新 视 野 大 学 英 语 3 小 抄/When I think of people in this world who have really made a difference,Ithink of my parents.They were truly saints among ordinary people.I was one of the ten children my parents adopted.They each of us from a lifeof poverty and loneliness.They were hardly able to themselves from bringinghome more children to care for.If they had the,they certainly would have.Most people do not realize how much they and brothers and I did not wantthis to happen before we the words Thank you to our parents.Although we have all grown up and bout the country,we got back together tothank our parents.My brother Tom the task of organizing the event.Every Fridaynight,Mom and Dad have had the ham dinner special at the same restaurant forthe last twenty years.That is where we waited without their knowing.When wefirst caught a of them coming across the street,we all hid a big table.Whenthey entered,we leapt out and shouted,z,Thank you,Mom and Dad.My brother Tomthem with a card and we all hugged.My dad pretended that he had known we wereunder the table all along./Women who exercise regularly need to be careful with what theyeat.Researchers have found evidence that even exercise can result in losingiron.They said that women who exercise regularly,especially inactivities,typically lose iron.In order to prevent this from becoming aproblem,it is important that those women consume more meat or take to replacethe iron lost.Those who do not bother to get plentiful amounts of iron maybegin to feel weak and tired.z,If you can get the recommended daily of iron inyour diet,you will probably perform better,“said one diet specialist.,z0neshortcoming of taking iron pills is that the pill form is not well and cansometimes make you sick.It is preferable that you try to the deficiency bygetting more iron-rich meat in your diet.”There are ways to help your body away the iron it takes in.By getting plentyof Vitamin C,your body is able to,or use,the iron better.Researchers thateveryone,s body is different and the problems will be less serious forsome.Because it is impossible to decide whether or not this could be a problemfor you,health specialists say it is to check your iron levels.Even when youcan,t feel it,you may still have a problem./For many,beauty and fashion are permanently linked.With regard tofashion,the Barbie doll has been in style.From the first Barbie dolls,Matteltook care to dress them in detailed,clothes.Some observers note that thefashions of the Barbie doll trace fashion perfectly since 1959.While criticscomplain that model do not average female bodies,they also complain aboutthe Barbie dolT s size.Som e have c ritic iz e d the of the Barbie doll as anunattainable ideal of the female shape.Charlotte John,the Barbie dolT s f ir s t dress designer,explained that thedoll was not to re fle c t a female figure re a listic a lly,but rather to portray anshape underneath fashionable clothes.However,the u n realistic dimensions of thedoll have brought the strongest criticism the dolT s encouragement of anobsession with weight and looks.Convinced of the effects of the Barbie doll on children,Cathy Meredig ofHigh Self Esteem Toys developed a more re a lis tic a lly proportioned doll in1991.Her doll d id n t se ll well,however.Throughout the years,the Barbie dollhas several,but none have been able to compete with the glamor offered by theBarbie doll.B ill Gates is known around the world for the founding of Microsoft.And,mostpeople are quite aware that his from computer hacker to the world,s rich estm an was due in large part to his partner Paul Allen.But,while Gates fame hassince the beginning ofMicrosoft,Allen has remained less famous.M any around the world have followedthe lif e Gates,but areof what has happened to Allen.In fact,as most in theNorthwest can te ll you,Allen has made quite an on the region and the world.In2000,he re tire d fromMicrosoft,but thehim as a permanent advisor to top executives.Not a ll ofA llens in terests involve success.Allen has given four hundred million dollarsin to University of Washington for science and technology research.H e createdthe Experience Music Project in Seattle,famous arch itect Frank Gehry to designthe building,with Hollywood,s movie technology.His film studio is the mostadvanced in the world.H e has also b u ilt a sports local stadium,and he owns asports magazine.Oh,let*s not forget,Allen is the seventh rich est m an in theentire world.Not bad.M y friend,Anna,said to m e before I married Mike,Hes fine now,but waitu n til a fte r youvemarried him.She thought that her ow n experience with marriage was tomine.Without even being asked,she a ll of the problems shes had with herhusband.The ranged from him not sharing responsibility for household tasks tohow often he went out at night.And every time,Anna complained,her husbandwould findfor what he did.If I were you,“she a d v i s e d,d get everything himnow,make sure you get an agreement from him that he wi11 continue i t a fte r youare married.Z ZI what he said.Once you marry him,h e ll think he owns you,andeverything will change,she said,said,/ZT,m not going to marry you unless youpromise to always stay the same.z,He replied,,You,ve been talking to Anna again,haven,t you?”中 英 1.No matter how experienced a speaker you are,and how well you haveprepared your speech,you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisyreception.无 论 你 是 多 么 富 有 经 验 的 演 说 家,无 论 你 做 了 多 么 充 分 的 准 备,你 都 很 难 在 这 样 嘈 杂 的 招 待 会 上 发 表 演 讲。2.Just as all his sister,s friends cared about him,Jimmy cared about them.就 像 吉 米 妹 妹 的 朋 友 都 关 心 吉 米 一 样,吉 米 也 关 心 他 们。3.Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several placeson new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.汽 车 生 产 商 在 新 车 的 几 处 都 印 有 汽 车 识 别 号 码,以 便 帮 助 找 回 被 盗 的 车 辆。4.If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won t say a word toyou any more.老 师 回 来 时 你 敢 告 我 状 的 话,我 就 不 再 和 你 说 话 了。5.Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majoritychoose to live with their children.有 些 老 年 人 愿 意 独 自 过 日 子,但 大 多 数 老 人 选 择 和 儿 女 一 起 生 活。6.Here is something that needs to be reckoned with:how to get thenecessary finances to establish the company.现 在 需 要 面 对 的 事 是:如 何 筹 集 创 建 公 司 所 需 的 资 金。1.The defendant,a woman of only 30,kept insisting on her own innocence.被 告 是 位 年 仅 30的 女 子,她 坚 持 称 自 己 无 罪。2.All tings considered,dates,beans and some leafy green vegetables arethe best sources of iron.总 体 看 来,枣,豆 类 以 及 一 些 绿 色 蔬 菜 是 最 好 的 铁 质 来 源。3.No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.正 餐 时,不 供 应 饮 料,饮 料 会 影 响 消 化。4.Taking the popularity of the region into consideration,it is advisableto book hotels in advance.考 虑 到 那 个 地 区 受 欢 迎 的 程 度,提 前 订 旅 馆 是 明 智 的。5.If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug,stoptaking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible.服 药 后 若 有 呕 吐 感,请 立 即 停 止 服 药 并 尽 快 咨 询 医 生。6.Summing up the discussion,he said both parties should consider the mosteffective way to solve the problem.总 结 这 次 讨 论 时,他 说 双 方 都 要 好 好 考 虑 怎 样 以 最 有 效 的 方 法 来 解 决 这 一 问 题。1.Everything considered,this city is the world,s most exciting city.从 各 方 面 考 虑,这 座 城 市 都 是 世 界 上 最 令 人 激 动 的 城 市。2.Though with no approval from his parents,he went ahead with his plan tostudy abroad.尽 管 没 有 得 到 父 母 的 赞 同,他 还 是 继 续 他 的 计 划 出 国 学 习。3.The bridge was named after the hero who gave his life for the cause ofpeople.这 座 桥 是 以 一 位 英 雄 的 名 字 命 名 的,这 位 英 雄 为 人 民 的 事 业 献 出 了 生 命。4.It is said that the painter used his mother as the model in the paintingwhose face represented suffering yet strength.据 说,画 家 是 以 他 母 亲 为 模 特 的。他 母 亲 的 面 容 沧 桑 却 不 失 坚 定。5.The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novelinspired by his experience with a girl on a farm.这 位 作 家 于 1950年 因 出 版 一 部 小 说 而 一 举 成 名,小 说 的 灵 感 来 自 于 他 与 一 位 姑 娘 在 农 场 的 经 历。6.One story says that US was short for“Uncle Sam”whose real namewas Sam Wilson,who had once worked with a man who had signed a contract withthe government to provide meat to the US Army.有 个 故 事 说,US是“山 姆 大 叔”的 缩 写,“山 姆 大 叔”原 名 叫 山 姆 威 尔 逊,他 曾 和 一 名 男 子 一 起 工 作,这 名 男 子 和 美 国 政 府 签 订 了 一 份 合 同,给 军 队 提 供 肉 食。1.An interesting question therefore remains as to how far Microsoft can gowith Gates as its CEO.因 此,以 盖 茨 为 首 席 执 行 官 的 微 软 还 能 走 多 远 依 然 是 个 有 趣 的 问 题。2.There?s/It,s no use complaining since nothing ever changes as theresult of a complaint.What s important is to take measures to preventsimilar events from happiness.抱 怨 是 没 有 用 的,因 为 抱 怨 并 改 变 不 了 什 么。重 要 的 是 得 采 取 措 施 预 防 类 似 事 件 发 生。3.Learn to accept the fact that some people you thought were friends turnout to be enemies.要 学 会 接 受 这 样 一 个 事 实:有 些 你 认 为 是 朋 友 的 人 结 果 却 是 敌 人。4.As you would expect from the book,s title,there are many references towhat kind of man Gatesis.正 如 你 能 从 书 名 期 待 的 那 样,书 里 多 处 提 到 盖 茨 是 个 什 么 样 的 人。5.The prosperity of the company stems from hardworking and thrifty of theentire staff.该 公 司 的 兴 荣 源 于 公 司 上 下 人 人 克 勤 克 俭。6.He said nothing at all on the subject of the play which was put on forthe first time Saturday night.就 星 期 六 晚 上 首 次 上 演 的 那 出 戏,他 什 么 也 没 说。1.Word came yesterday that they were killed while trying to reach thesummit.昨 天 传 来 消 息 说,他 们 在 试 图 登 上 峰 顶 时 遇 难 了。2.Under no circumstances shall I mention to anyone that I have turned downthe invitation to her wedding.我 绝 不 会 向 任 何 人 提 起 我 曾 拒 绝 她 的 邀 请,没 有 去 参 加 她 的 婚 礼。3.It made the headlines that the president s wife threatened her husbandwith public exposure.总 裁 夫 人 威 胁 要 公 开 揭 发 丈 夫,这 件 事 成 了 头 条 新 闻。4.That wealthy lady s repeated demand for a premarital agreement greatlyharmed her prospective husband s self-esteem and ended up in his refusal toget married.那 位 富 有 的 女 士 再 三 要 求 签 订 婚 前 协 议,令 其 未 婚 夫 自 尊 心 大 受 伤 害,结 果 以 拒 婚 告 终。5.Make no mistake about it,some women would insist on the right to get adivorce if their husbands did not earn as much as they expected.确 实 有 些 妇 女 坚 持 认 为,在 丈 夫 挣 的 钱 不 如 她 们 期 待 的 那 么 高 的 情 况 下,她 们 有 权 要 求 离 婚。6.The casual discovery of the fingerprint shed some light on the murder hehad been looking into.偶 然 发 现 的 指 纹 有 助 于 弄 清 他 一 直 在 调 查 的 凶 杀 案。英 中 1.每 当 有 人 帮 了 你,无 论 事 情 大 小,无 论 他 地 位 高 低,你 都 应 该 对 他 说 声“谢 谢”。When someone does something for you,no matter how smal1 and no matterwhether he is superior or inferior,it is proper to sayz,Thank you 2.蒸 汽 机 的 发 明 使 船 舶 发 生 了 变 化,正 如 其 已 经 改 变 了 陆 地 运 输 一 样。The invention of the steam engine changed land transport.3.尽 管 经 理 努 力 帮 忙,他 还 是 不 能 找 到 问 题 的 根 源 所 在。Though the manager did his best to help,he was still unable to track downthe source of the problem.4.这 个 女 孩 的 生 活 天 天 围 着 哥 哥 转,完 全 明 白 该 做 什 么 来 使 哥 哥 高 兴。The girl,whose life revolved around her brother,had no difficulty workingout what she should do to please him.5.如 果 你 不 知 道 自 己 想 要 什 么,你 最 终 得 到 的 可 能 都 是 自 己 不 想 要 对。If you dont know what,you might end up getting something you don,t want.6.吉 米 有 他 妹 妹 帮 助 他 度 过 那 些 没 有 父 亲 的 艰 难 日 子。Jimmy had his sister to help him get through the painful days alone withouthis father.1.作 为 补 救 缺 铁 的 种 方 法,专 家 推 荐 食 用 肉、鸡 和 鱼,它 们 是 最 好 的 铁 质 来 源,也 是 唯 一 最 容 易 被 身 体 吸 收 的 铁 质 来 源。As a way to remedy iron deficiency,experts recommend meat,chicken andfish,the best sources of iron,and the only sources of iron most readilyabsorbed by the body.2.铁 质 储 量 为 零 时,你 会 觉 得 虚 弱,疲 乏 无 力,喘 不 过 气,这 是 缺 铁 第 三 阶 段 的 典 型 症 状。Iron reserves gone to zero,you feel weak,tired and out of breath,whichis the typical symptom of the third stage of iron deficiency.3.耐 力 运 动 员,尤 其 是 女 性,经 常 会 缺 铁,如 果 增 食 肉 类 食 物 或 服 用 铁 质 补 剂,能 够 恢 复 到 健 康 状 态。Endurance athletes,particularly females,who frequently have irondeficiency,may bounce back if they consume additional meat or take ironsupplements.4.这 位 运 动 医 学 专 家 认 为,感 到 劳 累、工 作 效 率 差 的 人,最 好 食 用 牛 肉、羊 肉,它 们 含 有 最 易 被 吸 收 的 铁 质。According to the sports medicine expert,it is advisable for those who sufferfrom fatigue and poor performance to eat red meat,which contains the mosteasily absorbed form of iron.5.铁 质 储 量 低 的 人 应 该 去 咨 询 医 生,看 看 是 否 应 通 过 调 整 饮 食 或 服 用 铁 质 补 剂 来 校 正 不 足 People with low iron reserves should consult a physician to see if thedeficiency should be corrected by modifying their diet or by takingsupplements.6.一 般 说 来,如 果 你 忽 视 自 己 摄 入 的 铁 质 含 量,不 在 铁 质 储 备 失 去 之 前 注 意 警 告 信 号,你 会 有 危 险。In general,if you ignore the amount of iron you take in and do not payattention to warning signs before iron reserves are gone,you will be introuble.1.这 副 画 上 一 个 神 色 严 肃 的 男 子,身 旁 站 着 一 位 女 子,身 后 是 所 农 舍。他 们 的 原 型 分 别 是 画 家 的 牙 医 和 姐 姐。The painting shows a serious-looking man and a woman standing alongside himin front of a farmhouse,their models being respectively the painter,s dentistand sister.2.公 司 的 申 请 书,不 管 是 代 表 自 己 还 是 代 表 他 人,都 应 该 有 官 员 的 签 名。Applications made by corporations,whether on their own behalf of otherpersons,must be signed by an official.3.做 了 脱 口 秀 之 后,约 翰 和 妻 子 在 广 播 和 电 视 节 目 上 出 了 名,这 些 节 目 给 普 通 民 众 以 启 迪,而 不 只 是 向 他 们 提 供 信 息。After starting out in talk shows,John rose to fame with his wife in radioand television programs that enlightened the general public,not just informed.4.尽 管 有 些 人 不 赞 同,可 市 领 导 还 是 决 定 实 施 这 个 计 划,在 湖 边 建 造 两 个 五 星 级 宾 馆,以 吸 引 更 多 的 游 客。Although some people did not approve of it,the city leaders decided to goahead with the plan to build two five-star hotel by the lake to attract morevisitors.5.那 位 著 名 画 家 去 世 了,曾 经 给 他 当 模 特 的 妻 子 立 即 担 任 了 他 装 潢 公 司 的 总 经 理 职 务。The famous painter died,and his wife,who used to be a model posing forhis drawings,immediately came in as the general manager of his decorationcompany.6.宴 会 上,他 们 的 衣 着 都 很 华 丽,但 吸 引 我 注 意 力 的 却 是 他 们 的 交 谈 方 式,使 得 我 很 想 和 他 们 交 谈。At the party,all of them were richly dressed,but it was their way of talkingthat captured my attention so much that T felt inclined to talk with them.1.至 于 那 天 晚 上 他 是 怎 么 死 的,事 实 上 我 无 法 解 释,而 且 也 许 不 会 有 任 何 可 能 的 解 释 了。I have in fact no explanation to offer as to how he died that evening,and itmay be that no possible explanation will ever be given.2,做 了 一 件 事 然 后 说 自 己 本 来 不 想 那 样 做 是 没 有 用 的;如 果 你 不 想 做,你 就 不 会 做 了 o There is no use doing something and then saying you did not mean to doit.Had you not meant to do it,you would not have done it.3.微 软 公 司 正 在 研 究 降 低 其 产 品 成 本 的 方 法,以 便 发 展 中 国 家 的 人 也 能 买 得 起。Microsoft is working on ways to reduce the cost of its products so that peoplein developing countries can afford them.4.苹 果 公 司 也 愿 意 将 其 部 分 软 件 与 微 软 公 司 的 产 品 捆 绑 在 一 起,以 促 进 其 销 售。Apple also wi11 bundle some of its software with Microsoft products to helpboost its sales.5.与 评 价 父 亲 不 同,人 们 评 价 母 亲 依 据 的 是 其 为 母 之 道 的 成 功 或 失 败。对 于 母 亲 来 说,一 切 都 取 决 于 孩 子 最 终 成 为 什 么 样 的 人。Unlike fathers,mothers are judged by their parenting successes orfailures;for mothers,everything depends on how their kids turn out.6.人 们 会 发 现 这 个 网 站 很 有 价 值,因 为 我 们 投 入 了 大 量 时 间 准 备 网 站 的 信 息。People will find the website invaluable as we have put in a lot of time toprepare the information.1.现 如 今 太 多 的 人 似 乎 都 是 边 看 电 视 边 吃 东 西,几 乎 没 注 意 自 己 吃 的 是 什 么、吃 了 多 少。Too many people nowadays seem t