新 视 野 大 学 英 语 4第 三 单 元 上 机 考 试 试 题 及 答 案 1.raw2.wheelchaircrawl4.a le r tc e rtify6.th riv e7 convict8.pension9.p ro file10.d etectivePart 1 Word Dictation(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:1。分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 荻 1.1/raw raw2.0 Xwheelchair receipt3.1 cravl crawl4.1 alert alert5.1 certify certify6.1 thrive thrive7.1 convict convict8.1 pension pension9.1 profile profile10.1 detective detectiveSubtotal:9There is something you must know when going abroad,aperson moves from one culture to another,he must adjust tothe(1)customs and to the way of life of the people.There is one problem for which(2)adjustment isneeded immediately.This problem(3)c o n c e r n s thefood he must get used to.In his own country,he is(4)accustomed to certainfoods,prepared in the w“of his people.He is also used to thetimes of day in which they are(5)s e r v e d.In anew country,he may find himself having to eat foods he neverheard of or seen before.For instance,many times people fromthe east are feeling(6)bewildered as to v/hat tochoose in face of a variety of salad(7)dressings indifferent colors.You might not know all of the ways food can be cooked.(8)ing,and fry in g.The differences betv/een these v/ays areimportant,but simple to understand.(9).Baked or roasted foods are cooked by dry heat in an oven.(1 0),and broiled(烤 的)foods are cookedby direct fire or heat.Part 2 Compound Dictation(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:10 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.0 X(未 管)customs2.0 X(未 答)adjustment3.0X(未 答)concerns4.0 X(未&accustomed5.0X(未 答)served6.0 X(未 答)bewildered7.0 X(未 答)dressings8.0?(未 答)The standard methods for people to dotheir cooking are boiling,baking orroasting,and frying9.0?(未 答)Boiled foods are cooked in v/ater orsome other type of liquid at a boilingtemperature10.0?(未 答)Fried foods are cooked in hot fat or oiluntil brov/n and tender1.This diploma(毕 11 文 凭)that you have completedhigh school.A.entitleso B.certifiesC.securesD.approves2.If the rain doesn*t stop,people will be faced seriousflooding.Q A.toB.aboutQ C.with D.by3.Yet in a democracy,such a declaration cannot easilybe made;indeed the opposite must be proclaimed.A.liberalO B.liableC.liberatedD.reliable4.The article Chinas educational achievements duringthe past 20 years and outlined its development plans for thenew century.A.predictedB.witnessedQ C.highlightedD.intensified5.He is v/atching TV?Hes to be cleaning his room.Q A.known0 B.supposedC.regardedD.considered6.I recognized him at once,but his name me for themoment.Q A.escapedQ B.missedO C.failed D.ignored7.The girl will get her nervousness once she is onstage.0.A.over0 B.throughQ C.offO D.av/ay8.Scarcely had the old man gone o u t.A.that it started to rainB.than it started to raino C.when it started to rainD.and it started to rain9.You are invited to the party at our institute 8:00 p.m.tomorrow.C A.having beenQ B.givenC,C.to giveQ D.to be given10.The editor the article to make it fit the space availablein a magazine.6 A.cut downQ B.cut offQ C.cut av;ayQ D.cut outSubtotal:8P art 3 Multiple Choice(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:10 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 烟 1.1 B B2.1 C C3.1 A A4.1 C C5.1 B B6.1 A A7.1 A A8.1 C C9.0 X B D10.0 X D ADuring the long vacation I VJDS accepted as a trainee bus conductor.Ifound the job fiercely demanding even on a short route with a totalof about two dozen passengers.I pulled the wrong tickets,forgot thechange and v/rote up my log(行 程 记 录)at the end of each trip in away that drew hollow laughter from the inspectors.The inspectorswere likely to check at any time.A conductor with twenty yearsservice could be dismissed if an inspector caught him acceptingmoney v/ithout pulling a ticket.It v/as hot that summer:100 Fahrenheit(华 氏)every day.Insidethe bus it v/as 30 hotter still.R was so jammed inside that my feetwerent touching the floor.I couldnt blink(眨 眼 睛)the sweat out ofmy eyes.There v/as no hope of collecting any fares.In these circumstances I was scarcely to blame.I didnt even knowv/here v/e were,but I guessed we were at the top just beforeMarket Street.I pressed the bell,the doors closed,and the bussurged forv/ard.There v/ere shouts and yells from down the back,but I thought they were the angry cries of passengers who had notgot on.Too late I realized that they were coming from within thebus.The automatic doors at the back of the bus had closed aroundan old lady*s neck as she was getting on.Her head was inside thebus.The rest of her,carrying a shopping bag was outside.I knewnone of this at the time.When I at last signaled the driver to stop,he crashed to a halt andopened the automatic doors.The voman dropped to the road.Unfortunately,the car behind turned out to be full of inspectors.Since it v/ould have made headlines if a university student hadalmost half-killed a woman of an advanced age,I v/as given theopportunity to leave quietly.1.What do we learn about the inspectors in the first paragraph?A.They found the writer amusing.O B.They never wore uniforms.C.They were feared by employees.D.They distrusted older employees.2.Why was the writer unable to do his job properly?A.He wasnt tall enough.B.The buses were too fast.C.People avoided paying.Q D.He couldnt move.3 The old lady in the incident d e s c r i b e d.A.v/as injuredB.faintedQ C.was draggedD.hit her head4.When the incident with old lady h a p p e n e d,.A.the writer had already decided to give up the jobQ B.the writers employers wanted to avoid publicityC.the writer was offered the chance to continueD.the consequences were as the v/riter expected5.What is the writers attitude now to the job?A.He feels responsible for the incident that ended it.B.He thinks that he was unfairly treated by the inspectors.Q C.He is ashamed that he wds incapable of doing it properly,o D.He believes that it was an impossible job to do well.Urban(城 市 的)life has always involved a balancing of opportunitiesand rewards against dangers and stress;its moving force is,in thebroadest sense,money.Opportunities to make money makecompetition stressful;it is often at its most intense in the largestcities,where opportunities are greatest.Crime has alv/ays flourishedin the relative anonymity(人 所 不 知)of urban life,but today*s ease ofmovement makes its control more difficult than ever;there is muchevidence that its extent has a direct relationship to the size ofcommunities.City dvellers(居 民)may become trapped in theirhomes by the fear of crime around them.As defense against these developments,city dwellers tend to usevarious strategies to try and reduce the pressures upon themselves:contacts with other people are generally made brief and impersonal;doors are kept locked;telephone numbers may be ex-directory(未 列 入 电 话 号 码 簿 的);journeys outside the home are usually hurried,rather than a source of pleasure.Inner areas of cities tend to be abandoned by the more successfuland left to those who have done badly in the competitive struggle orwho belong to minority groups;these people are then geographicallytrapped because so much economic activity has migrated to thesuburbs and beyond.Present-day architecture and planning have enormously worsenedthe human problems of urban life.Old-established neighborhoodshave been ruthlessly(无 情 地)swept aw”,by both public andprivate organizations,usually to be replaced by huge,ugly,impersonal structures.People have been forced to leave theirfamiliar homes,usually to be re-housed in tower blocks v/hich areinconvenient,and fail to provide any setting for human interaction orsupport.The destruction of established social structures is the worsepossible approach to the difficulties of living in a town or city.Instead,every effort should be made to conserve(保 护)the humanscale of the environment,and to retain familiar landmarks.6.According to the author,living in a city causes stress becausethere are so many people who a r e.o A.anxious to succeedB.in need of helpC.naturally aggressiveD.likely to commit crime7.The author thinks that crime is increasing in cities becauseA.people do not communicate with their neighborsQ B.criminals are difficult to trace in large populationsC.people feel anonymous thereD.the trappings of success are attractive to criminals8.The majority of people v/ho live in inner cities tend to quit fromthe inner areas because t h e y.A.dislike having to travel far to worko B.have been forced by circumstances to do soC.dont like the idea of living in the suburbsD.have turned against society9.Architectural changes have affected city life b y.Q A.scattering long-established communitiesB.giving the individual a say in planningC.forcing people to live on top of each otherD.making people move to the suburbs10.The authors general argument is that urban life v/ould beimproved b y.A.moving people out of tower blocksB.restoring old buildings C.building community centerso D.preserving existing social systemsPart 4 Reading Comprehension(Multiple C h o ic e)(每 小 题:1.5 分;耨 分:15 分)小 题 得 分 时 错 我 的 答 案 客 妮 1.1.5 C C2.1.5/D D3.1.5/C C4.1.5/B B5.1.5 D D6.1.5/A A7.1.5/B B8.1.5 B B9.1.5/A A10.1.5/D DSubtotal:15老 师 评 语:The Peace CorpsThe Peace Corps is an independent federal agency of the UnitedStates designed to promote mutual understanding betv/eenAmericans and the outside world.The Peace Corps v/as establishedby executive order in 1961 by President John F.Kennedy andapproved by Congress as a permanent agency within the StateDepartment later that year.The program came about during theCold War and v/as designed to oppose the Soviet challenge toWestern influence in the widely open Third World area ofsuperpov/er competition.More than 180,000 Americans have servedin the Peace Corps since its beginning.Purpose&functionThe program officially has three goals.The first is to help the peopleof interested countries and areas in meeting their needs for trainedv/orkers.The second is to help promote a better understanding ofAmericans on the part of the peoples served.And the third is to helppromote a better understanding of other peoples on the part ofAmericans.The Peace Corps v/orks by first announcing its availability to foreigngovernments.These governments then determine areas in which theorganization can be involved.The organization then matches therequested assignments to its pool of applicants and sends thosevolunteers with the appropriate skills to the countries that first madethe requests.Background&historySince the end of the Second World Warr various members of theUnited States Congress had proposed bills to establish volunteerorganizations in the Third World.In 1952 Senator Brien McMahonproposed an narmyn of young Americans to act as nbringers ofdemocracy.Privately funded non-religious organizations had beensending volunteers overseas since the 1950s.John F.Kennedy first announced his own idea for such anorganization during the 1960 presidential campaign at a late-nightspeech at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on October 14.During a later speech in San Francisco,California on November 1,henamed this proposed organization the nPeace Corps,.Critics of theprogram(including Kennedys opponent,and future United Statespresident,Richard M.Nixon)claimed the program v/ould be nothingbut a place for young people to hide from military service.Othersdoubted whether college-aged volunteers had the necessary skills.The idea v/as popular among most college students,however,andKennedy continued to pursue it,asking respected academics such asMax Millikan and Chester Bowles to help him outline the organizationand its goals.During his opening address as president,Kennedyagain promised to create the program.Established&approvedOn March 1,1961,Kennedy signed an Executive Order whichofficially started the Peace Corps.Concerned with the growing tide ofrevolutionary feelings in the Third World,Kennedy saw the PeaceCorps as a means of countering the notions of the Ugly American,especially in the emerging nations of postcolonial Africa and Asia.On March 4,Kennedy appointed Sargent Shriver to be the programsfirst director.Shriver was tasked v/ith fleshing out the organization,which he did with the help of Warren W.Wiggins and others.Shriverand his think tank outlined the three major goals of the Peace Corpsand decided the number of volunteers they needed to recruit.Theprogram began recruiting volunteers that following July.Until about 1967,applicants to the Peace Corps had to pass aplacement test that tested general knov/ledge(knowledge ofvarious skills needed for various Peace Corps assignments)andlanguage ability.After an address from Kennedy,who wasintroduced by Rev.Russell Fuller of Memorial Christian Church,Disciples of Christ,on August 28,1961,the first group of volunteersleft for Ghana and Tanzania.The program was formally approved byCongress on September 22,1961 and within two years over 7,300Peace Corps volunteers were serving in 44 countries.This numberv/ould jump to 15,000 in June of 1966,the largest number in theorganization history.Early troubles for the Peace CorpsThough the organization was begun v/ith the noblest of intentions,itexperienced a big controversy in its very first year of operation.OnOctober 13r 1961,a postcard written by a volunteer named MarjorieMichelmore in Nigeria to her boyfriend in the US caused someproblems.In it,she described Nigeria as“ugly and absolutelyprimitive in living conditions*.This postcard,however,never made itout of the country.A student at the University College at Ibadanfound it and made copies to distribute around campus.Nigerianstudents accused the volunteers of being spies of the USgovernment.Soon the international press picked up the story andthis led several people in the US administration to question the futureof the program as a whole.Nigerian students protested the program,and the American volunteers hid themselves avay and eventuallybegan a hunger strike.After several days,the Nigerian studentsagreed to open a dialogue with the Americans.Independent statusIn July 1971r President Nixon brought the Peace Corps under theumbrella agency,ACTION.The Peace Corps would remain underACTION until President Jimmy Carter declared it fully independent ina 1979 executive order.This independent status would be furthersecured when Congress passed legislation in 1981 to make theorganization an independent federal agency.Programs branching outAt this time,the Peace Corps began branching out past its traditionalconcerns of education-and agriculture-related projects.In 1982,Director Loret Miller Ruppe began several new business-relatedprograms.For the first time,a large number of conservative andRepublican volunteers joined the group of overseas volunteers,andthe organization continued to reflect the evolving political and socialconditions in the United States.Funding cuts during the early 1980s dropped the number ofvolunteers to 5,380,its lowest level since the organizations earlyyears.Funding began to increase in 1985,and Congress passed aninitiative to raise the number of volunteers to 10,000 by 1992.After the September 11,2001 attacks alerted the nation to growinganti-US feelings in the Middle East