I I owed b y a sha rp inc rea se in ext i net i on ra te tha t I a sted a nother5 m i 11 i on yea rs.They b e I i eve tha t the extinc tions were c a used b y g I ob a Iwa rming a nd oxygen depriva tion over long periods of time.Ma ssivevoI c a n i c flows in wha t is now Sib eria b rought on the wa rming while,a tthe sa me time,geo logic a c t i on c a used gIob a I sea I eve Is to drop,Wa rdexpla ined.Onc e you expose a huge a mount of underwa ter sediment to thea tmosphere,two very b a d things ha ppen-a huge a mount of c a rb on in thesediments is released and also methane.Once(methane)hits theatmosphere it s the most efficient greenhouse gas on the planet,n hesaid.That provided a one-two punch of warming and a deci ine in oxygenI eve I s,he sa i d.Some of us have been toy i ng with the i dea that d i nosaursevoIved to be a Iow-oxygen adaptation,M resulting from this era,Wardsaid,W e know birds can I ive at much lower oxygen concentrations thanwe do,and we think there were sim ilar lung adaptations in dinosaurs.MCurrently the atmosphere consists of about 21 percent oxygen,but theaddition of gases at that time could have lowered I eve Is to 16 percentor I ess,Ward said.M If you d i dn t I i ve on the sea I eve I you d i dnt liv e,“he commented,reflecting the fact that oxygen concentrationsdeci ine with altitude.The result would have been to el iminate half theliving space on the pIanet,said Ward.The phrase brought on(Line 1,Para 4.)most probably means.A.cause to happenB.accelerateC.diminishD.sustain5.To understand the marketing concept,it i s on I y necessary to understandthe difference between marketing and se11ing.Not too many years ago,most industries concentrated primarily on the efficient production ofgoods,and then relied on persuasive salesmanship to move as much ofthese goods as possible.Such production and selling focuses on the needsof the seller to produce goods and then convert them into money.Marketing,on the other hand,focuses on the wants of consumers.It beginswith firs t analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and thenproducing goods that wi 11 satisfy them.This eye-on-the-consumerapproach is known as the marketing concept,which simply means thati nstea d of try i ng to se 11 wha tever i s ea s i est to produc e or b uy for resa lefthe ma kers a nd dea lers first endea vor to find out wha t the c onsumer wa ntsto b uy a nd then go a b out ma king it a va i Ia b Ie for purc ha se.This c onc eptdoes not imply tha t b usiness is b enevo I ent(慈善的)or tha t c onsumersa t i sfa c t ion is gi ven priority over prof it in a c ompa ny.There a re a I wa ystwo sides to every b usiness tra nsa c tion-the firm a nd the c ustomer-a nd ea c h must b e sa t i sf i ed b efore tra de oc c urs.Suc c essfu I merc ha nts a ndproduc ers,however,rec ognize tha t the surest route to profit is throughundersta nding a nd c a ter i ng to c ustomers.A str iking exa mp Ie of theimporta nc e of c a tering to the c onsumer presented itself in mid-1985,whenCoc a Cola c ha nged the fIa vor of its drink.The non a c c epta nc e of the newfIa vor b y a s i gn i f i c a nt port i on of the pub Ii c b rought a b out a promptrestora tion of the Cla ssic Coke,whic h wa s then ma rketed a Iongs i de thenew.King Customer ruled!Wha t wa s the ma in c onc ern of industria l ists b efore the ma rketing c onc eptwa s widely a c c eptedA.The needs of the market.B.The preferences of the dealer.C.The efficiency of production.D.The satisfaction of the user.6.In a n event known a s the Grea t Dying,some 250 million yea rs a go,90 perc ent of a l I ma rine Iife a nd nea rly three-qua rters of la nd-b a sedp I a nts a nd a nima ls went ext i net.Sc i ent i sts


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