2012年职称英语考试理工类A级试题及参考答案第一部分:词汇选项(第115题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语有括号,请为每处括号部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。1.H e shifted his position a little in order to(alleviate)the pain in his leg.A.control B.easy C.experience D.suffer2.Our aim was to(update)the health service,and we succeeded.A.offer B.provide C.modernize D.fund3.She moves from one(exotic)location to another.A.unusual B.familiar C.similar D.proper4.N othing would(induce)me to vote for him again.A.teach B.help C.discourage D.attract5.The photographs(evoked)strong memories of our holiday in France.A.refreshed B.stored C.blocked D.erased6.The weather was(crisp)and clear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away.A.hot B.heavy C.fresh D.windy7.Every week the magazine presents the(profile)of a well-known sports personality.A.success B.description C.evidence D.plan8.H er comments about men are(utterly)ridiculous completely.A.slightly B.completely C.partly D.faintly9.The walls are made of(hollow)concrete blocks.A.big B.empty C.long D.now10.We almost(ran into)a Rolls-Royce that pulled out in front of us withoutsignaling.A.overtook B.hit C.passed D.found11.When I heard the noise in the next room,I couldnt resist having a(peep)look.A.chance B.visit C.look D.try12.H e has been granted(asylum)in France.A.power B.relief C.protection D.license13.H e was(weary)of the constant battle between them.A.fond B.tired C.proud D.afraid14.N ewborn babies can(discriminate)between a man,s and a womans voice.A.treat B.distinguish C.express D.analyzes15.All the flats in the building had the same(layout)arrangement.A.color B.size C.function D.arrangement答案:alleviate-easeupdate一modernizeexotic-unusualinduce一attractevoked一refreshedcrisp一freshprofile一descriptionutterly-completelyhollow-emptyran into-hitpeep-lookasylum一protectionweary一tireddiscriminate一distinguishlayout一arrangement第二部分:阅读判断(第 1622题,每题1分,共 7 分)下面的短文后列出了7 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。Europa?s Watery UnderworldEuropa,one of Jupiter s 63 known moons,looks bright and icy on the surface.B ut appearances can be deceiving:Miles within its cracked,frigid shell,Europa probably hides giant pools of liquid water.Where scientists find liquid water,they hope to find life as well.Since we can t go diving into Europa,s depths just yet,scientists instead have to investigate the moon s surface for clues to what lies beneath.Ina new study,scientists investigated one group of strange ice patterns on Europa and concluded that the formations mark the top of an underground pool that holds as much water as the U S.Great Lakes.Pictures of Europa,which is slightly smaller than Earth s moon,clearlyshow a tangled(错综复杂的),icy mishmash(混合物)of lines and cracks known as chaos terrains.(混乱土也形)These chaotic places cover more than half ofEuropa.For more than 10 years,scientists have wondered what causes the formations.The new study suggests that they arise from the mixing of vast underground stores of liquid water with icy material near the surface.For scientists who suspect that Europa also may be hiding life beneath its icy surface,the news about the new lake is exciting.“It would be great if these lakes harbored life,“B ritney Schmidt,a planetary scientist who worked on the study,told Science N ews.B ut even if they didn t,they say that Europa is doing something interesting and active right now.nSchmidt,a scientist at the University of Texas at Austin,and her colleagues wanted to know how chaos terrains form.Since they couldn,t rocket to Europa to see for themselves,they searched for similar formations here on Earth.They studied collapsed ice shelves in Antarctica and icy caps on volcanoesin Iceland.Those features on Earth formed when liquid water mixed with ice.The scientists now suspect something similar might be happening on Europa:that as water and ice of different temperatures mingle and shift,the surfacefractures.This would explain the jumbled(?昆 舌 L的)ice sculptures.uFracturing catastrophically(灾难性的)disrupts the ice in the same waythat it causes ice shelves to collapse on Earth,“Schmidt told Science N ews.She and her team found that the process could be causing chaos terrains to form quickly on Europa.The new study suggests that on this moon,elements such as oxygen from the surface blend with the deep bodies of water.That mixture may create an environment that supports life.16.The liquid water of an underground pool of Europa is estimated xxxxx of the US Great lakes.A.Right B.Wrong C.N ot mention17.The strange ice patterns on Europa are formed as a result of a xxxxx underground water pool.A.Right B.Wrong C.N ot mention18.Europa is the most recently discovered one among Jupiter sA.Right B.Wrong C.N ot mention19.The size of Europa is a bit larger than that of Earth,s moon.A.Right B.Wrong C.N ot mention20.Schmidt and her colleagues are the first group of scientists xxxxx Europa.A.Right B.Wrong C.N ot mention21.The formations on Europa?s surface are rather unique in theA.Right B.Wrong C.N ot mention22.The existence of liquid water is a necessity for a life-supportA.Right B.Wrong C.N ot mention【答案】:AB CB B B A第三部分:概括大意和完成句子(第 2330题,每题1分,共 8 分)下面的短文后有2 项测试任务:(1)第 23 26题要求从所给的6 个选项中为指定段落每段选择1个小标题;(2)第 2730题要求从所给的6 个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。Learn about N oble Gases(惰性气体)1.H ave you ever ridden on a balloon?Many tourist spots offer balloon ridesin order for people to see the beauty of a place from above.A balloon contains a noble gas called helium.Formerly,balloons contained hydrogen but hydrogen is very flammable and dangerous when uncontrolled.Therefore,people shifted to helium,which is safer.H elium is safe because it has the properties of the noble gases.2.People once believed that noble gases couldn,t chemically react at all.For this reason,they were called inert gases.They were also clustered under Group 0 in the old periodic table because scientists believed that the gases have zero valence electrons in their outer shell.This was later proven to beuntrue when some noble gas compounds were discovered.3.The gases are elements,which share similar properties.These properties include being monoatomic,colorless,odorless,being able to conduct electricity,and having low chemical reactivity.N oble gases include H elium,N eon,Argon,Krypton,Xenon and Radon.These are all found in Group 18,in the rightmost column of the periodic table.If you look at the periodic table,you willnotice that these elements are the only ones,which do not have a charge.H eiium has the lowest molecular(分子的)weight while Radon is the heaviest.4.Remember that chemical reactions occur because atoms have“valence“electrons,which are electrons in their outer shell.When the outer shell is”unfilied”or the required number of electrons is not yet complete,the atom is more reactive.N oble gases have a full outer shell,meaning that they have complete electrons in their outer shell.This complete number varies.For instance,the outer shell of H elium has 2 valence electrons while the outer shell ofXenon has 8 electrons.N owadays,there remains to be a few noble gases because of the inherent low chemical reactivity of these said gases.5.B ecause of their properties,noble gases have many important applications.They are widely used in recreation,medicine and industries.For instance,Liquid H elium is used for superconducting magnets(磁体).These magnets are very important in physics and medicine.When a doctor suspects that a person,sbrain has been damaged,he might request for Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI).MRI allows the doctor to“see the brain,without operating on the patient.23.Paragraph 224.Paragraph 325.Paragraph 426.Paragraph 5【答案】:ECDA选项:A.What are the applications of noble gases?B.H ow were noble gases discovered?C.What are noble gases?D.What cause the low chemical reactivity of noble gases?E.H ow were noble gases understood in the past?F.What is the periodic table?27.N oble gases are not very chemically_.28.Among the elements of noble gases H elium is the_.29.The required number of electrons in noble gases outer shell is.30.MRI may make operating on the patient.【答案】:FCB A选项:A.unnecessaryB.completeC.lightestD.importantE.flammableF.reactive第四部分:阅读理解(第 3145题,每题3 分,共 45分)下面有3 篇短文,每篇短文后有5 道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。第一篇Small But WiseO n D e ce m be r 1 4,N A S A bl a s t e d a s m a l l bu t m i g h t y t e l e s co p e i n t o s p a ce.T h e t e l es co p e i s ca l l e d W I S E a n d i s a bo u t a s w i d e a r o u n d a s a t r a s h ca n.D o n,t l e t i t ss m a l l s i z e f o o l y o u:W I S E h a s a p o w e r f u l d i g i t a l ca m e r a,and i t w ill be tak ing pictu res of some the w ildest o b jects i n t h e k n o w n u n i v e r s e,i n cl u d i n g a s t e r o i d s,f a i n ts t a r s,bl a z i n g g a l a x i e s a n d g i a n t cl o u d s o f d u s t w h e r e p l a n e t s a n d s t a r s a r e bo r n.I m v e r y e x ci t e d be ca u s e w e r e g o i n g t o be s e e i n g p a r t s o f t h e u n i v e r s et h a t w e h a v e n t s e e n be f o r e,“s a i d N e d W r i g h t,a s ci e n t i s t w h o d i r e ct s t h eW I S E p r o j e ct.S i n ce a r r i v i n g i n s p a ce,t h e W I S E t e l e s co p e h a s be e n ci r cl i n g t h e E a r t h,he l d by g r a v i t y i n a p o l a r o r bi t(t h i s m e a n s i t cr o s s e s cl o s e t o t h e n o r t h a n ds o u t h p o l e s w i t h e a ch l a p).I t s ca m e r a i s p o i n t e d o u t w a r d,a w a y f r o m t h e E a r t h,a n d W I S E w i l l s n a p a p i ct u r e o f a d i f f e r e n t p a r t o f t h e s k y e v e r y 1 1 m i n u t es.A f t e r s i x m o n t h s i t w i l l h a v e t a k e n p i ct u r e s a cr o s s t h e e n t i r e s k y.T h e p i ct u r e s t a k e n by W I S E w o n,t be l i k e e v e r y d a y d i g i t a l p h o t o g r a p h s,h o we v e r.W I S E s t a n d s f o r W i d e-f i e l d I n f r a r e d S u r v e y E x p l o r e r.”A s i t s n a m e s ug g e s t s,t h e W I S E ca m e r a t a k e s p i ct u r e s o f f e a t u r e s t h a t g i v e o f f i n f r a r e d r a d ia t i o n.R a d i a t i o n i s e n e r g y t h a t t r a v e l s a s a w a v e.V i s i bl e l i g h t,i n cl u d i n g t h e fa m i l i a r s p e ct r u m o f l i g h t t h a t be co m e s v i s i bl e i n a r a i n bo w,i s a n e x a m p l e o fr a d i a t i o n.W h e n a n o r d i n a r y d i g i t a l ca m e r a t a k e s a p i ct u r e o f a t r e e,f o r e x a mp i e,i t r e ce i v e s t h e w a v e s o f v i s i bl e l i g h t t h a t a r e r e f l e ct e d o f f t h e t r e e.Wh e n t h e s e w a v e s e n t e rm e r a,w h i ch t h e n p u t sW a v e s o f i n f r a r e di n a r y d i g i t a l ca m e r a ss.A l t h o u g h i n v i s i bl ew a r m t h by t h e s k i n.t h e ca m e r a t h r o u g h t h e l e n s,t h e y,r e p r o ce s s e d by t h e cat h e i m a g e t o g e t h e r.r a d i a t i o n a r e l o n g e r t h a n w a v e s o f v i s i bl e l i g h t,s o o r dd o n t s e e t h e m,a n d n e i t h e r d o t h e e y e s o f h u m a n be i n gt o t h e e y e,l o n g e r i n f r a r e d r a d i a t i o n ca n be d e t e ct e d a sT h a t s a k e y i d e a t o w h y W I S E w i l lca n,t.N o t e v e r y t h i n g i n t h e u n i v e r s eo r e x a m p l e,a r e g i a n t r o ck s t h a t f l o a tbe a bl e t o s e e t h i n g s o t h e r t e l e s co p e ss h o w s u p i n v i s i bl e l i g h t.A s t e r o i d s,ft h r o u g h s p a ce bu t t h e y a bs o r b m o s t o ft h e l i g h t t h a t r e a ch e s t h e m.T h e y d o n,t r e f l e ct l i g h t,s o t h e y y r e d i f f i cu l t t os e e.B u t t h e y d o g i v e o f f i n f r a r e d r a d i a t i o n,s o a n i n f r a r e d t e l e s co p e l i k e WI S E w i l l be a bl e t o p r o d u ce i m a g e s o f t h e m.D u r i n g i t s m i s s i o n W I S E w i l l t a k ep i ct u r e s o f h u n d r e d s o f t h o u s a n d s o f a s t e r o i d s.B rown dwarfs are another kind of deep-space object that will show up in WISE,s pictures.These objects are“failed”stars-which means they are not massive enough to jump start the same kind of reactions that power stars such as the sun.Instead,brown dwarfs simply shrink and cool down.Theyre so dim that they,re almost impossible to see with visible light,but in the infrared spectrum they glow.31.What is so special about WISE?A.It is as small as a trashcan.C.Never before has a telescope carried a digital camera in space.B.It is small in size but carries a large camera.D.Its digital camera can help astronomers to see the unknown space.32.The camera on WISEA.produces images of objects giving off infrared radiation.B.is equipped with expensive computersC.reflects light visible to the human eyeD.is similar to an ordinary digital camera33.It is true that infrared radiationA.is not detectable to humanB.looks bright than visible lightC.is visible light reflected off an objectD.has longer waves that those of visible light34.Which of the following statements about asteroid is N OT true?A.The WISE telescope can take pictures of asteroids.B.They do not reflect light that reaches them.C.They are invisible to ordinary camera.D.They float through space giving off visible light.35.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that brown dwarfs?A.are power stars like the sun.B.give off visible light.C.become massive and active.D.are invisible to the WISE telescope.【答案】:DADDBDownload Knowledge Directly to Your B rainFor the first time,researchers have been able to hack into the process of learning in the brain,using induced brain patterns to create a learned behavior.It s not quite as advanced as an instant kung-fu download,and it s not as sleek as cognitive inception,but it s still an important finding that could lead to new teaching and rehabilitation techniques.Future therapies could decode the brain activity patterns of an athlete or amusician,and use them as a benchmark for teaching another person a new activity,according to the researchers.Scientists from Boston University and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto used functional magnetic resonance imaging,or fMRI,to study the learning process.They were examining the adult brain,s aptitude for visua1 perceptual learning,or VPL,in which repetitive training improves a person s performance on a particular task.Whether adults can do this as well as young people has been an ongoing debate in neuroscience.Led by BU neuroscientist Takeo Watanabe,researchers used a method called decoded fMRI neurofeedback to stimulate the visual cortex.First they showed participants circles at different orientations.Then they used fMRI to watch theparticipants?brain activity.The researchers were then able to train the participants to recreate this visual cortex activity.The volunteers were again placed in MRI machines and asked to visualize shapes of certain colors.The participants were asked to usomehow regulate activity in the posterior part of the brain”to make a solid green disc as large asthey could.They were told they would get a paid bonus proportional to