新 视 野 二 课 后 答 案 第 一 单 元 1.charge 2.convention 3.efficient 4.obtain petentfulfill8.conducting 9.consequently 10.significance IV.1.behind 2.at 3.in 4.out 5.to 6.to 7.in 8.with9.but 10.forV.1.L 2.C 3.D 4.N 5.0 6.A 7.E 8.G 9.I 10.KWord BuildingVI.Imitment 2.attraction 3.appointment4.impression 5.civilization 6position7.confusion 8.congratulation 9.consideration10.explanation 11.acquisition 12.depression VII.1.advisable 2.disirable 3.favorable 4.considerable 5.remarkable 6.preferable7.drinkable 8.acceptableSentence StructureVIII.1.much less can he write English articles2.much less can he manage a big companyasessing 7.3.much less could he carry it upstairs4.much less have I spoken to him5.much less to read a lot outside of itIX.1.Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars,whereaseating out at a restaurant is always more expensive.2.We thought she was rather proud,whereas in fact she was just very shy.3.We have never done anything for them,whereas they have done so much forus.4.Natalie prefers to stay for another week,whereas her husband prefers toleave immediately.5.Some praise him highly,whereas others put him down severely.TranslationX.1.She wouldn,t take a drink,much less could she stay for dinner.2.He thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth.3.How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day thisweek?4.The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.5.Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.6.We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project,so wehave to carry on.XI.1.我 认 为 他 不 会 抢 劫,更 不 用 说 暴 力 抢 劫 了.2.男 工 平 均 工 资 每 小 时 10美 元,而 女 工 才 每 小 时 7 美 元.3.自 然 界 的 平 衡 旦 遭 到 破 坏,就 会 带 来 很 多 不 可 预 知 的 影 响.4.期 终 考 试 迫 在 眉 睫,你 最 好 多 花 点 时 间 看 书.5.有 趣 的 是,消 费 者 发 现 越 来 越 难 以 辨 别 某 些 品 牌 的 原 产 国.其 部 分 原 因 来 自 于 全 球 化 带 来 的 影 响,部 分 原 因 是 由 于 产 地 的 变 化.6.最 近 一 次 调 查 表 明,妇 女 占 总 劳 动 力 的 40%.ClozeXII.l.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.C13.C 14.B 15.ASection BComprehension of the TextII.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.BVocabularyIII.1.utilize 2.reject 3.considerable 4.temporary5.acceptable6.recognition 7.alleviate 8.appreciate9.furthermore 10.interactIV.1.interact with 2.gone through 3.deal with4.recovered with 5.adjusting to6.familiar to 7.In spite of 8.were tired of9.prevented from 10.came to plutommimniieb35.txz.pbz第 二 单 元1.promosing 2.amusing 3.lowered 4.persisted5.rank 6.swear 7.unfair 8.presence 9.frowning 10.approximatelylV.1.on 2.upon 3.on 4.in 5.by 6.to 7.in 8.of 9.on 10.out V.1.0 2.K 3.D 4.H 5.J 6.E 7.M 8.G 9.B 10.A Word BuildingVI.1.observe-observer:one who observes a person or an event2.ski-skier:one who skis3.visit-visitor:one who visits somebody or some place4.learn-learner:one who learns something5.report-reporter:one who reports on persons or events for a newspaper6.drink-drinker:one who often drinks alcohol,esp.too muchVII.1.tropical 2.musical 3.occasional 4.environmental5.global 6.dangerous 7.natural 8.central Sentence structureVIII.1.They didn,t lose heart despite of lots of frustration.2.Despite the heavy rain,the boys played football in the yard all afternoon.3.I will try my best despite the slim chances of success.4.Despite a thorough search for the escaped prisoner in the mountain,no signof him was found.5.Despite their increased income,their life becamepoorer because of therising prices.IX.1.nor do I think it necessary to do so2.nor would they go to my sister,s3.nor do we have her telephone number4.nor would I like to go to work immediately5.nor would I TranslationX.1.Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family,she is neverbabied by her parents.2.Mike didnt come to the party last night,nor did he call me to give anexplanation.3.The person sitting next to him did publish some novels,but he is by nomeans a great writer.4.He has no interest in football and is indifferent towho wins to loses.5.The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care ofproblems in his absence.6.This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of solarge an audience.XI.1.尽 管 那 项 计 划 一 开 始 就 证 明 是 不 切 实 际 的,但 是 他 们 还 是 坚 持 要 实 施.2.我 无 法 说 服 他 接 受 这 项 计 划,也 无 法 使 他 认 识 到 这 项 计 划 的 重 要 性.3.你 是 怎 么 把 那 么 多 东 西 塞 进 这 个 小 行 李 箱 的?4.别 人 对 他 怎 么 看,他 全 不 在 意.5.我 能 否 指 出 你 犯 了 个 小 错 误.6.他 母 亲 让 他 开 车 慢 一 点 儿,但 是 他 从 不 把 她 的 话 放 在 心 上.ClozeXII.l.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.D13.B 14.C 15.DSection BReading sk illsI.l.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.BComprehension of the TextII.l.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.BVocabularyIII.1.sake 2.sacrificed 3.crack 4.pursuing 5.explosive6.overcome 7.indicated 8.opponents 9.stripped10.deniedIV.1.Natasha made herself stand out in the group interview by acting as theleader in her group.2.To be successful,you need a careful plan,good luck,helpat the right time,and above a ll,hard work.3.They are not doing th is to gain recognition or money;they are doing thisfor the sake of society.4.It was actually what he said rather than what he did that made m e sad.5.Once m y mother sets her mind on something,i t w ill be very hard to stop her.6.Years of research had set the stage for th e ir success in th e ir field.7.Local people are used to the phenomenon,so they are not surprised at a ll.8.Today at th is meeting w e are going to focus on the question of a irpollution.9.He never expected that his best friend would charge him with cheating inthe exam.10.His parents were so strict with him in his studies that he had littletime to participate in any activities outside of class.第 三 单 元 VocabularyIII.1.mutual 2.illusion 3.canceled 4.overlooked5.proceeded 6.resolve 7.prejudice8promise 9.confirm 10.subsequentlyIV.1.having nothing to do with 2.taking care of3.met with 4.on the surface5.work out 6.incompatible with 7.ups and downs 8.learned of9.indication of10.all alongV.l.M 2.L 3.F 4.D 5.II 6.0 7.A 8.C 9.I10.KWord BuildingVI.1.shopping4.cooking 2.feeling 5.ending 3.storage 6.beginning7.gathering 8.removal 9.arrival 10.passage11.writing 12.marriageVII.1.relationship 2.citizenship 3.leadership4.membership 5.boyhood 6.livelihood7.brotherhood 8.authorship 9.adulthood10.neighborhood 11.wisdom 12.ownership Sentence structureV III.1.It is never too bad for us to do something about the situation.2.One is never too old to learn.3.It is never too late for you to put a stop to th is madness.4.It is never too late for you to mend your ways.5.His income was never too small to support his family.IX.1.M y best friend,Anna,was here la st night.2.The company manager,M r.Madison,gathered his sta ff and announced thedecision.3.Y ou should have seen an ophthalmologist,an eye doctor.4.H e sent for the accountant,the most experiencedperson in accounting.5“Leave i t to m e,said David,the m an on night duty.TranslationX.1.Y ou are never too experienced to learn new techniques.2.There remains one problem,namely,who should be sent to head the researchthere.3.Their relationship did meet with some d ifficu lty at the beginning becauseof cultural differences.4.Though he has had ups and downs,I believed all along that he would succeedsomeday.5.I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.6.She isnt particularly tall,but her slim figuregives an illusion of height.XI.1.应 尽 早 告 知 年 轻 人:必 须 认 真 对 待 法 律.2.他 现 在 面 临 一 个 重 要 决 定,这 个 决 定 可 能 会 影 响 他 的 整 个 前 程.3.即 使 在 情 况 最 糟 糕 的 时 候,你 也 必 须 保 持 镇 静 和 信 心.4.人 际 关 系 的 成 功 与 否 与 双 方 相 处 是 否 融 洽 以 及 交 流 是 否 顺 畅 有 很 大 关 系.5.他 受 到 袭 击,身 受 重 伤,随 后 不 治 而 亡.6.他 的 举 止 至 少 在 表 面 上 像 个 正 常 人。ClozeXII.1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C8.D 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.D Section BReading skillsI.1.F 2.F 3.0 4.F 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.F9.0 10.FComprehension of the TextII.l.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.DVocabularyIII.1.arrange 2.criticism 3.innocent4.criticizing 5.miserable6.modest 7pelled 8.somehow9.anticipate 10.birlliantIV.1.on 2.from.to 3.off 4.with 5.away6.about 7.over 8.On 9.Concerning 10.to第 四 单 元 1.forbid 2.identical 3.objectino 4.warmth5.volunteers 6.overseas 7.declined8.resisted 9.fancy 10.decrease/declineIV.1.without fail 2.volunteer for 3.as long as4.right away 5.more than 6.am thankful.for7.wrote back 8.forbidden from 9.vanished into 10.was free toV.1.0 2.J 3.G 4.H 5.L 6.A 7.E 8.B 9.C10.NWord BuildingVI.1.sadness 2.weakness 3.carelessness4.il lness5.darkness 6.kindness 7.laziness8.nervousnessVII.1.noisy 2.wealthy 3.sunny 4.lucky5.tasty 6.healthy 7.angry 8.icySentence structureVIII.1.It is necessary for the manager to finish the whole task before leavingfor a holiday.2.It is a shame to take so much money for doing so l ittl e.3.It is our responsibility to help people around us who are in trouble.4.It is a surprise for us a ll to realize he has beencheating us.5.It is pleasant fro the mother to see her daughter growing into a younglady.IX.1.as long as she got her fath er,s agreement2.A s long as you set a goal for yourself3.A s long as she covers a ll the expenses herself4.as long as she does her job well5.A s long as you never lose heartTranslationX.1.It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.2.It doesnt matter whether the cat is black or white as long as i t catchesmice.3.Y ou must le t m e have the money back w ithoutfail by ten o*clock tomorrowmorning.4.Allow m e to take part in th is p ro je c t:I am more than a l i t t l e interestedin it.5.Everyone knows that he is special:He is free to come and go as he pleases.6.Watching the unhappy look on her face,1 felt as though she wishes to saysomething to me.XI.1.现 如 今,仅 仅 受 过 中 等 教 育 的 人 要 想 找 份 好 工 作 越 来 越 难 了。2.留 得 青 山 在,不 怕 没 柴 烧.3.如 果 你 对 所 购 物 品 不 满 意,我 们 将 很 乐 意 退 款.4.我 们 对 这 块 伟 大 的 美 丽 的 土 地 心 怀 感 激 之 情,多 年 来 它 迎 接 了 众 多 的 人 来 这 里 的 海 滩 游 览.5.让 老 师 吃 惊 的 是,没 人 自 愿 当 班 长.6.那 条 狗 忠 心 耿 耿 地 继 续 在 火 车 站 等 待 主 人,直 到 两 年 后 死 去.ClozeXII.l.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.D9.C 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.CSection B:Reading skillsI.1.I am almost dead.2.I am moving across the landscape.3.T have achieved a modest amount of prosperity.4.A friend convinces me to go on a blind date with a lady friend of his.5.Roma gets a faraway look in her eyes.Comprehension of the TextII.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A VocabularyIII.1.insurance 2.descended 3.precision4.trace 5.stain 6.specify 7.accustomed8.embraced 9.knelt 10.prosperityIV.1.The Rockefeller family achieved a hugh amount of prosperity in the oilbusiness.2.What all workers have in common is expecting better working conditions.3.You don,t know what his feelings will be,as they change from day to day.4.This is generally a warm place,but we do getfreezing weather on occasion.5.Every year at Christmas drunk driving takes its toll on the joyfulatmosphere.6.Many people still cling to the hope that one day there will be placebetween the two countries.7.He was so angry that he lost control.8.The climate in Alaska is a far cry from that of Florida.9.How on earth did she manage to pass the test?10.His career as a teacher came to an end when he broke his leg,but hecontinued to write textbooks for students.txz.pbzplutommimmi eb75 第 五 单 元 1.hardened 2.shelter 3.slim 4.weaken5.Literally 6.noticeable 7.bunch 8.drag9.grateful 10.hookedIV.1.leaned on 2.close at hand 3.die of 4.are starved of 5.coupled with 6.isd irected.at7.a re.dressed in 8.grateful to 9.struggling to10.a bunch ofV.1.J 2.G 3.K 4.M 5.E 6.0 7.D 8.H9.A 10.CW ord BuildingVI.1.Under the pleasant situation the property prices are ju st beginning toharden again.2.In the past few years,these inside conflicts have weakened thegovernment*s position.3.Every Sunday the father takes his child to lib raries,museums,exhibitions ornatural parks,as he believes that th is helps to broaden the child,s mind.4.The days are lengthening as summer approaches.5.A s she was waiting for the re su lt to come out,her excitement heightened.6.The taking on of a new secretary lightened his workload considerably.7.A s he listened to his a ssistan t reporting on the progress of thep roject,the managers face darkened with anger.8.Before night fe ll,the settin g sun reddened the clouds.VII.1.arriv al 2.expectations 3.understandable4.V isitors 5.freedom 6.profitable 7.Iucky8.gatheringSentence structureVIII.1.John went to the cinema with his brother,which surprised m e.2.The boy broke the window,for which he was c ritic iz e d by the teacher.3.H e tore up m y photo,by which I was angered very much.4.It was raining hard,for which the team stayed indoors.5.Connie changed her mind for the second time,which came as no surprise tous.IX.1.The teacher spoke so quietly that the students could hardly hear her.2.The lecture was so boring that many listen ers fe ll asleep.3.The student has so many books that he does notknow what to do with them.4.The old man was so i l l that his neighbors had to send for a doctor.5.Her remarks are so funny that everyone laughs to tears.TranslationX.1.H e spoke confidently,which impressed m e most.2.M y father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.3.r m very grateful to you for a ll the help you have given m e.4.The bad light,coupled with the wet ground,made driving very d iffic u lt.5.Being starved of funds,they had to cancel th e ir plan to s ta rt a business.6.They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble.XI.1.飞 机 可 能 会 晚 点 几 个 小 时,要 是 那 样,我 们 等 着 就 没 有 什 么 意 义 了.2.乔 治 常 常 说 谎,因 此 当 他 说 他 考 试 得 了 高 分 时 没 人 相 信 他.3.初 了 附 近 位 于 十 字 路 口 的 那 家 小 工 厂,一 切 都 静 悄 悄 的.4.缺 少 睡 眠 的 人 会 感 到 很 难 集 中 心 思 干 活.5.我 安 排 人 去 机 场 接 克 拉 克 先 生,然 后 带 他 去 宾 馆.6.一 到 达 山 顶,游 客 们 都 高 兴 地 大 叫 起 来.ClozeXII.l.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.C10.B 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.CSection B:Reading skillsI.1.giving them many material possessions2.change continually and frequently3.a sudden,uncontrollable feeling of regret4.makes(the parent-child relationship)go wrong;taking(some of the happinessand mutual respect)away from(parents and their children)5.start a new course of improved behaviorComprehension of the TextII.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.CVocabularyIII.1.assigned 2pensate 3.prompt 4.manner5.tendency6.undermined 7.submit 8.inferred9.fluctuates 10.respondedIV.1.Jean wrote the speakers address down in her notebook for fear that shemight forget it.2.Passengers must show their tickets on demand.3.Officials are bound to investigate any possible corruption.4.I took it for granted that you would come with us,so I bought you a ticket.5.She has been selfish all the time,but she has promised to turn over a newleaf and become more loving toward others.6.People in this region have pined for a peaceful life since the religiouwar broke out three decades ago.7.Poor health had made it difficult for Jim to hold down a job for more thana year.8.Betty gets very depressed at times because of the pressure of her work.9.The boys at my school used to make fun of me because I have a flat nose.10.Jenny kept begging me for a new bicycle,and Ifinally gave in.第 六 单 元 1.confessed 2.reserve 3.professional 4.impressive 5.latter6.convey 7.qualify 8.refined 9.substitute 10.approvalIV.1.Correct from:fill out;synonym:fill in2.Correct from:feel comfortable wi