Characteristics and control measures of food-borne parasitic diseasesABSTRACT : Foodborne parasitic disease refers to the disease caused by raw or half-life eating food or water containing infected parasites. In recent years, with the continuous development of social economy, people s living standards have been significantly improved, and the diet structure has gradually diversified, which makes the infection rate of food-borne parasitic diseases increase year by year. This paper mainly introduces the infection characteristics of foodborne parasitic diseases, and lays the foundation for the formulation of prevention and control measures. Key words : foodborne parasitic diseases ; infection ; preventive measuresFood-borne parasitic diseases refer to diseases caused by raw or half-life eating of food or water containing infectious parasites, including natural parasitic ( endogenous ) and food contamination ( exogenous ) parasitic diseases . Since the founding of the People 's Republic of China, great achievements have been made in the prevention and control of parasitic diseases in China. Lymphofiliasis was eliminated in 2007 and malaria was eliminated in 2021. At the same time, the incidence of Schizosomiasis has dropped to the lowest ever 2-4 . However, many food-borne parasitic diseases such as clonorchiasis and cysticercosis are still prevalent in China . This paper mainly introduces the infection characteristics of foodborne parasitic diseases, and lays the foundation for the formulation of prevention and control measures.1.Overview of foodborne parasitic diseases 1.1 What is food-borne parasitic disease Diseases caused by raw or half-life eating food or water containing infectious parasites are called food-borne parasitic diseases.1.2 Classification of food-borne parasitic diseases According to the different transmission routes, hosts and epidemic characteristics of food-borne parasitic diseases, we can divide them into the following categories : 1 Meat-borne parasites : Trichinella spiralis ( widely hosted ), Taenia ( Taenia solium, Taenia bovis, Taenia asiatica ) and Toxoplasma ; 2 fish-derived parasites, such as posttestis ( Clonorchis sinensis, the most common, also known as liver worms ), and apis ( mainly parasitic in marine animals ) ; 3 spiroid parasites : such as Angiostrongylus cantonensis ; 4 freshwater crustacean-derived parasites : such as Paragonimus westermani ( also known as paragonimus ) ; 5 amphibious reptile-derived parasites, such as Diptera mansoni ; ( 6 ) Plant-derived parasites : such as Fasciola hepatica, Fasciola magna, Fasciola intestinalis ; 7 Waterborne parasites : Cryptosporidium .2. Epidemic characteristics of food-borne parasitic diseases 2.1 Changes in infected population From the perspective of social medicine, health and socio-economic development have a two-way effect. So we usually believe that food-borne parasitic diseases are coordinated with socio-economic development. For example, in economically underdeveloped areas in the past, the occurrence of food-borne parasitic diseases was usually caused by unscientific traditional dietary habits. However, with the continuous development of society, people who are not willing to eat now begin to pursue wild tastes, try to eat raw food and eat half-life. At the same time, large-scale scheduling such as barbecue, baking and boiling are also favored by people. Therefore, people with higher living standards are more likely to be infected with food-borne parasitic diseases, which also reminds us that there is still a potential risk of parasitic diseases in large cities . Thus, people infected with food-borne parasitic diseases are gradually changing from people with lower living standards to people with higher living standards.2.2 Transfer of infected areas from south to north and from rural to urban Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, Zhejiang and other places have always been the high-risk areas of food-borne parasitic diseases in China due to their population quality and social environment. However, affected by many factors such as rising temperature and changing people 's eating habits, the infection area of food-borne parasitic diseases is gradually shifting from south to north and from rural to urban ( The prevalence of liver flukes in urban areas of Guangdong and Guangxi is significantly higher than that in rural areas . In addition, the study of Li et al. also showed that eating out was more likely to infect liver worms than eating at home. This phenomenon of gradual transfer of food-borne parasitic diseases also increases the difficulty for the prevention and control of food-borne parasitic diseases in China.2.3 Epidemic in local areas and declining national infection rates About 95 % of people infected with clonorchiasis are concentrated in Guangdong, Guangxi, Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. The prevalence of clonorchiasis in Kaili City, Guizhou Province is higher than 10 % 9,10 . According to the third survey in 2015, the prevalence of liver flukes has declined by 60.34 per cent in rural areas in just a decade, but has increased considerably in very few areas 9,11 . In recent years, the state has introduced new policies to promote the smooth progress of food-borne parasitic disease prevention and control, making the national prevalence rate decreased year by year. However, the infection rate in a small number of regions is still rising, which may be related to the living conditions, eating habits, social environment and other factors of local residents. This situation needs the attention of government departments.2.4 Status of food-borne parasitic infections Foodborne parasitic infections have increased year by year. From the first case of Trichinella infection in China in 1964 to 2011, there were 38,797 patients with Trichinella infection in mainland China, of which 336 died. Most of the deaths occurred in Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi and other places where the region was remote and the economy was backward. In 2013, Lancang County, Yunnan Province reported 11 cases of dizziness, headache, chills, fever, facial edema, nausea and systemic fatigue in Luomeng Village, including 2 severe cases and 1 death, causing great panic. According to the survey of health department personnel, there are as many as 27 patients with similar symptoms in this area. They all have the experience of eating raw pork in the same village home ( commonly known as ' chopped raw ', which is the food custom of ethnic minorities in southwest China. After the investigation, it was found that the occurrence of this collective infection was mainly due to the unscientific traditional eating habits of villagers eating pork. Uncountable routes of food or water infection, people 's neglect of food-borne parasitic diseases, unscientific traditional eating habits, etc., will bring new challenges to the prevention and treatment of food-borne parasitic diseases . Although a series of policies and related prevention and control systems have been introduced for the control of food-borne parasitic diseases in China, they still need to be improved.3. Causes of foodborne parasitic diseases 3.1 Individual diversity A number of studies have shown that the occurrence of food-borne parasitic diseases is related to factors such as age, gender and occupation of individuals. 3.1.1 Age For example, Wang et al. investigated 1671 subjects in order to obtain the infection status of food-borne parasitic diseases among Shenzhen residents. The survey results showed that the prevalence rate of people under the age of 20 was the lowest, accounting for only 7.89 % of the surveyed population, and the highest prevalence rate was among those aged 31 40, accounting for 17.71 %. After statistical test, the difference in the survey rate was statistically significant, that is, the occurrence of food-borne parasitic diseases was related to the age of individuals.3.1.2 Gender At present, many studies have shown that the occurrence of foodborne parasitic diseases is related to gender. Jiang et al. investigated the infection of hepatic schistosome in 17629 patients in Guangxi from 2016 to 2018. The results showed that 4294 patients were infected with Clonorchis sinensis among 12841 male patients, that is, the positive rate of hepatic schistosome in male patients was 33.44 %, and 885 patients in 4788 female patients were infected with Clonorchis sinensis, that is, the positive rate of hepatic schistosome in female patients was 18.48 %. Since the two samples were different, chi-square test was used to verify the research results, and P < 0.05 was obtained. It was considered that the difference in the results caused by different genders of patients was statistically significant, that is, men were more susceptible to foodborne parasitic diseases than women.3.1.3 Occupations According to the survey data of Zhong Yanwei et al. , the prevalence of food-borne parasitic diseases varies with different occupation types, and the difference of infection is statistically significant. Consideration may be due to a business and staff dining opportunities, increase the probability of eating fresh products, resulting in a high infection rate.3.2 The change of people ' s lifestyle and habits In general, the most common transmission way of foodborne infectious diseases is oral transmission, so people ' s unscientific eating habits are an important factor in the occurrence of foodborne parasitic diseases. With the development of society, people ' s living standards and lifestyles have undergone tremendous changes, resulting in some people ' s diet began to change. Wild, large-scale, raw or semi-food is becoming popular in some areas. Once the food consumed by these people is not strictly sterilized, there will be a great possibility of food-borne parasitic diseases. For example, a few areas in southern China are affected by local customs and habits, so far still retain the habit of ' chopped ', which creates conditions for the regional prevalence of food-borne parasitic diseases. In modern life, family pets have gradually become a new popular symbol. Although family pets have become many ' unspeakable friends ' in daily life, people should always pay attention to the infection factors of zoonotic parasitic diseases in the process of contacting them.3.3 The change of people ' s environment Some animal and plant farmers in the breeding process, in order to increase income, excessive use of pesticides in the breeding process, not only cause serious harm to the surrounding environment, but also lead to a large number of drugs in animals and plants, pose a threat to consumer health. Studies have shown that the distance between the residence and the river is related to the infection rate of food-borne parasites. Yang Yang et al. investigated 12661 people from 140 villages in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. The results showed that the infection rate was high near the two rivers ( more than 10 % of the towns were distributed here ), while the infection rate was less than 5 % in towns far from the river. After the results were verified by statistical methods, it was found that the infection rate was negatively correlated with the distance from the residence to the river, that is, the closer the distance from the river, the greater the possibility of disease.4. Prevention and control strategies 4.1 Developing good health habits For the prevention and treatment of foodborne parasitic diseases, it is necessary to advocate that people develop science is a living habit. Refusing raw food or semi-food, fresh products should be heated and eaten again to avoid mixed vegetable and meat dishes to prevent cross-contamination. Develop a good habit of washing hands before meals, strengthen physical exercise, improve immunity, reduce the number of meals outside, refuse raw or semi-food wild and other foods that can easily lead to foodborne parasitic diseases.4.2 Increase public awareness The main transmission route of food-borne parasitic diseases is oral infection, so prevention of infection and avoidance of disease from the mouth are the key. Community health departments should actively carry out the prevention and publicity of food-borne parasitic diseases, improve people s awareness of prevention of food-borne parasitic diseases, and then block the ways of food-borne parasitic diseases from many aspects, so as to protect the susceptible population. 4.3 Establish and improve the control system of food-borne parasitic diseases Centers for disease prevention and control at all levels should establish and improve relevant prevention and control systems according to the current outbreak and prevalence of food-borne parasitic diseases in China. At the same time, it is also necessary to improve the detection level of food-borne parasites and increase the feasibility study of food-borne parasitic disease vaccine so that people can get medical attention.5 Conclusion With the continuous development of society and the improvement of people ' s quality of life, food-borne parasitic diseases not only have a significant impact on human health, but also have brought serious disease burden to the world. Therefore, the prevention and control work is imminent. People can reduce the prevalence rate by developing good living habits to block the oral intake of diseases and reject unscientific eating habits. By establishing and improving the relevant prevention and control system, people can be treated well without blind fear of food-borne parasitic diseases.Reference1李娟,廖申权,赵爽,戚南山,吕敏娜,吴彩艳,林栩慧,蔡海明,胡俊菁,张健騑,谢明权,孙铭飞 . 重要食源性寄生虫流行新特点及防控策略J. 广东农业科学,2021,48(3):123-132.2Qian MB,Li SZ,Zhou XN. 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