_ i Qick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!T 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choicequestions(每 小 题:分)Directions:Listen to the follow ing recording,and thenchoose the correct answers to the questions you hear.Youw ill hear the recording tw ice.A fter the first playing,therew ill be tim e for you to choose the correct answers.Use thesecond playing to check your answers.Questions 1 to 1 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.1.巴 A.Everybody hurries,so things are done quickly.E B.Everybody hurries,but things are done slowly.C C.People have different opinions on whether they shouldhurry.巴 D.More and more people think they should not hurry.Questions 2 to 2 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.2.G A.A woman should apologize for being late.C B.A man should arrive ahead of time.C C.Important men can be late for an appointment.E D.Women can be late for an appointment.Questions 3 to 3 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.3.E A.Happiness lies in material possessions.B.Happiness lies in love.C C.He cannot afford to give the woman more luxuries.C D.He is ready to satisfy the womans desire for moreluxuries.Questions 4 to 4 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.4.U A.One should not take pictures in crowded places.C B.Ones personal space should be respected.E C.Crowding causes less respect for personal space.G D.Old people deserve more respect.Questions 5 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.5.C A.Family ties strengthen when people move around a lot.E B.Family ties weaken when people move around a lot.C C.Family ties weaken when nuclear families increase innumber.巴 D.Family ties weaken when nuclear families decrease innumber.Questions 6 to 6 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.6.U A.Put the knife and fork in a 90 degree on the table.包 B.Put the knife and fork in a 90 degree on the plate.C C.Put the knife and fork paralleled on the table.G D.Put the handkerchief on the table.Questions 7 to 7 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.7.巴 A.Street soccer.E B.Skating.C C.Hip-hop.C D.Doodle.Part 1 Short dialogs and m ultiple choice questions(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:7 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.1 B B2.1 D D3.1 A A4.1/C C5.1/B B6.1/B B7.1/B BSubtotal:7老 师 评 语:Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!T 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 2 Compound dictation(每 小 题:分)Directions:Listen to the passage three tim es.When thepassage is read for the first tim e,listen for the generalidea.When the passage is read for the second tim e,fill inthe blanks numbered from S1 to S7 w ith the exact wordsyou hear.For blanks numbered from S8 to S10,w rite downeither the exact w ords you hear or the main points in yourown words.When the passage is read for the third tim e,check your answers.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.Most social scientists believe that the sports that areorganized by a society generally reflect the basic(1)I v alu esI of that society and attempt to strengthenthem in the minds and emotions of its people.Therefore,organized sports have a more serious social(2)I purposel than spontaneous,unorganized play byI tru eindividuals.This is certainly(3)I in the UnitedStates,where the three most popular ganized sports areI Nowherefootball,basketball,and baseball.(4)I arethe ways and words of democracy better illustrated than insports.Organized sports are seen by Americans as anIe q u a lity,一,of opportunity inIra c e s,一.、,andeconomic backgrounds get an equal chance to excel.For thisreason,notes sociologist Harry Awards,Americans viewIla b o ra to ry_,、,in which youngmen,regardless of social class,can learn the advantages andrewards of a competitive system.I Although(8)I.Womens sports are growing inpopularity in the United States,and they now have morefunding and support at the college level than in the past.The1996 Olympics provided evidence of the increased interest inwomens organized sports.American women won goldmedals for several team sportssoftball,basketball,soccer,and gymnastics.The idea of competition is at the very heartof organized sports in the United States.(9)I ManyI.This training,in turn,strengthens Americansociety as a whole.”lt is commonly held,says one sportsIth e com petitive、,_Part 2 Compound dictation(每 小 题:2 分;满 分:20 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.2 values values2.2/purpose purpose3.2/true true4.2/Nowhere Nowhere5.0 X equality equality6.2/races races7.2/laboratory laboratory8.0 X Although Biwards specifically mentionsyoung men,young women also competein organized sports without regard totheir race or economic backgroundAlthough Biwards specifically mentionsyoung men,young women also competein organized sports without regard totheir race or economic background9.0 X Many Americans believe that learninghow to win in sports helps develop thehabits necessary to compete successfullyin later lifeMany Americans believe that learninghow to win in sports helps develop thehabits necessary to compete successfullyin later life10.2 the competitive ethic taught in sportsmust be learned and cultivated in youthfor the future success of Americanbusiness and military effortsthe competitive ethic taught in sportsmust be learned and cultivated in youthfor the future success of Americanbusiness and military effortsSubtotal:14老 师 评 语:.Qick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!T 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!”Part 3 Short passages/dialogs and blankfilling(每 小 题:分)Directions:Listen to the follow ing recording,then answerthe questions by fillin g in the blanks.You w ill hear therecording tw ice.After the first playing,there w ill be tim eto w rite the missing words.Use the second playing tocheck your answers.1.What did thousands of people recently gather for in Maine?They gathered recently for a folk festival,an event thatI the traditionscelebrates.4.What are the three kinds of music played at the festival?Chinese instrucPlayed a the festivals 斗 ancient,I Wylie I The Wild West,and I7.What does the passage say about Rverfront area?There werepeople sat_ there to choose from.Manyon the grass ur.But breezes from off thePenobscot Rivercooled them10.What does the passage say about andmade crafts?for saleVisitors looked at handmade craftssold objects c&Penobscot Indians,for example,.Womenknitted and wovfrom Maine showed I.12.What does the passage say gbout food at the festival?I foods from Gre(Festival goers 8 u ld choose I.The smell ofImade people hurPart 3 Short passages/dialogs and blank fillin g(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:12 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.0 X the traditions of many of the groups thathave come to America.the traditions of many of the groups thathave come to America2.1 Chinese instruments Chinese instruments3.0 X Wylie Spanish music4.0 X The Wild West music of the American West5.0 X(未 答)five st ages/5 stages6.1/on the grass under the hot sun on the grass under the hot sun7.1 cooled them cooled them8.1 for sale for sale9.1/sold objects carved from ash trees sold objects carved from ash trees10.1 knitted and woven clothing knitted and woven clothing11.0Xfoods from Greece,!reland,China andmany other culturesfoods from Greece,Ireland,China andmany other cultures12.1/made people hungry made people hungrySubtotal:7老 师 评 语:_ 1 Qick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!T 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 4 Short passages/dialogs and cloze(每 小 题:分)Directions:Listen to the follow ing recording,then fill inthe blanks.You w ill hear the recording tw ice.A fter thefirst playing,there w ill be tim e to w rite the missing words.Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 1 to 9 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.A look at the history of the.nited States indicates that thisI c a lle dcountry has often been(1)1 a melting pot,where various immigrants and ethnic groups have learned toIuni ted n a tio nThe Urdted States is currently 号 川 fting from(3)I being a n a tio n I im m igrants fronI to one of(4)I,such as Asiaa b e tt e r educa4and Latin America.The immigrants seek(gIa d ju s t to、,their adopted land.the custom s antAmericans have also learned much from(7)I by them in manand are often influenced(8)I.In the United States,which is a melting potH,immigrants canth e i r own langikeep(9)IPart 4 Short passages/dialogs and cloze(每 小 题:2 分;满 分:18 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.2/called called2.2 united nation united nation3.2 being a nation of immigrants of mainlyEuropean originbeing a nation of immigrants of mainlyEuropean origin4.2/immigrants from other parts of theworldimmigrants from other parts of theworld5.2/a better education and a moreprosperous lifea better education and a moreprosperous life6.2/adjust to adjust to7.2/the customs and ideas of the immigrants the customs and ideas of the immigrants8.2/by them in many ways by them in many ways9.2 their own languages,skills,religions,customs and artstheir own languages,skills,religions,customs and artsSubtotal:18老 师 评 语:i Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!T 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 5 Short passages and multiple choicequestions(每 小 题:分)Directions:Listen to the follow ing recording,then choosethe correct answers to the questions.You w ill hear therecording tw ice.After the first playing,there w ill be tim efor you to choose the correct answers.Use the secondplaying to check your answers.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.1.Which of the following would be the best title for thepassage?C A.Britain on the DeclineC B.British Culture on the DeclineE C.British Culture Ftemains InfluentialC D.The Replacement of British Culture by American Culture2.How do Brits view the United States?E A.They admit its success.U B.They turn a blind eye to its success.C C.They hate it.C D.They believe their country is superior to it.3.What is true of the article in The Economist?区 A.American English is now as influential as British English.E B.American English is more influential than British English.C C.American English is still less influential than British English.C D.Both American and British English are declining inimportance.4.Why does the passage mention Big Mac?C A.To show Americans like fast food.区 B.To show Brits are beginning to like fast food.巴 C.To show Americans are no good at literature.区 D.To show the growing influence of American culture.5.What does the passage want to prove by mentioning themovie Lord of the Rings?C A.Its popularity with children.C B.The former glory of British culture.C C.The superiority of British movies over Hollywood movies.E D.The powerful influence of contemporary British writers.Questions 6 to 1 0 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.6.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason whymore and more Western companies want to do business inChina?巴 A.The Chinese economy has been developing fast.区 B.China will export more goods than ever before.C C.China makes the greater part of the worlds electronicgoods.C D.China w川 probably become the world*s largest economy.7.How many tips does the British Embassy in Beijing give in thepassage?A.Two.B.Three.E C.Four.D.Rve.8.What is true of doing business in the West,according to thepassage?区 A.Doing business usually comes before developing arelationship.C B.Developing a relationship usually comes before doingbusiness.C C.Doing business and developing a relationship come at thesame time.D.Most people do business without developing a relationship.9.Why is it useful to find a reliable Chinese ally?C A.To help with language problems.C B.To help with cultural problems.C C.To help understand Chinese body language.E D.All of the above.10.According to the passage,why should you never criticizesomeone in front of others?C A.It will give you too much face.区 B.It will make you lose face as well.C C.It will make it difficult to make a deal.C D.It will only make a bad deal.Part 5 Short passages and m ultiple choice questions(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:10 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.1 C c2.1 A A3.1 B B4.1 D D5.1/D D6.1/B B7.1/C C8.1/A A9.1/D D10.0 X B CSubtotal:9老 师 评 语:i Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!T 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 6 Short passages/dialogs andmultiple-choice questions(每 小 题:分)Directions:Listen to the follow ing recording,then choosethe correct answers to the questions.You w ill hear therecording tw ice.After the first playing,there w ill be tim efor you to choose the correct answers.Use the secondplaying to check your answers.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.1.Why has the woman come out of the lecture room?C A.She needs to breathe fresh air.C B.She is tired and wants to relax a little.C C.She is a little bored with the lecture.E D.She is extremely bored with the lecture.2.What does the man think about university classes?E A.They involve hard work.匕 B.They are always concerned with serious topics.匕 C.They should be entertaining.G D.They should be exciting.3.What does the woman say is interesting in class?巴 A.Listening to a lecture on an exciting topic.E B.Students*active participation.U C.Attending a multimedia lecture.C D.All of the above.4.What does the man think about students,presentation inclass?G A.They may provide interesting ideas.C B.They may provide original ideas.E C.They may talk nonsense.C D.They often provide the correct information.5.What does the woman want?匕 A.Hard work.C B.Great fun.E C.A combination of work and fun.C D.Fun derived from listening to good lectures.Part 6 Short passages/dialogs and multiple-choice questions(每 小 题:分;满 分:0 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1./D D2.A A3.B B4./C C5./C CSubtotal:0老 师 评 语:.1 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!T 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 7 Long dialogs and True/Falsequestions(每 小 题:分)Directions:Listen to the following recording,and thenmark the statements T(true)or F(false).You will hear therecording twice.After the first playing,there will be timefor you to w rite the correct answers.Use the secondplaying to check your answers.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage ordialog.1.The speaker is a foreigner who was given a job at amultinational company.E A.TrueB.False2.To work in a transnational company one just requiresprofessional skills.A.TrueE B.False3.Seeing the speaker was looking down at his wet trouser legs,the boss asked,HGot your feet wet?A.True B.False4.Get your feet wet?is American slang,meaning somethinglike,Have you settled into your new job yet?区 A.True B.False5.Its raining cats and dogs.is a commonly used idiomnowadays.匕 A.TrueE B.FalsePart 7 Long dialogs and True/False questions(每 小 题:2 分;满 分:10 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 主 观 1.2 Z A A2.2 B B3.2/B B4.2/A A5.2/B BSubtotal:10老 师 评 语:4 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!T 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 8 Vocabulary and Structure(每 小 题:分)Directions:Choose the right answer.1.Arstly,you must be punctual Germans.Beingeven five minutes late makes a bad impression.E A.withn B.to C.for巴 D.in2.T