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    任务型阅读之回答问题1、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10分,每小题2 分)Have you ever been in a rainforest?There aren t any in Europe but there aresome in Africa,Asia and South America.I was in a rainforest once.It was hot anddark.It was also very wet.Water was falling from the leaves of the trees like rain.Theground was covered with dead leaves but there were thousands of new plantsgrowing.The most exciting plants were the large trees.Some were 50 meters high.I couldonly see little pieces of blue sky through the leaves.All the trees had small plantsgrowing on them,and some of these had beautiful,brightly colored flowers.It was very noisy.I could hear lots of birds.They were hard to see but I saw onegreen and red parrot flying high above me.It was beautiful.The insects(昆虫)alsomade a lot of noise and I could feel them on my arms and legs.I didn,t see any monkeys.They were probably sleeping high up in the treetops.I did see a small snake on the ground.I hate snakes so I walked quickly but carefullyout of the forest.I wouldn,t like to live in a rainforest but I am happy that I could seeone before they all disappear from Earth.64.Has the writer been to a real rainforest?65.Were there many leaves or flowers on the ground?66.What did the writer see above his head?67.Why did the writer walk quickly and carefully out of the forest?68.How does the writer think of rainforests?2、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)If you drive in New Zealand,it is necessary for you to take a littletime to learn the road rules-for your own and others safety.Thereare a few things that you might find different from driving in your country.Here,s some information to help make your driving experience in NewZealand a safe and enjoyable one.Keep leftIn New Zealand,traffic travels on the left-hand side of the roadand the driversits on the right of the car.When you are turning,you should becareful to theleft side.Remember to keep your eyes on the road ahead.It is easyto drawyour attention to the beautiful parts in New Zealand.Crossing Give Way”ruleIf you re turning,give way to all cars that are not turning.In all other situations,give way to cars crossing or comingfrom your right.One lane(行车道)bridgesMa n y r o a ds in New Zea l a n d h a v e o n e l a n e br idg es o n t h em.At o n e l a n ebr idg es,ca r s t r a v el l in g in o n e dir ect io n m u s t g iv e w a y t o ca r s g o in gin t h eo t h er dir ect io n.An y o f t h e s ig n s (标志)s h o w n in t h e l eft p ict u r e m ea n t h a t y o u a r eco m in gt o a o n e l a n e br idg e.Sl o w do w n a n d ch eck fo r t r a ffic co m in g t h eo t h er w a y.Th e s m a l l er a r r o w s h o w s w h ich dir ect io n h a s t o g iv e w a y.An im a l s o n t h e r o a dWa t ch o u t fo r fa r m a n im a l s o n t h e r o a d,es p ecia l l y in t h e co u n t r y s ide.Wh eny o u s ee t h em,p l ea s e s l o w do w n.Yo u m a y n eed t o s t o p a n d l et t h ea n im a l s g op a s t y o u o r m o v e s l o w l y u p beh in d a n d fo l l o w t h e fa r m er?sin s t r u ct io n s.Sea t bel t sIt is a l a w t h a t a l l t h e dr iv er s m u s t w ea r t h eir s ea t bel t s.If y o ua r e ca u g h t n o t w ea r in g y o u r s ea t bel t,y o u w il l be fin ed.Mo r e in fo r m a t io nIn fo r m a t io n o n r o a d s a fet y,in cl u din g t h e New Zea l a n d Ro a d Co de a r ea v a il a bl e(可得至l l的)by g o in g t o w w w.n z t a.g o v t.n z o r by p h o n in g NewZea l a n d Tr a n s p o r t Ag en cy 0800 69 9 000 o r v is it a a.co.n z.64.Do es t r a ffic t r a v el o n t h e l eft s ide o f t h e r o a d in New Zea l a n d?65.Wh a t s h o u l d dr iv er s do w h en t h ey s ee t h e s ig h t s in Pict u r e 3w h il e dr iv in g?66.Wh en do dr iv er s n eed t o fo l l o w t h e fa r m er,s in s t r u ct io n s?67.H o w m a n y r o a d r u l es in New Zea l a n d a r e m en t io n ed?68.Wh a t do es t h e w r it er w a n t t o t el l u s?3、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)Red Ribbo n Week is h el d ev er y y ea r,u s u a l l y du r in g t h e l a s t w eeko fOct o ber.It s t a r t ed w it h a p o l ice o fficer n a m ed“Kik i”Ca m a r en a.H e w a s s en tt o Mex ico in o r der t o in v es t ig a t e(调查)a Mex ica n dr u g co m p a n y a n ds t a y edt h er e fo r fo u r a n d a h a l f y ea r s.H is effo r t s h el p ed p u t a s t o p t os ev er a l m a j o rdr u g m a k in g co m p a n ies.So t h e bo s s es w a n t ed t o m u r der t h e m en w h obr o u g h t t h em do w n.Wh en Ca m a r en a l eft h is o ffice fo r a l u n ch da t e w it hh is w ife o n F ebr u a r y 7,19 85,a ca r dr o v e u p a n d k idn a p p ed(绑架)h im,a n d a m o n t h l a t er h e w a s k il l ed.At t h a t t im e h e w a s o n l y 37 y ea r s o l d.Sh o r t l y a ft er h is dea t h,p eo p l e in Ca m a r en a s t o w n beg a n w ea r in gr ed r ibbo n s in h is h o n o r.Th en Ca m a r en a,s h ig h s ch o o l fr ien d,H en r yLo z a n o,s t a r t ed Ca m a r en a Cl u b.H u n dr eds o f p eo p l e j o in ed t h e cl u b a n dp r o m is ed t o be dr u g-fr ee in o r der t o h o n o r t h e dea t h o f Ca m a r en a.An dt h en s ch o o l s in s ev er a l s t a t es beg a n t o j o in in.No w,a t t h e en d o f ev er yOct o ber,m il l io n s o f Am er ica n s w ea r r ed r ibbo n s in m em o r y o f“Kik i”Ca m a r en a.So,in 19 88,t h e fir s t n a t io n a l Red Ribbo n Week w a s fo u n dedin Am er ica.Red Ribbo n Week h a s beco m e t h e l a r g es t dr u g edu ca t io n a n d p r ev en t io no r g a n iz a t io n in t h e Un it ed St a t es.It en co u r a g es co m m u n it ies t o s t a n du p a g a in s t dr u g s a n d it en co u r a g es ch il dr en t o m a k e a p r o m is e n o t t ot a k e dr u g s in t h eir l ife.64.Is Red Ribbo n Week h el d a t t h e en d o f Oct o ber in Am er ica?65.H o w l o n g did“Kik i”Ca m a r en a s t a y in Mex ico?66.Wh a t did“Kik i Ca m a r en a do t h er e?67.Wh y do p eo p l e w ea r r ed r ibbo n du r in g Red Ribbo n Week?68.Wh a t s t h e p a s s a g e m a in l y a bo u t?4、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)So if y o u r e t o o bu s y,m a y be it s t im e y o u s l o w ed do w n a n d en j o y eda m ea l w it h a fr ien d.Th er e h a s been a n ew t r en d(趋 势)in fo o dr ecen t l y-g et t in g a w a y fr o m fa s t fo o d a n d m o v in g t o w a r d“s l o w fo o d”.F o r y ea r s,t h e p a ce o f l ife w a s in cr ea s in g fo r m o s t p eo p l e.Th eyw er e t o o bu s y t o co o k.Th e t r o u bl e in cl u din g bu y in g,p r ep a r in g a n dcl ea n in g u p a ft er a m ea l w a s beco m in g m o r e bo t h er t h a n it w a s w o r t h cl ea r l y.Lu ck il y,t h er e w er e s m a r t bu s in es s p eo p l e w h o t o o k t h e ch a n ce t o p r o v idea fa s t”w a y t o dea l w it h t h e p r o bl em.Al m o s t o v er n ig h t,y o u co u l ddr o p by t h e s u p er m a r k et a n d bu y co m p l et e m ea l s in p a ck a g es.Al l y o u h a dt o do w a s t o h ea t it a n d y o u co u l d be ea t in g a del icio u s m ea l in 5 m in u t es.Ju s t a dd s a l t.St il l t o o s l o w?OK,j u s t dr iv e y o u r ca r u p t o t h e fa s t-fo o d r es t a u r a n t,o r der y o u r m ea l a n d w it h in 2 m in u t es it w il l be h a n ded o v er t o y o u w it hs a l t.The problem is health.Fast food has much more oil,salt and emptycalories and far less vitamins than food freshly prepared at home.Andso,since people have always wanted to live longer and healthier,a smallbut growing population is choosing not only fresh food,but alsoorganically(有机)grown food-food that hasn t been grown with chemicalfertilizers(化 月 巴),Another reason for changes in eating habits isundoubtedly social.Over the centuries,meal times have been used tovisit,laugh and learn.That doesn,t fit with today s lifestyle andmany people are looking for ways to return to that.Goodbye McD onald,s.Finally,therey s something special about planning your meal,buyingjust the right ingredients(原料)and seeing something on your table thatlooks just like the picture in your recipe book(菜谱).So if you retoo busy,maybe it s time you slowed down and enjoyed a meal with afriend.6 4.D o some people begin to enjoy“slow food”?6 5.Why did people start eating fast food?6 6.Where can people get a meal in two minutes?6 7.What is meant by uGoodbye McD onald s”?6 8.What are the advantages of food prepared at home?5、阅读与表达(共10分,每小题2分)阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。How many text messages(短信)do you send a day?10,50 or over 100?Now sending text messages is part of our lives.But how does textingaffectour everyday lives?According to a study,young people prefer text-messaging to talkwithfriends no matter where they are.They even want to do it under thenoses ofparents and teachers.It seems that some teenagers just can,t stoptexting.This could be bad for their studies and health.For example,Ann,a16-year-old girl from New York,lost feeling in her hands aftersending over100 texts a day from her mobile phone.She will have to have surgery(外科手术)on her wrists(手腕)in order to fix the problem.But texting isn,t all bad.It helps to make our lives better insome ways.Today many teenagers greet each other on holidays by sending textmessages instead of writing paper cards.Texting instead of sendingletters helps me save my pocket money,“said Chen Qi,16,a boy fromSichuan.It is also eco-friendly because it saves paper.”Texting can improve relationships between young people and theirparents.In the US,many parents send their kids texts instead of shoutingat them.Some say texts are more friendly than spoken messages.It salso easier for teenagers to accept them.Sending text messages is becoming more and more popular.But whenyou send text messages,keep the following advice in mind:D on t send text messages while riding a bike or walking alonga busy street.It is dangerous.D on,t send the same text message over and over again.If youhaven t received a reply,send a different message.If you have something really important to say,use the phone ormake plans to meet in person rather than using a text.Try to keep the text message short and make sure that your meaningis clear.Be polite.Reply to people when they send you a message.It isgood to let people know that you have received their messages.298 w不含8汉 字+41 w6 4.Is sending text messages part of our lives?6 5.What do young people like better,text-messaging or talking witheach other?6 6.Why did Ann lose feeling in her hands?6 7.What advantages of texting are mentioned in the passage?6 8.What is the passage mainly about?986、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)Learning to understand your mother well is what you should do.Hereare thebest steps towards a better relationship with her.They are notnecessarilysurprising,but they have worked for many people.Try them.Taking any measure to understand our mother is the topic of how weunderstand ourselves.We should follow the way of her life.When we areable to accept our mother一with all her failings,we can understand herbetter and it can also help us to know about our shortcomings.Rememberthat understanding our mother is really about understanding ourselves.6 4.Should we learn to understand our mother well?6 5.What can help us understand our mother better?6 6.How do we make our mother feel close to us?6 7.Why do we ask our mother about our childhood history?6 8.What does the writer want to tell us?997、阅读与表达。(共10分,每小题2分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Lang Lang is one of the youngest and most famous pianists of ourtime.The New York Times said,“He is stunning.(令人震惊)However,the story of Lang Lang s life is much more interesting than this simplesentence.Lang Lang was born in 1982 in Shenyang,China.He was watching aTom and Jerry cartoon on television when he first heard Western classicalmusic.He was only two years old then.Lang Lang began taking piano lessonsat the age of three.He won the first prize in the Shenyang PianoCompetition only two years later.From then on,he won many awards.However,Lang Lang s success came at a price.His father was verystrict with him.He was practicing the piano while other children ofhis age were playing games and having fun.When Lang Lang was nine,hisfather quit his job and took him to Beijing.There,Lang Lang enteredthe finest music academy in China.At the age of just 17,Lang Lang got his big chance.In August 1999,at a famous musical event in the USA,a pianist suddenly fell ill.LangLang was chosen to play in place of that pianist.It was a great successand Lang Lang,s life was changed forever.Today,Lang Lang gives about 150 performances a year.He has playedwith the greatest orchestras in the world and at huge events such asthe 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.Lang Lang says he is thankful to his parents because they have alwaysencouraged and supported him.6 4.Is Lang Lang a famous pianist?.6 5.Why is Lang Lang thankful to his parents?.6 6.When did he won the first prize in the Shenyang PianoCompetition?.6 7.How did Lang Lang get his big chance to change his life?_.6 8.According to the passage,what made Lang Lang s u c c e s s f u l?.8、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)For many of us,the idea of a family is a lot narrower(变窄了)thanit used to be.Today children go away to college,and take up jobs whereverchances seem greatest.So instead of growing up in a family withgrandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins,many of us are truly connectedonly to our parents and brothers.Many kids today know little of the lives of their relatives and don tcare deeply about them.Whether we realize it or not,this feeling ofbeing disconnected makes people feel a kind of lonely.People needto feel connected,“says Joy Browne,a doctor in the USA.And theywill do it in the easiest ways.When family members aren,t connected,what could be easier than forming(形成)a connection to famous people?This isn t something unusual,of course.People cried when MeiYanfang died in 2003.It snatural and in most ways harmless to feel that way.But that sunhealthy,because these relationships aren,t two-way.For that,we need to stay connected to our own families.We 11 neverturn back the clock to keep families from breaking.But parents can helpby telling their children stories about their grandparents,aunts andcousins,and by telling them the children s latest activities andinterests.We can use technology to keep connected with each other.It seasy to send e-mails to granddad.Better yet,take a vacation with membersof your relatives-not with any other person.A week or so of relaxing vacation can be a great way to tie up familyties.And when a bad thing happens,no one can be as helpful as yourrelatives.Because no matter how much we cry for the famous people,theycan t be there to cry for us.6 4.Are many of children truly connected only to their parents andbrothers?6 5.How does this feeling of being disconnected make people feel?6 6.Where is Joy Browne from?6 7.What can we use to keep connected with each other?6 8.What s the main idea of the passage?9、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)Acne(粉刺)is a very common skin disease.In fact it is the commonestskin disease among people.Many teenagers get acne.Usually it lastsonly a couple of ye


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