第十章第十章 句子成分的分隔句子成分的分隔 10.1 主语与其修饰语的分隔主语与其修饰语的分隔 句型:句型:不及物动词不及物动词被动语态被动语态系动词及其表语系动词及其表语 主语的修饰语主语的修饰语 主语主语谓语谓语 定语从句定语从句介词短语介词短语同位语从句同位语从句分词短语分词短语动词不定式动词不定式10.1 主语与其修饰语的分隔主语与其修饰语的分隔 A feeling(感觉)感觉)has developed in society that technology must be controlled.No chance exists for such a device to be realizable(可实现的)可实现的).10.1 主语与其修饰语的分隔主语与其修饰语的分隔 The evidence(证据)证据)is conclusive(确凿的)确凿的)that electric charge is not something that can be divided(分割)分割)indefinitely(无限地)无限地).A study will be made of the percentages(百分比)百分比)of usable and defective(有缺陷的)有缺陷的)parts produced by a particular machine.10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 1、被修饰的名词被修饰的名词 定语定语 定语定语 (1)短语短语 短语短语(特别注意(特别注意“of短语短语”)(2)短语短语 从句从句(3)从句从句 从句从句(4)从句从句 短语短语 This illustrates the coupling(耦合)耦合)between input and output terminals inherent(固有的)固有的)in transistors.Instability(不稳定性)不稳定性)is the tendency in certain systems of a quantity(量)量)associated with(与与有关)有关)energy,such as current,to increase indefinitely(无限无限地)地)in the absence(不存在)不存在)of excitation(外部激励)外部激励).10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 What lies behind this meeting is an increasing awareness(认识)认识)around the world of the urgency(迫切性)迫切性)of reducing global warming.10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 These basic virtues(优点)优点)of personal computing have resulted in the growth of what was a cottage industry(家庭工业)家庭工业)in the early 1980s to the multi-billion-dollar(上百亿美元)上百亿美元)PC hardware and software industries today.10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 The control-system engineer finds many functions of interest which are not periodic(周期性的)周期性的).This is what is meant by the statement sometimes made that“the pressure in a fluid(流体)流体)acts in all directions.”10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 There are a great many problems which arise in the various fields of techno-logy which require for their solution methods beyond those available for algebra(代数)代数)and trigonometry(三角)三角).Now we shall study the effects that forces have on motion.10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 The opposition that a conductor offers tending to impede(阻止)阻止)the transmission(输送)输送)of electricity is called electrical resistance.10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 2、两个句型两个句型 (1)“名词名词+介词短语介词短语+of 数量数量”定语定语 The solid-state(固态)固态)radar has a mean(平均的)平均的)time between failures(故故障)障)of 1,400 hr.定语定语 10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 2、两个句型两个句型 定语定语 定语定语 This analysis yields(产生)产生)a thermal resistance(热阻)热阻)from the ferrite(铁氧体)铁氧体)to the coolant channel wall(冷却剂通道壁)冷却剂通道壁)of approximately 36oC/W.(1)“名词名词+介词短语介词短语+of 数量数量”10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 2、两个句型两个句型 (2)“名词名词+介词短语介词短语+of-短语短语”定语定语 定语定语 这一结构主要来自于搭配关系这一结构主要来自于搭配关系:“名词名词+of-短语短语+介词短语介词短语”定语定语 定语定语 (主要因为前面的主要因为前面的比比长的缘故)长的缘故)Collector modulation(集电极调制)集电极调制)has the advantages over base(基极)基极)modulation of better linearity(线性)线性),higher collector efficiency and higher power output.10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 What the forward bias(正向偏置)正向偏置)achieves essentially is the injection(注入)注入)into the depletion layer(耗尽层)耗尽层)of electrons from the conduction band(导带)导带)of the N-type material.(the injection of A into B)10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 Evaporation(蒸发)蒸发)from the soil(土土壤)壤)and transpiration(蒸腾)蒸腾)from vegetation(植物)植物)are responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water that falls on the land(大地)大地).(the return of A to B)10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 An added advantage of this method is that it makes it possible for us to see the effect on the overall(整个)整个)waveform of the absence(缺少)缺少)of some of the constituents(成分)成分)(for instance,the higher harmonics(高次谐波)高次谐波).(the effect of A on B)10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 These graphs(曲线图)曲线图)summarize the variations with frequency of the resistance of a resistor,and of the reactances(电抗)电抗)of an inductor(电感器)电感器)and of a capacitor(电容器)电容器).(the variation of A with B)10.2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 Pollution(污染)污染)may be caused by the release(丢弃)丢弃)by man of completely new and often artificial substances into the environment.(the release of A into B by C)10.3 其它情况其它情况 Let us use for the upper limit(上限)上限)on the integral(积分)积分)the variable(变量)变量)t.For the circuit above,let the current i(t)that is produced by the source be described by the function of time shown in Fig.1 4.10.3 其它情况其它情况 The material(物质)物质)exhibited(呈现)呈现)unique(独特的)独特的)properties as it melted(熔化)熔化)from a solid to a liquid state that could not be explained by the naive(幼稚幼稚的)的)understanding of matter at the time.10.3 其它情况其它情况 There has arisen from the Internet the kind of community(社区)社区)and culture that can serve as a model for business and other cooperative(合作性)合作性)enterprises(企业)企业)well into the next century.