Oick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 木 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 1 Word Dietation(每 小 题:分)Directions:Listen and w rite down the words you hear.Youare going to listen to the recording twice.During the firsttime,w rite the word that you hear.Check your answers asyou listen the second time.1 I;I controversy2.I:I curricuIum3.r:r I insult4.I;TI optimisticI worthwhile6.r:-I facultyI publicity-c o n tr o v e rs ia lm obileadm issionPart 1 Word Dictation(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:10 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.1 controversy controversy2.1/curriculum curriculum3.1/insult insult4.1/optimistic optimistic5.1 worthwhile worthwhile6.1 faculty faculty7.1 publicity publicity8.1/controversial controversial9.0 X mobile moral10.1 admission admissionSubtotal:9老 师 评 语:_ I Qick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!9 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 木 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 2 Understanding Passages(每 小 题:分)Directions:I n this section youll hear a passage orpassages.Listen carefully and choose the best answer tothe questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage ordialog.1.A.American opinions about schools.B.The role of parents in American education.C.Ftesponsibility in American classrooms.D.American high schools.A.American high schools are public schools.B.American high schools take their responsibilities veryseriously.C.Bducation has an honored place in American society.D.Parents share in the school lives of their children.3.A.Guidance advisers.B.Their parents.C.Their teachers.D.Their organizations.4.A.To give a lesson at school.B.To make a teaching plan.C.To share in the school life of their children.D.To attend a Parent-Teacher Organization.5.区 A.Discussing childrens problems.已 B.Entering children in lower grade classes.l C.Organizing the work of the school.L D.Working out a plan for the class lessons.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.6._ A.He wants to invite the readers to sit down.cL B.He is going to talk about the art of photography.C.He is going to introduce two men who couldnt stand.口 D.He wants the readers to focus on the two famous men.E7.已 A.Self-image is something that a disabled man possesses._ B.Self-image has nothing to do with success or failure.口 巴 C.Self-image definitely helps a person succeed.D.Self-image is a picture that a person discovers himself.8.A.He lost part of his foot.B.He cured deafness.C.D.He became a football player.He became a great composer.9.A.He had a negative self-image.B.He was missing a part of his foot.C.He 8uldnt hear others at all.D.He was a very poor football player.10.g A.How to be a professional musician.B.How to be an excellent football player.口 区 C.The importance of a positive self-image.D.The importance of having a dream.Part 2 Understanding Passages(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:10 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.1 D D2.1 B B3.1 A A4.1 C C5.1/A A6.1/D D7.0 X D C8.0 X B D9.0 X A B10.1/C CSubtotal:7老 师 评 语:_ 4 Qick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!9 放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations(每 小 题:分)Directions:I n this section youll hear a long conversation orconversations.Listen carefully and choose the best answerto the questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.1.C A.To make students study more.已 B.To help students be more successful.区 C.To see if classes are being taught well.D.To make changes to education.L a2.6 A.To check if changes should be made.B.To understand more about tests.cg C.To compare them with results in other countries.D.To see if their child is making any progress.3.A.70%.B.73%.L C.85%.D.87%.匕 4.G A.Different countries and their teaching methods.C B.Help for students in getting good grades.l C.Improvements made possible through tests.区 D.The purpose of tests and interpretation of grades.5.A.Parent and child.cl B.Psychologist and patient.区 C.Teacher and student.匕 D.Employer and employee.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.6.A.In a classroom.E B.At an office.c C.At home.D.On a sports field.7.A.She has some questions that she doesnt understand.B.She is asking an important question concerning sports.C.Her questions could help the school become better.D.Her questions might help other students too.8.A.70%.B.20%.C.30%.D.50%.9.A.Asking more questions.B.Taking up sports.C.Being unique.D.Making discoveries.10.A.Enjoy discovering new things.B.Try to become a unique student.C.Try to discover what is most preferred.D.Focus on all their studies as much as possible.Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:10 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.1 C c2.1/A A3.1/B B4.1/D D5.1/C C6.1 A A7.1 D D8.1 D D9.1 B B10.1/C CSubtotal:10老 师 评 语:Cick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 4 Compound Dictation(每 小 题:分)Directions:I n this section you w ill hear a passage orpassages three tim es.When the passage is read for thefirst tim e,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second tim e,you arerequired to fill in the blanks w ith the inform ation you havejust heard.Finally,when the passage is read for the thirdtim e,you should check what you have w ritte n.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.Everyone agrees that education is important.Everyone agreesserious problems in our schools must be(1)Iaddressed.However,I find it sad that new ideas areoften met with a(2)attitude.And very fewseem willing to(3)an honest debate aboutreal solutions.I believe the way we are preparing our studentsfor life can make a(4)s ig n if ic a n tdifference.It isessential that we have a(5)I and responsiveeducation system for our students.If a school is showing(6)Im e a s u ra b 1eimprovement,lets allow it to continue.At thesame time we should allow students to(7)I pursueI their unique interests if they have any.As noIhas a l 1 th e aru,I call on officials at all levels ofgovernment to join me in restoring good faith to this debate.Ithe c u rre n t st,、,.While we cannever guarantee our students great success for the future,wemust be willing to debate and invest in common-sense ideasIw i11 ensure th(.Only then will success in schooltruly mean success in life.Part 4 Compound Dictation(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:10 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 客 观 1.1 addressed addressed2.1 hostile hostile3.1/engage in engage in4.1/significant significant5.1/flexible flexible6.1/measurable measurable7.1 pursue pursue8.0?has all the answers to the difficultquestions in our education systemhas all the answers to the difficultquestions in our education system9.0?the current strategy of simply blockingnew ideas and blaming others for poorresultsthe current strategy of simply blockingnew ideas and blaming others for poorresults10.0?will ensure they have the necessary skillsfor a lifetime of employmentwill ensure they have the necessary skillsfor a lifetime of employmentSubtotal:7老 师 评 语:Part 5 Translation from Chinese into English(每 小 题:分)Directions:Translate the following Chinese into English,using the expressions(or following the instructions)givenin the brackets.1.就 像 在 上 海 的 中 学 一 样,“求 真 实、讲 诚 实、崇 好 奇、学 知 识”也 在 江 西 的 中 学 得 到 广 泛 推 崇。(using“As”)As a middle school in Shanghai,“true,honesty,cu】LU2.3.就 像 在 很 多 其 他 学 校 样,新 的 教 学 计 划 不 顾 老 师 和 学 生 的 抗 议 被 中 止 了。(using As)A s in many other schools,the new teaching program 品 德 第 一 的 思 想 在 海 德 中 学 一 旦 成 功,它 就 将 成 为 其 他 学 校 学 习 的 典 范。(using Once)Once character f i r s t thought in the Hyde school a rA 4.教 师 的 评 估 一 旦 由 学 生 来 进 行,重 点 就 会 落 在 拥 有 富 有 成 效 的 师 生 关 系 上。(using Once)Teachers*e v a lu a tio n once conducted by s tu d e n ts,t l.山/5.我 们 并 不 把 自 己 看 作 是 在 培 养 孩 子 上 大 学,而 是 培 养 他 们 一 种 生 活 方 式。(see as)W e d o n t see o u rs e lv e s as in tr a in in g c h iId re n to(A 6.今 年 秋 天,我 们 学 校 计 划 启 动 一 项 预 备 教 学 计 划,其 目 的 是 建 立 更 亲 密 的 师 生 关 系。(be scheduled to)T his autumn,our school is scheduled to launch a_J/7.我 们 学 校 的 课 程 类 似 于 其 它 大 多 数 为 上 大 学 做 准 备 的 学 校,包 括 汉 语、英 语、数 学、物 理 和 化 学 等。(similar to;complete with)The co u rse o f our school is s im ila r to most o th e r:8.该 公 司 按 此 原 则 操 作:晋 级(prom otion)是 以 忠 诚、正 直、努 力 和 成 就 为 基 础。(operate on)The company operating on the principle of operatioi 9.让 家 长 参 与 学 校 活 动 的 计 划 仍 在 制 定 当 中,虽 然 困 难 很 大。(work out)Let parents to participate in school activities of d I/10.家 长 参 加 讨 论 班 的 出 席 率 低,这 违 背 了 家 长 在 新 学 期 开 始 时 所 做 的 承 诺,当 时 学 校 与 他 们 面 谈 过。(at the outset)Parents to participate in the discussion classPart 5 Translation from Chinese into English(每 小 题:2 分;满 分:20 分)小 题 得 分 对 错 我 的 答 案 主 观 1.?As a middle school in Shanghai,true,honesty,curiosity and learn knowledgein jiangxi province high school is widelyadmiredAs in the middle schools in Shanghai,thequest for truth,integrity,curiosity andknowledge is also widespread in themiddle schools in Jiangxi.2.?As in many other schools,the newteaching program over teachers andstudents protests has been suspended.As in many other schools,the newteaching program was suspended overthe teachers and students*protest.3.?Once character first thought in the Hydeschool are successful,it will become amodel of other school.Once the Character First idea works wellat Hyde,it will be a model for otherschools to follow.4.?Teachers evaluation once conducted by Once the faculty evaluations arestudents,the key will fall on have fruitfulrelationship between teachers andstudentsconducted by the students,the focus willbe on having a fruitful teacher-studentrelationship.5.?We dont see ourselves as in trainingchildren to college,but to cultivate a wayof life.We dont see ourselves as preparingstudents for entrance to universities butfor a way of life.6.?This autumn,our school is scheduled tolaunch a preparatory teaching plan,thepurpose is to build a more intimaterelationship between teachers andstudents.This fall our school is scheduled to begina preliminary teaching program that aimsat a closer relationship between studentsand teachers.7.?The course of our school is similar tomost other school to get ready forcollege,completing with Chinese,English,mathematics,physics andchemistry,and so on.Our schools curriculum is similar to mostof the others that provide preparation forcollege,complete with Chinese,English,math,physics and chemistry.8.?The company operating on the principleof operation:promotion is based onloyalty,integrity,hard work andachievement.The company operates on the principlethat promotion is based on loyalty,integrity,effort and achievement.9.?Let parents to participate in schoolactivities of the plan is still being workedout,although the difficulty is very big.The program for parents to participate inschool activities is still being worked out,though with much difficulty.10.?Parents to participate in the discussionclass attendance rate is low,it hasviolated the parents promise at theoutset of the new semester,the schooland they interviewed.The attendance of parents at seminars islow in spite of the commitments theymade at the outset of the new term whenthe school interviewed them.Subtotal:0老 师 评 语:Part 6 Reading Comprehension(MultipleChoice)(每 小 题:分)Directions:Read the follow ing passages carefully andchoose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and D.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.So long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching andlearning,they will continue to undertake things for children thatchildren can only do for themselves.Teaching children to read is notpassing reading on to them.It is certainly not endless hours spent inactivities about reading.Douglas insists that reading cannot betaught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible.Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes.Theydiffer in kind and function.The function of teaching is to create theconditions and the climate that will make it possible for children todevise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read.Teaching is also a public activity:it can be seen and observed.Learning to read involves all that each individual does to makesense of the world of printed language.Almost all of it is private,forlearning is an occupation of the mind,and that process is not opento public examination.If teacher and learner roles are distinguishable,how can teachingaid the child in the quest for knowledge?Smith has one principalrule for all teaching instructions.Make learning to read easy,whichmeans making reading a meaningful,enjoyable and frequentexperience for children.When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are,and when both teacher and learner fulfill them appropriately,thenmuch of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated.Learning to read is made easier when teachers create anenvironment where children are given the opportunity to solve theproblem of learning to read by reading.1.The problem with the reading course as mentioned in the firstparagraph is t h a t.已 A.it is one of the most difficult school courses B.too much time is spent in teaching about reading C.students spend endless hours in readingD.reading tasks are assigned with little guidance2.The teaching of reading will be successful i f.区 A.teachers can enable students to develop their own way ofreading巴 B.teachers can improve conditions at school for the students C.teachers can devise the most efficient system for reading口 D.teachers can make their teaching activities observable3.The word examination at the end of Paragraph 3 mostprobably means A.inquiryB.observationC.controlD.suspicion4.According to the passage,learning to read will no longer be adifficult task w h e n.国 A.children become highly motivated B.teacher and learner roles are identicalC.teaching helps children in the search for knowledgeD.reading enriches childrens experience5.The main idea of the passage is t h a t.已 A.teachers should do as little as possible in helping studentslearn to read巴 B.teachers should encourage students to read as widely aspossible_ C.reading ability is something acquired rather than taughtD.reading is more complicated than generally believedQuestions 6 to 1 0 are based on the follow ing passage ordialog.Society usually tends to focus on the negative side of inner-cityschools.Many people like to stereotype(模 式 化)these schoolswhich,while these general statements may be true in some cases,tend to be worse most of the time.People think that the students ofthese schools receive inferior educations.My school,an inner-cityschool named St.Ignatius,is regarded as one of the best in thestate.People also believe that violence occurs on a daily basis,bothin the school itself and in the nearby city.I cannot even remember aserious fight at St.Ignatius.People who think that the teachers atinner-city schools lack love for their job worsen this typicalstereotype even further.My teachers not only had a love forteaching,but they were also able to cultivate a love for learning intheir students.Take Mrs.Borroni,my Spanish teacher,for example.She wouldoften ta