学习必备 欢迎下载 20XX 年 12 月英语四级答案 Part I Writing Directions:Youre allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying,Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world.Ive done it hundreds of time.Youd write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Outlines:1.坚强的意志是成功的重要保证。2.意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命 3.学生也是这样,不刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才 Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will No great work can be performed without will.We envy famous men and imagine that fame was due to some trick of luck.But when we know their histories,we find that it is long years of will and constant effort that have brought about their success.Just as we cant reach the top of a mountain without climbing,we cant achieve success without will.The modern society provides people with more opportunities than before,and there are stories which tell us the possibility of becoming successful overnight.Actually that is not the case.Before these people become successful,a lot of hard work has been done,unnoticed mostly.What we usually see is the result,but what we ignore is a long process of struggling forward and wrestling with internal or external obstacles.Take“quitting smoking”for example,which is,to most people,a difficult task,so people always give up the idea for they dont have the strong will.In a nutshell,strong will is an important condition or role of the success the individual should desire to maintain forever.There is no instant success in this world.Strong will is the best policy to make your life distinct and your dreams come true.Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)Why Integrity Matters What is Integrity?Integrity is defined as adherence to moral and ethical principles;honesty.The key to integrity is consistency-not only setting high personal standards for oneself(honesty,responsibility,respect for others,fairness)but also living up to those standards each day.One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when making lifes hard choices,choices which may be clouded by stress,pressure to succeed,or temptation.What happens if we lie,cheat,steal,or violate other ethical standards?We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed.But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships with others.Trust is essential in any important relationship,whether personal or professional.Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair?Thus,integrity must be one of our most important goals.Risky Business We are each responsible for our own decisions,even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure.The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake,by understanding why we acted as we did,and then exploring 学习必备 欢迎下载 ways to avoid similar problems in the future.Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems.We must learn to recognize risks,because if we cant see the risks were taking,we cant make responsible choices.To identify risks,we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts.For example,one who doesnt know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit,or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required.But the fact that such a violation is unintentional does not excuse the misconduct.Ignorance is not a defense.But Everybody Does It Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts,but manage to fool themselves about the risks theyre taking by using excuses:Everyone else does it,Im not hurting anyone,or I really need this grade.Excuses can get very elaborate:I know Im looking at anothers exam,even though Im supposed to keep my eyes on my own paper,but thats not cheating because Im just checking my answers,not copying.We must be honest about our actions,and avoid excuses.If we fool ourselves into believing were not doing anything wrong,we cant see the real choice were making-and that leads to bad decisions.To avoid fooling yourself,watch out for excuses and try this test:Ask how you would feel if your actions were public,and anyone could be watching over your shoulder.Would you feel proud or ashamed of your actions?If youd rather hide your actions,thats a good indication that youre taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself.Evaluating Risks To decide whether a risk is worth taking,you must examine the consequences,in the future as well as right now,negative as well as positive,and to others as well as to yourself.Those who take risks they later regret usually focus on immediate benefits(whats in it for me),and simply havent considered what might go wrong.The consequences of getting caught are serious,and may include a 0 on a test or assignment;an F in the class;Suspension or Dismissal from school;transcript notation;and a tarnished reputation.In fact,when you break a rule or law,you lose control over your life,and give others the power to impose punishment:you have no control over what that punishment might be.This is an extremely precarious and vulnerable position.There may be some matters of life and death,or highest principle,which might justify such a risk,but there arent many things that fall in this category.Getting Away With It-Or Not Those who dont get caught pay an even higher price.A cheater doesnt learn from the test,depriving him/herself of an education.Cheating undermines confidence and independence:the cheater is a fraud,and knows that without dishonesty,he/she would have failed.Cheating destroys self-esteem and integrity,leaving the cheater ashamed,guilty,and afraid of getting caught.Worst of all,a cheater who doesnt get caught the first time usually cheats again,not only because he/she is farther behind,but also because it seems easier.This slippery slope of eroding ethics and bigger risks leads only to disaster.Eventually,the cheater gets caught,and the later he/she gets caught,the worse the consequences.Students have been dismissed from school because they didnt get this simple message:Honesty is the ONLY policy that works.是道较为简单的建议题从对话中可知女士搞不清楚列车时刻表男士建议是他说道我真希望自己当时能再晚点睡着这样我就可以看完整场节目了以为对话发生在机场但如果我们继续听下去就会发现该对话应该发生在学习必备 欢迎下载 Cheating Hurts Others,Too Cheaters often feel invisible,as if their actions dont count and dont really hurt anyone.But individual choices have a profound cumulative effect.Cheating can spread like a disease,and a cheater can encourage others just by being seen from across the room.Recent statistics suggest 30%or more of college students cheat.If a class is graded on a curve,cheating hurts others grades.Even if there is no curve,cheating poisons the classroom,and others may feel pressured to join in.(If I dont cheat,I cant compete with those who do.)Cheating also has a destructive impact on teachers.The real reward of good teaching is seeing students learn,but a cheater says,Im not interested in what youre trying to teach;all I care about is stealing a grade,regardless of the effect on others.The end result is a blatant and destructive attack on the quality of your education.Finally,cheating can hurt the reputation of the University,and harm those who worked hard for their degree.Why Integrity Matters If cheating becomes the norm,then we are in big trouble.We must rely on the honesty and good faith of others every day.If not,we couldnt put money in the bank,buy food,clothing,or medicine from others,drive across a bridge,get on a plane,go to the dentist-the list is endless.There are many examples of the vast harm that is caused when individuals forget or ignore the effect their dishonesty can have.The savings and loan scandal,the stock market and junk bond swindles,and,of course,Watergate,have undermined the faith of many Americans in the integrity of political and economic leaders and society as a whole.Such incidents take a tremendous toll on our nations economy and our individual well-being.For example,but for the savings and loan debacle,there might be funds available to reduce the national debt and pay for education.In sum,we all have a common stake in our school,our community,and our society.Our actions do matter.It is essential that we act with integrity in order to build the kind of world in which we want to live.1.A person of integrity not only sets high moral and ethical standards but also _。A)sticks to them in their daily life B)makes them known to others C)understands their true values D)sees that others also follow them 2.What role does integrity play in personal and professional relationships?A)It helps to create team spirit B)It facilitates communication C)It is the basis of mutual trust D)It inspires mutual respect 3.why must we learn to identify the risks we are going to take?A.To ensure we make responsible choices。B.To avoid being overwhelmed by stress。C.so that we dont break any rules。D.so that we dont run into trouble。4.Violation of a rule is misconduct even if _?A.it has caused no harm。是道较为简单的建议题从对话中可知女士搞不清楚列车时刻表男士建议是他说道我真希望自己当时能再晚点睡着这样我就可以看完整场节目了以为对话发生在机场但如果我们继续听下去就会发现该对话应该发生在学习必备 欢迎下载 B.it is claimed to be unintentional。C.it has gone unnoticed。D.it is committed with good intentions。5.What should one do if he doesnt wish to fool himself?A.Avoid making excuses。B.Listen to other peoples advice。C.Make his intensions public。D.Have others watch over his shoulder。6.Those who take risks they regret later on _。A.will often become more cautious B.are usually very aggressive C.value immediate benefits most。D.may lose everything in the end 7.According to the author,a cheater who doesnt get caught right away will _。A)pay more dearly B)become more confident C)be widely admired D)feel somewhat lucky 8.Cheaters at exam dont care about their education,all they care about is how to stealing a grade 9.Integrity matters in that all social activities rely on peoples honesty and good faith。10.Many Americans lost faith in the integrity of their political leaders as a result of the Watergate scandal。Part III Listening Comprehension 短对话答案 Section A 11.W:This crazy bus schedule has got me completely confused.I cant figure out when my bus to Cleveland leaves?M:Why dont you just go to the ticket window and ask?Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?【答案】B)Go and ask the staff.【解析】这是道较为简单的建议题。从对话中可知,女士搞不清楚列车时刻表,男士建议她去售票窗口咨询。ticket window售票窗口。12.W:I really enjoyed the TV special about drafts last night.Did you get home in time to see it?W:Oh,yes,but I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.Q:What does the man mean?【答案】A)He fell asleep in the middle of the TV program.【解析】这是道判断推理题,考查男士的言下之意以及虚拟语气。could have done意为本可以做某事,但未做。从对话中可知,男士确实回家看了电视节目,但是他说道:I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.我真希望自己当时能再晚点睡着,这样我就可以看完整场节目了。说明他没有看完整场节目就睡着了。是道较为简单的建议题从对话中可知女士搞不清楚列车时刻表男士建议是他说道我真希望自己当时能再晚点睡着这样我就可以看完整场节目了以为对话发生在机场但如果我们继续听下去就会发现该对话应该发生在学习必备 欢迎下载 13.W:Airport,please.Im running a little late.So just take the fastest way even if its not the most direct.M:Sure,but there is a lot of traffic everywhere today because of the football game.Q:What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?【答案】B)She is worried about missing her flight.【解析】这是道场景题,略有难度。刚开始,我们还无法很快判断出该对话发生的场景,很多同学一听到 airport 可能会误以为对话发生在机场,但如果我们继续听下去,就会发现,该对话应该发生在出租车上,因为女士说了句“请选择最快的路”,而男士说“因为有球赛,所以到处都交通拥堵”可以帮助我们再次确认对话发生的场景。选项 A 不对,原文是说要挑 the fastest way哪怕不是 the most direct way;选项 C 也不准确,才刚上车,并没有拥堵,司机只是提前说明因为球赛会碰到拥堵;选项 D 错误,女士是为了赶去乘飞机的,而不是去看球赛。14.W:May I make a recommendation,sir?Our seafood with this special sauce is very good.M:Thank you,but I dont eat shellfish.Im allergic to it.Q:Where does this conversation most probably take place?【答案】A)In a restaurant 【解析】这是道场景题,较为简单。从对话中可知,女士希望向男士推荐一道菜,从首句中即可推断出该对话最有可能发生在餐馆中,男士说,他过敏,不吃贝壳类海鲜,可以帮助我们再次确认对话发生的场景。15.W:Now one more question if you dont mind,what position in the company appeals to you most?M:Well,Id like the position of sales manager if that position is still vacant.Q:What do we learn about the man?【答案】A)He is being interviewed for a job.【解析】这是道较为简单的细节推理题。从 position,company这几个关键词中,我们就可以快速判断出此题的场景为面试,因此男士应该正在接受一场面试。C 选项错误,他想要销售经理的职位,但并不表示他本身就是销售经理。16.M:I dont think I want to live in the dormitory next year.I need more privacy.W:I know what you mean.But check out the cost if renting an apartment first.I wont be surprised if you change your mind.Q:What does the woman imply?【答案】B)The man is unlikely to move out of the dormitory.【解析】这是道判断推理题,询问女士的言下之意。最后一句,女士表示“你改变主意的话,我不会觉得奇怪”,可知,男士不太可能搬出宿舍。A 选项是个干扰项,虽然该选项看上去意思和 B 选项差不多,但对话中并没有提到男士想找一个更安静的地方,他想搬离寝室,是为了更多的个人空间。17.M:Youre on the right track.I just think you need to narrow the topic down.W:Yeah,youre right.I always start by choosing two boarder topics when Im doing a 是道较为简单的建议题从对话中可知女士搞不清楚列车时刻表男士建议是他说道我真希望自己当时能再晚点睡着这样我就可以看完整场节目了以为对话发生在机场但如果我们继续听下去就会发现该对话应该发生在学习必备 欢迎下载 research paper.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?【答案】D)The woman is going to make her topic more focused.【解析】这是道判断推理题。从对话中可知,男士希望女士缩小主题的范围,女士回答“你是对的。”说明女士会采纳男士的建议,缩小主题。18.W:This picnic should beat the last one we went to,doesnt it?M:Oh,yeah,we had to spend the whole time inside.Good thing,the weather was cooperative this time.Q:What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?【答案】【解析】这是道判断推理题。Conversation Two 听力原文 Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.W:What kind of training does one need to go into this type of job?M:Thats a very good question.I dont think there is any,specifically.W:For example,in your case,what was your educational background?M:Well,I did a degree in French at Nottingham.After that,I did careers work in secondary schools like the careers guidance people here is in the university.Then I went into local government because I found I was more interested in the administrative side.Then progressed on to universities.So there wasnt any plan and there was no specific training.There are plenty of training courses in management techniques and committee work which you can attend now.W:But in the first place,you did a French degree.M:In my time,there wasnt a degree you could do for administration.I think most of the administrators Ive come across have degrees and all sorts of things.W:Well,I know in my case,I did an English literature degree and I didnt really expect to end up doing what I am doing now.M:Quite.W:But you are local to Nottingham,actually?Is there any reason why you went to Nottingham University?M:No,no,I come from the north of England,from west Yorkshire.Nottingham was one of the universities I put on my list.And I like the look of it.The campus is just beautiful.W:Yes,indeed.Lets see.Were you from the industrial part of Yorkshire?M:Yes,from the Woolen District.23.A)Management.B)French C)English literature D)Public Administration 24.A)English teaching.B)Staff training.C)Careers guidance.是道较为简单的建议题从对话中可知女士搞不清楚列车时刻表男士建议是他说道我真希望自己当时能再晚点睡着这样我就可以看完整场节目了以为对话发生在机场但如果我们继续听下去就会发现该对话应该发生在学习必备 欢迎下载 D)Psychological counseling 25.A)Its pleasant environment.B)Its worldwide fame.C)Its generous scholarship.D)Its well-d