第 二 版 新 视 野 大 学 英 语 读 写 教 程 第 三 册 答 案 UnitlsectionAIII1 beneath 2disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7praying8 faithful 9pledge 10 drainIV1 tellon you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5reckoned with6 call on 7 onhis own 8 get through 9 in disguise 10 revolvesaroundVG O D I K L B F A NVI1 advise 21evel 3 problems 4 necessity 5 skills 6 experience 7solution8 value 9 toollO mannerVIIlair-conditioned(装 空 调 的;有 冷 气 的)2handmade(手 工 制 作 的)3 thunderstruck(非 常 吃 惊 的)4heartfelt(衷 心 的;诚 挚 的)5 data-based(基 于 数 据 的)6self-employed(自 主 经 营 的)7 custom-built(定 制 的;定 做 的)8 weather-beaten(饱 经 风 霜 的)VIII1.well-informed(对 非 常 熟 悉 的)2 new-found(新 获 得 的)3 hard-earned(辛 苦 挣 得 的)4 soft-spoken(说 话 温 柔 的)5 newly-married(新 婚 的)6 widely-held(普 遍 认 为 的)7 well-meant(出 于 好 意 的)8well-educated(受 过 良 好 教 育 的)IX1 no matter howdifferent it may seem form any other substance2 no matterwhat a woman tries to do to improve her situation3 no matterwhat excuse he gives4 no matterwhat anyone else may think5 no matter howthey rewrite historyX1 just as wegained fame in victory,we lost nothing in defeat2 just as thehead teacher plays a significant role in the school,Jane playsasignificant role f leader in the classroom.3 whoever wasout there obviously couldn,t see him just as hecouldn,t see them.4 she has beensearching all her life for the perfect chocolate just as I havebeensearching for the perfect beer.5 you can makethose kinds of comparisons just as you were doing the analyses aminuteago.XI1.No matterhow experienced a speaker you are,and how well you have preparedyourspeech,you will have difficulty making a speech at such anoisy reception.2.Just as allhis sister,s friends cared about him,Jimmycared about them.3.Carmanufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at severalplaces on newcars to help track down stolenvehicles.4.If you daretell on me when the teacher gets back I won tsay a word to you anymore.5.Some elderlypeople prefer to live on their own while the great majority choosetolive with their children.6.Here issomething that needs to be reckoned with:how to get the necessaryfinancesto establish the company.XII1.每 当 有 人 帮 了 你,无 论 事 情 大 小,无 论 他 地 位 高 低,你 都 应 该 对 他 说 声“谢 谢”。2.蒸 汽 机 的 发 明 使 船 舶 发 生 了 变 化,正 如 其 已 经 改 变 了 陆 地 运 输 一 样。3.尽 管 经 理 努 力 帮 忙,他 还 是 不 能 找 到 问 题 的 根 源 所 在。4.这 个 女 孩 的 生 活 天 天 围 着 哥 哥 转,完 全 明 白 该 做 什 么 来 使 哥 哥 高 兴。5.如 果 你 不 知 道 自 己 想 要 什 么,你 最 终 得 到 的 可 能 都 是 自 己 不 想 要 对。6.吉 米 有 他 妹 妹 帮 助 他 度 过 那 些 没 有 父 亲 的 艰 难 日 子。XIII1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 A 7 D 8 D 9 C 1 0 B 1 1 B 1 2 B 1 3 A 1 4 C 1 5 D16 C 17 A 18 C19 D 20 AsectionBIICBDDADACIII hollow consideratevival elastic paralleling inspire manipulate acknowledgedsoaringrespectiveIV on qpart with along on into of between up of第 二 版 新 视 野 大 学 英 语 读 写 教 程 第 三 册 uni3答 案 Unit3III1 cultivate2 comprehensive 3 controversial 4 suspend 5 insulted 6preliminary7 conventional8 reform 9 worthwhile 10 publicityIV1.Hisgirlfriend,s father saw him as a man who couldnot make a living.2.The coursewas canceled over the students?protest.3.The problemis so difficult that we cannot work it out without the help ofourteacher.4.Childrentend to do/try their utmost when they know their parents are makingsimilarefforts.5.The newteaching program didn t work well in the schoolat the outset.6.I was kindof excited when I received the letter that offered me aninterview.7.The school is scheduled to open on September 1.8.Theyappeared to offer a free computer,complete with software and aprinter.9.In spite ofhardships,they made real efforts that have resulted in moreprogressthan expected.10.M any peoplemake things more d iffic u lt for themselves because they stillo p erateon the principle that you should not ask for help,or youmight seem weak.VF M K D C G L O IBV I1 cold 2competition 3 debate 4 desire 5 fear 6 heat 7interest8 love 9pleasure 10 enthusiasmVII1 h isto ric 2atomic 3 optim istic 4 energetic 5 economic 6heroicVIII1.responsibility 2.rapidity 3.mobility 4.curiosity 5.publicity plexityIX1 In Britain,as in America,there is a great demand for educationalreform.2.In Greece,as in Italy,people use a lot of olive o il incooking.3.A s in theHyde School,values such as courage,integrity,leadership,curiosityand concern are the fir s t,most important lesson in somepublic inner-city schoolsin Maryland.4.In China,asin Japan,a large number of middle school students takesupplementaryclasses in order to get into a famousuniversity.5.A s in themiddle of the 1950s,many young people went dow n to the countrysideinthe late 1960s and early 1970s.X1 0nceyou,ve practiced a bit,you 1 1 findthat i t s quite easy.2.Once themeal was finished,the discussions began.3.Once youshow any fear,he will attack you.4.Once parentsmake a commitment to the program,they will be daily role modelsforth eir children.5.Oncecustomers come to rely on these systems,they almost never taketheir businesselsewhere.X I1.In histhinking,as in his behavior,he is verytraditional.2.Once theteachers agree to accept the new teaching program,they have toface thestrain it puts on them.3.In the longrun,i t is worthwhile to pursue one,s studyafter graduating fromuniversity instead of going to workdirectly.4.A s theschool operates on the Character F irst principle,moral values andacademicachievements are stressed equally.5.It is saidthat the meeting,which is scheduled to be held th is month,will beputoff t i l l next month.6.The schoolsees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivatingacomprehensive set of principles that can benefit all ofthem.XII1.跟 在 法 国 一 样,美 国 在 20世 纪 60年 代 也 发 生 过 文 化 革 命。2.他 一 旦 下 定 决 心 去 干 一 件 事,就 根 本 拦 不 住 他。3.学 校 强 调 的 观 点 是:家 长 和 孩 子 一 起 参 加 学 校 的 活 动 是 值 得 的。4.快 下 课 时,老 师 让 学 生 用 最 后 的 五 分 钟 来 展 开 激 烈 的 讨 论,依 照 110的 评 分 标 准 相 互 评 价 他 们 当 天 的 课 堂 表 现。5.为 了 避 免 引 发 针 对 他 们 的 品 格 培 养 方 案 的 争 论,该 校 校 长 解 释 说,品 格 第 一 并 不 是 要 强 迫 学 生 接 受 某 一 套 道 德 原 则 或 宗 教 观 念。6.并 非 所 有 的 家 长 都 相 信 海 德 中 学 的 办 学 原 则,即 如 果 你 向 学 生 传 授 诸 如 求 真、勇 敢、正 直 领 导 能 力、好 奇 心 和 关 心 他 人 等 美 德 的 话,学 生 的 学 习 成 绩 就 自 然 会 提 高。XIII1 B 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 B 7 A 8 D 9 C 1 0 B 1 1 B 1 2 A 1 3 C 1 4 C 1 5 A16 B 17 C 18 A19 D 20 BsectionBIl DACABABAIII1 exert 2 analyzed 3 differ 4 consult 5 discarded 6 volume 7 delicate 8 convert 9 dismissed 10 flexibleIV 1 in,from 2 on 3 to 4 behind 5 From,to 6 between,up 7 for 8 to 9from 10 through第 二 版 新 视 野 大 学 英 语 读 写 教 程 第 三 册 uni 14答 案 Unit4III1.inspected 2.assembled 3.exaggerated 4.versions 5.universal6.approved 7.recruit 8.evolved 9.dedicated 10.solemnIV1.worked on 2.approve of 3.went ahead 4.for sale e upwith6.refashionedinto 7.rise to fame 8.captures my attention 9.evolvedfrom10.namedafterVC E F N O K A H L IVI1.respect 2.influence 3.credit 4.confidence 5.support6.acceptance?,fame 8.insight 9.recognition 10.experienceVII1.intelligence2.consequence 3.significance petence 7.brilliance 8.magnificenceVIII1.coexists 2.co-director 3.cooperate 4.co-pilot 5.co-authorIX1.Jimmy walkedslowly to the corner of the playground,his face covered withtears.2.The taxisped away,its lights disappearing into thedistance.3.Theirstomachs crying for food,their back burning from too much sun,both boysgathered their things and headed forhome.4.Barbara justlay there,her mouth trembling,her eyes unfocused,unable to sayaword.5.Then the twoplayers let him fall to the track,his chest landing first,hisheadfollowing,bouncing,and finally lyingstill.X1 Most snakes,although with a threatening appearance,aren,treally dangerous ifyou leave them alone.2.Women,eventhough with the same abilities,have failed to approach the incomeofmen.3.Though witha severe lack of coal,the principle was not forced to close theschool.4.She iscapable of making complete French meals even though with no cheeseaftersalad.5.When indoubt about the result of your test,call the testoffice.XI1.Everyth!ngconsidered,this city is the world s mostexciting city.2.Though withno approval from his parents,he went ahead with his plan tostudyabroad.3.The bridgewas named after the hero who gave his life for the cause ofpeople.4.It is saidthat the painter used his mother as the model in the painting whosefacerepresented suffering yet strength.5.The writerinstantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novel inspiredby his experience with a girl on a farm.6.One storysays that US was short for“Uncle Sam“whose real name was SamWilson,whohad once worked with a man who had signed a contract with thegovernmentto provide meat to the US Army.XII1.这 副 画 上 个 神 色 严 肃 的 男 子,身 旁 站 着 位 女 子,身 后 是 所 农 舍。他 们 的 原 型 分 别 是 画 家 的 牙 医 和 姐 姐。2.公 司 的 申 请 书,不 管 是 代 表 自 己 还 是 代 表 他 人,都 应 该 有 官 员 的 签 名。3.做 了 脱 口 秀 之 后,约 翰 和 妻 子 在 广 播 和 电 视 节 目 上 出 了 名,这 些 节 目 给 普 通 民 众 以 启 迪,而 不 只 是 向 他 们 提 供 信 息。4.尽 管 有 些 人 不 赞 同,可 市 领 导 还 是 决 定 实 施 这 个 计 划,在 湖 边 建 造 两 个 五 星 级 宾 馆,以 吸 引 更 多 的 游 客。5.那 位 著 名 画 家 去 世 了,曾 经 给 他 当 模 特 的 妻 子 立 即 担 任 了 他 装 潢 公 司 的 总 经 理 职 务。6.宴 会 上,他 们 的 衣 着 都 很 华 丽,但 吸 引 我 注 意 力 的 却 是 他 们 的 交 谈 方 式,使 得 我 很 想 和 他 们 交 谈。XIII1 A 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 A 1 0 B U A 1 2 C 1 3 A 1 4 C 1 5 C16 A 17 D 18 D19 A 20 DsectionBII ADBCCBADIII1 crush 2 astonishing 3 comprised 4 features 5 decorated 6 elaborate7 influential 8 annual 9 humorous 10 sampleIV 1 to 2 down 3 on 4 into 5 to 6 with 7 off 8 at 9 up 10 upUnit5III1.switch 2.decay 3.secured 4.loose 5.slid6.privileges 7.interval 8.outline 9.preceding 10.shallowIV1.reachedfor 2.feelfor 3.trying to avoidbreathing 4.sothat5.managed toaccomplish 6.sense mythoughts 7.providefor8.sparedme 9.readabout 10.goaboutVN I K G M L A F C DVI1.pain 2.fear 3.tension 4.mind 5.stress6.crisis 7.anger 8.anxiety 9.signs 10.hungerVII1.growth:theact of growing or developing;physical or naturaldevelopment2.warmth:thestate or quality of being warm;warm-heartedness andkindness3.depth:thedistance from the top to the bottom of something4.truth:thestate or quality of being true;the actual facts or reality ofsomething5.length:themeasurement of how long something is in size6.breadth:thedistance from one side of something to the other7.width:thedistance from one side of something to the other;the quality ofbeingwide8.death:thestate of being deadVIII1.exposure 2.failures 3.disclosure 4.pressure5.mountaineers 6.closure 7.profiteers 8.seizureIX1.did herealize that the task was a little too difficult for the newsecretary tofinish on her own2.did Marystop weeping3.will all theemployees know the result of their performanceevaluation4.did shebecome aware how hard it was for her mother to have brought up hersisterand her on her own5.did I get toknow what happened in the end to the maincharactersX1.Havingfinished their morning work,the clerks stood up behind theirdesk,stretching themselves.2.Thesecretary worked late into the night,preparing a speech for thePresident.3.Seeing noprospect of success,we quitted the attempt to climb themountain.4.Knowing thatthey were going traveling,the students began to makepreparation.5.Having beenfound guilty,the man was given a severe sentence by thejudge.XI1.Not until hesaw his mother lying in bed,dying,did he realize how much helovedher.2.Taking intoaccount of his recent physical condition,1 think he has done quitewellin the exam.3.Mrs.Clarklies in bed motionless,and I wondered briefly if she is stillalive.4.The buildingwas darkened except for a single light burning in athird-storeywindow.5.Thesesoldiers have received very strict training and are well equippedto fulfillthe new task.6.He reachedfor the phone,picked it up,and dialed thehotel*s number.XII1.直 到 60年 代 早 期,人 们 似 乎 才 普 遍 认 同 英 国 不 再 是 以 前 心 目 中 那 样 的 大 国 了。2.在 决 定 了 租 房 之 后,我 们 便 着 手 与 市 内 所 有 的 房 屋 代 理 商 联 系。3.我 小 心 翼 翼 地 替 她 擦 身 子,尽 量 避 免 弄 疼 她,因 为 她 瘦 的 只 剩 皮 包 骨 了。4.我 心 间 对 这 位 老 人 涌 起 了 一 股 感 情。他 那 暗 黄 的 皮 肤 松 弛 地 裹 在 显 得 异 常 大 的 骨 头 上,深 陷 的 胸 部 随 着 不 均 匀 的 呼 吸 一 起 一 伏。5.你 在 报 上 读 到 那 位 著 名 画 家 的 消 息 了 吗?他 实 际 上 是 为 了 要 成 为 视 觉 艺 术 大 师 的 抱 负 而 累 死 的。6.有 迹 象 表 明,这 位 老 太 太 想 孤 独 地 离 开 人 世,不 让 她 的 家 人 看 到 他 们 或 许 无 力 面 对 的 人 生 插 曲。XIII1B 2 C 3B 4 A 5D 6 B 7D 8 A 9C 10 A 11C 12 A 13C14B 15A 16D 17D 18A 19B 20 AsectionBII 1 She isright-handed,and now she os unable to move her right hand andleg-theyare worthless to her.2 Now she is completelyrelying on others.3 We canmake those days comfortable by giving her painkillers andsleepingpills.4 don,twant to bear responsibility for condemning my mother to alivinghell.5 Recentlyl operated in vain on a eighty-year-old woman with cancer oftheliver.6 As aresult,the poor man continued on for nearly three more months withapainful throat and frequent bleeding caused by sores in themouth.7 In 95%ofthe cases a sympathetic,reasonable decision can be madeafterappropriate discussion.8 What weare trying to avoid is neutrality;the only people withanyqualification to decide are those who know the patient closely andean put hisor her interest first.III 1 permission 2 inserted 3necessities 4 relieve 5 withdraw 6 arbitrary 7 phase 8 elected 9 transparent 10 cooperateIV 1 Her voice was beginning totremble and she tried to control it but in vain.2 Jennifer was late forclass the other day as a result of the heavysnow.3 The small company isnow confronted with intense competition for themarketshare.4 In wintertime,foodwas hard to come by,so many animals died ofhunger.5 Tom decided to followhis father,s advice and apply for a job in the bank,as he likedworking with numbers.6 r m sorry I forgot hisbirthday:the date just completely slipped mymind.7 In the end our choicescame down to going or staying.8 The old man had astroke,which condemned him to bed in the hospital for abouthalf ayear.9 My Freeh was so poorat that time that I often had trouble makingmyselfunderstood.10 If you have someone on yourmind,let her know.Chances are you are on hersaswell.Unit6sectionAIII1.sensible 2.detect6.resistant 7.vertical3.precaution8.accidental4.occurrence9.enclosed5.withstand10.fastenedIVe outof 2.watchfor 3.resistantto 4.putout 5.Afterall6.make adifference to 7.agree on 8.attach labels to 9.ifnecessary 10.InadditionE J KVI0 B L C H G N1.sense6.belief2.message7.knowledge3.argument-8.reputation4.image 5.ideai 9.standard 10.habitVII1-fcupboard 橱 柜 5-gbloodstain 血 迹 8-jsteamboat 汽 船 11-dwindowpane 窗 玻 璃 VIII2-Imotorcycle 摩 托 车 6-asawdust 锯 木 屑 9-barrowhead 箭 头 3-1silkworm 蚕 4-k teardrop 泪 滴 7-ecabinet-maker 细 木 工 匠 10-hshirtsleeves 衬 衫 袖 子 12-cmanservant 男 佣 人 1.encourage 2.enlarge 3.encircles 4.enable 5.endanger6.enlightened 7.ensure 8.enforce 9.enacted 10.endearIX12345Xso that thebaby would not catch coldso that morepeople would vote for himso that hisfather might forgive him for his failure in the mathexamso that itwould go on smoothlyso that youcan judge for yourself1.She cycledfrom Shanghai to Beijing,which is pretty difficult for a woman of50.2.He wore hisswimming things in the office,which shocked his boss a greatdeal.3.They ran outof drink,which actual ly didn t bother mebecause I wasn*t drinking.4.They willwin the match,which will please my brother.5.She borroweda book on literature,which suggests that her literature teacherwashaving some influence on her.XI1.We shouldtry our best to forecast e