Unit 2Unit 2 Sociological InvestigationSociological InvestigationText AText APreparatory WorkPreparatory Work(1)ExperimentExperiment:variable,hypothesis,stimulus,control groupSurveySurveyResearchResearch:sampling,questionnaire,interview,close-endedquestions,open-ended questions,code sheet,telephone surveyField ResearchField Research:observation,participantAnalysis of Existing DataAnalysis of Existing Data:content analysis,statistics(2)HawthorneHawthorne effect:effect:The Hawthorne effect(also referred to as the observereffect)is a type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improvean aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of beingobserved.The original research at the Hawthorne Works in Cicero,Illinois,on lighting changes and work structure changes such as working hours andbreak times were originally interpreted by Elton Mayo and others to meanthat paying attention to overall worker needs would improve productivity.This interpretation was dubbed“the Hawthorne effect”.(3)(open)Teaching SuggestionTeaching SuggestionYouYou cancan useuse thethe datadata banksbanks ofof thethe twotwo internationalinternational organizationsorganizations toto checkcheckout thout the world or any particular countrys information in terms of GDP,e world or any particular countrys information in terms of GDP,population,territory area,human development index etc.population,territory area,human development index etc.TheThe UnitedUnited NationsNations(:datadata page:Worldpage:World BankBank(:can also use the websiteoftheStatisticalBureauofChinatocheckoutanystatisticalinformation about China:Reading ReadingI.Understanding the textI.Understanding the text1.1.Thesis:Thesis:How Sociology Is Done(Research methods/techniques employed insociology)PartI IntroductionII How do you know what 2-9you knowAuthority,tradition,religion,personalexperience,and mysticism.scientificmethodsPara(s).1Main ideaSociology as a science and its mainresearch methodsIII The experiment10-14It is a research technique in whichtheresearchermanipulatesastimulus to test theories of causeand effect.IV Survey research15-22It is used and designed to studysamplesinordertomeasureattitudes,beliefs,values,personality traits,and behavior ofparticipants.V Field research23-29It is mostly resembles our dailycasualobservationsofandparticipation in social behavior,as well as our attempt to understandsuch behavior.VI Analysis of existing 30-36dataIts a method in which sociologistsanalyze data originally collectedby othersVII Conclusion37Thesisrepeated:Sociologyisascience because it uses scientificresearch methods2.2.(1)“common sense”:Common sense is a basic ability to perceive,understand,and judge things,which is shared by(“common to”)nearlyall people and can reasonably be expected of nearly all people withoutany need for debate.However,many of the common sense beliefs areactually lacking in support from scientific evidences and thereforebiased and prejudiced.(2)Ordinary people often define their reality and what they know throughauthoritative opinions,traditional beliefs,personal experience,andmysticism(superstition).The major differences between this kind of“common sense”view knowledge and the results/facts identifiedthrough scientific methods are:the former are not based on logicalreasoning and hard evidences and therefore tend to be subjective andbiased while the latter are just opposite.(3)The three major components of the scientific method are theory,operationalization,and observation.Theory provides the foundationfor concepts so that statements about the relationship among variablescan be created.Operationalization allows for the measurement of thevariables so that they may be empirically examined.And observationinvolves the actual collection of data to test the hypothesis.(4)TypesofSocialContentPhenomena1.Meanings and symbolsAspects of culture such as norms,worldviews,and language2.PracticeVarious kinds of behavior such as votingbehaviors or morning rituals(for example,washing ones face and reading the dailynewspaper)3.EpisodesA variety of events,including divorce,crime,illness,and how people may react during timeof disasters,such as earthquakes,floods,orthe banning of music television video(MTV)4.EncountersTwo or more people meeting and interacting inimmediate proximity with one another.A goodexample of this is people riding in an elevator5.RolesThe positions people occupy and the behaviorassociated with those positions:occupations,family roles,ethnic groups6.RelationshipsThe kinds of behavior shown in pairs or setsofroles:mother-daughterrelationships,friendships,and so on.7.GroupsSmall groups,such as gangs,athletic teams,and work groups.8.OrganizationsFormal organizations,such as corporations oruniversities9.SettlementsSmaller-scale“societies”such as villages,ghettos,and neighborhoods(5)Method&briefAdvantagesDisadvantagesdescriptionTheexperimentexperimentisaExcellent devices forresearch technique intestinghypothesesCouldexposesubjectstothepossibility of harmSubjectsoftenwhichtheresearcherabout cause and effectmanipulatesstimulustheindependentvariabletotesta(can be repeated andcanbequickinbehave differentlyunderscientificidentifying results)observationLaboratoryexperimentsoftenartificialarehighlytheories of cause andeffectSurveySurvey researchresearch is usedCanstudysamples,Itisnotthebestand designed to studylimitednumbersofstrategy for studyingsamplesinordertopeople representing andeviant or undesirablemeasurebeliefs,attitudes,entire group of peoplebehaviorsvalues,whoshareorforsimilargetting at ideas andfeelingsthatcannoteasily be reduced topersonality traits,andcharacteristicsbehaviorparticipants.ofCanbedesignedtomeasurebeliefs,personalityandattitudes,questionnaire form.values,It is designed to studytraits,individualsratherbehaviorofthan social contexts.participantsFieldFieldresearchresearchisMayinvestigateCannot be repeated andmostlyresemblesourvarious types of socialappliedtosimilardailycasualphenomenasituationsobservationsofandparticipation in socialbehavior,as well as ourapparentattempt to understandsuch behavior.andjudgement,thusThepresenceofanobserving,thinkingmight be biasedpersonalperceptionwould not otherwise beparticipantsrelyonCan reveal things thatTheresearchersasresearcher on the sceneMight suffer from theof the action(acuteHawthorne effectobservation)AnalysisAnalysisofofexistingexistingWide range of all kindsThe accuracy of muchdatadataisamethodinof datawhichsociologistsSaving timeanalyze data originallycollected by others.ItSaving moneyincludescontentthat“what you see mayanalysis,the analysisof existing statistics,andhistorical-comparativeanalysis.II.Evaluation and explorationII.Evaluation and exploration(1)An authorityauthority is a specialist in certain field of knowledge thereforenot be what you get.”anddistortionmeansThe potential for errorexisting data may bedifficult to assess.an authority,specialized knowledge from an authority is closer to“truth”,but he is not a knowing-all figure,and he might also bebiased in hisattitude toward someissues.A traditiontradition is a belief orbehavior passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaningor special significance with origins in the past.They are followedby and considered right by certain group of people,but cannot appliedto other groups who have their own tradition;and since they are formedand passed down from the past,they might not be applicable to thepresent world.ReligionsReligions may contain symbolic stories,which aresometimes said by followers to be true,that have the side purpose ofexplaining the origin of life,the Universe,and other things.Traditionally,faith,in addition to reason,has been considered asource of religious beliefs.However,religious beliefs mostly lackin empirical or scientific proof.Personal experiencePersonal experience is based onones real life and reality and therefore closer to“reality”,butit is based on an individuals encounter and perspective on reality,and cannot totally represent the common experience shared by a groupof people.MysticismMysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God orthe Absolute,but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered stateof consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning.Itmay also refer to the attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths,and to human transformation supported by various practices andexperiences.But it is based on religion or superstition,even fartheraway from being objective and scientific.(2)Since sociologists base their research and conclusion on empiricalstudy with scientific method,it is similar to the disciplines ofnatural science,but there are two factors that differentiate it fromnatural sciences.The object of study is human being who can be verycomplicated and change with time.Also the sociologists are also humanbeings who can be subjective or even biased in their study.In thissense,sociology is still not equal to natural science in objectivity.(3)The hypothesishypothesis of the Stanford prison experiment is that change ofroles or environment causescauses change of human behavior(effecteffect).Theindependent variableindependent variable is the two roles(prisoner and prison guard)assigned to the 24 students who are all randomly selected(samplingsampling)from among the university students,and the dependent variable is their(change of)behavior.(4)First,experiments are often not possible because they would exposesubjects to the possibility of harm.For example,what if a researcherwanted to know whether people who were abused as children are morelikely to abuse their children Second,the subjects often behavedifferently when they are under scientific observation from the waythey would in their normal environment.Third,laboratory experimentsare often highly artificial.When researchers try to set up socialsituations in laboratories,they often must omit many of the factorsthat would influence the same behavior in a real-life situation,thusaffecting the validity of the experiment result.(5)The merits of survey through the Internet are that its very quick(in terms of time)and efficient(in terms of cost),but the drawbacksare also obvious:not all citizens use the Internet(and thereforeexcluded from the sampling),and also not all netizens participate inthe survey and therefore further affect the survey result.(6)The term often refers simply to the use of predictive analytics,userbehavior analytics,or certain other advanced data analytics methodsthat extract value from data,and seldom to a particular size of dataset.Accuracy in big data may lead to more confident decision making,and better decisions can result in greater operational efficiency,cost reduction and reduced risk.Relational database managementsystems and desktop statistics and visualization packages often havedifficulty handling big data.The work instead requires“massivelyparallel software running on tens,hundreds,or even thousands ofservers”.Also,those who do not use the Internet are excluded fromthe analysis therefore affect the analysis and conclusion.(7)(This question is open for discussion and theres no definite answer)The Internet companies are caught between the two sides:the governmentside who emphasize gathering monitoring information for publicsecurity or national security reason,and the netizens who defend theirright of“privacy”.Laws should be made regarding the right andresponsibility of each side.(8)(This question is open for discussion)How one feels about thesestatistical figures might be affected by the class,occupation,gender,region and age group(and other factors)an individual belongs to.Andalso,the official statistics might not be very accurate.(9)(Thisquestionisopenfordiscussion)Obviously,massmedia(newspapers,radio,TV,the Internet)are the major channel people getmost of their information which is supposed to be true and real.Butthere are some factors that influence the so-called truth:ownership(private or public),editors stance,class background of theparticipants(in the Internet)can all influence the information weget from the mass media.Language EnhancementLanguage EnhancementI.Words and phrasesI.Words and phrases1.1.(1)C&D(2)A&C(3)C&E(4)B&C(5)B&D(6)D&F(7)B&D(8)C&E(9)A&C(10)C&E2.2.(1)in;as;of (2)beyond;in (3)by;to (4)into;in;of (5)to;on;of;for(6)of;for;on (7)In;between;with;of (8)to;of;upon(9)In;with(10)like;in;of3.3.(1)from scratch(2)appealed to(3)applied(4)apply(5)relies on(6)suffering from(7)guard against(8)died off(9)ran out of(10)contribute to4.4.(1)providefor (2)appeals for (3)appliesto (4)draw from (5)employed in(6)participate in(7)refersto(8)receivedfrom(9)passesfrom(10)exposestoII.Sentences and discourseII.Sentences and discourse1.1.(1)The scientific method bases knowledge on direct and systematicobservation through logical systems.(2)Operationalization provides conditions to measure the variables whichmay be checked empirically.(3)Since religion is a system of beliefs and practicesbased onworshipping the holy,people easily tend to equate faith to facts or factsto faith.(4)The obvious advantage of using available data,be it governmentstatistics or the result of other research studies is the savings intime and money.Otherwise,you would need a lot of time and money spenton collecting the information from the very start.(5)The savings are tempting,but the potential error and distortion fromthe second-hand data mean that you might not get the“truth”.2.(1)Basing on his overall investigation of Chinas current employmentsituation,this specialist refuted the view that the population profithas been used up.(2)Thanks to the application of valid and objective survey methods,sociology became an independent branch of social sciences in the 19thcentury,transcending philosophy and ordinary social theories.(3)The head of the Academy of Social Sciences asserted that the cut inresearch funding would have a great impact on its long-term stabledevelopment.(4)Due to its limited survey range and invalid unscientific sampling,the poll result ofthis organization has seriously distorted thereality.(5)The cause of the phenomenon that officials abuse their power is lackof check and balance.(6)He suspects that his rival is bluffing in the negotiation.(7)In conducting social investigation,the researcher may easily useindication to manipulate the respondents to get the desired answer.(8)Through the major internet media,this company has clarified itsstance to stay and develop its business in China.(9)Faced with continual questions from the reporters at the pressconference,the spokesman had to refer to the documents in his handfor answers.(10)It is believed by some people that the lazy and irresponsible post80s and 90s generation was largely associated with the fact that theywere mostly the only kid in the family.3.3.内容分析法可以应用于任何形式的通信交流,是对社会物件的系统分析,其内容包括书籍、杂志、诗歌、报纸、歌曲、绘画、讲演、信函、法律以及与此有关的任何成分或收集物。例如,研究者如果想了解欧洲国家的历史教科书比美国的历史教科书是否含有更多的性别歧视内容,他就会对欧洲国家和美国的历史教科书进行抽样。下一步则是构建编码表,用来测量教科书内容用语的性别歧视程度。根据编码进行列表和分析之后,研究者就能得到结论了。4.4.(3)(1)(2)(4