The The medical college of medical college of shandongshandong university universityThe transverse section of cranium and MRI The basic knowledge of cranial anatomyThe brainll Telencephalon Diencephalonll Cerebellum ll Brain stem The brain stem Consists of l Midbrainl Ponsl Medulla oblongataMedulla oblongataVentral surfacel Pyramid:contain corticospinal tractl Decussation of pyramid:formed by crossing fibers of corticospinal tractl Olive:produced by underlying inf.olivary nucleusl Anterolateral sulcus:rootlets of hypoglossal N.Retroolivary sulcus:rootlets of glossopharyngeal N.l vagus N.l accessory N.Medulla oblongataDorsal surfaceDorsal surface Gracile tubercle:produced by underlying produced by underlying gracile gracile nucleus nucleus Cuneate tubercle:marks the site of marks the site of cuneate cuneate nucleus nucleus Inf.cerebellar peduncle Obex PonsVentral surface Ventral surfacel l Basilar part Basilar partl l Basilar Basilar sulcus sulcusl l Bulbopontine Bulbopontine sulcus sulcus:l l Abducent Abducent N.N.l l facial N.facial N.l l vestibulocochlear vestibulocochlear N.N.l l Middle Middle cerebellar cerebellar peduncle pedunclel l Trigeminal N.Trigeminal N.l l Pontocerebellar Pontocerebellar trigone trigone:the junction of medulla,the junction of medulla,pons pons and and cerebellum cerebellum PonsDorsal surfacel lSup.Sup.cerebellarcerebellar pedunclepedunclel lSup.Sup.medullarymedullary velum veluml lTrochlearTrochlear N.N.MidbrainVentral surfacell Crus cerebrill Interpeduncular fossa ll Oculomotor N.l l emerge from medial of emerge from medial of crus crus cerebri cerebrill Pos.perforated substance MidbrainDorsal surfaceDorsal surfacell Sup.colliculus visual visual reflexes reflexesll Inf.colliculus associated with auditory associated with auditory pathway pathwayll Brachium of sup.colliculill Brachium of inf.ll colliculiThe characters of internal structure of brain stemMedulla oblongataLower part(closed part):Two decussations Decussationsof Decussationsof pyramid pyramidDecussations Decussations of medial of medial lemniscus lemniscusMedulla oblongataUpper part(open part)Upper part(open part)l l Appearance:Appearance:l l inf.olivary inf.olivary nuculeus nuculeus l l inf.inf.cerebellar cerebellar peduncle peduncle Enlargement of central canal to Enlargement of central canal to form form l l the 4th ventricle floor the 4th ventricle floorPons l Tegmentum of pons directed upward continuation of medulla oblongatal Basilar part contain both longitudinal and transverse fibers intermixed with pontine nucleiMidbrain l lRectum of midbrain:Rectum of midbrain:includes includes sup.and sup.and inf.colliculi inf.colliculil lCerebral peduncleCerebral peduncle Tegmentum Tegmentum:contain ascending tracts,central gray contain ascending tracts,central gray matter,matter,recticular recticular formation and so on formation and so on Substentia Substentia nigra nigraCrus Crus cerebri cerebri:Pyramidal tract Pyramidal tract middle middle 3/5 of the 3/5 of the crus crus:Frontopontine Frontopontine tractmedial tractmedial medial 1/5:medial 1/5:pariatotempopontine pariatotempopontine tract tract lateral1/5 lateral1/5The basilaris of brainThe The basilarisbasilaris of brain specimen of brain specimen The The basilarisbasilaris of brain specimen of brain specimen The The transversetransverse section through optic section through optic chiasmachiasmaThe The transverse transverse scan of MRI through optic scan of MRI through optic chiasma chiasmathe visual pathwayThe lateral view of brainThe lateral view of brainThe lateral view of brain specimenThe lateral view of brain specimenThe superior view of brain specimenThe superior view of brain specimenThe superior view of brain specimenThe superior view of brain specimenThe superior view of dura mateThe medial surfice of cerebral hemispherethe ventricular systemThe cranial sinuses and cisternThe cranial N.of base of skullThe cranial N.of base of skullthe coronal section through posterior cranial the coronal section through posterior cranial fossafossaThe cranial nerves The thansvers section of craniumThe The transversetransverse section through superior section through superior agittalagittal sinus sinus The The transversetransverse section through sup.part of paracentral section through sup.part of paracentral gyrusgyrus The The transverse transverse section through sup.extremity of parietooccipital section through sup.extremity of parietooccipital sulcus sulcusThe The transverse transverse section through section through inf.part inf.part of paracentral of paracentral gyrus gyrus The The transversetransverse section through section through semiovalsemioval center centerThe The transversetransverse section through section through bulbopontinebulbopontine sulcussulcus The The transversetransverse section through hypoglossal canal section through hypoglossal canalThe The transverse transverse section through inf.border of foramen magnum section through inf.border of foramen magnum The thansvers scan of cranium by MR1.5T.1.5T.TT1 1