船舶入境卫生检疫证中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫正本、次 ENTRY.EXIT INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE ORIGINALOF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA船舶入境卫生检疫证编号跖:FREE PRATIQUE船名国籍Nome M ShipNationality发航港Find " Ibrwnt Voyagje _ 11的港Port of Decina! ion . _ _ -上述船舶依时中华人民共和国境R生检度法及其实做细则实施责检,判定是没有染疫的船舶Rw 4iip <Whbod abovr hax Iven duly inspected in acwwdanoe with the Frortier Health and Quarantine Low of the PrvpJp、RcpuWjc erf (Ihina itrxl its specific mks and is verified as free from being infected.签证地点 Place of Issue卷if H 期及时间 Time and Date of Issue检疫医师 Quarantine Doctor_签 名 Signature卜而河更N.a仔高s,/j,1nml1111M.K(cf)-|i2O)S4.2l)» I