Unit5TheValueofMoney Reading and Thinking:Read about a bet between two wealthy menscenenarratornarrationbetmakeabetn.(戏剧或歌剧的戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场;现场;场面场面n.(书、戏剧或电影中的书、戏剧或电影中的)叙述叙述者;讲述者;者;讲述者;(电视节目中的电视节目中的)幕后解说员幕后解说员n.叙述;讲述;解说叙述;讲述;解说n.打赌;赌注打赌;赌注vi&vt.(bet,bet)下赌注;下赌注;用用打赌打赌v.(bet,bet)下敢说下敢说打个赌打个赌Wordsreviewservantasamatteroffactbyaccidentsailspotconsulatedaresortminingn.仆人;佣人仆人;佣人事实上;其实;说真的事实上;其实;说真的偶然地;意外地偶然地;意外地vi.&vt.(船船)航行;航行;(人人)乘船航行乘船航行vt.看见;注意到;发现看见;注意到;发现n.地点;处所;斑点;污迹地点;处所;斑点;污迹n.领事馆领事馆vi.&modalv.胆敢;敢于胆敢;敢于n.种类;类别种类;类别n.采矿;采矿业采矿;采矿业Wordsreviewpatiencetobehonestoughttobeabouttodosthindicatebeneathpostponeoddn.耐心;忍耐力;毅力耐心;忍耐力;毅力说实话;坦率地说说实话;坦率地说应该;应当应该;应当即将或正要即将或正要(做某事做某事)vt.&vi.表明;显示表明;显示vt.象征;暗示象征;暗示adv.&prep.在在(或往或往)下下面;在面;在的表面之下的表面之下vt.延迟;延期;延缓延迟;延期;延缓adj.奇怪的;怪异的;反常奇怪的;怪异的;反常的的WordsreviewWhat would you do if you had a million-pound bank note?Brainstormingbuy a big housedonatedo some science researchshare with friendsopen schools for kids from poor familiesbuild shelters for homeless peopleprotect the environmentrun a businesstravelsave BrainstormingThis man really got a million pound bank note in Mark Twains play.How did that happen?Do you know him?MarkTwain(1835-1910)WhatdoyouknowabouttheAmericanwriterMarkTwain?Doyouknowanyofhisworks?Canyounameanyofthem?The basic information about Mark Twain:RealnamePennamemeaningBirthdateBirthplaceGrewupplacesHannibal,Missouri(alongtheMississippiRiver)SamuelLanghorneClemensNov.30th,1835Thewateris2fathomsdeep.(=12feet)FloridaHelovedtheriversomuchthatevenhispennameisabouttheriver.“Twain”isanoldwordfor“two”.Thephrase“marktwain”meansthatthewateristwofathomsdeep.Lead-in汤姆汤姆索亚索亚历险记历险记哈克贝利哈克贝利费费恩历险记恩历险记密西西比河密西西比河上的生活上的生活卡拉韦拉斯县卡拉韦拉斯县著名的跳蛙著名的跳蛙Earlystage:Active&humorMid-term:Satire(讽刺讽刺)Laterperiod:pessimistic&desperateWriting styleHis famous sayingMark Twain1835-1910 谎言走遍天下,真理寸步难行谎言走遍天下,真理寸步难行 A lie can travel halfway around the world,while the truth is putting on its shoes.Whatisthetypeofthetext?Act 1,Scene 3note(also bank note):means a piece of paper money,especially for British English,and in American English usually bill.A.Anovel.B.Abiography.C.Aplay.titleofplay剧本剧本题目题目scene场次场次characternames人物人物lines台词台词(linesofdialogue对话对话,narration旁白,旁白,monologue独白独白)stagedirections舞台舞台说明(括号里斜体部分)说明(括号里斜体部分)Themostimportanttwopartsofaplay.thebasicelementsoftheplay1.titleofplay剧本题目剧本题目2.scene场景场景4.characternames人物人物5.linesofdialogues对话对话3.narration旁白旁白6.stagedirections舞台说明舞台说明Narrator always gives information or comment on the action of the scene or the motivations of characters.Characters may narrate,or a performer who is not involved in the action can carry out the role of narrator.In order to better understand a play,we should pay attention to the instructions or tips included in a play.A play has a unique format and style.Most plays are in the form of a dialogue.Setting背景 A play usually consists of several acts.Each act can have several scenes.While-readingTHEMILLIONPOUNDBANKNOTEAct1,Scene3bill 幕幕 场 First Reading:Read for the setting and characters Time :_Place :_Characters:_HenryAdams,Roderick,Oliver,ServantThesummerof1903LondonCharacters(人物人物):Henry Adams:An American businessman,lost in LondonRoderick and Oliver:Two old and rich brothers who made a bet on what would happen to a person if he was given a million pound note.1.What bet did Roderick and Oliver make?1.WhatbetdidRoderickandOlivermake?TheybetonwhetheramancouldliveforamonthinLondonifhehadamillion-poundbanknote.AmonthagoHenrywas_outofthebay.TowardsnightHenryfoundhimself_outtoseabyastrongwind.ThenextmorningHenrywas_byaship.LaterHenrylandedin_byaccident.sailingcarriedspottedLondonAfterarrivinginLondonHenrywas_inLondonandwaswanderinginthestreet.WhilewalkingoutsideThey_himin.AtlastRoderickgaveHenrya_withmoneyinit.lostinvitedletterActivity 1 Fill in the chart with proper words.Second reading:Read for the plotHow did Henry come to England?Third reading:Read for the ideas3.How does Henry want the brothers to help him?3.How does Henry want the brothers to help him?4.Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers 4.Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers charity?charity?5.Why do you think the brothers chose Henry for their bet?5.Why do you think the brothers chose Henry for their bet?1.How does Henry want the brothers to help him?2.Why do you think Henry does not want the brothers charity?3.Why do you think the brothers chose Henry for their bet?The Million Pound Bank Note Task 2.Read for feelings1.Who?Me,sir?2.Well,I cant say that I have any plans.As a matter of fact,I landed in Britain by accident.3.Im afraid I dont quite follow you,sir.4.Well,it may seem lucky to you but not to me!If this is your idea of some kind of joke,I dont think its very funny.5.Well,why dont you explain what this is all about?1.Who?Me,sir?2.Well,I cant say that I have any plans.As a matter of fact,I landed in Britain by accident.3.Im afraid I dont quite follow you,sir.4.Well,it may seem lucky to you but not to me!If this is your idea of some kind of joke,I dont think its very funny.5.Well,why dont you explain what this is all about?Task 3.Read for implied meaning1.I went to the American consulate to seek help,but.Anyway,I didnt dare to try again.2.You mustnt worry about that.Its an advantage.3.What luck!Brother,what luck!4.Oh,this is silly.Task 3.Explain what the speakers mean by saying these sentences.Understanding implied meaningSome sentences have an implied meaning which is not clearly stated.This implied meaning often indicated peoples feelings,attitudes,or motives.You can find this implied meaning by looking at the context.You have to read between the lines because the real messages are often hidden beneath the literal meaning.1.I went to the American consulate to seek help,but.Anyway,I didnt dare to try again.2.You mustnt worry about that.Its an advantage.3.What luck!Brother,what luck!4.Oh,this is silly.WhatkindsofpeopleareHenryAdams,OliverandRoderick?Findsomecluesintheplay.Well,IcantsaythatIhaveanyplans.Well,tobehonest,Ihavenone.(nomoney)Couldyouoffermeworkhere?Idontwantyourcharity.Ijustwantajobthatearnsanhonestincome.Well,itmayseemluckytoyoubutnottome!Ifthisisyourideaofsomekindofjoke,Idontthinkitsveryfunny.Nowifyoullexcuseme,Ioughttobeonmyway.Youngman,wouldyoustepinsideamoment,please?Mayweaskwhatyouredoinginthiscountryandwhatyourplansare?Ifyoudontmind,mayIaskyouhowmuchmoneyyouhave?Theyhavemadeabetaboutonemillionpoundsjustforabitoffun.恶作剧的恶作剧的 TheycantellHenryishonestandhard-workingthroughhiswordsandbehaviours.PostReading-RetellRetellthestorybycompletingthepassagewiththewordsfromthetext.The two gentlemen had been having a heated argument for a couple of days,and had decided to make a _ which would settle their argument.They were going to find someone to take part in their bet when they saw Henry _ on the street outside.They invited him into their house,where Henry told them he had landed in Britain by _.Although he had gone to the American consulate to _ help,he had not received any,Henry hoped that the brothers would offer him some _ of work because he had no money.Henry got _ with the brothers when they seemed too happy about his bad _.They quickly told him not to feel that way and they gave him an _ with money in it.They said the letter inside would explain what it was all about,but he had _ opening it until 2 oclock.Henry felt that was odd.The _ ended with Henry leaving their house and promising that he would not open the letter until 2 oclock.betaccidentseeksortscenewalkingupsetluckenvelopetopostponeIsmoneysoimportant?Somepeoplesaymoneyiseverything.Butsomepeoplestillthinkthatmoneycannotbringthemhappiness.Whatdoyouthinkofthis?Moneycanbuyahouse,butnotahome.Moneycanbuyabed,butnot_.Moneycanbuyaclock,butnot_.Moneycanbuyabook,butnot_.Moneycanbuyaposition,butnot_.Moneycanbuymedicine,butnot_.Moneycanbuyamusement,butnot_.sleeptimeknowledgerespecthealthhappinessEverycoinhastwosides.Moneyisagoodservantandabadmaster.-FrancisBaconUsemoneywisely!What do you think will happen to Henry?Will the bank note help him or get him into trouble?Writeapossibledevelopmenttothestory.HomeworkThank you!