人教版新课标Module 8Unit 3 Inventors and inventions教学设计河北省曲阳永宁中学 陈晓宇i.教材分析本课是一篇记叙性的文章。故事讲的是一个女孩如何通过多次尝试最后成功的把在她母亲家院子里安家的一窝蛇捉住并放归大自然,她的捕蛇技术申请了发明专利,文中也提到了申请专利的标准。作者在文中详细介绍了从发现问题(snaketrouble)、分析问题(products that might help)到解决问题(remove the snakes)的全过程,并介绍了专利申请方面的一些知识。本课旨在通过教学,使学生能了解发明和发现的区别,了解发明创造的过程和获得专利的条件,学习发明家的成功事例;能灵活运用基础句型谈论不同发明的优缺点及其现实意义,并能运用所学知识利用现实生活中有限材料进行组合、利用和创造以解决问题。II.教学目标1.Target language 目标语言a.词汇:discovery,patent,distinguish,product,power,perfume,cube,abrupt,abruptly,convenient,expectation,monitor,passive,criterion,valid,callup,now and then,set about,in case,traffic jam,beaten track,dive into,set out(to do)b.重点句型Every time you do,you will be certain to findNor will you receive a patient until-jelly freezes hard when cooled.2.Ability goals 能力目标通过对课文故事的学习激发学生对未知事物及领域的探求精神,培养其创新能力;通过,活动来培养其树立正确的价值观,引导学生用科学的思想方法来解决问题。3.学能目标教会学生泛读的技巧和浏览查阅相关英语资料的技巧,培养学生养成自主学习的习惯。4 .教学重难点a.调动学生的学习积极性,发挥其主体作用,使全体学生都能参与到学习中。b.掌握阅读方法与技巧,归纳总结文章大意,提取文章重要信息。5.Teaching aids 教具:multimediaIII.Teaching procedures:教学设计Step 1 Lead-in1.Show the pictures of Thomas Alva Edison and Ben Franklin,(Thomas Alva Edison invented Electric bulb;Ben Franklin found flash in the sky iselectricity.)设计说明 利用图片和学过的背景材料创设情景,通过引导学生对其简单描述使学生进入兴奋状态,激发其探求知识的好奇心,在不知不觉中导入新课。2.Ask Students to identify the difference between discovery and invention.An invention is something that is created by a human being.A discovery is merely making known something that already exists in nature.3.Show students some pictures:Ask students to decide which one is an invention andwhich one is a discovery.1).Newton discovered gravity.2).Stephenson invented the train.3).Columbus discovered the New Continent4).Zhang Heng invented the seismograph 设计说明设计启发性问题,引导学生总结发明和发现的关系并归纳其定义,这是对学生思维方式的培养和思考能力的锻炼。Step 2 Reading1.Pre-readingWhat do you use to catch snakes without harming them?2.Skimming:Read the passage quickly to find the main idea of each part.Divide the text into four parts and work out the main idea of each part.(Discuss ingroups)Part I(Para 1)The of the problem of the snakes.Part II(Para 2-3)The research on the to solve the problem.Part III(Para 4-6)The to catch the snakes.Part rv(Para 7-8)The of getting a patent.设计说明 教会学生运用略读的方法划分文章结构,建议学生用group work的方法归纳段落大意。教师可大范围的提问以确认学生对文章的理解程度,以便下面的教学更有针对性。Step 3 Careful-readingPlay a game:Choose a letter and do as instructed.1.Why was the writer happy to help her mother?Because here was a chance for him to himself by inventing somethingthat would catch snakes but not them.2.What are the three possible approaches I decided on?firstly.secondly.thirdly.and I decided to use the one3.Why did cooling the snakes make them less active?The cooling made the snakes less active because they are animals andtheir body temperature depends on the heat around them.4.What did I prepare before taking action?an ice-cream maker,a bowl and jelly,putting the bowl with jelly into the fridge,ice-cubes,a large bucket,and a net.5.Describe the 3 attempts using your own words.I had to my first plan.I needed to my second design.My third a t t e mp t.6.Can you find out some key verb phrases to describe the steps that the writer takes tocatch the snakes?Firstly,Secondly,Finally,The next morning,and The next day,7.After the writer caught the snakes in her own way,can we say she is an inventor?No.Only after you have had the recognition of patent can you say you are truly aninventor.8.According to the text,which subject do you think can be given a patent?A.A new star discovered by a scientist.B.A new novel written by Huo Da.C.A new way to make dirty water clean.D.A new kind of grass found in a mountain which can be used as a medicine.9.True or falseIf you have a scientific theory or mathematical model,you can get a patent.10.True or falseAn inventor can easily get the patent fbr the invention.设计说明此过程是对文章的深层理解,可分梯度设计课堂活动。文章内容的查找与归纳(作者捕蛇的三个步骤,不能获得专利的情况)一常识及推理性问题(为什么降温更容易捕蛇、获得专利的好处)实践运用问题(作为专利局官员如何判断以下专利申请)T开 放 性 问 题(发明家应具备的品质)。此时,教师可运用多种教学方法,如个别提问、全体解答、齐读、讨论、个别交流、鼓励、启发等,以加深对文章的理解,培养学生的创新精神、协作精神和实践能力。多媒体的运用能扩大课堂容量,更形象而深入的解决教学中的重、难点。在融洽、热烈的师生互动中渗透价值观及学习方法的教育。Step 4 DiscussionLet the Ss identify the stages that inventors follow to invent using their previousknowledge about science experiment.Look at the list and work out a suitable order that inventors usually follow to make aninventionApplying for a patentFinding a problemDoing researchTesting the solutionThinking of a creative solutionDeciding on the invention123 45 6 设计说明发明家为了让其发明得到认可必须通过六个程序,要求学生调整其顺序来预测一项发明产生的过程,此时教师就“你是否想成为发明家?”与学生进行互动,可锻炼其对某一话题的语言表达能力。Step 5 language learning:Important phrases and sentences:在农村似乎做了某事除掉使自己扬名似乎有开始做结冰的碗谨慎地按计划进行抓住机会被某人督促一个的问题1.There only seemed to be p o w d e r s(d e s i g n)to kill snakes.2.(prepare)with some research findings,I decided three possibleapproaches.3.Between the outside and the inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly,freezes when(cool).4.O n c e(p i c k)up,they tried to bite me.5.The next morning,I carried in my hand a small n e t(u s e)for catching fish.6.B u t(mo n i t o r)carefully,the snakes proved to be no trouble and allwent according_plan.7.(press)by my friends and relations,I decided to seize the opportunity(get)recognition for my successful idea by sending my invention to the patentoffice.8.Nor you receive a patent until a search has been made to fin out yourproduct really is different from everyone elsers.9.There are a large number of patent examiners,t o o,o n l y job is to examineyour clam is valid or not.设计说明这一环节的设计主要是检查学生对文中知识点及语言点的掌握情况。Step 6 HomeworkSuppose your ship was caught in a storm and sunk.You were washed away to anisland.Use the things you found to ask for help.rope,rod,plastic bottles,knife,tall trees,flash light,a broken fishing net 设计说明此项任务包含探险、求生、坚韧、顽强、灵活、创造、合作等素材,能使每个学生有话可说,发挥其想象力、创造力,实现了从课堂知识到实际运用能力的转化。课后反思本堂课力求做到大容量多层次,使不同水平的学生在参与课堂活动的过程中得到切实的锻炼和提高。而猜词游戏、小组讨论等活动更可以全方位的锻炼学生的听说能力、思考方式、创新能力、合作能力,教师应注意引导学生克服羞涩心理观点时可由词到句,集思广益,大胆展开想象的翅膀。在处理课文时,避免枯燥刻板的让学生回答一个个问题,应用风趣亲切的交流创设一个饱满轻松的课堂氛围,引导学生在不知不觉中实现对文章的理解,因势利导的进行学法教育、价值观教育及创新、协作精神的培养。