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    2022年福建大学英语考试真题卷(本卷共分为1 大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总 分 100分,60分及格。)单 位:姓 名:考 号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共 50题,每题2 分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.Qu es t ions 1 t o 5 ar e bas ed on an int er v iew.What s u bject is Mr.Pit t good atA.Art.B.French.C.German.D.Chemistry.2.Qu es t ions 6 and 7 ar e bas ed on t he follow ing new s.Mos t of t he t h i r t y-t hou s and p eop Ie w er e abou t Mr.Sar kozy1 sv ict or y.A.nervousB.worriedC.optimisticD.pessimistic3.Qu es t ions 1 t o 5 ar e bas ed on an int er v iew.What does Mr.Pit t NOT do in his s p ar e t imeA.Doing a bit of acting and photography.B.Going to concerts frequently.C.Playing traditional jazz and folk music.D.Travelling in Europe by hitch-hikin4.Quest i ons 6 and 7 are based on the following news.Mr.Sarkozy won percent of the vote,which gave him a comfortablemajority over his opponent.A.35B.53C.63D.515.Question 8 is based on the fol lowing news.A.KabulB.ArlingtonC.BaghdadD.Kandahar6.Quest i ons 9 and 10 are based on the following news.What is the feature of TATPA.It is an simple explosive.B.It is a military explosive.C.It is made in U.S.factories.D.It can be easily made indoors.7.I do.To Americans those two words can-y great meaning.They can evenchange your I ife.Espec i a I Iy if you say them at your own wedd i ng.Maki ngwedd i ng vows is I i ke s i gn i ng a contract.Now Americans donJ t real I y thinkmarriage is a business deal.But marriage is serious business.It al Ibegins with engagement.Traditionally,a young man asks the father ofhis sweetheart for permission to marry her.If the father agrees,theman later proposes to her.Often he tries to surprise her by poppingthe question in a romantic way.Somet i mes the coup Ie just dec i destogether that the time is right to get married.The man usually giveshis fiancde a diamond ring as a symboI of their engagement.They may beengaged for weeks,months or even years.As the big day approaches,bridalshowers and bachelor s parties provide many usefuI gifts.Today manycoup Ies also receive counseIi ng during engagement.This prepares themfor the cha11enges of marr ied I ife.At last it s time for the wedding.AI though most wedd i ngs follow I ong-he I d traditions,there1 s s t ill roomfor American i nd i v i duaIi sm.For examp Ief the usual place for a wedd i ngis in a church.But some peopIe get married outdoors in a seenic spot.A few even have the ceremony while sky-diving or riding on horseback!The coup Ie may invite hundreds of peopIe or just a few close friends.They choose their own style of colors,decorations and music during theceremony.But some things rarely change.The bride usually wears abeautifuIv long white wedding dress.She traditional ly wears nsomethingold,something new,something borrowed and something blue.The groomwears a formal suit or tuxedo.Several close friends participate in theceremony as attendants,including the best man and the maid of honor.As the ceremony begins,the groom and his attendants stand with theminister,facing the audience.Music signals the entrance of the bride9s attendants,fol lowed by the beautifuI bride.Nervously,the youngcoup I e repeats the i r vows.Trad i t i ona 11 y,they prom ise to I ove each otherHfor better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health.But somet i mes the coup I e has composed their own vows.They give each othera gold ring to symboI ize their marriage commitment.Finally the ministerannounces the big moment:I now pronounce you man and wife.You may kissyour bride!At the wedding reception,the bride and groom greet theirguests.Then they cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite.Guestsm i ng I e wh i I e enjoy i ng cake,punch and other treats.Later the br i de throwsher bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls.Tradition says thatthe one who catches the bouquet wi11 be the next to marry.During therecept i on,p I ayf u I friends decorate”the couples car with tissue paper,tin cans and a Just Married sign.When the reception is over,thenew I yweds run to their“decorated“car and speed off.Many coup I es takea honeymoon,a one-to-two-week vacation trip,to celebrate their newmarr iage.AI most every cu I ture has r i tua I s to s i gna I a change in ones I ife.Marriage is one of the most basic I ife changes for peopIe of al Icultures.So it s no surprise to find many traditions about gettingmarried.even in America.Yet each coup Ie fol lows the traditions in away that is uniquely their own.The word business”occurs twice in the firs t paragraph,what does thesecond business”meanA.Trade.B.Affair.C.Duty.D.Right.8.Quest i ons 9 and 10 are based on the following news.Richard Reid tried to bomb a plane with the bomb.A.provided by terroristsB.stolen from the militaryC.made according to the methods shown in InternetD.made in his lab9.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview.When asked what a manager5 s role ist Mr.P itt sounds.A.confidentB.hesitantC.resoluteD.doubtful10.MA w r it er1 s job is t o t el I t he t r u t h,s aid Hemingw ay in 1942.Noot her w r it er of ou r t ime had s o fier cely as s er t ed,s o p u gnaciou s lydefended or s o cons i s t ent I y ex emp I i f i ed t he w r it er*s obi i gat i on t o s p eakt r u ly His s t andar d of t r u t h-t el Iing r emained,mor eov er,s o high and s or igor ou s t hat he w as or dinar i ly u nw i11ing t o admit s econdar y ev idence,w het her I it er ar y ev i dence or ev i dence p i eked u p fr om ot her s ou r ces t hanhis ow n ex p er ience.I only know w hat I hav e s een,“w as a s t at ement w hichcame oft en t o his I ip s and p en.What he had p er s onal ly done,or w hat heknew u nfor get t ably by hav ing gone t hr ou gh one v er s ion of it,w as w hathe w as int er es t ed in t elling abou t.This is not t o s ay t hat he r efu s edt o i nv ent fr eely.Bu t he a I w ay s made it a s acr os anct p oint t o i nv ent int er ms of w hat he act u a11y knew fr om hav ing been t her e.The p r imar yint ent of his w r it ing,fr om fir s t t o las t,w as t o s eize and p r oject fort he r eader w hat he oft en called nt he w ay it .w as.n This is achar act er is t ically s imp le p hr as e for a concep t of ex t r aor dinar ycomp lex it y,and Hemingw ay9 s concep t ion of it s meaning s u bt Iy changeds ev er al t imes in t he cou r s e of his car eer-a I w ay s in t he dir ect ion ofgr eat er comp I ex i t y.At t he cor e of t he concep t,how ev er,one caninv ar iably dis cer n t he op er at ion of t hr ee aes t het ic ins t r u ment s;t hes ens e of p lace t he s ens e of fact and t he s ens e of s cene.The fir s tof t hes e,obv i ou s I y a s t r ong p as s ion w it h Hem i ngw ay i s t he s ens e of p I ace.Unles s y ou hav e geogr ap hy,backgr ou nd,he once t old Geor ge Ant ei I,Youhav e not hing.M You hav e,t hat is t o s ay,a dr amat ic v acu u m.Few w r it er shav e been mor e p Iace-cons ciou s.Few hav e s car efu lly char t ed ou t s hegeographical ground work of their noveIs while managing to keepbackground so conspicuousIy unobtrusive.Few,accordingly,have beenable to record more economically and graphical ly the way it is when youwalk through the streets of Paris in search of breakfast at corner caf6 Or when,at around six o5 clock of a Spanish dawn,you watch thebulls running from the corrals at the Puerta Rochapea through the streetsof PampIona towards the bulIring.When I woke it was the sound ofthe rocket exp Iod i ng that announced the release of the bulls from thecorrals at the edge of town.Down below the narrow street was empty.Al Ithe balconies were crowded with peopIe.Sudden Iy a crowd came down thestreet.They were al I running,packed close together.They passed alongand up street toward the bu11r ing and behind them came more men runningfaster,and then some stragglers who ere real ly running.Behind them wasa little bare space,and then the bulls,ga 11 op i ng,toss i ng their headsup and down.It al I went out of sight around the corner.One man fe ll,rolled to the gutter,and lay quiet.But the bulls went right on and didnot notice him.They were al I running together.M This Iandscape isas morning-fresh as a design in India ink on clean white paper.Firstis the bare white street,seem from above,quiet and empty.Then one seesthe firs t packed clot of runners.Behind these are the thinner ranks ofthose who move faster because they are closer to bulls.Then the almostcomic stragglers,who are really running.n B rillia n tly behind theseshines the little bare space,M a desperate margin for error.Then theclot of running bu11s-closing the design,except of course for the manin the gutter making himself,I ike the designer 5 s in itials,asinconspicuous as possible.According to the author,Hemingway s primary purpose in te11 ing a storywas.A.to construct a well-told story that the reader would thoroughly enjoy.B.To construct a story that would reflect truths that were not particularto a specific historical periodC.To begin from reality but to allow his imagination to roam from theway it was to the way it might have been”D.To report faithfully reality as Hemingway had experienced it.11.Cancun means snakepit”in the local Mayan Ianguage,and it Iived upto its name as the host of an important World Trade Organization meetingthat began last week.Rather than tack Ii ng the problem of their highagricultural ta riffs and lavish farm subsidies,which victim ize farmersin poorer nations,a number of rich nations derailed the talks.Thefai lure by 146 trade de I egates to reach an agreement in Mex i co is a seriousblow to the gIobaI economy.And contrary to the mindless cheering withwh i ch the breakdown was greeted by ant i g I oba I i zat i on protesters at Cancun,the world5 s poorest and most vulnerable nations wiI I suffer most.Itis a bitter irony that the chief architects of this fai lure were nationsI ike Japan,Korea and European Union members,themseIves ads for theprosperity afforded by increased gIobaI trade.The Gancun meetingcame at the midpoint of the W.T.0.1 s development round,of tradeIiberalization talks,one that began two years ago with an eye towardextending the benefits of freer trade and markets to poorer countries.The principal demand of these developing nationst Ied at Cancun by Brazi I,has been an end to high ta riffs and agricultural subsidies in thedeveI oped worIdv and r i ghtIy so.Poor nat i ons find it hard to competeagainst r ich nat ions farmers,who get more than$300 b illio n in governmenthandouts each year.The talks appeared to break down suddenly on theissue of whether the W.T.0.shouId extend its rulemaking jurisdictioninto such new areas as foreign investment.But in truth,there was nothingabrupt about the Cancun meltdown.The Japanese and Europeans had devisedt his demand for an u nw ieIdy and u nneces s ar y ex p ans ion of t he W.T.0.,s mandat e as a p o i s on p ill-t o def I ect any at t emp t s t o get t hem t o t u r nt heir backs on t heir p ow er fu l far m lobbies.Their p lan w or ked.TheAmer ican r ole at Gancu n w as d i s ap p o i nt i ng Iy mu t ed.The Bu s hadminis t r at ion had lit t le int er es t in t he p r op os aI t o ex p and t he W.T.0.,s au t hor it y,bu t t he Amer ican far m lobby is s p lit bet w een t hos e w ho w antt o p r ofit fr om gr eat er acces s t o for eign mar ket s and les s efficients ect or s t hat demand cont inu ed coddIing fr om Was hingt on.That is oner eas on t he Unit ed St at es made t he u nfor t u nat e decis ion t o s ide w it h t hemor e p r ot ect ionis t Eu r op eans in Cancu n,a p os it ion t hat left Amer icant r ade r ep r es ent at iv es p lay ing defens e on s u bs idies r at her t han t akinga cr eat iv e s t ance,a Iongs i de Br azilt on low er ing t r ade bar r ier s.Thisw as an u nfor t u nat e s u bject on w hich t o s how s ome r ar e t r ans-At lant ics ol idar it y.The r es u lt ing -coaI it ion of t he u nw i 11 ingn lent t he t alksan u nfor t u nat e nor t h-v er s u s-s ou t h cas t.Any hop e t hat t he Un i t edSt at es w ou ld t ake t he mor al high gr ou nd at Cancu n,and r eclaim it shis t or ic leader s hip in p r es s ing for fr eer t r ade,w as fu r t her das hed byt he dis gr acefu I manner in w hich t he Amer ican negot iat or s r ebu ffed t her ight fu I demands of Wes t Afr ican nat ions t hat t he Unit ed St at es commitit s elf t o a clear p has ing ou t Of it s har mfu l cot t on s u bs idies.Amer icanbu s ines s and labor gr ou p s,not t o ment ion t ax p ay er s,s hou Id be enr agedt hat t he adminis t r at ion s eems mor e s olicit ou s of p r ot ect ing t he mos tindefens ibIe s egment of Unit ed St at es p r ot ect ionis m r at her t han ofp r ot ect ing t he nat ionaI int er es t by p r omot ing economic gr ow t h t hr ou ght r ade.For s t r u gg I ing cot t on far mer s in s u b-Sahar an Afr ica,and formi I I ions of ot her s in t he dev e lop ing w or ld w hos e I i v es w ou ld benefit fr omt he fu r t her low er ing of t r ade bar r ier s,t he failu r e of Gancu n amou nt st o a cr u s hing mes s age fr om t he dev eI op ed w or ld one of callou sindiffer ence.The author mentions that Cancun means snakepit in the local MayanIanguage.Snakepit possibly means.A.a place or state of chaotic disorder and distressB.snake holeC.snake trapD.a place or situation of potential danger12.In its modern form the concept of MI iterature die not emerge ear I ierthan e i ghteenth century and was not fu lly deve I oped unt i I the n i neteenthcentury.Yet he conditions for its emergence had been developing sincethe Rena i ssance.The word itse lf came into Eng I i sh use in the fourteenthcentury,fol lowing French and Latin precedents;its root was Latin I itter,a letter of the a I phabet.Litterature,in the common early spe 11 i ngy wasthen in effect a condition of reading:of being abIe to read and of havingread.It was often close to the sense of modern I iteracy,which was notin the Ianguage untiI the late nineteenth century,its introduction inpart made necessary b the movement of Iiterature to a different sense.The normal adjective associated with Iiterature was I iterate.Literaryappeared in the sense of reading abi I ity and exper ience in the seventeenthcentury,and did not acquire its spec i a Ii zed modern mean i ng untiI theeighteenth century.Literature as a new category was ten aspec i a I i zat i on of the area formerly categorized as rhetoric and grammar:a spec i a Ii zat i on to read i ng and,in the material context of thedeveIopment of printing,to the printed word and espec i a 11y the book,It was eventua11y to become a more general category than poetry or theear I ier poesy,which had been general terms for imaginative composition,but which in relation to the deveIopment of Iiterature becamepredominantly specialized,from the seventeenth century,to metricalcompos it ion and espec ial ly wr i tten and pr i nted metr i ca I compos it ion.ButIit er at u r e w as nev er p r imar ily t he act i v e comp os i t i on-t he“making”一 w hich p oet r y had des cr ibed.As r eading r at her t han w r it ing,it w as a cat egor y of differ ent kind.


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