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Make an effective posterLearning objectives(学习目标)HelpstudentstoacquirethefeaturesaboutanEnglishposter;HelpstudentstowriteanEnglishposteraboutanimalprotectionbyusingsomenewlyacquiredwritingskills;Tolearntomakeaposteraboutanendangeredanimal;posterWhat is a poster?0102Itisusuallypinnedtoawallorboard.03Itisusuallyfordecorationortoadvertisesomething.Itisalargeprintedpicture,photograph,ornotice Complete the following tasksPart1ReadingLook at the posters below.Which emotions do the photos communicate?Task1poster on the leftposter on the right Give ugly a chance!When it comes to wildlife protection,all species the good,the bad and the uglyshould be treated equally.Pandas,dolphins and other cute wildlife are important,but we must pay attention to less cute animals too.The world needs all kindswithout variety our planet cannot survive.So if you want the future to be beautiful,you have to give ugly a chance.Read the contents of posters1.Highlight the key words of each sentence.2.Write a one-sentence summary for each poster.One-sentence summary:In terms of wildlife protection,we should pay attention to ugly animals too because our planet needs variety to survive.Task2 Dont make paper with my home!1.Highlight the key words of each sentence.2.Write a one-sentence summary for each poster.One-sentence summary:Cutting down trees to make paper destroys the habitat of many animals.Billions of trees are being cut down every year to make paper for humans.Every tree that is cut down is a part of the habitat of animals such as these koalas.In this way a lot of animal homes are being destroyed!Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper?Task2Analyze the structureTask3Writing PracticePart2Write a title that is simple,interesting,and unusualand then collect the information you need.Write the name of the species and why it is endangered.Use a powerful image to attract the readers attentionto the facts and problems.Tell the readers what you want them to think and do.How to design an effective poster?Video TimeWhy did a herd of about 14 elephants leave their nature reserve,heading North?Background information According to CGTN news,some experts see the elephants trip as a desperate quest for better resources.Almost 40%of their habitat in southern Yunnan has been lost to commercial development over the past 20 years,which has led to a rise in human-elephant conflict.How can we help them?It is time for us to do something to protect them!Step1 Write a titleA good title should be:1.simple2.interesting3.unusualTask:Make a poster about the Asian elephantStep2 Write a bodylWhyisitendangered?HabitatLoss;huntedforitsivory(象牙).Population:Fewerthan50,000lWhatisbeingdone?NatureReserveshavebeensetuptoprotectthem.lHowcanwedo?Protectforests;Dontbuyivoryproducts.Step3 Work in groups-design a whole posterExchangeposterswithanotherpair.Usethischecklisttogivethemhelpfulfeedback.Andthenpolishyourdraftsandsharewithyourpartners.Writingpractice:makeaposterabouttheAsianelephant作品展示Thankyou,mydearfriends.Yourworkwillmaketheworldabetterplaceforus.How to make an effective poster?Write a title.1 1Write the name of the thing and collect information about it.2 2Use a powerful image.3 3Tell the readers what you want them to think and do.4 4lWhenthebuyingstops,thekillingcantoo.WildAid no murder.Notrade,AssignmentlDesignaposterforanendangeredanimalyoucareaboutmost.