新 视 野 大 学 英 语 读 写 教 程 课 后 答 案 第 二 册 Unit 1Unit 7Unit 1Section AII1 The attitude is that if one is not moving ahead,he is falling behind2 Time is treated as if it were something almost real People budget it,waste it,steal it,kill it,cut it,account for it;they also charge for it They do this because time is a precious resource3 Everyone is in a rushoften under pressure In the writers eyes,city people always appear to be hurrying toget where they are going,restlessly seeking attention in a store,or elbowing others as they try to complete theirshopping4 Dont take it personally This is because people value time highly,and they resent someone else“wasting”itbeyond a certain appropriate point5 This is because Americans generally assess and enquire about their visitors professionally rather than sociallyThey start talking business very quickly Time is always ticking in their inner ear6 Americans produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices:they communicate rapidly through faxes,phonecalls or emails rather than through personal contacts7 The impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand8 It is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem or fulfill a job with speed in the U SHI1 Budgeted 2 acute 3 restless 4 surroundings 5 competent 6 assessing 7 elbowed 8 conductingIV 1.behind 2 for 3 to 4 out 5 of 6 to 7 in 8 intoV 1 commitment 2 attraction 3 appointment 4 impression 5 civilization 6 composition 7 confusion 8congratulation 9 consideration 10 explanation 1 1 acquisition 12 depressionVI 1 advisable 2 desirable 3 favorable 4 considerable 5 remarkable 6 preferable 7 drinkable 8 acceptableVII1 much less do they take them out for dinner2 much less a big company3 much less carry it upstairs4 much less spoken to him5 much less(to)read a lot outside of itVIII1 Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars,whereas eating out at a restaurant is alwaysmore expensive2 We thought she was rather proud,whereas in fact she was just very shy3 We have never done anything for them,whereas they have done everything for us4 Natalie prefers to stay for another week,whereas her husband prefers to leave immediately5 Some highly praise him,whereas others put him down severelyIX Translation Chinese to English1 In the eyes of some people,Picassos paintings would seem rather foolish2 The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy3 The man told his wife to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that it would be beyond the childrens reach4 Happiness doesnt always go with money5 That car has given me nothing but trouble ever since I bought itX1这 种 态 度 的 结 果 是,全 国 人 民 都 投 身 到 研 究、实 验 和 探 索 中 去 了。2 他 们 会 怀 念 那 种 喝 着 茶 或 咖 啡 招 待 客 人 的 礼 节 性 交 往,而 这 种 交 往 也 许 是 他 们 自 己 国 家 的 一 种 习 俗。3 既 然 我 们 通 常 是 以 工 作 的 方 式 而 不 是 以 社 交 的 方 式 来 评 估 和 了 解 他 人 的,那 我 们 就 开 门 见 山 地 谈 生 意 了。4 对 我 们 来 说,电 信 交 流 缺 乏 人 性 化,这 与 手 头 处 理 的 事 情 是 否 重 要 关 系 不 大,或 毫 无 关 系。5 除 非 给 予 一 定 时 间 来 处 理,不 然 的 话,在 他 们 的 眼 里,手 头 的 工 作 好 像 是 无 足 轻 重,不 值 得 给 予 适 当 的 重 视 似 的。XI 1-5 BBCCA 6-10CBBBC 11-15 ABBCA 16-20 CBBABSection BXV 1-4 CACA 5-8 ACBCXVI 1 desirable 2 marvelous 3 favorable 4 distressed 5 hostility 6 recognition 7 alleviate 8 appreciateXVII 1 interact with 2 gone through 3 deal with 4 recovered from 5 adjusting themselves to 6 familiar to thepublic 7 clashed with 8 In spite ofUnit 2Section AII1 Most countries concern themselves with economic development,regardless of its effect on the global ecology2 Because of the increasing environmental damage,people become more aware of environmental problems andmany countries undertake new environmental initiatives3 Canada closed the area to cod fishing and set strict limits on catches of other species As a result,herringeventually recovered,but some species may never recover,and about 40,000 fishermen are unemployed becauseof the fishing bans and loss of their fish supply4 Costa Rica has issued a series of new environmental laws and created parks and nature preserves that coverone quarter of the country5 It was under pressure from environmentalists around the world that Brazil took certain measures to protect itsAmazon rain forest;and the writer questions its true level of commitment to protect Amazon Indians who areendangered in the conflict with those people who continue to destroy the forests6 Heavy metals from coal mining have contaminated much of the areas waters Many rivers,land,and forestsare biologically dead because the pollution is very serious7 The program has succeeded in strengthening the countrys agricultural base and bringing a new source ofwealth to villagers But it remains to be seen whether these measures will have enough impact to slow the rate ofremoving the forests8 Indonesia is facing the problem of providing enough food,shelter and employment for its large population,andencouraging birth controlIII 1 awareness 2 undertake 3 abundant 4 ambitious 5 diversity 6 contaminated 7 sponsored 8 wagedIV.Filling the Blank1 Correct form:regardless ofSynonymous:without taking into account,paying no attention to2 Correct form:springing upSynonymous:appearing quickly or suddenly3 Correct form:concerns herself withSynonymous:is busy with,involves herself in4 Correct form:aim at/for/toward(s)Synonymous:direct its efforts towards5 Correct form:converted.into/toSynonymous:change.into6 Correct form:up toSynonymous:as many as7 Correct form:as a result ofSynonymous:because of,resulting from8 Correct form:frown on/uponSynonymous:not approve ofV1 settler:one who settles(in a place)2 miner:a worker in a mine3 gardener:one who works in a garden,either for pay or as a hobby4 director:a person who directs(a department,a film,etc)5 observer:a person who observes or watches carefully6 planner:a person who plans(a city,etc)7 container:anything which contains sth,e g a box,a bottle,etc8 conductor:a person who conducts(atour group,on a bus,etc)VI 1 musical 2 occasional 3 environmental 4 central 5 global 6 dangerous 7 natural 8 agriculturalVII1 it remains for him to do it2 the result remains to be seen3 remains to be seen in a few weeks4 much remains to be settled5 Worse things remain to be toldVIII1 Every month well deliver the very best articles,together with the latest fashion and beauty news2 The famine,together with the war,killed millions of lives3 Together with his brother,John has gone to the party held by the Fine Arts Association once a year4 The Smiths are planning to sell the house,together with the furniture5 Together with his wife,he helped to design the highest building in the townIX1 Since the beginning of this summer,Haier has waged a massive ad campaign to promote its air-conditionersales2 Marys parents frown on the idea of her going to America,so it remains to be seen whether she will realize herdream3 Rose knows that continuous letters from John,together with countless roses,are aimed at winning her heart4 Through sponsoring the growing of fruit trees to regenerate waste land,the government succeeded inimproving the ecological environment5 The government has undertaken a series of new environmental initiatives As a result,many parks and greenbelts have sprung up all over the countryX1但 近 年 来,随 着 环 境 破 坏 的 日 益 严 重,世 界 各 地 已 经 出 现 了 许 多 变 化 的 迹 象。2 但 是 人 们 制 订 了 一 系 列 新 的 环 境 保 护 法,还 新 建 了 占 四 分 之 一 国 土 面 积 的 公 园 和 自 然 保 护 区,目 的 是 要 保 护 哥 斯 达 黎 加 现 存 的 森 林。3 政 府 承 诺 将 保 护 该 地 区 的 土 著 居 民,但 人 们 对 这 个 承 诺 的 可 信 度 仍 心 存 疑 虑。4 这 种 人 口 激 增 已 导 致 了 该 国 许 多 地 方 森 林 的 消 失 及 对 现 存 农 田 的 过 度 耕 作。5 政 府 近 几 年 来 已 发 动 了 一 场 大 规 模 的 广 告 宣 传 运 动 来 鼓 励 节 制 生 育,并 提 出 了 鼓 励 措 施,如 提 供 免 费 去 沙 特 阿 拉 伯 的 麦 加 一 伊 斯 兰 教 的 诞 生 地 一 的 机 会。XI 1-5CBBCB 6-10ABACB 11-15BACAB 16-20ABCBCSection BXVI 1 summit 2 comparable 3 characterized 4 paved 5 conservation 6 literal 7 erect 8 recreationXVII1 The small boat had been washed away during the storm2 Up to 10 men can sleep in this tent,which looks rather small and maybe is not more than 14 square meters3 In order to protect the environment,people should clean up after a picnic4 In this small town,a thousand miles of bike trails along the sides of rivers lead into a big park5 He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him6 If we coordinate our efforts,we should be able to complete the project ahead of time7 Professor Bonnet has been working on cells of this type for many years8 The education system in our country is currently characterized by an emphasis on success in examsUnit ThreeSection AIII 1 mutual 2 illusion 3 canceled 4 overlooked 5 poceeded 6 resolve 7 prejudice 8 compromise 9confirm 10 subsequentlyIV 1 having nothing to do with 2 taking care of 3 met with 4 on the surface 5 work out 6 incompatiblewith 7 ups and downs 8 learned of 9 indication of 10 all alongV 1 M 2 L 3 F 4 D 5 H 6 0 7 A 8 C 9 I 10KVI 1 shopping 2 feeling 3 storage 4 cooking 5 ending 6 beginning 7 gathering 8 removal 9 arrival 10passage 1 1 writing 12 marriageVII 1 relationship 2 citizenship 3 leadership 4 membership 5 boyhood 6 livelihood7 brotherhood 8 authorship 9 adulthood 10 neighborhood 1 1 wisdom 12 ownershipVIII1 It is never too bad for us to do something about the situation2 One is never too old to learn3 It is never too late for you to put a stop to this madness4 It is never too late for you to mend your ways5 His income was never too small to support his familyIX1 My best friend,Anna,was here last night2 The company manager,Mr Madison,gathered his staff and announced the decision3 You should have seen an ophthalmologist,an eye doctor4 He sent for the accountant,the most experienced person in accounting5 Leave it to me,“said David,the man on night dutyX1 You are never too experienced to learn new techniques2 There remains one problem,namely,who should be sent to head the research there3 Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences4 Though he has had ups and downs,I believed all along that he would succeed someday5 I have some reservations about the truth of your claim6 She isnt particularly tall,but her slim figure gives an illusion of heightXI1应 尽 早 告 知 年 轻 人:必 须 认 真 对 待 法 律 2 他 现 在 面 临 一 个 重 要 决 定,这 个 决 定 可 能 会 影 响 他 的 整 个 前 程 3 即 使 在 情 况 最 糟 糕 的 时 候,你 也 必 须 保 持 镇 静 和 信 心 4 人 际 关 系 的 成 功 与 否 与 双 方 相 处 是 否 融 洽 以 及 交 流 是 否 顺 畅 有 很 大 关 系5 他 受 到 袭 击,身 受 重 伤,随 后 不 治 而 亡 6 他 的 举 止 至 少 在 表 面 上 像 个 正 常 人。XII 1-5ACBBC 6-10 BCDCD 11-15 BADCDSection BXV 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 BXVI 1 anticipate 2 brilliant 3 ingredient 4 dialect 5 somehow 6 bubbled 7 compelled 8 diplomaticXVII 1 on 2 from to 3 off 4with 5 towards/with 6 concerning/about 7 over 8 onUnit 4Section AII1 The flight is a start of their new experience,and they have to live without their parents fbr a period of time2 They go there to become fluent in English,finish high school,and understand the American way of life asmuch as possible3 They can get it if they can pass the final exams at the end of each semester4 No most of them have difficulty making all necessary arrangements5 She wrote a detailed letter,which showed that she was a religious and loving girl6 Yes,they do because they dont have enough experience in packing,and they tend to take unnecessary thingswith them7 They really have to rely on themselves for everything from then on,and they are not sure whether they canmanage to adapt to new situations8 Most of them are not used to food and long fbr home;some find it difficult to observe the regulation abouttimeIII1 granted 2 departure 3 abroad 4 adapt 5 domestic 6 accustomed 7 command 8 descendedIV.Filling the Blank1 plan on 2 lived through 3 dreamed of 4 take on 5 hit the target 6 host to 7 economizen 8 in turnV Word Building1 sadness 2 weakness 3 carelessness 4 illness 5 darkness 6 kindness 7 laziness 8 nervousnessVI 1 noisy 2 wealthy 3 sunny 4 lucky 5 tasty 6 healthy 7 sleepy 8 icyVII1 It is necessary for the manager to finish the whole task before leaving for a holiday2 It is a shame to take so much money for doing so little3 It is our responsibility to help people ai,ound us who are in trouble4 It is a surprise fbr us all to realize he has been cheating us5 It is pleasant for the mother to see her daughter growing into a young ladyVIII1 as long as she got her fathers agreement2 As long as you set a goal for yourself3 As long as she covers all expenses herself4 as long as she does her routine job well5 As long as you never lose heartIX1 For most parents,the decision to send children abroad for study is made after careful thinking They will try tohave everything worked out before their children leave2 Jack has only been working fbr three months,so,for lack of experience,he will have difficulty finishing thetask alone3 As long as you specify what we are expected to do,well try our best to help you get everything ready4 Susan had thought she would adapt to life there soon,but she found later things were not so easy,and shebegan to feel homesick5 Tension descended on these children when it was time for departure,since they didnt know whether theycould adapt to the life without parentsX1 他 们 都 是 因 为 同 样 的 原 因 赴 美 的 一 学 会 流 利 的 英 语、完 成 中 学 学 业 以 及 尽 可 能 了 解 有 关 美 国 生 活 方 式 的 方 方 面 面 2 对 大 多 数 学 生 来 说,至 少 要 经 过 6 个 月 的 精 心 筹 划 才 能 作 出 到 国 外 学 习 的 决 定 3“对 我 来 说,“1 7岁 的 格 洛 里 亚 马 卡 托 说:“学 会 讲 英 语 及 体 验 这 种 经 历 比 从 美 国 政 府 那 里 拿 到 一 张 证 书 更 为 重 要。”4 甚 至 那 些 计 划 只 在 美 国 完 成 两 个 学 期 中 学 课 程 的 年 轻 学 生 也 很 难 找 到 接 待 家 庭。很 少 有 学 生 在 到 达 这 个 国 家 时,就 把 一 切 细 节 都 安 排 妥 贴 了 的。5 学 生 们 在 等 待 美 国 国 内 班 机 把 他 们 带 到 在 美 国 的 临 时 家 庭 时 也 会 觉 得 紧 张。从 那 以 后,每 个 人 都 得 自 己 照 料 自 己 了。XI 1-5 BACCB 6-10 ACCBA 11-15 CBAAA 16-20 BCABCSection BXVI 1 emigrate 2 guidance 3 infinite 4 prosperous 5 shrinks 6 warmth 7 whatsoever 8 ceaselessXVII 1 made a fortune 2 make sure 3 full of people 4 was dressed in 5 is always indifferent to6 enter into 7did not know about 8 pay forUnit 5Section AII1 She feels terrible She wants to weep and she does weep a little2 He smoked Prince Albert tobacco in cigarettes he rolled himself3 Her father was hooked by cigarettes Though he smoked Prince Albert tobacco,he never looked as fashionableas Prince Albert;he continued to look like a poor,overweight,hard working colored man with too large a family4 By that time,her father health was poor His breathing was difficult;he had to rest very often when he wasclimbing stairs It was not unusual for him to cough for an hour5 Money that should be spent for food goes instead to the tobacco companies As a result,over time,peoplestarve themselves of both food and air,effectively weakening and hooking their children,eventually killingthemselves6 The cigarette ends are so poisonous that if a baby swallows one,it is likely to die,and the boiled water from abunch of them makes an effective insecticide7 She still remembers how carefully she ate when she was pregnant,and how patiently she taught her daughterhow to cross a street safely But now her daughter smokes,which amounts to killing herself by taking poison,asher grandfather did8 Smoking is a form of se