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生本课堂导学案课 题Festivals around the world课 型阅读课学习目标1. 提高学生的阅读技巧和阅读能力2.引导学生认识节日的分类、节日对人们生活的影响,从更深入的层面理解各国节日的意义学习重难点1. 怎样让学生在有限时间内完成阅读并捕捉到有用信息2. 如何训练学生略读、细读、归纳内容、对比等阅读技巧前 置 探 究1.头脑风暴: Name some festivals celebrated in China and in foreign countries . (让学生尽可能多地列出一些中外节日,这项作业可以培养学生的发散性思维能力) Festivals of ChinaFestivals of foreign countries 考虑到我们学校的学生对外国节日不太熟悉,也可以采取填写表格的形式,下面表格只给出第一栏中文名称,第二和第三栏的英文名称和时间要求学生讨论或查找资料后完成。Foreign Festivals 外国节日英文名称时间情人节Valentines Day2月14日愚人节April Fools Day4 月1日母亲节Mothers Day5月的第二个星期日父亲节Fathers Day6月的第三个星期日万圣节Halloween10月31日感恩节Thanksgiving Day11月的第四个星期4圣诞节Christmas Day12月25日2.What do we usually do to celebrate the festivals?(我们通常怎样庆祝这些节日?)来设置该项目的可以培养学生的想象力,让学生在使用句子表达时形成语感,同时加深了对各个节日的理解。 导 学 过 程一检查前置探究作业(也是阅读前的热身)教师可以在学生说出一定数量节日的基础上补充他们没有说出的节日并将有关节日名称简单归纳并写出一些相关句子表达二Fast Reading(快速阅读)1.How many paragraphs are there in the passage?()2. How many festivals are mentioned in the text? What festivals are mentioned in each paragraph?skimming and scanning) P1. Ancient festivalsCelebrate of the cold weather, planting in spring and in autumn; celebrate when hunters catch animalsP 2. Festivals of the DeadJapan -Obon Mexico-Day of the Dead America-HalloweenP 3. Festivals to Honour PeopleDragon Boat Festival Columbus Day (India)October 2P 4. Harvest FestivalsHarvest and Thanksgiving Festival Mid-Autumn festivalP 5. Spring festivalsSpring festival Carnival Easter Cheery Blossom Festival三、Detailed Reading(仔细阅读) 1. Ancient Festivals Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the _ _, planting in _ and harvest in _. Todays festivals have many _, some _, some seasonal and some来源:学科网for special _ or _.2.Festivals of the DeadThey have a festival called Obon, when people should go to clean the graves and light incense to honour their ancestors. They light lamps and play music.3.What do people in Mexico do in memory of the dead? They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead on the Day of the Dead. People eat certain food on that day.4.Festivals to Honour People The Dragon Boat Festival Columbus Day National Festival on October 2 5. Spring Festivals What do people usually do at spring festivals?At spring festivals, people usually have dances, carnivals and other activities to celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring.6.What does Easter celebrate? Keys: It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Do you know the symbols of Easter? 四Sum up(总结) 课后 反思Its important to enrich the students vocabulary.There is a long way to improve my students reading ability.Interest is the best teacher, so I should try my best to arouse the students interest.学科网(北京)股份有限公司