IL Answer the following questions.1.What contrasts most between the situation in ciassrooms over the last centuryand the experience of todays students outside the school walls?Relatively unchanging teaching styles versus childrens access to a range ofmedia.2.How will the computer reshape education in the future?Education will be organized largely around the computer.Computers willpermit a degree of individual instruction.All students may receive a curriculumtailored to their needs,learning style,pace and record of success with earliermaterials and lessons.3.According to the text,why is computer technology both a blessing and acurse?It is a blessing because it makes delivery of information instantaneous;it is acurse on the other hand,because there are no reliable ways to distinguish sensefrom the distorted facts and downright nonsense common on the Net.4.How is technology changing the nature of education?New technology enables education to be more individualized.Also,the pace oftechnological change means that the old vocational education model of preparingpeople for a single lifetime job is no longer adequate.5.Why may the acquisition of a diploma from a certified institution become lessimportant?Because individuals will be able to educate themselves and exhibit theircompetence in a simulated setting.6 In addition to computer technology,what other innovations will have impactson education?Medical technologies,biological technologies among others.7.How will medical technologies influence education?They will permit study of students9 brain activity and blood flow as theyengage in various kinds of problem-solving or creative activities.8.Why does the author say that recent breakthroughs in biology and medicinemay change education in the most radical ways?Because they may change our definitions of what it means to be a human being,and to be a part of human society.9.What are the authorities9 attitudes towards the application of genetic findingsto education?Their opinions vary.Some authorities will insist that these findings be appliedin specific cases,while others will vigorously object to any decisions made on thebasis of genetic information.10.What is the authors attitude towards conservatism in education?He believes that the explosion of knowledge calls for a revolution in education,but conservatism is not necessarily evil.With respect to the transmission ofvalues and the teaching of certain subjects,a conservative approach may well becalled for.III.Complete the blanks with the words given below.Change the form wherenecessary.1.They felt that the aggressive behavior and attention-seeking which aremore prevalentamong males should not be reinforced by teacher responses.2.The ideology of enterprise culture has finally permeated the remaininginstitutions ofBritish cultural life.3.He warned that authorities would not hesitate to take decisive actionagainst any groups or individuals that contemplated a disturbance of thepeace.4.Truly,there is no such thing as a“free lunch;every decision has its owninherentproblems.5.It was in the middle of the busiest city in Europe,with noise,exhaust fumesand literally thousands of bodies all within yards.6.Having children so early in their marriage was a mixed blessing.7.Politically they tend to be unstable,with very high birth rates but pooreducation and very low levels of literacy.8.Two contrasting colors such as blue and yellow can look effective whenfreely mingled,each intensifying the impact of the other.9.The period of the flood and directly afterwards had become completelydistorted in her mind.10.Colleagues and pupils thought of him as formidable;a few found himfrightening;a few found him affable.11.The scheme is being widely debated on television because it sets aprecedent for other companies.12.From July,all organically produced food must be certified under ECregulations.IV.Replace the underlined words or expressions in the following sentences withwords or expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning.1.The police are trying their very best to search for the escaped convict.hunt down2.These immigrants have already been assimilated into the social mainstream,absorbed into3.Only a limited number of people have the right to enter the restricted area.have access to4.Almost all the buildings were damaged in the severe storm,excluding a fewstone castles.with theexception of5.So far as that is concerned,your argument doesnt hold water.For thatmatter6.Lacking in a good team leader,the team works inefficiently and the projectprogresses very slowly.In the absence of7.The company makes the best possible use of its staff,and it is very strict interms of work ethics.with respect to8.The car is altered for the special needs of the handicapped.is tailored to9.The chairman has made it clear at the beginning that the discussion in themeeting should be confined to the agenda.be restricted to10.It requires both intelligence and patience to do scientific work.calls for11.The growth of towns was to a Ineqe decree the result of a large number ofmigrants coming from the villages.In large measure12.The list of companies varied from local stores to multinational giants.ranged fromV.Look at the following sentence taken from your reading passage.Just thinkabout what else you can“develop”and fill in the sentences with the right words,e.g.New and imaginative approaches will have to be developed if young peopleare to be prepared for the rapidly changing roles they can expect to assume.l.Experiments have been carried out to test and develop understanding of thesignificance of eye contact and body language.2.The new state government aims to develop a system of public law whichwill better serve the interests of the state as well as the citizen.3.Swimming is one of the best exercises to help develop your muscles.4.He took an extra year of study in the art school to develop his artistictechnique.5.One of the ways in which children at the school develop their computerskills is by keeping weather and farm records.6.All children have to develop a concept of safety and an ability to cope withthe hazards which exist in that environment.7.The photographer asked the photo-shop to develop the exposed film.8.The aims of the Short Courses are to encourage pupils to reflect on their ownexperience of life,to develop insights into situations which pose moral and socialquestions,and to respond to these situations in a balanced and understandingway.VI.Translate the following into English.1.在 一 个 充 斥 着 错 误 信 息 的 世 界,让 学 生 学 会 识 别 真 的、美 的、好 的 信 息 是 一 个 巨 大 的 挑 战。In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students tolearn to identify the true,the beautiful,and the good.2.任 何 形 式 的 登 山 运 动 都 有 其 内 在 的 危 险 性,毕 竟 它 是 一 项 冒 险 运 动。Any form of mountaineering has its inherent danger.After all,it is an adventuresport.3.那 所 大 学 将 在 一 定 程 度 上 允 许 针 对 个 人 的 授 课,学 生 会 得 到 符 合 自 身 需 要 的、适 合 自 己 学 习 方 法 和 进 度 的 课 程 设 置。The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the studentsmay receive a curriculum tailored to their needs,learning style and pace.4.据 说 对 学 习 过 程 的 基 因 基 础 的 理 解 能 告 诉 我 们 哪 些 青 年 学 子 可 能 更 快 取 得 进 步,哪 些 注 定 要 有“艰 难 的”求 学 历 程。It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will teach uswhich youngsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to“difficult”school experiences.5.据 报 导,在 加 拿 大 几 乎 有 数 以 千 计 的 江、湖 不 能 维 持 鱼 和 植 物 的 生 长。It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are nolonger able to support fish or plants.6.在 文 化 普 及 率 相 对 高 的 国 家 中,书 籍 对 丰 富 人 们 的 生 活 起 着 重 要 作 用。In countries with relatively high literacy rates,books play an important part inenriching peoples lives.7.政 府 干 预 的 实 质 向 来 都 是 限 制 和 歪 曲 竞 争,而 不 是 鼓 励 竞 争。The essence of government intervention has been to limit and distort competitionrather than to encourage it.8.中 国 人 民 所 从 事 的 伟 大 改 革 事 业 是 史 无 前 例 的。The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is withoutprecedent in history.9.模 拟 考 试 训 练 不 得 推 迟 到 临 近 正 式 考 试 时 进 行。Practice in simulated examination conditions must not be delayed until close tothe examination time.10.人 们 发 现,在 那 个 森 林 里 狮 子 和 狼 常 常 协 作 搜 寻 活 食。People have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often hunt down liveanimals by cooperative efforts.