第2部分:消费者个体因素与消费者行为Part 2:Individual factors and consumer behavior 第3章:消费者心理活动过程(I)Chapter 3 Consumer psychological processes I第4章:消费者心理活动过程(II)Chapter 4:Consumer psychological process II第5章:消费者个性、自我概念与生活方式Chapter 5:Consumer personalities,self-concepts and life-styles2023/5/16 2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior Consumer Behavior 1 1第3章 消费者心理活动过程 ICHAPTER 3:CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES I2023/5/16 2023/5/16MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 2 2学习要点Key studying points 消费者感觉与知觉Consumer sensation and perception 消费者学习与记忆Consumer learning and memory 消费者动机与需要Consumer motivation and needs 消费者情绪与情感过程Consumer feelings and affective processes2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 3引例:视觉营销())2023/5/16 2023/5/16MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 4 4M&M的视觉营销2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 52023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 62023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 73.1 消费者的感知觉Consumer sensation and perception 3.1.1消费者的感觉Consumer sensation 感觉的定义Definition of sensation 感觉是由感觉器官的刺激作用引起的主观经验,或者说是人脑对直接作用于感觉器官的客观外界对象和现象的个别属性的反应。Sensation is a subjective experience that is aroused by the stimulation of sensory organ(s).It is the reflection on individual attribute of a persons brain to the objective(s)and phenomenon in an environment.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 8 换言之,感觉(sensation)是指我们的感受器(眼、耳、鼻、口、指)对光线、色彩、气味等基本刺激的直接反应。Use other words,sensation is direct reaction of our sensors(eyes,ears,nose and fingers)towards the basic stimuli of light,colors and smell.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 9 Perception is a process that explains the selection,organization and explanation of the perceptions.而知觉(perception)是指对这些感受进行选择、组织和解释的过程。The study of perception focuses on providing meanings to original sensation that is we add something into the original sensation.对知觉的研究就集中在为了给初始感觉赋予意义,我们在原始感觉上添加了什么。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 10感、知觉过程的示意图2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior暴露11暴露 注意 解释感觉刺激 感受器视觉声音气味味道质感眼耳鼻口皮肤2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 12图3-1分析器传入神经传出神经刺激 感知是人类对客观世界认知的起点和基础Sensation is the starting and the base of human beings to perceive the objective world.。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 13 感觉的类型:外部和内部感觉(详细解释见下页)Types of sensations 外部感觉 External sensations:视觉Sense of Vision:85%左右的信息是由视觉感知的。听觉Sense of Hearing:10%左右的信息有听觉获得。嗅觉Sense of smell 味觉Sense of Taste 触觉Sense of Touching 内部感觉Internal sensations 肌肉运运动感觉Sensation of muscle movement 平衡感觉Sensation of Balance 内脏感觉Sensation of inner organs2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 14视觉Sense of Vision 在广告、店面设计和包装上,营销者都非常依赖视觉因素,他们将要表达的意义通过产品的色彩、规格和样式等视觉渠道加以传递。Marketers rely on visionary factors a lot for advertising,storefront design and packaging.They use colors,specifications and patterns to deliver the meanings that they want to express.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 15 颜色还能更直接地影响我们的情感。Colors can impact our affection directly.对颜色的一些反应来自后天的学习获得的联想。Some reaction to colors is association of human being through learning.对颜色的其他反应则归因于生理差异和文化的不同。Other reaction to colors attribute to physical and cultural differences.颜色在网络设计中其着主导作用。Color has important role in Internet Design 2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 16听觉Sense of Hearing 声音的各种特性都影响着人们的感觉和行为。Various characteristics of sounds impact human beings sensation and behaviors.消费者每年能够购买价值数以千万计的录像制品,广告音乐维持着品牌的意识,背景音乐营造出一种理想的心境。Consumers buy thousands and millions of video products each year.Music advertisements keep brand awareness,back ground music builds a ideal mood.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 17Sense of smell 嗅觉 气味能够激发强烈的感情,也能够产生平静的感觉。Smell can stimulate strong affection,also can produce peaceful feeling.人们对气味的一些反应是由早期联想产生的,这种联想会引起或好或坏的感觉,这是商家研究气味、记忆与心境的之间联系的原因。Peoples some reactions to smell are caused by earlier time associations.They can be good or bad feelings that is the reason marketers study the relations between smell,memory and mood.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 18 随着科学家继续发现气味对行为影响的巨大效果,营销者们也正在跟进采用灵活的方式来发掘这种联系。Along with the magnitude effects being found by the scientists on the impact of the smell to behaviors continually,marketers are following up and applying more flexible ways to explore the associations.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 19下面是香味营销最新发展的一些情况:香味衣服 香味商店 香味汽车和飞机 香味家庭用品 香味广告2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 20味觉 Sense of Taste味觉感受器在我们体验各种物品的过程中是功不可没的 Taste sensor is important in to people during the process of experience various things.文化的不同也决定了对口味的喜好。Culture differences determine the preference of tastes.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 21触觉Sense of Touching 触觉在销售的互动过程中是一个不可忽略的因素。Touch is a factor cannot be ignored during the interactive sales process.The concept of Kansei engineering感性工学或人机工程的理念。人们常将纺织物和其他物品表面的质地与产品的质量相联系People often associate quality of textiles and other goods to their surface texture.。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 22 感觉的基本规律 The basic rules of sensations 感受性对刺激强度及其变化的感觉能力。Sensibility 感觉阈限用以衡量感受性的强弱的。Sensory threshold2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 23 绝对感受性(能力)是指刚刚能够购觉察出最小刺激的能力Absolute sensibility。绝对阈限(刺激量)刚刚能引起感觉的最小刺激量。Absolute sensory threshold 公式:E=1/R E-绝对感受性 R-绝对感受阈限2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 24 差别感觉性对最小差别的感觉能力。Difference of sensibility 差异阈限能够觉察出两个刺激的最小差别量。也称为最小可觉差Difference of sensory threshold(Just noticeable difference,JND)R/R=K(韦伯定律)韦伯分数越小,则感觉越灵敏。*达到被辨识水平所需的变化量并不是一个绝对值,而是与初始的刺激强度相关联的。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 25韦伯定律的实际应用:零售商发现,服装降价幅度达到20%,才能引起注意。所以,当K=20%,¥50 的商品需要打折多少才能引起注意?根据韦伯定律:R/R=K 所以:X/50=20%,即X=10 元 当商品价格为¥150,只打¥10的折不能引起注意。这和初始的刺激强度有关。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 26 感觉阈限在营销上的应用:Application of Sensory threshold in marketing 企业进行负面的改变不易被消费者察觉。Sensory threshold can help firms set the degree of changes when firms make negative changes.。使产品正面的改进对于消费者来讲更明显而不需太大成本 Sensory threshold can help firms to set the positive changes without paying too much costs.。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 27 改进产品Improving product 营销人员用差别阈限来决定对产品改进的数量。少于差别阈限值是浪费,因为这种改进不会被察觉;超过差别阈限太多也是浪费,因为这会减少重复销售量。Marketers can use differences of sensory threshold to determine the amount of product changes.定价Pricing 价格阈限消费者对价格变动的最高和最低心理接受界限。Price threshold-the highest or lowest boundary that consumers can accept to the price changing.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 28课堂练习 假设电冰箱原定价格为1000元/台。(当前目标市场此类产品价格的最小可觉差为15%。但甲乙店主并不知晓)。甲店打折 100元后,一周卖出了20台,和他打折前一周的销量相当;乙店打折200元,一周卖出了30台,比打折前一周多买10台。你来评价这两个店,因为他们不知晓准确的最小可感知阈限,而各自因其决策是否蒙受损失?如果是,损失多少?2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 29阈下感觉 Sensory under threshold 低于绝对感觉阈限的刺激,虽然个体察觉不到,但能引起一定生理效应。许多厂商设计广告时都考虑选择运用消费者阈限之内的广告信息。落入阈限之外的刺激被称为阈下刺激。当刺激落在消费者的意识阈限以下时,潜意识知觉就产生了。The stimuli that lower than absolute threshold.Even thought individual may be not aware,but it arouses certain physical reaction.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 30 感觉的适应性Adaptation of sensation 刺激物对感受器持续的作用,使感受器官的敏感性发生变化的现象,叫感觉的适应性。适应性表现在所有的感觉中,但各种感觉中适应的表现和速度是不同的。对比感觉The contrasting of sensation 同一感觉器官在接受不同刺激时会产生感觉的对比现象。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 312023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 32专论:抓准消费者的感觉(案例3-1)中国手机消费者的关键词:买手机是买时尚。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 333.1.2 消费者的知觉 知觉的定义:The definition of perception 知觉是由人脑直接作用于感觉器官的客观事物的整体反映,是对客观事物全部属性的综合反映。Perception is the process through with individuals are exposed to information,attend to the information,and comprehend the information.Its an overall reflection of brain to an objective through their sense organs.知觉在感觉基础上形成,是在大脑中对来自感受器的信息加工、整合的过程,是选择、组织和解释刺激,使之成为一个有意义的、连贯的综合现实的映像的过程。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 34知觉过程的示意图2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior暴露35暴露 注意 解释感觉刺激 感受器视觉声音气味味道质感眼耳鼻口皮肤 知觉的特征Natures of perception:知觉的主观性 消费者在知觉事物的过程中,经常是把知觉和观察到的客观事实与他们本人的自我想象,猜测及其一定看法、态度和偏好等混淆在一起。Subjectivity of perception 知觉的选择性Selectivity of perception 人们不可能对所有的事物都做出反映,而总是选择性的以少数事物作为知觉对象。知觉的阈限2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 36 知觉的警觉性Alertness of perception 即对事物的敏感性,即消费者更可能意识到与他们目前需要有关的刺激物。知觉的防御性Defense of perception 指消费者对造成恐惧或者某种威胁感的刺激倾向于回避、阻滞或反应迟缓。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 37 Association of perception 知觉的关联性 实验结果及营销意义 Understanding of perception知觉的理解性和整体性 人们在感知客观对象时,能够根据以前已获得的知识和经验去理解他们。刺激物的各个部分和各个属性总是作为一个整体对人发生作用。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 38 知觉的分类Types of perceptions:空间知觉Spatial perception 指人脑对物体的形状、大小、远近、方位等空间特性的知觉。时间知觉Time perception 是对客观现象的延续性和顺序性的反映,即对事物运动过程的先后和长短的知觉。运动知觉Movement perception 是对物体的空间位移和移动速度的知觉。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 39 错觉Illusion 对外界事物的不正确的知觉。图形错觉 时间错觉 其他错觉:形重错觉、大小错觉、方位错觉、运动错觉2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 40图形错觉12023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 41图形错觉2 2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 42观念应用3-1用什么颜色的杯子盛咖啡?2023/5/16 2023/5/16MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 43 43红色的咖啡杯盛咖啡,味道更浓?2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 44 The process of consumer perception 消费者的知觉过程:Exposition-Attention-comprehension 展露注意理解2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 45 展露:当刺激物出现在感觉接受神经范围内是,称之为展露。主动展露Positive exposing 被动展露Passive exposing 过度展露Over exposing(资料3-1)2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 46 刺激物的展露与营销策略Stimuli exposing and marketing strategies 尽可能地主动展露刺激物。扩大消费者被动接触刺激物的机会。防止过度展露。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 47 注意:Attention 注意是心理活动对一定对象的指向和集中。attention is a psychological process that directs and concentrates toward to certain objective.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 48 影响注意的因素:The influence factors of attention 刺激物因素Stimulant factors 大小、颜色、位置、运动、背景、新颖性、信息量等。消费者个体因素Consumer individual factors 动机、态度、适应性水平。情景因素Situational factors 当时的环境、个体特征和身体状况2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 49 对刺激物的理解Comprehension:是指个体对刺激物的理解,它是个体赋予刺激物以某种含义或意义的过程。Comprehension refers individuals understanding toward the stimuli,and it is the process of that a consumer endows certain meanings toward a stimulant.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 50 影响理解的个体因素The individual influence factors on comprehensions 动机(驱动人们的需求和欲望)drive 学习和知识 Learning and Knowledge 期望 Expectation2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 51想象力 12023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 52想象力22023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 532023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 542023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 552023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 56 影响理解的刺激物因素The stimulant influence factors on comprehension 产品、包装、销售展示等。影响理解的情景因素The situational influence factors on comprehension 饥饿、孤独、匆忙等暂时性个体特征。周边环境因素。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 57 3.1.3 消费者的知觉与营销策略consumer perception and marketing strategies 消费者对质量的知觉:了解认知质量的概念 Consumer perception to brand quality 消费者对品牌的知觉 Consumer perception to brand 消费者对价格的知觉 Consumer perception to price 消费者对商场的知觉 Consumer perception to sales places 消费者对风险的知觉 Consumer perception to risks 2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 58MINI CASE STUDY 微型案例分析:利盟国际公司商标的演变(案例3-2)2023/5/16 2023/5/16MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 59 59微型案例分析3:麦当劳的秘诀(案例3-3)2023/5/16 2023/5/16MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 60 60辅助材料3-2 从消费者感知入手锻造品牌2023/5/16 2023/5/16MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 61 613.2消费者的学习与记忆consumer learning and memory 3.2.1消费者的学习consumer learning 什么是学习?Whats learning?学习是基于经验而导致行为或行为潜能产生较为持久的改变的过程。Learning is a relative lasting behavior changing process or behavior potential changing process that is based on ones experience.学习是指消费者因训练条件造成的行为上的相对持久地改变和改变的潜能。Learning refers consumers relative lasting behavior changes or change potential that are caused by exercise conditions。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 62l学习是个体获得知识和经验,并将它们用于日后有关的行为潜能或行为中的过程。Learning is a behavior changing or potential changing process of an individual who obtains knowledge and experience,and uses these knowledge and experience afterward.l学习是引起知识、态度和、或行为改变的过程。Learning is the process by which experience leads to changes in knowledge,attitudes,and/or behavior.2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 63学习的作用 学习的作用 The functions of learning The functions of learning 获得信息Obtain information 促发联想Evoke associational ideas 影响消费者的态度和对购买的评价.Influence consumers attitudes and evaluation of buying2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 64万宝路的形象转变(案例案例3-43-4)一个关于学习的典型案例2023/5/16 2023/5/16MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF MA GUO,CEBA,TEACHING NOTES OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 65 65行为学习理论Theories of behavior learning 经典性条件反射理论(由巴甫洛夫(Ivan Pavlov)于20世纪20年代提出).Classic conditioning 巴甫洛夫进行狗的消化过程研究的意外发现,观察到学习可以来自两个联结在一起的刺激。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 661)经典性条件反射Classic Conditioning 原理:一个中性刺激(如:铃声)是和一个可导致反应的刺激(如:肉饼)相伴的。通过相伴的重复,这个中性刺激就具备了导致反应的能力。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 671)Classical Conditioning A neutral stimulus is paired with a stimulus that elicits response.一个中性刺激是和一个可导致反应的刺激相伴的。Through a repetition of the pairing,the neutral stimulus takes on the ability to elicit(导致)the response.通过相伴的重复,这个中性的刺激就具备了导致反应的能力。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 68u结论:当引起反应的一种刺激与另一种自身不能引起反应的刺激一起出现时,就会发生经典性条件反射。(不自觉地)u实验表明,条件反射不是天生的一种反应,而是后天习得的行为。条件反射是个体更好地适应环境,维持与环境平衡的重要基础和条件。u人类天生具有非条件刺激(UCS)-非条件反应(UCR)联结;学习的产生是因为经典条件作用创造了条件刺激(CS)-条件反应(CR)联结。2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 69经典条件反射的实践意义:Actual implications of Classic Conditioning不同的刺激可能导致消费者相同的反应叫经典性条件反射 Different stimuli may cause consumers conditional responses.。2023/5/16 2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior Consumer Behavior 70 70Classical Conditioning Relations2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 71Unconditioned/Secondary Stimulus Unconditioned ResponsePairingconditioned Stimulusconditioned Response愉快的刺激好感好感Classical Conditioning Relations2023/5/16Ma Guo,CEBA,Teaching Notes of Consumer Behavior 72Unconditioned/Secondary Stimulus Uncondition