肠 梗 阻 的 诊 疗Diagnosis and Treatment of intestinal obstruction一一肠梗阻的概念Intestinal contents failure to pass through the intestinal tract normally.Saliva 1-1.5Lstmoach 1.5-2.5Lbile 0.8-1L pancreatic 1-2LIntestinal 1-3L7-9LWaterFoodDigetive juiceintestinal obstruction:肠梗阻的概念动力性肠梗阻 dynamic obstructionVascular obstruction二肠梗阻的病因学分类机械性肠梗阻 mechanical obstruction血运性肠梗阻机械性肠梗阻肠 管 堵 塞蛔虫、粪石导致的肠梗阻肠 腔 受 压嵌顿疝导致的肠梗阻粘连带压迫导致机械性肠梗阻肠 壁 病 变炎症引起的肠梗阻肠壁肿瘤导致的肠梗阻机械性肠梗阻血运性肠梗阻按肠壁血运有无障碍分类三单纯性肠梗阻simple obstruction绞窄性肠梗阻strangulated obstructionimpairs the blood supply lead to nercosis of the intestinal wallis a suigical emergency,should be oprareated on urgently.绞窄性肠梗阻 a special strangulated obstruction The lumen is occluded in at least two places(et.in volvulus ,in hernia)easy lead to Necrosis,perforation of the intestinal wall,is a suigical emergency,should beOprareated on urgently.闭袢性肠梗阻closed loop obstruction小结与思考1.肠梗阻的概念?2.肠梗阻的病因学分类有哪些?3.为什么绞窄性肠梗阻是外科急症?四