http:/www.P新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册听力练习录音文本和答案UintlII.Basi c Li steni ng Practi ce1.Scri ptW:Ok.Its yo ur turn to pay th e bi ll.I pai d last ti me.M:W h at?Yo u h ave a selecti ve memo ry.Yo u tri ed to pay last turn,butyo ur credi t card fai led;so I ended up payi ng!Ifs defi ni tely yo urturn.Q:W h at i s true acco rdi ng to th e co nversati o n?2.Scri ptM:Im h avi ng real tro uble revi ewi ng fo r th i s French exam.I j ust cantmemo ri ze all th e vo cabulary.W:Me to o.I h ate h avi ng to learn th i ng s by h eart.I g uess we j ust h aveto keep readi ng th e texts o ver and o ver.Q:W h at do es th e wo man prefer?3.Scri ptW:Oh lo o k!Th eres th at g uy we saw last week,playi ng fo o tball i n th epark!He lo o ked g reat i n h i s ki t,remember?M:Hi m?I do nt remember h i m.Ive g o t a terri ble memo ry fo r faces.I h avea h ard ti me even reco rdi ng peo ple Ive been i ntro duced to.Q:Acco rdi ng to th e co nversati o n,wh at i s th e mans pro blem?4.Scri ptM:W h y i s th ere a bi g si g n o n th e back o f yo ur do o r th at says keys?W:Its to remi nd me to take my keys wh en I g o o ut because Im always lo cki ngmyself o ut by acci dent!It do esnt h elp eno ug h.No w I j ust fo rg et to readth e si g n.Q:W h y i s th ere a si g n o n th e back o f th e do o r?5.Scri ptM:Th at h i sto ry exam was really h ard.Th e essay questi o n was terri ble!W:I kno w,I wi sh I were li ke Davi d.He h as a ph o to g raph i c memo ry,yo ukno w.Ho w useful th at wo uld be!Q:W h at i s true o f Davi d?K e y s:1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.CIII.Li steni ng InScriptM:Tell me yo ur secret.Yo ure suddenly g etti ng excellent marks i n everysubj ect,and yo u used to be a bo tto m-o f-class student j ust li ke me.W:Si mple eno ug h.I read an arti cle i n a sci enti fi c j o urnal th at studyi ngwi th rememberi ng,based o n recent research i nto th e brai n.M:Aw,th at stuffs o ld h at:study at th e same ti me every day,be sureyo ur clo th es are co mfo rtable,and make sure yo u h ave eno ug h li g h t,blah-blah-blah.W:No t so fast,wi se g uy.Im talki ng abo ut pri nci ples li ke“MentalVi suali zati o n,creati ng a pi cture i n yo ur mi nd o f wh at i s to beremembered.M:Ok,th at di es so und di fferent.Id“Asso ci ati o n“a pri nci ple一 yo u kno w,yo u co nnect wh at yo u want to remember wi th so meth i ng yo ure fami li arwi th?W:Ri g h t o n!Co nso li dati o n“i s ano th er.I revi ew my no tes ri g h t afterclass and co nso li date-o r abso rb-th e new materi al i nto wh at Ivealready learned.M:Yo ure mo vi ng ah ead fast wi th th o se pri nci ples.I swear th i s weekend Img o i ng to study si xteen h o urs a day bo th Saturday and Sunday.W:W h o a,bi g g uy.Th afs no t th e way.Fo llo w th e pri nci ple o f Di stri butesPracti ce”.Sh o rter study sessi o ns di stri butes o ver several days arebetter.M:Th at system i s all very well fo r yo u;yo uve g o t a g o o d memo ry.Butwh at abo ut me?Ive g o t a memo ry li ke a si eve.W:Yo ure to o mo dest.Th eres no th i ng wro ng wi th yo ur memo ry.But memo ryi s li ke a muscle;i t needs exerci se.And do nt fo rg et i t.W h i le th e man i s wo nderi ng wh y th e wo man i s suddenly g etti ng excellentmarks,sh e says sh e read an arti cle o n studyi ng and rememberi ng.It talksabo ut pri nci ples li ke“Mental Vi suali zati o n”,th at i s,creati ng a pi cturei n o nes mi nd o f wh al i s lo be remembered.Th i s remi nds th e man o f th epri nci ple o f“Asso ci ati o n”,wh i ch means co nnecti ng wh at o ne wants toremember wi th so meth i ng o ne i s fami li ar wi th.Th en th e wo man adds th epri nci ple o f“Co nso li daI i o n”,o r revi ewi ng o nes no tes after class andabsorbing the new material into what one has already learned.When theman promise to study sixteen hours a day,the woman recommends the principleof Distributed Practice”,which favors shorter study sessions distributedover several days.Finally,the woman tells the man that memory is likea muscle,and that it needs exercise.Task 2:You forget my toast!ScriptAn 80-year-oId couple was having problems remembering things,so theydecide to go to their doctor to see what was wrong with them.They explainedto the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory.Afterchecking the couple over,the doctor told them that they were physicallyokay but might need to start writing things down to help them remember.The couple thanked the doctor and left.Later that night while watching TV,the old woman said to the old man,“Honey,will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream?Before the man left,she added,“W hy dont you write that down so you won,tforget?”“Nonsense,“said the husband,A:You see,there are to many old people here,but far too smal 1 a staff.B:Yeah,thats probably because people live longer now,crowding nursinghomes.A:So we can hardily get attention.The owner tries to save money on foodand care.B:I see,nursing home abuse is now a very common problem.I heard of onesurvey with statistics:300 homes were inspects,and in nearly half ofthem care was substandard.A:Sometimes they even beat me.I dont know where and how I can get help.B:I n theory government offices and lawyers can help you in cases of abuse.A:But it is inconvenient for me to contact government offices again andagain,and Im too poor to hire a lawyer.B:O K,aunt,since its hard to ensure youre Ok here,r i l take you home.Mary and I will take care of you.A:Are you sure Mary thinks in the same way as you do?MODEL2 Th i s beauty battled th e bo ttle.Ch ri s:Hey No ra.No ra:Hey Ch ri s.Ho w i s i t g o i ng?Ch ri s:No t to o bad.Si t do wn.Si t do wn.Hey,wh o was th at fo o d-lo o ki ngg i rl yo u were talki ng to near th e audi to ri um?No ra:Th e Drunken Do cto r”,Dr Do yle,wh o g ave dynami te Ladi es Onlylecture.Ch ri s:No,no.I mean th e blo nds,h ealth y-lo o ki ng,th e twenty-so meth i ngg i rl i n blue.No ra:Yeah,exactly.Sh es a do cto r,but sh e used to be a drunk.No w sh etells wo men th e dang ers o f dri nki ng.Ch ri s:I cant i mag i ne so me o ne as pretty as sh e i s to be a drunk.Anda do cto r,to o!No ra:Sh e says th ere are alco h o li cs all o ver th e wo rld,16 mi lli o n plus j usti n th e U.S.Ch ri s:Im surpri sed th at th ere are so many peo ple wh o lack th e wi ll-po wento sto p.No ra:Ils a di sease th at stri kes yo ung and o ld,ri ch and po o r,and alwalks o f li fe.Ch ri s:Drunks are o ften di rty o ld men beg g i ng fo r mo ney.Ho w di d Dr.Do yleg et h o o ked?No ra:Sh e was an i ntern i n a bi g h o spi tal:lo ng h o urs,li ttle sleep,andco nstant stress.Ch ri s:I suppo se at fi rst alco h o l h elped h er to relax,but sh e reali zed.No ra:Fi rst i t was a dri nk at ni g h t,th en two,th en a bo ttle,th en dri nksto wake up.Ch ri s:Th afs a sad sto ry.No ra:Mo re i nspi ri ng th an sad.Sh e g o t h elp and sto pped.No w sh e h elpso th ers.Isnt th at wo nderful?No w Yo ur TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA:Hi,Jo h n,Im so g lad to see yo u are back!B:Ifs ni ce to be h o me ag ai n,Mo m.A:Oh,yo u smell terri bly o f alco h o l and to bacco.Yo u di dnt smo ke o r dri nkbefo re yo u left h o me a year ag o.Ho w di d yo u g et h o o ked?B:As an assistant engineer,I had to work might shifts often.I felt lonelyand began to drink and smoke.That helped me to relax.A:So gradually you drank more and more?B:Yeah,first it was a drink at night,then two,then a bottle,and thenI drank to wake up.A:Oh,I simply cant imagine my handsome son to be a drunk and a heavy smokernow.Cant you stop?B:Its difficult.I lack the will-power to stop.A:But remember the dangers of heavy drinking and smoking.Sooner or lateryou911 develop high blood pressure,heart trouble,or liver trouble.B:There are alcoholics all over the world,and they are s till living.A:Im sorry that drinking and smoking ate diseases that strike young andold,rich and poor,and all walks of life.Young must get help andstop.B:O K,F il try m y best.M0DEL3 There are high risks with games of chance.ScriptSusan:Hey,Chris.W hy so you look so depressed?Chris:Oh,its my brother.You know,he has got a gambling problem.Youcant understand gambling as an addiction unless youve been hooked.Susan:Apparently its like being addicted to drugs or alcohol.You justwant more and more.Chris:Its exactly like alcoholism;it takes over you life.I fs on yourmind constantly.Susan:Yeah,like some horrible disease.But you can get help.Chris:M y brother tried to stop,but he felt restless.bad tempered.Hisnerves were always on edge.Susan:Did he try Gamblers Anonymous?Its a self-help group withexperience just like his.Chris:Yeah,hes not alone.Its estimated there are 10 million addictsin America.Susan:I dont want to nag him,but isn,t it a question of taking controlof his life?Chris:I see your point,but hes a compulsive gambler.Susan:I know.But if he gets help,maybe hell get better.Chris:No doubt.Itll be tough.Though but worth it.Susan:Remember the proverb“Better medicine has wholesome effects.,Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA:Good morning,Mr.Brown,Im a correspondent with the magazine Health.I heat youve overcome your gambling problem.First of all,could youdescribe your problems in the past?B:Yeah,I did have serious gambling problems.You can,t understandgambling as an addiction till youve been hooked.A:Could you tell me your feeling at the time?B:There was a sensation like the one that comes with drugs or alcohol,andI wanted more and more.A:How do you compare it with alcoholism?B:I f s like alcoholism;it takes over your life.I fs on your mindconstantly.A:Did you try to get help?B:At first I didnt.I tried to stop on my own,but I felt restless andbad-tempered.M y nerves were on edge.A:I see its d ifficu lt for a compulsive gambler to overcome the problem.But howdid you finally get rid of it?B:I went to a doctor for help.He made me realize that it was a questionof getting hold of m y life.He told me that if I thought of it as a disease,I would probably be cured.He also gave me some medicine.A:I guess it was a thought fight.B:Yes,though but worth it.Anyway,“B itter p ills may have wholesome effects.?V.Lefs TalkScriptToday Ill be presenting a report on our findings on the condition of theworlds population.It may be a surprise to you that half the people inthe world live on less than two dollars a day,and one billion people liveon less than one dollar a day.rm going to look at poverty and its relationship to population issues.Wemust work fast if we hope to reduce poverty by half,by the year 2015.Our survey shows that the first step should be to improve health-caresystems.In the world9 poorest countries,people are expected to live just49 years.One in ten children doesnt reach his or her first birthday.According to our study,poor health and poverty are linked.W omen areaffected most by poor-care systems,especially pregnant women.The second job we have to do,as many of you can guess,is to reduce birthrates.W e have found that when given a choice,poor people in developingcountries have fewer children than their parents dis.A possible reason forthis is probably that smaller families have fewer expenses and more chancesof increasing their earnings and savings.Since the 1970s,developing countries with lower birth rates have had fastereconomic growth.They have had higher productivity,more savings and moreinvestment.Obviously we must encourage family planning and lower birthrates.No w,h ere i s th e th i rd measure we must take:pro mo te educati o n i n develo pi ngco untri es.Investi ng i n educati o n,especi ally fo r wo men,can reduce po verty.Educated wo men h ave mo re o ppo rtuni ti es to wo rk and a ch ance to li ve better.Mo reo ver,th ey tend to send th ei r ch i ldren to fo o d sch o o ls so th at th ey cancli mb th e so ci al ladder.W ell,any questi o ns?No ne?OK.No w Fi l talk abo ut th e fo urth step we needto take.Measures to Take i n Develo pi ngCo untri esPro blems and Reaso ns fo r Taki ng th eMeasures1.To i mpro ve h ealth care systemsIn th e po o rest co untri es:1.Peo ple are expected to li ve j ust49 years.2.One i n ten ch i ldren do esnt reachh i s o r h er fi rst bi rth day.3.W o men are affected mo st by po o rh ealth-care systems,especi allypreg nant wo men.2.To reduce bi rth rates1.Smaller fami li es h ave fewerexpenses and mo re ch ance o fi ncreasi ng th ei r earni ng s andsavi ng s.2.Co untri es wi th lo wer bi rth ratesh ave h ad faster eco no mi cs g ro wth.3.To po pulari ze educati o nInvesti ng i n educati o n,especi ally fo ewo men,can reduce po verty:1.Educated wo men h ave mo reo ppo rtuni ti es to wo rk and canli ve better2.Th ey are mo re li kely to send th ei rch i ldren to g o o d sch o o ls soth at th e ch i ldren wi ll cli mbi h e so ci al ladder.Di scussi o nSAMPLEA:To reduce po verty,i t i s very i mpo rtant to lo wer bi rth rates,as th espeaker sug g ested i n h i s lecture.B:True.Smaller fami li es h ave fewer expenses and mo re ch ances to i ncreaseth ei r earni ng and savi ng s.A:Mo reo ver,develo pi ng co untri es wi th lo wer bi rth rates h ave h ad fastereco no mi c g ro wth.B:Ifs equally i mpo rtant to po pulari ze educati o n.A:Yes,i nvesti ng i n educati o n,especi ally fo r wo men,can reduce po verty.Educated wo men,yo u kno w,h ave mo re o ppo rtuni ti es to wo rk and a ch ance toli ve better.B:Mo reo ver,th ey tend to send th ei r ch i ldren to fo o d sch o o l s so th at th eywi ll cli mb th e so ci al ladder.A:Th e speaker also menti o ns th e necessi ty to i mpro ve th e h ealth-care system.In fact,po o r h ealth and po verty are li nked.B:I ag ree.If yo u are no t i n g o o d h ealth,yo u can,t wo rk well to g et g o o dpay.W h ats mo re,yo u h ave to spend lo ts o f mo ney o n seei ng do cto rs.A:So me co untri es are eco no mi cally backward,so th ey try to develo p apo werful to uri sm i ndustry,and i n th i s way th ey earn a lo t o f mo ney.B:I th i nk i t i s mo re i mpo rtant fo r th em to develo p th ei r nati o nal eco no my.W i th fast eco no mi c g ro wth,many peo ple wi ll sh ake o ff po verty.A:Po verty can be allevi ated furth er by eco no mi c ai d fro m ri ch co untri es.B:But I th i nk tech no lo g i cal ai d fro m advanced co untri es can be mo resi g ni fi cant.W i th better tech no lo g y,po o r co untri es can develo p fastero n th ei r o n,.As th e Ch i nese sayi ng g o es,i t i s better to teach so meo neh o w to fi sh th an to g i ve h i m fi sh.A:If less develo ped co untri es are allo wed to expo rt mo re o f th ei rwo rkfo rce,th ey can earn mo re fo rei g n currency.B:Th i s requi res develo ped nati o ns to lo wer th ei r tari ff barri ers.VI.Furth er Li steni ng and Speaki ngTaskl:Held Back Because I Speak Spani shScri ptI was rai sed speaki ng Eng li sh,but I also spo ke Spani sh at h o me.W h en Iwent to sch o o l fo r th e fi rst ti me,I was enro lled i n ESL classes-classeso f Eng li sh as a Seco nd Lang uag e.I was also put i n th e Li mi ted Eng li shPro fi ci ency Pro g ram.In all th ese classes,I always g o t th e h i g h est g rades.I was th e best reader and speaker.Th ere as no reaso n fo