2022届北京海淀区高三英语一模完形填空分析 讲义.docx
2022届北京海淀区高三英语一模完形填空分析讲义海淀2022高三一模试卷,又是一篇独具特色的完形填空,很值得赏析。Friendship 一直是中高考完形填空涉及的话题之一。朋友之间,特别是best friends之间,心有灵犀一点通。文中的"我"和朋 友Ben之间又何尝不是如此呢。夜晚时分的 the knock pattern , immediately I knew itwas my best friend, Ben ,且 The knock pattern was our emergency call which never means anything good ,可知两人的情深意切。再看两人之间的对话。"What's going on?"和"Bad news."一个言语中带 着关切,一个话语中含着伤感。寥寥几语的对话Where to? /Virginia , “That's far from Florida/7 , 呈现出翻窗而入的好友Ben的深夜到访之急。行文至此,悬念也已提至最高处。从Both Ben and I had parents in the air force 和 We were used to frequent moves 两句可知,好朋友 Ben 即将 随parents in the airforce去往Virginia.此段是理解全文脉络的关键。身如浮萍(We were used to frequent moves ),相逢亦偶然 (incidentally ) o一句 Ben and I became close friends since I crashed into Ben's stand and sent plastic cups of lemonade flying into the heaven ,娓娓道来两人 的相知相遇。恰是 when I incidentally roller-skated into Ben's lemonade stand的那一刹那,既带走了 I hated Florida ,与此同时也为我带来了弥足珍 贵的和Ben之间的friendshipo此处,大家可以想象,淘气而冒失的"我"一路roller-skate ,撞上Ben' s stand z sent plastic cups of lemonade flying into the heavens 的情景。也许有人会说我该包赔或欠揍。但两人却就此成为好友,不得不说机缘巧合。诚如下文所言It must have been fate!"o你再细细品味,maybe, there was some magic in that lemonade, and that as it rained down on us, it cast a spell making us friends forever , 那被"我"的冒失而撞翻,且如雨滴般落在两人身上的柠檬汁,投下咒语(cast a spell ),使我们两人成为了永远的朋友。但现实是残忍的。Ben will move to Virginia with his parents ,亦如我 当年随父母迁居到我所不喜欢的Florida。再看两个好朋友接下来的话语,何尝不让人心碎。对于 Ben 的"Maybe your family will get moved to Virginia too.","我 "只是呼应以"Yeah, maybe.",要知道,美国可是有五十个states呢。茫茫人 海,天涯羁旅,人生再次相逢,谈何容易。所以I knew the chance was low, but I chose to hope ,期望渺茫,但仍期待。本文没有对Ben进行浓墨重彩的描写,但通过Ben grinned at me和 Though it looked sad, I saw hope in him too两句,把这位极为珍视友情却 又即将远行的伙伴的形象生动地展现在读者眼前。仅此是不够的。如下的对话中,大家再看。"I have a lemonade stand ready for you." , " Then I'll pack myroller-skates/1 ,还有"Then I'll wear a poncho (雨披),如此话语中无不 体现出Ben的sense of humor ,以及在Ben的幽默引领下,"我"也变得幽默 起来。上一次两人相遇相知的场景,会否成为下一次相遇相知的再续?该文的时间节点起于 I was about to sleep when someone knocked on my window ,落于 The humid Florida night closed around uso 此时潮湿而 浓郁的夜色笼罩着我俩。结尾段更是神来之笔。We laughed 一句,既承接上文的幽默,也为下文 运笔。既然改变不了别离的命运那就相视而笑,如同文学作品中的"把酒言欢"。但笑过之余,别离终将到来。曾记否,今宵别梦寒。I felt a tiny drop of liquid splash on my arm,从理性认识判断,the tiny drop of liquid was probably rain ,因为如前文所提the humid Florida nighto但在我的心里, 也即感性意识中,maybe it was a drop of lemonadeo联系全文可知,the magic lemonade既是两个伙伴结识的缘起,又是两人友谊长存的纽带。正如 该文的结尾,nothing on earth can break the bond between us。以下为原文和解析:I was about to sleep when someone knocked on my window.Knock,knock. Then a three-second pause. Knock, knock. Immediately I knew it was my best friend, Ben. The knock J was our emergency call which never means anything good."What's going on?” I rushed to open the window and asked.Ben climbed in. "Bad news." He gave me a 2 look, and I immediately knew what it was. My heart 3 .1 gave him a nodz and he sighed in response."Where to?” I asked."Virginia.""That's far from Florida./zWe looked at each other knowing we were thinking the same. Both Ben and I had parents in the air force. We were used to frequent moves.Ben and I became close friends since I crashed into Ben's stand and sent plastic cups of lemonade flying into the heavens. At first, I 4 Florida. Everything changed, though, when I 5 roller-skatedinto Ben's lemonade stand.nIt must have been fate!1' we claimed. But I think that, maybe, there was some 6 inthat lemonade, and that as it rained down on us, it cast a spell making us friends forever."Maybe your family will get moved to Virginia too." Ben said.“Yeah, maybe." I knew the chance was low, but I chose to hope.Ben grinned at me. Though it looked sad, I saw 7 in him too.“I have a lemonade stand 8 for you? ?“Then I'll pack my roller-skates/"Then I'll wear a poncho (雨披)We 9 . The humid Florida night closed around us, and I felt a tiny drop of liquid splash on my arm. I knew it was probably rain, but still, I thought that, maybe, it was a drop of magic lemonade, because nothing on earth can break the 10 between us.1. A. sound B. pattern C. number D. symbol 解析:此处knock pattern应理解为“敲门模式"2. A. playful B.grateful C. cheerful D. meaningful 解析:a meaningful look理解为"意味深长的表情"3. A. failedB.softenedC. sank D relieved解析:此处为心理描写。Ben的"Bad news”自然导致My heart sanko4. A. hated B. missed C. explored D. appreciated解析:此处为插叙信息。对于Florida的hate ,更多原因在于frequent moveso从表现手法上看,此处为"先抑",为两人结识到友谊形成的"后扬”而做铺垫。5. gradually B. narrowly C. constantly D. accidentally解析:此题逻辑推理相对简单,重点在于词义的理解。accidentally偶然 地,意外 地。6. A. signB. magic C.flavour D. wish解析:此题既可上下文推导,也可利用下文复现。参见最后一自然段信息。7. A. hopeB. joy C. courage D. support解析:此题也为上下文复现题。Though it looked sad, Isaw 7 in him too,句尾的too表明信息来源于上文。故综合可知hope为正确答案。8. A. necessary B. convenient C. ready D. useful解析:此处为幽默表达。意为:(如同当年咱们的第一次相见)我会有着 为你而提前备好的柠檬摊位(等着你的再次撞上)O9. A. struggled B.argued C. laughed D. compromised解析:原文已分析。10. A. rule B. bond C. barrier D. balance解析:预判答案为friendship,但从行文走向得知,只有bond符合语义。意为纽带“,关系/ 也即 strong connectiono