2023年人教版初中九年级英语UNIT10达标测试卷(含解析)时间:100分钟 满分:120分第一卷听力部分(2 5分)一、听对话,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)听句子,选择最佳应答语。(每小题1分,共5分)6.A.Than k s a l o t,Lil y.C.I am her e o n bu s in es s.7.A.It do es n,t m at t er.C.Of co u r s e.8.A.It is exp en s iv e.C.I t hin k it s w in dy.9.A.So r r y,I am n ew her e.C.It,s dar k.1 0.A.I t hin k it s beau t if u l.B.I t hin k it s 1,0 0 0 yuan.C.It is v er y n ice.B.r m s o r r y t o t r o u bl e yo u.B.No t at al l.B.It s f ar aw ay.B.Who ar e yo u?三、听小对话,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)1 1.What is s u p p o s ed t o do in t he w o m an,s co u n t r y w hil e yo u ar e eat in gn o o dl es?A.To k eep q u iet.B.To m ak e a n o is e.C.To eat m an y n o o dl es.1 2.Wher e m ig ht t he t w o s p eak er s be?A.In a cl as s r o o m.B.In a r es t au r an t.C.In a dep ar t m en t s t o r e.1 3.People should when they meet for the first time in Mexico.A.kiss B.bow C.shake hands1 4.What does Jack expect them to serve first?A.Noodles.B.Candy.C.The cake.1 5.H ow did the woman feel before she went to school in China?A.Afraid.B.Excited.C.Nervous.四、听长对话,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,完成1 6、1 7小题。1 6.What is H elen doing?A.She is looking for her dress.B.She is talking with a Japanese friend.C.She is reading a book.1 7.What is Jack supposed to do when he meets the Japanese for the firsttime?A.To shake hands.B.To bow.C.To nod.听第二段对话,完成1 82 0小题。1 8.Why does the girl feel nervous before going to Switzerland?A.Because she doesn,t know the language.B.Because she has never been abroad.C.Because she doesn,t know the culture there.1 9.What is famous in Switzerland?A.The watch.B.Time.C.Culture.20.What should the girl do if she goes to a party in Switzerland?A.She should be on time.B.She should buy a present.C.She should take some flowers.五、听短文,选择最佳答案。(每小题1 分,共 5 分)21.What should you do before you visit a Chinese family?A.Knock at the door.B.Make a call.C.Take off the shoes.22.When can you come into the hosts house in China?A.After you take off the shoes.B.After the host says Come in,pleasev.C.After shaking hands.23.In Japan,what should you do before you come in?A.Bow to the host.B.Take off the shoes.C.Kiss the host.24.Why should you finish all the food in England?A.To make the host happy.B.To show it is just so-so.C.To show I am hungry.25.H ow many countries are mentioned in the passage?A.3.B.4.C.5.第二卷笔试部分(9 5分)六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共1 0分)2 6.一Jack,yo u s ho u l d m in d yo u r _.It is im p o l it e t o t al k l o u dl y inp u bl ic.一So r r y,Mo m.V 1 1 r em em ber w hat yo u s aid.A.s u g g es t io nB.dir ect io n2 7.2 8.C.m an n er sD.p as s p o r t(易错题)The co m p et it io n w il l beg in s o o n,bu t Pau l l o o k s v er y一Oh,he has w el l p r ep ar ed f o r it.He is s u r e o f w in n in g it.A.w o r r iedC.s u r p r is ed Shal l w e g o t o r m af r aid n o t.B.in t er es t edD.r el axedt he m u s eu m t o m o r r o w m o r n in g?The m u s eu m is o p en ev er y dayMo n day.A.l ik eB.du r in gC.excep tD.w it ho u t2 9.一Yo u o r der ed n ew s p ap er s f o r yo u r f at her,r ig ht?3 0.Yes.A.Thisis im p o r t an t f o r him t o r ead n ew s p ap er sB.ItC.Thatev er y m o r n in g.D.On e一Ho w did Mik ein t he g r o u p w o r k?一Ver y w el l.Mr.Whit e w as v er y s at is f ied w it h him.A.behav eB.r em ainC.decideD.cho o s e3 1.一What do yo u t hin k o f t he m o v ie Ju r as s ic Wo r l d?一Ver y w o n der f u l.It is w el l w o r t hA.s eein gB.bein g s eenC.t o s eeD.t o be s een3 2.一What do yo u t hin k Ibu y f o r Mar ia?一I t hin k a bu n ch o f f l o w er s is a g o o d cho ice.A.am r eady t oB.am excit ed t oC.am s u r p r is ed t oD.am s u p p o s ed t o3 3.一Did yo uyo u r u n cl e,s ho u s e w hen yo u ar r iv ed in Beijin g?一Yeah,Dad.Bu t m y u n cl e w as n o t at ho m e.A.l o o k f o rC.dr o p byB.g o byD.t ak e o f f3 4.一Jas o n has n t f in is hed t he w o r k,bu t do n,t p u n is h him.he hasdo n e his bes t.一Yes,yo u r e r ig ht.A.At f ir s tC.In t o t alB.Fo r exam p l eD.Af t er al l3 5.I am s o r r y f o r bein g l at e f o r t he p ar t y,Jam es.We hav e ju s t s t ar t ed.A.What a p it y!B.Ho w co m e?C.Yo u r e w el co m e.D.It s n o big deal.七、完形填空。(每小题1分,共1 5分)“Mabel,Mabel,s t r o n g an d abl e,k eep yo u r el bo w s o f f t he t abl e.”My m o m t au g ht m e t his r hym e(韵文)3 6 I w as o n l y 3 o r 4 year s o l d.Itt o l d m e 3 7 t abl e m an n er s.Dif f er en t co u n t r ies hav e 3 8 t abl e m an n er s.Each co u n t r y I hav et r av el ed t o s eem s t o hav e l o t s o f r u l es.3 9 t hem can be s o har d t hatit can br in g yo u a headache.In Am er ica,g o o d m an n er s in cl u de k eep in g yo u r el bo w s 4 0 t he t abl eat m eal t im es.Mo r eo v er (并且),t hes e s t r ict r u l es 4 1 s ay yo u r l ef t han ds ho u l d s t ay o n yo u r l ap(月 蔡 盖)w hil e yo u ar e eat in g w it h yo u r r ig ht han d.If yo u t r av el t o Hu n g ar y o r Au s t r ia,yo u ar e 4 2 t o k eep bo t h han ds o nt he t abl e t o be p o l it e.When yo u ar e in Can ada o r Am er ica,do n,t 4 3 t o p u t yo u r n ap k in(餐巾)o n yo u r l ap.The n ap k in t her e s ho w s yo u r g o o d m an n er s.Bu t in Ro m an ia,t his is t ho u g ht t o be 4 4 .If yo u do t hat at a f r ien d s ho m e,t he 4 5m ig ht f eel u n hap p y.As I g r ew u p,I hear d m y dad t el l m e abo u t g o o d 4 6 ag ain an d ag ain.To eat p r o p er l y,o n e s ho u l d s it u p _ 4 7 an d car ef u l l y br in g t he f o r kt o his o r her m o u t h.When I f ir s t m o v ed t o Taiw an,I 4 8 a bo w l o f r ice w it h cho p s t ick s.4 9 u n co m f o r t abl e it w as!Then I f o u n d it w as q u it e al l r ig ht t o 5 0m y bo w l an d ho l d itcl o s e t o m y m o u t h.What a r el ief (轻 松)!3 6.A.w henB.u n t ilc.becau s eD.w het her3 7.A.p o l it eB.p o s s ibl ec.co m f o r t abl eD.in t er es t in g3 8.A.s am eB.bo r in gc.dif f er en tD.p er f ect3 9.A.Fo l l o w in g B.Real izin gc.Fo r g et t in gD.Av o idin g4 0.A.o nB.o f fc.bes ideD.bet w een4 1.A.har dl yB.ev enc.s el do mD.al r eady42.A.w ar n edB.s u p p o s edc.f o r cedD.r ecal l ed4 3.A.g r eetB.r em em berc.f o r g etD.exchan g e4 4.A.g en t l eB.im p o r t an tc.r u deD.im p at ien t4 5.A.w ait erB.ho s tc.co o kD.g u es t4 6.A.v al u esB.m ean in g sc.s en s esD.m an n er s47.A.dir ect l yB.f o r w ar dc.s t r aig htD.back w ar d4 8.A.bo u g htB.m adec.s o l dD.at e4 9.A.WhatB.Ho wc.Wher eD.When5 0.A.p u t do w nB.t ak e o u tc.p u t aw ayD.p ick u p八、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共3 0分)APer s o n al s p ace is an in v is ibl e(看不见的)ar ea ar o u n d u s.Man y o f u sm ay f eel u n co m f o r t abl e w hen s o m eo n e s t an ds t o o cl o s e t o u s o r m ak es eyeco n t act w it h u s f o r l o n g.Peo p l e hav e dif f er en t o p in io n s o n p er s o n al s p acein dif f er en t cu l t u r es.In bo t h Lat in Am er ican an d Ar ab co u n t r ies,p eo p l e f eel co m f o r t abl es t an din g cl o s e t o o t her s w hil e w ait in g in l in e.It s al s o co m m o n f o r p eo p l et o s it cl o s e t o each o t her in p u bl ic p l aces.No r t h Am er ican s l ik e t o hav e t he l ar g es t am o u n t o f p er s o n al s p ace.As a result,they often live in much bigger houses with bigger rooms.People from Mediterranean countries such as France,Greece,and Italyare more likely to kiss family and friends when they meet.They are alsomore likely to live most of their lives in the same neighborhood.Australians who live in towns and cities don,t need as much personalspace as those who live out in the desert.51.People in Arab countries most probably when they,re on the subway.A.talk about the weatherB.sit close togetherC.keep away from the doorsD.avoid eye contact52.North Americans choose bigger houses in order to.A.hold parties at home B.stay with their familyC.live a modern life D.have their own space53.Italians usually greet their friends by.A.kissing B.bowingC.shaking hands D.making eye contact54.What do we know about Australians who live in cities?A.They stand away from each other in public.B.They often visit those living in the desert.C.They pay little attention to personal space.D.They prefer to stay with their friends.55.Whats the purpose of the reading?A.To tell us how to achieve personal space.B.To explain why people need personal space.C.To give some facts about personal space.D.To call on people to keep personal space.BIf you are in America or go to American families to have meals,youshould learn some table manners.H ere are some tips:Don,t circle your plate with your arms.If you do so,you will becomethe focus(焦点)of the table.Everyone would wonder,“Is there anythingwrong with the food?”This may give a wrong message that you don,t likethe food or something like that.Don,t push the plate back when finished;leave it where it is.Do youwant to let the hostess know that youve just done a labor?Don,t lean(倚靠)back and say Im through or Im full”.Justput the knife and fork across the plate.Thats all.Don,t cut up everything before you start to eat.Cut only one or twobites(块)at a time.Never take a huge mouthful of anything.Do you want to show how hungryyou are?Don,t do that.Its not so good.Its never good to reach across the table for anything.If the thingyou want is not at hand,simply ask the nearest person for help,like Mrs.Smith,could you pass me the dish?”56.According to the passage,which of the following is WRONG?A.Leave the plate where it is when finished.B.Cut one or two bites before you start to eat.C.Push the plate back when finished.D.Don,t take a huge mouthful of anything.57.After finishing dinner,you s h o u l d.A.put the knife and fork across the plateB.stand up and leave the tableC.say“Im full”D.say Im through”58.If you want a dish far from you,you should.A.ask the nearest person for helpB.leave your seat to get itC.sit there until others help youD.stand up and reach across the table for it59.If you are at the table and circle your plate with your arms,otherpeople will think_.A.you don,t like the foodB.the food isn,t good for youC.there is something wrong with the foodD.all the above60.Which can be the best title for this passage?A.H ow to Behave in AmericaB.Table Manners in AmericaC.What You Can Do in AmericaD.Table Manners around the WorldCJob interviews(面试)can be very different from country to country.An interviewer,s“body languagev and questions,and the form of aninterview are not the same around the world.If youre at a job interview in Japan,don,t look directly into theeyes of the interviewer.It is considered impolite.But if you,re at aninterview in the U.S.,you should make eye contact(交流)with theinterviewer.If you don,t,the interviewer may think you are not sure aboutyour ability.In the U.S.and some other countries,interviewers aren,t supposedto ask questions about family and personal information.In most countries,however,personal questions are very common during job interviews.In Germany,your interview might begin with a very short conversationfollowed by a formal(正 式的)interview.In Mexico and many othercountries,the whole interview might not be formal.61.In Japan,looking directly into the eyes of the interviewer is.A.boringB.impoliteC.humorousD.dangerous62.What is suggested at an interview in the U.S.according to the text?A.Sitting by the interviewer.B.Making eye contact.C.Talking about family background.D.Asking personal information.63.In,a short talk usually begins before a formal interview.A.Japan B.the U.S.C.Germany D.Mexico64.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?A.Culture.B.Geography.C.Science.D.Sports.65.Whats the best title of the passage?A.Job Interviews in JapanB.Job Interviews in the U.S.C.Job Interviews in GermanyD.Job Interviews in Different Countries九、任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共1 0分)阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。Everywhere in the world there are different ways of behaving.Whenwe meet someone,everything we say and do expresses our cultural background.So if you want to get on with someone from another culture,it helps tounderstand something about these differences.Even how we stand depends on our culture.English people talk to eachother at an average(平均的)distance of 1 30 cm,while Italians chat atan average distance of 80 cm.So Italians can think that English peopleare unfriendly because they stand too far away!And English people canthink that Italians are too close.Touching is also cultural.The French touch much more than Americans.A French couple may touch 1 00 times in half an hour while an American couplemay only touch twice!And French teenagers touch each other much more thanAmerican teens.CanadaIf you are invited for ameal,you should arriveon time-not early or late.IndonesiaNever point to anythingwith your foot.FranceWhen eating out,keepboth hands on or abovethe table.任务一:6 6.请将画线句子翻译成汉语。任务二:请根据短文内容回答问题。67.In which country should you arrive on time for a meal?68.What do French people do when they eat out?任务三:请根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。According to the passage,Italians stand 69.than English people.American teens touch 70.than French teenagers.十、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。(每 小 题 1 分,共 5 分)71.Some students have to wear glasses in class because they can,t seetheb c learly.72.Our teacher has given us some advice that is well(值得)considering.73.We are going to have a welcome party for the(交换)studentsfrom London.74.Listen!Someone is k on the door.75.As students,we must y time when we study.十一、根据汉语意思完成句子。(每 小 题 1 分,共 5 分)7 6.我太粗心了,以至于在这次英语考试中犯了一些错误。I was so careless that I in the English test.77.他这次是特地来看你的。H e_to see you this time.78.她已经习惯了面对困难。She has facing difficulties.79.我的同班同学的父母过去常常让我感觉像在自己家里一样。My classmates parents used to me.80.让别人等太久是不礼貌的。It is to keep others for a long time.十二、短文填空。(每小题I分,共1 0分)根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词。Youve been here in China for a few days,and you may notice thatChinese people can sometimes be very direct.But don,t be fooled intothinking you can 81.anything you like to them.H ere are a fewthings foreigners 82.China should never say.H ave you been on vacation?You look so tanned(晒黑的)!While many people in the West grow up with the idea that dark skinis 83.sign of beauty,this is not true in China.That explains84.umbrellas are just as common on sunny days as they are onrainy days here.I really love China,but-Don,t finish that 85.No place can be perfect.Its fineif you say something impolite about your 86.country,but don,tdo it about someone elses.This doesnt just happen in China,but itsfair to say the Chinese people show more love to their country.I think Chinese food is the best food in the world.What,s that?As everyone in China should already know this,sayingthat you love Chinese food is like saying that sugar is87.orice is cold.It won,t hurt anybody,but they may think you know88.about their food culture.Since there are many89.kinds ofChinese food,it sounds better to talk about the local food that you likemost.Keep them in mind and 90.your stay in China!十三、书面表达。(1 0分)假如你是Wang H ong,你的美国笔友Kevin下学期将作为一名交换生来你们学校。下面是他发给你的一封e-mail,请根据邮件内容给予恰当的回复。注意:1 00词左右(开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。To:Wang H ongSubjects:My QuestionsDear Wang H ong,H ow are you doing?You might not believe it,but Im going to your