2002年 考 研 词 汇 第 一 部 分:动 词 1.identify i+dent+ify+=1)dent 牙 2)pl?折,叠 3)tempt 尝 试 4)sent sens 感 觉 5)ject 投 6)visvid 看 7)fe r运,带 8)movemobmot 移 动 9)form形 式 10)actag 行 动 11)fbre 前 12)tend tent tens 伸 13)image 形 象 14)tri 三 15)pend 花 钱 16)Strong 强 壮 17)tail 切 18)ceedcess ced 走 19)merge 淹 没 20)sist 站,立 21)levVieve 轻,升 22)just 正 23)tain 掌 握 24)scribescript 写,画 25)bat 打,击 26)late 带 来 27)use ut 用 28)organ 组 织 29)mon 一 30)ed 吃 31)note 标 示 32)fbrcefbrdfbrt 力 量 33)sectseg 切,割 34)mechan 机 器 35)versvert 转 36)auto 自 己 37)term 限 制 38)a rt艺 术,技 术 39)fic 做,制 40)spect spec spic 看 41)mitmiss 投,射 42)leg法 律 43)gress gred 走 44)fect fact fic 做,制 45)dictdicdex 说 46)p e r终 结 47)aud 听 48)ventven 走、行 49)m od样 式,模 式 50)gengener 产 生 51)pehpuls 推,驱 动 52)capt cipcept 捉,拿 53)sem sim 相 同 54)act ag 行 动 55)min 小 56)cure 关 注 57)cid cis 切 58)usut 用 59)vid vis 看 60)pot poss 有 力 的 61)cess ceed ced 走 62)circ 圈,圆 63)破,碎 64)flat 吹 65)Sphere 球 66)sec sequ 跟 67)serve保 留,服 务 68)sumsump 拿 69)m od样 式,模 式 70)dos dot don 给 71)sc i知 道 72)riv 河 73)fbr 拿,带 74)monstr 展 示 75)manu 手 76)gram 写,画 77)ventven 走,来 78)cult 耕 种 79)struct 建 造 80)norm规 范,标 准 81)medLp 间 82)fer 拿,带 83)fluct 流 动 84)clusclud 关 85)pospon 摆,放 86)eq u相 等 87)drama 戏 剧 88)2.reply re+ply一 _+=3.attempt at+tempt f _+=4.resent re+sent-*_+=5.inject in+ject-_+=6.underestimate under+estimate_+=7.devise de+vise-_+=8.confer con+fer9.remove re+m ovel-H-=10.perform p e r+f o r m l-4-=11.interact inter+act-*_+=12.forecast fbre+cast=13.extend ex+tend-_+=14.imagine image+ine15.triple tri+ple-+=16.17.quadruple quadr+u+ple=suspend sus+pend-_+=18.strengthen strong+th+en-_+_+_=_19.retail re+tail-_+=20.exceed ex+ceed-*_+_=_21.emerge e+mergel-+=_22.assist as+sist-*_+=23.imply im+plyf_+_=_24.25.seek|see+kf+=relieve re+lieve-F=26.27.28.fbreseefbre+see f+=justify|iust+ifyf+=_contend con+tend 4-=29.insist in+sist-+=30.maintain main+tain-+=31.prescribepre+scribe f+=32.33.acknowledge ac+knowledge=debate de+batef+=34.prolong pro+long-_+=第 二 部 分:形 容 词 和 副 词 35.36.initiate in+it+iate_+_=_translate trans+late-+=37.abuse|ab+usef+=1.disorganized dis+organize+ed _+_+=2.alternatively altem(alter)+ative+ly-_+_+_+_=_mon com+mon-_+=4.5.6.appropriate ap+pror-l-iate-_+=inedible|in+ed+iblef+=notorious note+or+ous-_+_+=7.8.unforced un+fdrce+ed-_+_+=unbelieving|un+believe+inaf+=9.unexpected im+expcct+edf+=10.11.burdensome burden+some-*-1-=mechanical machine(mechane)+ic4-al_+_+=12.universal universe+al-_+=13.14.automatedtenninal termin+al=15.tireless tire+less-_+=16.17.reliably Yely+able+y+=artificial|art+i+Rc+ialf+=18.19.instantaneous instant+aneous _+=suspicious sus+sDic+iousf+=20.economic economy+ic=21.previous pre+vi+ous-+=22.sensitive sense+it+ive-+=23.intensive intense+ive-_+_=_25.harmful harm+ful-_+=24.emerging e+merge+ing-_+_+26.permissible per+miss+ible-_+_+_=_27.terminally|termin+al+lyf+=28.eventually evnet+ual+ly_+=29.legitimate leg+it+mate-_+_+=30.illegal+=31.aggressive ag+gress+ive-_+_+=32.ineffectual in+efTect+ual-_+_+=33.34.unconcerned un+concem+ed _+=predictably pre+dict+al+ly+4-=第 三 部 分:名 词 1.humor|hum+or+=2.experience ex+per+ience _+_+=3.audience aud+ience-_+_=_4.sympathy|sym+path+yf+=5.6.secretary secret+ary-_+=convention con+vent+ionL+=7.accommodation ac+com+mod+ation-*_+_+_H-_=_8.9.scapegoat scape+goat-+=ingenuity in+gen+uity一 _+_+=10.device de+vice=pulsion|com+puls+ionf+=12.13.robotics robot+ics-_+_=_capability cap+able+ityL+=14.fiction fict+ion 4-=15.assembly-as+sem+blyf+=16.transaction|trans+act+ionf+=17.18.miniature mini+at+ure-+=_miniaturization miniature+ize+ation f+=_19.accuracy ac+cur+acy+=20.precision pre+cis+ion _+_+=21.22.utility ut(use)+ile+ity_+_+=supervision super+vis+ion f+=23.24.25.challenge challCcalQ+engel-*-4-=optimism opt+im+ism-+=circuit circu(circle)+it=26.microprocessor micro+process+or f+=27.perception|per+cept+ionf+= fract+ion 4-=memory memor+y-*_+=inflation in+flat+ion-_+=boom,doomsuspension sus+Dens+ionf+=33.34.hemisphere hemi+sphere-+=consequence con+sequ+enccf+=35.conservation con+sev+ation f+=_36.consumption consumpt(consume)+ion_ _+_=_37.38.portion port(part)4-ion-+=commodity com+mod+ityL+=39.40.index in+dex 4-=suicide sui+cide-_+=41.42.implication|impli(imply)+ic+ationf+=constitution fcon+stitute+ion+_=_43.dosage dose+age-_+=第 四 部 分:选 项 词 汇 1.imply im+ply+=2.conscious con+sci+ous_+_+_=3.privilege priv+i+lege-_+=4.infer in+fer-_+=5.benefit bene+fit-*_+=6.focus7.inappropriate in+ap+proper+iate f+=8.stock9.strategy10.initially in+it+ial+ly-_+_+_+_=11.demonstrate de+monster+ate f+=12.manufacture manu+fact+ure-*_+_+=13.elite14.tackle15.program pro+gram_ _+=16.beyond17.fulfill f u l l+f il l _+_=18.verbal verb+al1-+=19.intervention inter+vent+ion f+=20.improve im+prove-*+=21.cultivate|cult+ive+atef+=22.internal23.structure s t r u c t+u r e=24.perceive per+ceive=25.abnonnality ab+norm+al+ity f+=26.immediately im+med+iate+lyf+=27.infer in+ferl-+=28.dramatically drama+ate+ic+al+ly-*+=29.estimate30.fluctuate fluct(flu)+uatef_+31.impact32.conclusion c o n+c l u s+i o n+33.oppose op+pose-_+mit com+mit-_+35.guilty guilt+y36.inadequate in+ad+equ+ate_+_+_+37.systematic system+ate+ic+=38.insufficient in+suRfic+ient-*_+39.desperate de+sper+ate第 五 部 分:熟 词 生 义 1.addressDepending on whom you are addressing,the problems will be different.2.groundYou will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoats like the Post Office or the telephone system.3.dawnSince the dawn of human ingenuity,people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope withwork that is dangerous,boring,burdensome,or just plain nasty.4.conferThat compulsion has resulted in robotics-the science of conferring various human capabilities onmachines.5.modelWhat they found,in attempting to model thought,is that the human brains roughly one hundredbillion nerve cells are much more talented-and human perception far more complicated-thanpreviously imagined.6.declineCould the bad old days of economic decline be about to return?7.swingRich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were,and so less sensitive to swings inthe oil price.8 gripStrengthening economic growth,at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere,couldpush the price higher still in the short tenn.9.contend10.shieldNancy Dubler,director of Montefiore Medical Center,contends that the principle will shielddoctors who“until now have very,very strongly insisted that they could not give patientssufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death.”11.maintainGeorge Annas,chair of the health law department at Boston University,maintains that,as long asa doctor prescribes a drug fbr a legitimate medical purpose,the doctor has done nothing illegaleven if the patient uses the drug to hasten death.12.fuelOn another level,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debatehas been fueled in part by the despair of patients fbr whom modem medicine has prolonged thephysical agony of dying.13.codeThe profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices,to test knowledge ofaggressive pain management therapies,to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care,and to develop new standards fbr assessing and treating pain at the end of life.2003考 研 词 汇 1)diet 说 2)v a il力 量,价 值 3)fbree 力 量 4)tribute 给 5)spond 约 定 6)fuse流 动 7)plex 折,叠 8)pose摆 放 9)o p t选 择 10)stingu 站,立 11)bid 二 12)ordin 次 序 13)sumesumpt 拿 14)ju s t正,正 义 15)crimin 犯 罪 16)scribe 写 画 17)flour 花 18)quire quest 追 求 19)teg tag tact 触 碰 20)p e r终 结 21)lim 线 22)flu流 动 23)priv 个 人 24)mute 改 变 25)milit 军,兵 26)b i o 生 命 27)force 同 3)28)liber 自 由 29)pass 感 情 30)cept 抓 拿 31)u ltim最 后 的 32)prec 价 值 33)fo rm 形 式 34)stant 站,立 35)capt 同 30)36)press 压,按 37)v i t生 命 38)gene 产 生 39)gress 走,行 40)ta in握,保 持 41)duct 引 导 42)feet 做,制 43)fess 说,言 44)voc vok 说,喊 45)dec 十 46)corp 身 体 47)sid 坐,呆 48)signssfsfg 标 致 49)actag 行 动,作 50)clar 净,清 51)leg法 律 52)vac van 空 53)mun mon 一 54)dem 人 55)p o l控 制 56)m od样 式,模 式 57)sol 一 58)lieveIev 轻,升 59)o p t选 择 60)spect 看 61)cess ceed ced 走 62)quest 追 求 63)merge 淹 没 64)vive 生 命 65)un*66)serv保 留,服 务 67)diet 说,言 68)crit 评 论 69)hum 土 70)cept 同 30),35)71)tent 伸 72)p e t追 求,寻 求 73)fer 拿,带 74)riv河 流 75)ordin 次 序 76)fate 命 77)verse 转 78)vise 看 79)cess 走,行 80)sents 感 觉 第 一 部 分:动 词 1.reshape re+shape-+=3.analyze analysis4.predict predictionpre+dict-*_+=5.avail a+vail-+=6.available avail+able-+=7.reinforce lYe+in+force-+=8.distribute dis+triburte-+=9.paraphrase para+phrase-*-f-=10.misguide mis+guidel-+=11.respond re+spond f+=12.confuse con+fuse-+=13.perplex per+plex_+=14.oppose op+pose_ _+=15.reply re+ply 一 _+=16.adopt ad+opt f+=17.lest18.extinguish ex+stingu+ish_+_+=bine com+bine-+=20.merge21.coordinate co+ordin+ate f _+_+_=22.overcharge over+charge-_+=23.consume con+sume-+=24.justify just+ify-_+_=25.discriminate dis+crimin+ate f+=26.subscribe sub+scribe-_+=27.flourish flour+ish-_+=28.acquire ac+quire-_+=29.disintegrate dis+integrate-_+=30.perish p e r+i s h 4-=31.cure32.achievement achieve+ment-_+=33.limit lim+it第 二 部 分:形 容 词 和 副 词 1.influential in+flu+ent+ial _+=2.private priv+ate-+=3.mutually|mut+ual+lyf+=4.military m i l i t+a r y=5.biomedical bio+medicall-+=6.forcefully|force+fiil+lyf+=7.deliberately de+liber+ate+lyf+=passionate com+pass+ion+atef+=9.unaware un+aware-*-+=10.unchallenged un+challenge+edf+=11.deceptive de+cept+ive-*_+_=_12.ultimate ultim+ate-_+_=_13.courageous|cour+aee+susf+=14.uninformed un+infbrm+ed-*_+_+=15.precious prec+ious-_+=16.heightened height(hight)+en+edf_+_+=17.substantial sub+stant+ial f+=18.vast19.typically type+ic+al+ly_+_+=20.captive capt+ive-*,+=21.pressing press+ive=_22.inevitable in+e+vit+able f+=_23.optional opt+ion+al-_+_+=24.surgical surg(surgeon)+ic+al f+=25.unimaginable un+imagine+able-_+=_26.genetically 值 en+et+ic+al+lyf+=27.aggressive-ag+Rress+ivef+=28.unsustainable un+sus+tain+able f+=_29.potential pot+ent+ialf+=30.productive pro+duct+ive-_+=31.infirm in+firm=32.dramatic|drama+at+icf+=33.ineffective-in+effbct+ivelf+=第 三 部 分:名 词 1.espionage e+spion+aieL+=2.profession pro+fess+ionf+=3.vocation voc+ate+ionf+=4.revolution re+volut+ionf_+_+=5.decade dec+ade-*_+_=6.intelligence intel(inter)+1ig+encef_+=7.contest con+test-*-_+=8.corporation corp+ate+ionf+=9.president pre+side+ent-*_+_+=10.sign-up11.agency ag+ency-*_+=12.declaration de+clar+ata+ionf+=13.statesman states+man-*,+=14.triumph15.theory16.argument argue+ment-*_+=17.allegation|al+leR+ate+ionf+=18.cruelty cruel+tyf+=19.brochure20.vaccine vac+cine-,+=21.immunization im+mune+ize+ation f+=22.epidemic|epi+dem+icf+=23.term24.vaccination|vaccine+ate+ionf+=25.stakeholder stake+hold+er-_+_+_=26.personality person+al+ity f+=27.citizenry citizen+ry-_+=28.monopoly mono+pol+yf+=modity com+mode+ity_+_+_=31.consolidation con+solid+ate+ion_+_+_+=32.relief re+life(lieve)-+=33.option 3 p t+io n f+=34.transaction trans+act+ion-*_+_+_=_35.expectancy|ex+(s)pect+ancyf+=36.depression-de+press+ionf+=37.procedure pro+ced+uref+=38.greatness great+ness39.consumer con+sume+er-_+_+=40.physician41.trend_42.routine43.quest44.pursuit pur+suit-_+=第 四 部 分:选 项 词 汇 1.emergence|e+merRe+encef+=2.remold re+mold-_+=3.restore re+store-_+_=4.revive re+vivef+=5._6.episode7.unique un+ique8._9.service serve+ice-_+_=10.11.guarantee12.truthfulness true+th+ful+ness_+_+_=13.14.characterize character*-ize15.unpredictability un+predict+able+ity_+_+_+_=16.17.fair fairly18.reliable rely+able-_+=19.nonconformist non+con+form+istf+=20.criticize crit+ic+izef+=21.doom22.triumph23.inhuman in+human_+=24.unacceptable un+ac+cept+able f _+_+_+=25.discontent dis+content-_+=26.ignorance ignore+ance-_+=27.challenge chall(call)+engef_+=28.strive29.humanist human+ist-_+=30.enthusiast enthusiastic 去 i c=31.merger merge+er-_+_=petition|com+pet+it+ionf+=33.indifferent in+diflferent H-=34.rival riv+al-*+=35.coordinator co+ordin+ate+or_+_+_+_=36.supervise super+vise-_+=37.acquisition ac+quisit(quire,quest)+ion_+=38.imply im+ply-_+=39.fatal fat+al40.unaffordable un+affbrd+ablef_+_+_=41.reverse re+verse f+=42.consent con+sent _43.flexible flex(flect)+ible _+=44.extravagant extravagantly extra+vag+ant_+_+=45.prolong pro+longl-*+=46.excessive ex+cess+ive-_+_+_=第 五 部 分:熟 词 生 义 1.vacuumLast week his firm was busy vacuuming up data bits from the far corners of the world andpredicting a crisis in Ukraine.2.keep3.tellOpen-source spying does have its risks,of course,since it can be difficult to tell good informationfrom bad.Thats where Straitfbrd earns its keep4.rule outOne such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals haverights ruling out their use in research.5.advocateScientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates,whose arguments are confusingthe public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.6.targetLeaders of the animal rights movement target biomedical research because it depends on publicfunding,and few people understand the process of health care munityFinally,because the ultimate stakeholders are patients,the health research community shouldactively recruit to its cause not only well-known personalities such as Stephen Cooper,who hasmade courageous statements about the value of animal research,but all who receive medicaltreatment.8.extremeShippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal governmentsSurface Transportation Board for rate relief but the process is expensive,time consuming,andwill work only in truly extreme cases.9.groundRailroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long run itreduces everyone cost.10.industry surging coverThe railroad industry as a whole,despite its brightening fortunes,still does not earn enough tocover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic.11.chargeshippers will be charged less without a rival railroad12.shoulderIf railroads charged all customers the same average rate,they argue,shippers who have the optionof switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so,leaving remaining customersto shoulder the cost of keeping up the line.13.gripWhos going to pay for the rest of the bill?Many captive shippers fear that they will,as NorfolkSouthern and CSX increase their grip on the market.14.shieldShielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care,we demand everything that can possiblybe done for us,even if its useless.The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care.15.employemploy hi-tech means in research16.apprehensive52.What is many captive shippers attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?A Indifferent.B Supportive.C Indignant.D Apprehensive.17.function54.The word“arbiters(line 7,paragraph 4)most probably refers to t h o s e.A who work as coordinatorsB who function as judgesC who supervise transactionsD who determine the price18.beyondThe most obvious example is late-stage cancer care.Physicians frustrated by their inability tocure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient too often offer aggressive treatment farbeyond what is scientifically justifie