第 二 学 期 学 生 处 期 末 工 作 总 结(Finalwork summary of the second semesterstudent office)【题记】(Inscription)昨天的你了解“三四五”标准,即三种意识:责任意识、竞争意识、忧患意识;四种精神:敬业奉献精神、开拓创新精神、进去拼搏精神、争创一流精神;五种能力:教学业务能力、教育科研能力、教育管理能力、团结协作能力、交流沟通能力。(Yesterday you understood the“three,four,five standards,that is,three kinds ofconsciousness:sense of responsibility,sense of competition,and sense of worry;four spirits:dedication,pioneering andinnovative spirit,hardworking spirit,and first-class spirit;five abilities:Teaching business ability,education researchability,education management ability,unity and cooperationability,communication ability.)今天的我做到了吗?(Did I do it today?)本学期学生处工作总结就从“三四五”标准展开,因为不论于个人工作还是学校发展,这“三四五”标准就是立身之本。(The worksummary of the Student Office this semester will start from the“Three F our F ive“standards,because whether in personal workor school development,this Three F our F ive standards is thefoundation of ones life.)一,成 绩 概 述(L Summary of achievements)一分耕耘一封收获!只要你有心、只要你用心、只要你苦心、天不负!这是我之前的工作总结所述,来洛阳国际工作两年,对这句话给予了很好的诠释。本学期是洛阳国际学校建校第二个年头、第四个学期,两年的春秋,取得了如今的成绩:(One point of hard work,oneharvest!As long as you have the heart,as long as you areattentive,as long as you work hard,the heaven will 1ive upto you!This is the summary of my previous work.I have beenworking in Luoyang International for two years and gave a goodinterpretation of this sentence.This semester is the secondyear and the fourth semester of Luoyang International School.In the spring and autumn of two years,it has achieved currentresults:)1、安全管理深入人心,安全事故不再发生,安全意识人人有责。本学期在学生及所有老师的共同努力之下,安全工作卓有成效,大安全事故没有发生。(1.Safety management is deeply rooted in thehearts of the people,safety accidents no longer occur,andsafety awareness is everyone,s responsibility.With the jointefforts of students and all teachers this semester,the safetywork was fruitful and no major safety accidents occurred.)2、德育队伍精兵强,德育制度拥护人心,崔校长一直以来跟我强调我有三支德育队伍一定要加强管理和切实有效完成工作,所以从本学期刚开始就紧抓三支队伍:班主任、生活老师、学生自治管理队伍的建设和管理、培训。到本学期末,三支队伍都能独当一面且更能精诚团结形成合力,发挥更好地管理效果。德育制度根据两年的管理经验进行查漏补缺,除了更多的繁文缗节,增加了更多的实际应用,让工作变得简易高效,让制度更加人性合理,这样好的制度推进优秀的队伍管理,方能有如今本学期的教师管理队伍的水平更上一层楼,学生行为习惯、文明礼貌变化翻天覆地,好评如潮。更是在班主任队伍建设中取得了优异成绩,如本学期一年级二班班主任宋艳秋老师获得了市级优秀班主任的申请和提名。(2.The moral education team isstrong and the moral education system is supportive.PresidentCui has always emphasized to me that I have three moraleducation teams that must strengthen management and completethe work effectively.Therefore,from the beginning of thesemester,I have grasped the three teams:class teacher,lifeThe construction,management and training of teachers andstudents autonomous management team.By the end of thesemester,the three teams will be able to play their own rolesand unite more sincerely to form a joint force and exert bettermanagement effects.The moral education system is based on twoyears of management experience.In addition to more red tape,more practical applications are added,making the work simpleand efficient,and the system more humane and reasonable.Sucha good system promotes excellent team management.Only now,thelevel of the teacher management team this semester has beenimproved,and the students,behaviors,habits,civility andpoliteness have changed earth-shaking and received ravereviews.It has also achieved excellent results in theconstruction of the class teacher team.F or example,theteacher Song Yanqiu,the class teacher of the first grade andsecond class of this semester,has obtained the application andnomination of the city-level excellent head teacher.)3、本学期按照总校的指导和要求,学生进行了本学期丰富多彩的德育活动,真正做到了让学生做中学,学中做,通过活动锻炼孩子们的行为习惯,促进孩子们良好的养成习惯,本学期小学部的餐厅、宿舍、集 会 的“静齐快”是大家有目共睹的,一直被崔校长所赞为lyis的 两景”o (3.In this semester,in accordance with the guidanceand requirements of the main school,students have carried outa variety of moral education activities this semester,andtruly let students do in middle school,do in school,exercisechildren,s behavior habits through activities,and promotegood nurturing of children.It has become a habit that therestaurants,dormitories,and gatherings of the elementaryschool this semester are quiet and fast”,which everyone cansee,and has been praised by Principal Cui as the twosceneries of Lyis.)4、家校联合促学、合作共赢谋发展。本学期家长学校进行了有效沟通和多次合作交流,形成了 1+12的合力,让学生管理更加有效,家长意见得到及时反馈和有效处理,赢得了家长的一致好评。不论是我们的入学的第一次家长会还是我们lyis国际文化节的家长会,还有毕业班的家长会,让整个家庭学校形成一个有机的整体,从而达到了如崔校所说:家校利益共同体,为了我们共同的目标:为了孩子的明天,我们一直在努力着。(4.Home-school joint promotion oflearning,win-win cooperation and development.During thissemester,the parent school conducted effective communicationand many cooperation exchanges,forming a joint force of 1+12,making student management more effective,and parentsJopinions received timely feedback and effective handling,which won unanimous praise from parents.Whether it s thefirst parent s meeting of our enrollment,the parentJ smeeting of our lyis international cultural festival,and theparentJ s meeting of the graduating class,the whole familyschool forms an organic whole,so as to achieve as Cui Xiao said:home school Community of interests,for our common goal:forthe childrens tomorrow,we have been working hard.)5、本学年我们的招生缴费工作一直刻不容缓,主人翁态度积极融入管理和工作。我们在校生的每个人家庭的详细档案,入校之前的母校,我们都做了详细的调查和存档,为我们的招生工作起到了前期的铺垫工作,让招生工作能够全面展开奠定了基础。缴费工作更是锦上添花,上学期小学部圆满完成了缴费控流工作,本学期更是在学生处的领导下,班主任老师的努力下,缴费工作取得了有效成绩。(5.Ourenrollment payment work has been urgent for this academic year,and the attitude of the master is actively integrated intomanagement and work.We have made detailed investigations andarchives of the detailed family files of each of our studentsand the alma mater before entering the school,which laid thefoundation for our enrollment work and laid the foundation forthe enrollment work to be fully carried out.The payment workis even more icing on the cake.The primary school departmentsuccessfully completed the payment control work last semester.This semester,under the leadership of the Student Office andthe head teacher s efforts,the payment work has achievedeffective results.)以上对本学期学生处工作进行了概述,下面我再从其他六个方面具体详细阐述学生处本学年德育工作。(The above is an overview of thework of the Student Office this semester,and I will elaborateon the moral education work of the Student Office this schoolyear from the other six aspects.)二,安全工作。(Second,work safely.)安全是我们一切工作的底线,今天你把一个健健康康的孩子交给我,明天我定还你一个“完好无损、健康快乐”的优秀学子。(Safety isthe bottom line of all our work.Today you give me a healthychild,and tomorrow I will return you an excellent student whois“intact,healthy and happy”.)1、安全教育周、人人 有 责(1.Safety Education Week,everyone isresponsible)“安全重于泰山”在学校校领导的极度重视之下,同样作为安全管理的学生处直接部门更是重抓、常抓、狠抓此项工作。(“Safety is moreimportant than Mount Tai under the extreme attention of schoolleaders,and the direct department of the Student Office,whichis also a safety management department,pays more attention tothis work.)开学伊始,学生处就已制定了安全责任状,让每个班主任老师、任课老师与学生家长签署,并在学生处存档,以做到安全工作时时有人管,事事有人查,处处有人看,人人有责任的零安全死角的的全方位管理模式。同时还做到了以下几点加以巩固。(At the beginning ofsemester,the student office has formulated a safetyresponsibility certificate,which will be signed by each classteacher,class teacher and student s parents,and filed withthe student office,so that safe work is always monitored,everything is checked,and everyone is watching everywhere.Anall-round management model with no dead ends in safety whereeveryone is responsible.At the same time,the following pointswere also achieved to consolidate.)2、常规管理、必 要 保 障(2.Routine management and necessaryguarantee)1、开展安全督查,树立安全意识(1.Carry out safety inspectionsand establish safety awareness)校领导十分重视学生的安全教育工作,把它作为学校德育工作的首要大事,所以从上学期到现在我们学部安排了行政值班,学校的每一个地方,学生在校的每一个时间都有老师值勤,在课间督查,在楼梯处疏导,让每一位学生都能在老师监督下进行活动,保证了学生的基本安全。(School leaders attach great importance to the safety-education of students and regard it as the top priority of theschooT s moral education.Therefore,from the last semester tothe present,our department has arranged administrative duty.Every place in the school and every time the student is in schoolhas a teacher on duty.,Supervise between classes,and clearthe stairs,so that every student can carry out activities underthe supervision of the teacher,ensuring the basic safety ofstudents.)2、同时根据国家要求开展了各类大型安全教育活动,如开展防震演练活动,让学生获得安全自救能力。lyis小学部再次制定了地震疏散的演练方案,掌握地震这一自然灾害来临时最有效的逃生方法,并于 XX年 6 月 4 日下午16:10 16:50在校园内举行校园防震紧急疏散演练。此次演练最快用时36秒 8 2,最慢用时2分 10秒,通过此次演练不仅再次落实了我校应付突发事件的防范措施,而且也提高了我校实际应对和处置实发安全事件的能力,更进一步增强师生的安全意识,真正掌握了在危险中迅速逃生、自救、互救的基本方法,提高了抵御和应对紧急突发事件的能力。345678(2.At the same time,various large-scale safety education activities have beencarried out in accordance with national requirements,such asearthquake-proof drills,so that students can obtain safeself-rescue capabilities.The lyis elementary school onceagain formulated an earthquake evacuation drill plan to masterthe most effective escape method when the natural disastercomes.On June 4,XX,the campus earthquake emergency was heldfrom 16:10 to 16:50 on the campus.Evacuation drill.The fastesttime for this exercise was 36 seconds 82,and the slowest timewas 2 minutes 10 seconds.Through this exercise,our school notonly implemented preventive measures to deal with emergencies,but also improved our school s actual response and handlingof actual security incidents.The ability to further enhancethe safety awareness of teachers and students,truly master thebasic methods of quick escape,self-help,and mutual rescue indanger,and improve the ability to resist and respond toemergencies.345678)【题记】(Inscription)昨天的你了解“三四五”标准,即三种意识:责任意识、竞争意识、忧患意识;四种精神:敬业奉献精神、开拓创新精神、进去拼搏精神、争创一流精神;五种能力:教学业务能力、教育科研能力、教育管理能力、团结协作能力、交流沟通能力。(Yesterday you understood the“three,four,five standards,that is,three kinds ofconsciousness:sense of responsibility,sense of competition,and sense of worry;four spirits:dedication,pioneering andinnovative spirit,hardworking spirit,and first-class spirit;five abilities:Teaching business ability,education researchability,education management ability,unity and cooperationability,communication ability.)今天的我做到了吗?(Did I do it today?)本学期学生处工作总结就从“三四五”标准展开,因为不论于个人工作还是学校发展,这“三四五”标准就是立身之本。(The worksummary of the Student Office this semester will start from the“Three,F our,F ive,“standards,because regardless of personalwork or school development,the“Three,F our,F ive standardsare the foundation of ones life.),成 绩 概 述(1.Summary of achievements)一分耕耘一封收获!只要你有心、只要你用心、只要你苦心、天不负!这是我之前的工作总结所述,来洛阳国际工作两年,对这句话给予了很好的诠释。本学期是洛阳国际学校建校第二个年头、第四个学期,两年的春秋,取得了如今的成绩:(One point of hard work,oneharvest!As long as you have the heart,as long as you areattentive,as long as you work hard,the heaven will 1ive upto you!This is the summary of my previous work.I have beenworking in Luoyang International for two years and gave a goodinterpretation of this sentence.This semester is the secondyear and the fourth semester of Luoyang International School.In the spring and autumn of two years,it has achieved currentresults:)1、安全管理深入人心,安全事故不再发生,安全意识人人有责。本学期在学生及所有老师的共同努力之下,安全工作卓有成效,大安全事故没有发生。(1.Safety management is deeply rooted in thehearts of the people,safety accidents will no longer occur,and safety awareness is everyone(s responsibility.With thejoint efforts of students and all teachers this semester,thesafety work was fruitful and no major safety accidentsoccurred.)2、德育队伍精兵强,德育制度拥护人心,崔校长一直以来跟我强调我有三支德育队伍一定要加强管理和切实有效完成工作,所以从本学期刚开始就紧抓三支队伍:班主任、生活老师、学生自治管理队伍的建设和管理、培训。到本学期末,三支队伍都能独当一面且更能精诚团结形成合力,发挥更好地管理效果。德育制度根据两年的管理经验进行查漏补缺,除了更多的繁文缗节,增加了更多的实际应用,让工作变得简易高效,让制度更加人性合理,这样好的制度推进优秀的队伍管理,方能有如今本学期的教师管理队伍的水平更上一层楼,学生行为习惯、文明礼貌变化翻天覆地,好评如潮。更是在班主任队伍建设中取得了优异成绩,如本学期一年级二班班主任宋艳秋老师获得了市级优秀班主任的申请和提名。(2.The moral education team isstrong and the moral education system is supportive.PresidentCui has always emphasized to me that I have three moraleducation teams that must strengthen management and completethe work effectively.So from the beginning of the semester,I have grasped the three teams:class teacher,life Theconstruction,management and training of teachers andstudents autonomous management team.By the end of thesemester,the three teams will be able to play their own rolesand unite more sincerely to form a joint force and exert bettermanagement effects.The moral education system is based on twoyears of management experience.In addition to more red tape,more practical applications are added,making the work simpleand efficient,and the system more humane and reasonable.Sucha good system promotes excellent team management.The level ofthe teacher management team in this semester has been improved,and the students behaviors,habits,civility and politenesshave changed dramatically and received rave reviews.It hasalso achieved excellent results in the construction of theclass teacher team.F or example,the teacher Song Yanqiu,theclass teacher of the first grade and second class of thissemester,has obtained the application and nomination of thecity-level excellent head teacher.)3、本学期按照总校的指导和要求,学生进行了本学期丰富多彩的德育活动,真正做到了让学生做中学,学中做,通过活动锻炼孩子们的行为习惯,促进孩子们良好的养成习惯,本学期小学部的餐厅、宿舍、集 会 的“静齐快”是大家有目共睹的,一直被崔校长所赞为lyis的 两景”o (3.In this semester,in accordance with the guidanceand requirements of the main school,students have carried outa variety of moral education activities this semester,andtruly let students do in middle school,do in school,exercisechildren,s behavior habits through activities,and promotegood nurturing of children.It has become a habit that therestaurants,dormitories,and gatherings of the elementaryschool this semester are“quiet and fast”,which is obvious toall,and has been praised by Principal Cui as the twosceneries of Lyis.)4、家校联合促学、合作共赢谋发展。本学期家长学校进行了有效沟通和多次合作交流,形成了 1+12的合力,让学生管理更加有效,家长意见得到及时反馈和有效处理,赢得了家长的一致好评。不论是我们的入学的第一次家长会还是我们lyis国际文化节的家长会,还有毕业班的家长会,让整个家庭学校形成一个有机的整体,从而达到了如崔校所说:家校利益共同体,为了我们共同的目标:为了孩子的明天,我们一直在努力着。(4.Home-school joint promotion oflearning,win-win cooperation and development.During thissemester,the parent school conducted effective communicationand many cooperation exchanges,forming a joint force of 1+12,making student management more effective,and parentsJopinions received timely feedback and effective handling,which won unanimous praise from parents.Whether it s thefirst parent s meeting of our enrollment,the parent smeeting of our lyis international cultural festival,and theparentJ s meeting of the graduating class,the whole familyschool forms an organic whole,so as to achieve as Cui Xiao said:home school Community of interests,for our common goal:forthe childrens tomorrow,we have been working hard.)5、本学年我们的招生缴费工作一直刻不容缓,主人翁态度积极融入管理和工作。我们在校生的每个人家庭的详细档案,入校之前的母校,我们都做了详细的调查和存档,为我们的招生工作起到了前期的铺垫工作,让招生工作能够全面展开奠定了基础。缴费工作更是锦上添花,上学期小学部圆满完成了缴费控流工作,本学期更是在学生处的领导下,班主任老师的努力下,缴费工作取得了有效成绩。(5.Ourenrollment payment work has been urgent for this academic year,and the attitude of the master is actively integrated intomanagement and work.We have made detailed investigations andarchives of the detailed family files of each of our studentsand the alma mater before entering the school,which laid thefoundation for our enrollment work and laid the foundation forthe enrollment work to be fully carried out.The payment workis even more icing on the cake.Last semester,the elementaryschool successfully completed the payment control work.Thissemester,under the leadersh