Unit 2Favorite SportsThe history of Olympic games2016年中国代表团的总战绩,与悉尼奥运会期间基本持平,以26金(gold medal),18银(silver medal),26(bronze medal)铜居奖牌榜第三。在2000年奥运会上,中国队获得28金16银15铜的战绩。千禧年奥运会被认为是中国奥运史上的一次标志性战役,在那届奥运会上,中国军团首次跻身奖牌榜三甲之列,此后中国军团始终保持在三甲之列:2004年雅典奥运会,中国队32金17银14铜,列在奖牌榜第二;2008年北京奥运会,中国队51金21银28铜,列在奖牌榜第一;2012年伦敦奥运会,中国队38金29银21铜列在奖牌榜第二。ping-pongsoccervolleyballgymnasticsbadmintonhockeyrunningtennischallenge your eyestennisping-pongvolleyballsoccergymnasticshockeyrunningsuper memoryb_dm_nt_ n s_c_ erg_m _ast_cs run_i_gt_ nni_ h_ck_ y a i o o c y n i n n e so ereviewjudobaseballswimmingbasketballListen to the tape and answer the questions.1.Where are Toni and Donny?They are at school.2.Is Sandy happy?Yes,she is.3.What are they going to do?They are going to play sports.4.Are Toni and Donny are playing ping-pong?Yes,they are.5.Does Sandy like ping-pong?Yes,she does.6.What are Peter and Chip doing?They are playing soccer.7.Can Sandy juggle?Yes,she can.Do you like badminton?Yes,I do.No,I dont.Does he like baseball?Yes,he does./No he doesnt.Does she like ping-pong?Yes,she does.No,he doesnt.Whats your favorite sports?My favorite sport is ping-pong.I can juggle,can you?Yes,I can.No,I cant.