汉语口语速成 第一课 你好.ppt
第一课 Lesson One 你好语音注释Phonetics Explanation 声母和韵母 Initials and finals 汉语的音节绝大多数由声母和韵母组成。音节开头的辅音叫声母,其余部分叫韵母。A Chinese syllable is usually composed of an initial and a final.The former is a consonant that begins the syllable and the letter is the rest of the syllable.声调 Tones 声调是音节的音高变化。汉语普通话有四个基本声调,分别为第一声()、第二声()、第三声()、第四声()。声调不同,意思不一样。Tones are changes of pitch of syllables.In the standard Chinese there are four basic tones,represented respectively by the following tone-graphs:the first tone(),the second tone(),the third tone()and the fourth tone().When a syllable is pronounced in different tones,it has different meanings.轻声 Neutral tone 普通话里有一些音节在一定条件下失去原调,读得又轻又短,叫做轻声。轻声不标调号。例如:xixie,b kqi。In standard Chinese pronunciation,there are a number of syllables that lose their original tones and are pronounced soft and short.This is known as the neutral tone which is identified by the absence of a tone mark,e.g.“xixie,b kqi”.Initials b p m f d t n l g k h j q x z c s zh ch sh rFinalsa o e er i-i(zi)-i(zhi)u ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ongia ie iao iou(iu)ian in iang ing iongua uo uai uei(ui)uan uen(un)uang uenge an n 声母 Initials b p m f d t n l 韵母 Finals a o e i u er语音 Phoneticsa o e i u b ba bo bi bup pa po pi pum ma mo me mi muf fa fo fud da de di dut ta te ti tun na ne ni nu nl la le li lu l拼音 Spelling 辨声母 Initial Discrimination b-p d-t n-l m-f b-p m-f n-l d-t b-p 辨韵母Final Discrimination m-m b-b f-f p-p t-t l-l d-d m-m n-n 辨调 Tone Discrimination b-b m-m p-p t-t n-n l-l d-d f-f 读下列音节(第一声+一、二、三、四及轻声)Read out the following syllables 1st+1st:fyn 发音 fij 飞机 1st+2nd:hunyng 欢迎 bngmng 帮忙 1st+3rd:gngb 钢笔 hibn 黑板 1st+4th:goxng 高兴 shngdio 声调 1st+the neutral tone:mma 妈妈 shngliang 商量生词 New Words 你(代 pronoun)n you 好(形 adj.)ho well;good 您(代 pronoun)nn you(polite)你们(代 pronoun)nmen you(plural)老师(名 noun)losh teacher 谢谢(动 verb)xixie to thank 不(副 adv.)b not生词 New Words 客气(形adj.)kqi polite;courteous 不客气 b kqi Dont mention it;Youre welcome.对不起 dubuq I am sorry.没关系 mi gunxi Dont mention it.再见(动verb)zijin good-bye生词 New Words 请(动verb)qng please 进(动verb)jn to enter 坐(动verb)zu to sit 听(动verb)tng to listen 说(动verb)shu to say 读(动verb)d to read 写(动verb)xi to write 课文 Text 1.A:N ho.nn n 你 好。您 你 B:N ho.Nmen losh 你 好。你们 老师 2.A:xixie.谢谢。B:B kqi.不 客气。课文 Text 3.A:Dubuq.对不起。B:Mi gunxi.没 关系。4.A:Zijin.再见。B:Zijin.再见。课文 Text 5.Qng jn.zu tng shu d xi 请 进。坐 听 说 读 写 注释 Notes(1)你好。日常问候语。任何时间、任何场合以及任何身份的人都可以使用。对方的回答也应是“你好”。It is a common greeting.It may be used anywhere,at any time and by anybody.The answer to it from the person addressed to is also“你好”.课文 Text(2)您“您”是“你”的敬称。“您”is a polite expression of“你”.