词块教学法对高中生英语写作能力影响词块教学法对高中生英语写作能力影响的实验研究的实验研究An Experimental Research on the Effect of Lexical Chunk Approach on Senior High Students English Writing CompetenceCandidate:Huang YintengSupervisor:Assoc.Prof.Yu Weichang School of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou University May 26,2013The Outline of presentationResearchWhy?How?What?Rationale for the Study Some problems in senior high students English writing12Some practical findings of lexical approach on English writingResearch Orientation:To investigate the effect of lexical approach on senior high students English writing competenceTo explore some practical suggestions for senior English teachers to teaching English writingResearch QuestionsQ1:Can EG make significant improvement in English writing after the implementation of the lexical approach?Q2:Is there any correlation between the number of lexical chunks and the quality of the composition?General research question:What is the effect of lexical chunk approach on senior high school students English writing competence?Outline of my thesis1.Introduction 2.Related Studies 3.Theoretical Framework 4.The Study 5.Data Analysis and Discussion 6.Conclusions Related studies on English Writing123456 Process Approach Product ApproachWang and Wens Process Mode of L2 Writing Genre Approach Lexical Approach Length ApproachOutline of my thesis1.Introduction 2.Related Studies 3.Theoretical Framework 4.The Study 5.Data Analysis and Discussion 6.Conclusions Theoretical Framework of this StudyWrays Lexical ApproachLewis Lexical ApproachNattinger&DeCarricos Lexical Approach Definition of Lexical Chunk Classifications of Lexical Chunks Functions of Lexical Chunks The Lexical ApproachOutline of my thesis1.Introduction 2.Related Studies 3.Theoretical Framework 4.The Study 5.Data Analysis and Discussion 6.Conclusions How?ParticipantsParticipantsInstrumentsInstrumentsData CollectionData CollectionResearchDesignInstructionInstructionInstrumentsCompositionsTests(Pre-test and Post-test)QuestionnaireInterviewProcedurenStep 1:carry out the pre-test;collect and analyze the data of the pre-test;carry out questionnaire;nStep 2:two kinds of English writing teaching in EG and CGnStep 3:carry out the post-test Instruction Instruction in EG Instruction in CG Awareness-raising Activities Reinforcing Activities Outline of my thesis1.Introduction 2.Related Studies 3.Theoretical Framework 4.The Study 5.Data Analysis and Discussion 6.Conclusions What?QuestionnaireTests(Pre-test and Post-test)CompositionsInterviewResearchQuestionsOutline of my thesis1.Introduction 2.Related Studies 3.Theoretical Framework 4.The Study 5.Data Analysis and Discussion 6.Conclusions Major FindingsEG make more significant progress in English writing.High frequency of using lexical chunks contributes to high-quality compositions.There is a positive correlation between the number of lexical chunks used in the writing and the composition quality.EG raise their confidence in English writing and English learning.ConclusionTeaching on lexical chunk approach has an effective on improving senior high school students English writing competence.And with the experiment progressing,students show more confidence in English writing.Figure 3 The results of the questionnaire Figure 4 Independent-Samples T-test of composition scores in the pre-testGroupNMeanStd.DeviationStd.Error MeanFSig.TPPre-test scoreEG4715.513.71.54.334.565-.205.838CG4615.673.97.58The students of two classes were almost the same.Figure 5 Independent-Samples T-test of composition scores in the post-testGroupNMeanStd.DeviationStd.Error MeanFSig.TPPost-test scoreEG47 17.983.42.501.531.2192.762.007CG46 15.854.01.59EG have made more significant progress than CGFigure 6 Paired-Samples T-test of composition scores of the pre-test and post-test in CG and EGGroupNMeanStd.DeviationStd.Error MeanTPPre-test scoreCG4615.673.97.58-.363.718Post-test scoreCG4615.854.01.59Pre-test scoreEG4715.513.71.54-5.277.000Post-test scoreEG4717.773.89.57The results refuse a significant difference in CGSignificant difference appears in EGFigure 7 The total number of lexical chunks in two groups and their frequency NumberItemsEG(47 subjects)CG(46 subjects)Total words76706656Total lexical chunks754521Total words of lexical chunks19331307Average lexical chunks16.0411.33Average words per text163.19128.3Average words per chunks2.562.50Frequency of lexical chunks7.6110.27The frequency of lexical chunks in EG is significantly higher than that in CG.Note:Frequency of lexical chunks=(total words-total words of lexical chunks)/total lexical chunks(Zhang Jianqin,2004)Figure 8 Correlations between total chunks and the composition scorecomposition scoreSig.(2-tailed)Ntotal chunks.889*.00093High positive correlation between composition quality and total lexical chunks Thank you very much!