英文感谢信(8篇)英文感谢信1 Dear Ellen: I am writing to you to give our thanks for your kind you and Bob are wonderful did have a big dinner and a happy time at your home last could hardly draw oureslve away from your house when we left. Again I am grateful for your invitation and are welcome to my home at any se say hello to your husband,Bob,and your daughter Margaret. Yours Sophia 英文感谢信2 奶奶您好!您最近好吗?听说您跌倒了,我真的一下子心都冷了。我真的恨不得立即来到您的身边照看您。记得小时候您总是这样对我说“蕾蕾,你长大后确定不要向奶奶一样,一辈子什么出息都没有。奶奶这辈子被人欺侮惯了,已经没有什么事可怕的了,你不一样,你才刚刚踏入社会,还有很多事等着你去做。你要学会独立,要学会坚韧,遇到有 多困难的事都要勇敢的去面对,不要别人看到你脆弱的.一面。”您对我说的这么话我都记在脑海里,从来不曾遗忘过。蕾蕾对不起您,蕾蕾太让您无望了,太让您难受了,您脚不便利的时候,我却不能在您的身边照看您,蕾蕾太对不起您了。您吃的苦太多了,以后我再也不会让您吃苦,记得小时候,别人给您的东西您从来都不舍得吃,每次都拿回来给我吃。奶奶你放心我会听您的话,做个坚韧的女孩子,我不会让您无望的。我已经长大了,不再是以前那个脆弱的我,是您让我学会了坚韧,学会了独立,奶奶感谢您!祝您身体健康,万事如意,福如东海,寿比南山。您最爱的孙女:蕾蕾致上 英文感谢信3 xxx有限公司: 贵公司的xxx源股份有限公司自备热电厂保运项目部自20xx年8月参加我公司2*350MW超临界直流机组保运工作以来,快速的投入工作,与我xxx有限公司自备热电厂运行人员紧密协作、团结协作,圆满地完成了我自备热电厂全厂设备安装、调试、维护保运和20xx年1号、2号机组大修工作,为我xxx有限公司自备热电厂顺当投产、平平稳定运行做出了自己巨大的贡献,对此我公司表示由衷的感谢! 在与贵公司两年的合作过程中,贵公司员工与我xxx有限公司自备热电厂员工同甘共苦,克服了地域、气候、饮食、住宿等生活困难,高标准、严要求开展工作,认真履行合同要求,对华电蒲城电厂负责,对业主负责。两年来,贵公司员工能吃苦、能战斗、能奉献、能超越的优良品德,认真踏实的工作态度,爱岗敬业的工作精神,不仅树立和提升了贵公司良好的企业形象,也为我xxx有限公司自备热电厂员工树立了良好的学习榜样。设备安装期间贵公司技术人员全面检查设备安装质量、整理设备资料,对我公司运行人员开展针对性的技术培训,并组织编制了技术规程、运行规程、操作票等,绘制了系统图及相关生产所需的应急预案、机组试运方案;设备试运期间贵公司运行人员全力协作机组的调试和试运工作,确保了我公司自备热电厂一、二号机组的顺当并网发电;保运期间,贵公司员工在设备安装、质量方面隐患较多、设备检修无备品配件、工作中协作不协调的状况下恪守职责,细心操作、维护,保证了机组、设备的平安和人身平安,没有发生任何人为的和人身障碍事故,为我公司自备热电厂两台机组的平平稳定运营作出了突出贡献,为我公司后期煤电硅一体化进展培育了大批电厂全能运行人员,得到了我公司全体员工的全都好评。通过他们的.努力和实践,充分诠释了我们“务实合作、同心跨越”的合作精神。 愿华电蒲城电厂和特变电工的同心文化在xxx有限公司生根、发芽;愿华电蒲城电厂和特变电工的合作友情在xxx有限公司传承、发扬。 再次对贵公司表示诚意的感谢,并祝愿贵公司的宏伟事业蒸蒸日上,再创新高! xxx有限公司 20xx年x月x日 英文感谢信4 敬重的xxx: 凯歌辞旧岁,瑞雪迎新年。值此新春佳节,谨托鸿雁,笺短情深,带去公司真诚的问候和诚意的祝福:您辛苦了!祝您阖家欢快,岁岁平安! 公司的成长和进展,离不开全体员工的共同努力和辛勤耕耘,更离不开您们对员工的支持和理解。同志为公司作了巨大贡献,我代表公司代表我个人深深的感谢您们的无私付出,并借此佳节,托付他们带去我的一片心愿,希望为您的家庭带去春意暖阳。 我更希望我们一同努力,实现他的人生幻想,促进家庭的幸福和谐。并希望您们能好好的照看他的身体,在此拜托了。 祝您们身体健康,节日欢快! xxx 20xx年x月x日 英文感谢信5 Dear xx, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for xxxx. If it had not been for your assistance in xxxxx, I fear that I would have been xxxx. Every one agrees that it was you who xx. Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 英文感谢信6 Dear Sue, I am writing to express my heart felt gratitudeto you for your kindest help when I was involved in that terrible trafficaccident. You saw how seriously I had been hurt when yourushed me to the hospital. I was hit from the back by a taxi and was thrownforward for at least three meters. Though I did not lose my consciousness, thesharp pain was really killing me. If it had not been for your timelyassistance, giving me first aid and sent me to hospital right away, I fear thatthe consequences might have been much more serious. The doctor said that my wounds are healingquickly and that I would be able to stand up again in a weeks time. Inaddition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills. Anyway, everyone agrees that it was yourquick-witted response in this emergency that has led to this satisfactoryresult. I feel I owe you so much, so please accept my most sincere thanks. Best wishes, Ken 英文感谢信7 Dear ms.grasso, Thank you for interviewing me at credit technologies。 i was impressed with the pany and the type of banking services the corporation provides。 Your ments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking。 i am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations in detail could be useful to credit technologies。 If you were to offer me this position, i believe that i could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation。 I look forward to talking again with you soon。 Very truly yours, Richard t.amilton 英文感谢信8 Dear Ling Fen, I would like to thank you at the end of our middle school education. You have been very kind and helpful since we knew each other. You have given me so much help that I will never forget. Last term, I caught a bad cold and had to stay at home for a week. When I was worrying about the lessons, you came to my home after school and helped me with every subject. With your help, I didn?t fall behind others. Since then, we have become very close friends. I think I?ll try to help others just like you. Thank you again. Even though we may go to different schools, I?ll always stay in touch with you. I wish you success for the future. Yours, Liu Yan7