2010年中考英语备考名师精品资料一一阅读理解一、解题策略指导阅读理解能力测试的主要要求是:1 .读材料的主旨和大意,以及用以说明主旨和大意的事实和细节。2 .既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念。3 .既理解字面的意思,也理解深层次的含义,包括作者的态度,意图等。4.既理解某句,某段的含义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断。5 .既能根据所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应有的常识去理解。中考英语阅读理解题主要是考查考生综合运用所学语言知识的能力,包括阅读能力、理解能力、归纳概括能力、逻辑推理能力以及对材料的评价能力等。试题中所选的阅读文章题材多样化,涉及政治经济、社会文化、风俗习惯、历史地理、科学技术等各个方面。(这要求学生平时对各方面的知识都有所积累,做个有心人)体裁多样化,包括记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文以及新闻报道、广告、通知、操作说明、表格(要求学生能看懂这类阅读材料尤其是时下出题的趋势)等各种文体。它要求考生阅读理解准确度高、阅读速度快。大致来说,主要针对如下方面:1.文章的个别词或句子,可以给出生词让学生猜意,对此类题目学生应尽量在阅读材料中找定义或解释;2.文章的某细节或情节;3.文章的主题;4.文章的背景知识;5.文章的结论或结局;6.文章内涵的隐义或寓意等。主要是考查考生综合运用所学语言知识的能力,包括阅读、理解、归纳概括、逻辑推理以及对材料的评估能力等。具体来讲主要有以下几种题型:具体信息:这种题目比较简单,只要通读全文,了解文中所叙述的重要事实或细节,就可以解答出来,有的甚至可以从文章的原句中直接找到答案。语义理解:题目要求对文中个别难词、关键词、词组或句子作出解释。解答这类题目时需要对有关的上下文,甚至整篇文章的内容建立准确、立体的理解才能做出正确答案。逻辑推理:这种题目有一定难度,往往不能直接从文中找到答案,而必须根据上下文及其相互间的关系或对整篇文章进行深层理解后,才能找到答案。有时甚至还得联系作者的意图、态度等弦外之音、文外之意加以推理,才能获得正确答案。归纳概括:要求在阅读和理解全文的基础上对文章作出归纳、概括或评价。解这种题目时,不能只凭文中的只言片语而断章取义,比如涉及文章的标题(t it l e)、主题(m ain ide a)、结论(concl u s ion)、结局(e nd)等有关问题,都需要在细读全文的基础上,结合所学语言知识、背景知识、生活常识、专业知识进行逻辑思维推理判断,从而获取文章中内隐的信息。词意判断:要求根据上下文判断短文中词或短语的意思。在阅读过程中要重视培养自我阅读能力,根据不同的阅读目的和要求,采取不同的阅读方法和策略。提高阅读能力所常用的阅读技巧主要有细读、略读、全读等。扫读:是一种快速阅读方法,主要在于对文章信息的精确定位,锁定重要信息,如找出人物、时间、地点、数字等。略读:也是一种快速阅读,目的是读取文章的主旨大意。与扫读不同的是,略读是跳跃式的,略掉一些东西不读,取出短文中的关键性东西。细读:细读是完全阅读,目的包括(1)确定中心思想及标题;(2)了解用以阐述中心思想的事实及细节;(3)对作者的暗示或隐含思想进行判断、推理、引申;(4)根据上下文推测词义。扩大视距:要以意群为单位,注重对整句话的理解,扩大注视空间。带问题阅读:先浏览短文后面的题目,做到心中有数,带着目的去阅读,以提高阅读实效。根据上下文猜测词意:遇到生词,要根据上下文线索和暗示、上卜.文的联系、常识和经验推断或猜测词意。二、范例解析引路例一:One day,a doctor was looking over the eyesight of the young men who were ready to join the army.By Jeffsturn the doctor pointed to the eye chart(图 表)on the wall and said,Please read the top line,young man.“The top line of what?”“The top line of the chart.”“What chart?”“The one on the wall.”“Wheres the wall?”Jeff asked.At last the doctor thought the young mans eyesight was too poor.Hecouldnt join the army.That evening the same young man was at the cinema when another man came and sat next to him.When thefilm was over and the lights went on,the young man found that it was the doctor who sat next to him.At once hesaid to the doctor,Excuse me,madam,but does this bus go to the Museum Street?”Judge the following sentences true(T)or false(F).1.The young man hoped to be a soldier.2.At first the doctor believed what the young man had said.3.The young mans eyesight was really weak.答案13 FTF解析本题属于阅读理解正误判断题。从文章的选材来看,是一篇故事性的短文。内容大意是描写一个叫Jeff的年青人,他不想去服兵役,在体检时假装自己的视力不好而去欺骗医生。医生相信了他,因此他不能去参军。而晚上在电影院时,Jeff碰巧又遇到了医生。Jeff非常聪明,又用一句谎言而蒙混过关。此阅读材料共设三道小题:第一小题题干的意思是说这个年青人想当兵。文章中没有一句话直接告诉考生这句话的答案是不对的,但从整个短文的意思来看,他是不喜欢参军的,否则他也不能假装视力不好。这道题属于推理判断题。第二道小题,题干的意思是说医生开始的时候相信了年青人的话。这道题属于语义理解性题目,在短文中第六段中At last the doctor thought the young mans eyesight was too poor.这句话中可以看出答案是正确的。第三道小题意思是说这个年青人的视力真的不好。这道题的设题上属于逻辑推理性题目,因为从文章的最后一段可知,他视力如果不好,就不可能去看电影,也不可能认出医生来。本道题是阅读理解中的第一 篇,故事情节幽默,句子简单易懂。难度不大,旨在缓和考生面对中考时的紧张情绪。考生在答题中先读懂短文,理解短文的大意和脉络,然后依据短文内容对试题后给出的句子进行是非判断。同进,对每一道题进行判断时,应从文章的具体段落和句子中找到判断的依据,不能凭印象想当然。对有些似是而非的句子,一定要认真识别,只有完全符合文章意思的方可判定为正确。例二:People all over the world eat rice.Millions of people in Asia,Africa,and South America live on it.Somepeople eat almost nothing but rice.Rice is a kind of grass.There are more than 7,000 kinds of rice.Most kinds arewater plants.Farmers grow rice in many countries,even in the south of the United States and in eastern Australia.China is the worlds largest rice-growing country.In 2003,China grew 166 million tons of rice.But it is noteasy to feed the worlds largest population.In the 1960s,thousands of Chinese died because they didnt haveenough food to eat.In the 1970s,Yuan Longping,a Chinese scientist,grew a kind of rice called hybrid(杂交)rice.It makes 20%more rice than any other kind.Hybrid rice is a stronger plant,unlike ordinary rice.It can growin lots of water or in not much water.It doesnt easily get diseases or worms.Today,half of Chinas rice plants are Yuans special hybrid rice.China uses Yuans hybrid rice to grow muchmore rice than before.Yuan is known as the Father of Hybrid Rice.He won the World Food Prize for his work tohelp feed so many people.Choose the best choice from ABC or D according to the passage above.1.Rice is grown in the world.A.in lots of countriesC.only on wet land2.China_in the world.A.offers the best rice to peopleC.has the largest farmlandB.for humans and animalsD.by Chinese farmersB.harvests the most riceD.is short of rice3.Yuan Longpings hybrid riceA.gets sick more oftenC.can grow without waterB.is ordinary riceD.can make more rice than the others4.The Chinese scientist,Yuan Longping,is famous forA.the Father of RiceB.his rice to feed all ChineseC.his hybrid rice D.growing different kinds of rice答案14ABDC解析本题属于阅读理解选择题,是中考阅读理解最常见的题型。本文是一篇科普性的文章,通过介绍我国科学家袁隆平及他所培育的杂交水稻,以及他在自己平凡的工作岗位上为国家做出的杰出贡献,向学生渗透热爱科学的理念,培养学生脚踏实地,认真做事、做学问的求实精神。第一道小题的设题属于语义理解性题目,在世界的什么地方可以种植水稻,从文章中的第一段中*Farmers grow rice in many countries ,只有答案 A 中用的lots o f 这个词,many 与 lots of 是同义词,因此从这句话可以选出答案A 是正确的。第二道小题也属于语义理解性题目,从第二段的第一句话“China is the worlds largest rice-growingcountry.可以推断出答案B 是正确的。第三道小题属于直接理解性题目,从第二段中的It makes 20%more rice than any olher kind.可以选出答案D 是正确的。第四道小题属于归纳概括性题目,需认真阅读全文,仔细推敲每个答案:答案A 具有片面性,文章中说他是 the Father of Hybrid Rice 而不是 the Father of Rice;答案 B 的题干是 his rice to feed all Chinese,而在文章中说half of Chinas rice plants are Yuans special hybrid ric e,此答案明显是不正确的;答案C 是正确的;答案D 的题干是growing different kinds of ric e,而从文章中可以得知Yuan Longping只是种植杂交水稻。答题时考生要在正确理解短文内容的基础上,认真看清短文后的题目内容和要求,然后根据短文内容,运用分析、排除等方法选择正确答案。对短文中没有直接说明又无法从短文所提供的材料上明确做出判断的,就要在理解字面意思的基础上进行深入分析、推理,或联想短文材料以外的常识加以考虑,从而推断出正确答案。例三:Our school is always asking students to take part in school activities(活动)and events.What,s been going onin our school?Every week there is a Film Night of popular Chinese and English films.After the films,there5re discussionsgroups where the audience can share their ideas and ask questions about the films.Every two weeks,onWednesday there is a Cooking Night.Students come and cook delicious Chinese dishes.The first Thursday ofeach month is a Fun Night.Students come to play computer games or to sing karaoke.There are karaokecompetitions.So young people can come and show off their singing.There are also a few short classes on subjects such as Chinese handwriting and the history of China.Theseare open to the whole city.Every year we have a special activity with the name China Night.It is our most exciting and biggest activityof the year.There are traditional and modern Chinese singing,dancing and acting.What a great night it is!Answer the following questions according to the passage you read.1.How often can the students see films every month?2.Who can go to Chinese handwriting class?3.How many times a month do the students cook Chinese food?4.What activities does the school have?答案1.They can see films four times a month./Four times.2.All the people.3.Twice./The students cook Chinese food twice a month.4.Film Night,Cooking Night,Fun Night and China Night.解析本题属于阅读理解回答问题题。文章的题材是考生熟悉的校园生活的短文,是有关学生的课外活动,共涉及了四个活动的名称,介绍了活动相关的时间、内容和参加人员等等。第一道小题,问的是每个月学生们多长时间看一次电影,属于考查细节。从文章中的第二段中的第一句话“Every week thereis a Film Night of popular Chinese and English films.*可以看出是每周看一次电影,而一个月通常是四周,因此答案应是Four timeso第二道小题,问的是谁能参加中国书法课?属于语义理解性题目,通过对文章中的第三段的“These areopen to the whole city.这句话的理解,可以知道此小题目的答案应是All the people第三道小题,问的是学生一个月做几次中国食品。此题的设题同第一小题是相同的,也属于考查细节性题目。从第二段中的“Every two weeks”中可以知道每两周-次,那么一个月就应该是两次,因此正确答案应是Twice第四道小题,问题是学校有哪些活动?此题属于归纳概括性题目,需在阅读和理解全文的基础上对文章做出归纳,共有四个,分别是Film Nighl,Cooking Night,Fun Nighl and China Night。考生在答此类试题时,首先弄清楚问的是什么信息(what,when,where,why,how等);然后再根据对文章的理解和把握组织自己的语言,写出正确答案。可以用完整的回答方式,如(They can see films four times a m onth.),也可用简短的回答方式,如(Four times.)。此道题考查了学生的综合概括能力和处理信息的能力。例四:CHINA FOOTBALLDALIAN SHtDE VS QBEUING XIANDAllTIME:July 3,2005,Sun.3:00 p.m.PLACE:Jinzhou StadiumTICKET PRICE:30 for adulte(成 人)15 for childrenNAME:China Cup Football MatchMost places willstay dry and sunny.East coasts(海 岸)will have rain.Northern Irelandwith cloud over rain.不叵竺MUSICM USICFORYOUNGLISTENERS3FANG THEATREJune 4,Sat.6:00 p.m.SELECTIONS FROM THE MUSIC FESTIVALPROGRAM PERFORMED BY POP SINGERSS.H.E.JA Y C H O UAll SEATS 25Each adult must come with a child.BOOKS*picture books for children*novels and stories books in 36 languages information about the world*borrow five books at most at one time*keep the books for three weeksVIDEOS*all kinds of video films music videos*special interests*keep a video for a week for I dollarFill in each blank according to what you read,only one word for each blank.1.The weather report says it will be in east coasts.If you go there,youd better take an with you.2.The football match will be in Jinzhou Stadium on.3.You cant borrow five books each time and you should for watching videos.4.Adults cant go to the music festival for young.答案1.rainy,umbrella 2.held,Sunday3.over,pay 4.listeners,alone/themselves解析本题属于阅读理解填空题。所选文章的体裁是实用文体,有图表、广告、海报等形式,图文并茂,所涉及的内容有球赛、天气预报、音乐会和图书馆书目、音像简介等,具有时代感强、实用性强、可读性强的特点,贴近学生的日常生活。第一道小题设题是有关天气的,第一个空间的是在in east coasts的天气是什么样的?属于考查细节性题目,从文章中的East coasts will have rain.”此句话中可以得知,应是下雨的天气,而设题是“it willbe,应用形容词来形容天气,因此可以得知答案应是rainy;第二空设题属于逻辑推理性题目,youdbetter take an with you.在文章中不能直接找到此题的答案,但是根据对文章意思的理解和推断,下雨就应该带伞了,因此答案应是umbrella。第二道小题是有关足球比赛的,第一空是考查学生对题干的理解,The football match will be inJinzhou Stadium,根据句意应填“举行”这一词,答案为held;而第二空on,此空明显是填相关日期的,属于直接理解性题目,从文章来看,可以填日期,也可填星期,但题目要求只能填一词,因此只能填星期Sundayo第三道小题是有关图书馆书目的,第一空间的是每次借书的数量,属于语义理解性题目,从文章中borrow five books at most at one time这句话中可以得知每次最多是借五本,而设题You cant borrowfive books each tim e,当然是不能超过五本了,超过 这一词应是over。第二空间的是看录像应该怎么样,从文章中的最后一句 keep a video for a week for 1 dollar 和设题 you should for watching videos 可以得知是应该付费的,与 for搭配的动词是pay。第四小题是有关音乐节的,设题是Adults can,t go to the music festival for young.从文中MUSIC FOR YOUNG LISTENERS M 和“Each adult must come with a child.”这两句话中可以得知,年青人必须和父母一起来,因此答案第一空应为listeners,第二空应为alone/themselves,属于考查细节性题目。考生在解此类题时先认真阅读所给的短文、图表或广告,掌握其内容后,再细读所给待补全的句子。解题时,可带着问题到原文中去寻找答案,寻读原文中与之相关的句子。先确定空格处所填词的词义,然后再判定其词形。解这类题时,应注意信息转换,同义句改写等。三、实践评估自测Section OneChoose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.(1)1.A 60 year-old Beijing woman was arrested while stealing clothes at a supermarket last week.When thepolicemen searched her home,they found that she had stolen a number of goods ranging from socks to dresses,with a total value of around 50,000 yuan(US$6,170).Her husband said that she is“probably”a kleptomaniac.2.On December 26 Tilly,a British schoolgirl felt something was wrong while on the beach with her family.Her mind kept going back to the geography lesson just two weeks before she flew to Thailand with her family.“I recognized what was happening and had a feeling there was going to be a tsunami.I told mummy,“Tillyremembered.Quick action by Tillys mother and Thai hotel staff meant the beach was quickly cleared,just minutes beforea huge wave crashed(冲撞).The beach was one of the few on the island of Phuket where no one was killed.3.Beijings government steps up safety at all schools and kindergartens in which some children have beenhurt and even killed.As road accidents are listed as the No 1 killer,something must be done to ensure campus(校园)safety in the city.4.A special potted(盆栽的)flower and potted plants market has recently opened to the public in theYuquanying area of Beijing.The plants and flowers displayed at the market are believed to play a major role inremoving the so-called“indoor polution.v5.To guard against criminals(罪 才 )who use the fake ID cards to engage(从事)in illegal transactions(非法交易),the JSC&I Korea Companys Beijing Branch has recently developed a new scanning(扫描)andidentification system(识别系统).With the help of the new gadget,a persons name card,facial features andfingerprint can be identified in a short time.A.Hard study saves livesB.Keeping things realC.How to learn wellD.Child safetyE.Long-time thiefF.Magic plants(2)1.A group of penguins at a zoo in Japan take a walk to lose weight.Every day,15 king penguins there walk500 metres twice.Just like humans,penguins dont exercise much during winter.They become fat easily,n says azookeeper.2.Experienced female college graduate with a major in English offers temporary and long-term translationservice and would also like to teach Chinese to foreigners at a reasonable and affordable price.Email:nobadluck 3.Wendy and Peter went to bed early last night so that they would have plenty of rest.The next morning,theirmom took them to the airport.Now they are at the airport.How will our suitcases(小提箱)get to London?v Peter asks.Mom says,uTheyput them into the bottom of the plane.They fly with you.”The flight attendant(飞机乘务员)shows them to their seats.Wendy has a window seat,and Peter is to him.Both of them put on their seat belts.The flight attendant shows them what to do if there is an emergency(紧急情况).Then it is time to take off.4.In the 1960s,some countries cared a lot about the moon.They had a dream:to be the first country to put aman on the moon.American and Russia were part of this space race.”They spent a lot of time and money on it.The first man in space was Yuri Gagarin,a Russian.That was in 1961.Years later,in 1969,an American spaceship flew to the moon.Neil Armstrong walked out.He was the first man on the moon.5.I need an assistant(male or female)who supports me in a wide range of fields,like economic topics,business-and labor law,translation,the person should know how to deal with public authorities and of course heor she is good at both English and Chinese.A.Assistant WantedB.Race to the MoonC.Job wantedD.The First Man on the MoonE.First Plane TripF.Ifs Good to Walk(3)1.Beijing is to provide the homeless with food,warm clothes and shelter to help them survive the winter,according to the citys rescue administration.All the 19 rescue centres in the city are open to the homeless,providing shelter and other necessities.Food and clothes will also be handed out to those who are reluctant tocome to the rescue centres.2.Beijing expects to close down 83 coalmines in its year-end coalmine safety rectification drive,accordingto the Beijing Mine Safety Supervision Bureau.The city will also set up a coalmine safety system which willdemand coalmine directors and managers go down shafts in shifts to ensure safe production and reduce thechances of accidents.The new regulation will be issued next year.Violators will be fined 30,000 yuan(US$3,750)to 150,000 yuan(US$1,875).3.China*s first on-line musical classroom was launched in Beijing with Lu Siqing,a well-known Chineseviolinist,giving the first lesson.Lu,nicknamed the Paganini of the East,will give lessons and exchange ideaswith his fans in his npersonal on-line concert hall.The website,which can be found at,willprovide lessons,teaching resources and give musicians a opportunity to be heard.Lu will also share some of hisunreleased 4.Beijing has recently seen the emergence of the first group of electronic bus stop signs which provide awealth of useful information including news updates and weather forecasts.More importantly the signs can showhow long people have to wait for the next bus.The