2011年北京市中考一模英语试题分类汇编之【阅读理解】【北京市西城区2011年中考-模英语试题】六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共2 6分,每小题2分)ABuy Once,Read Ever ywher eKi ndle i s our bestseller.It enables you to downloadwhi le on the go.whi le on the go.Read i n Br i ght Sunli ghtKi ndle s scr een r eads li ke r eal paper.Read as easi lyi n br i ght sunli ght as i n your si tti ng r oom.Li ghter than a Paper backAt only 8.5 ounces.It s a thi r d the wei ght of the i Pad.Holds 3,5 00 BooksKi ndle can car r y up to 3,5 00 books.never gets hot so you can r ead comfor tably as long as youWhat customer s ar e sayi ng:HO岐 AMAZING!By Lui giThe scr een i s wonder ful!It s better than paper!Thi s i s too cool!Ver y sati sfi ed customer By Mi louMy hur t hands wer e maki ng r eadi ng lar ge books pai nful(疼痛的).The ki ndle i s soli ght I can car r y i t easi ly.Love my Ki ndle By Bonni eI r ecei ved my Ki ndle as a gi ft for my bi r thday.I love i t!Easy to car r y By Justi neJust put i t i n a handbag ei ther lar ge or small.4 8.How much does a Ki ndle cost?A.$8.5.B.$13 9.C.$24 8.D.$3,5 00.4 9.Compar ed to a computer,Ki ndleA.doesn,t get hotB.has no scr eenC.i s har der to use.D.i s heavi er to car r y5 0.Who got a Ki ndle as a gi ft?A.Lui gi.B.Mi lou.C.Bonni e.D.BJusti ne.Mor e Than a ZooPopcor n Par k i s not li ke most zoos.It i s a ver y speci al place.Wor ker s at thezoo car e for hur t or si ck ani mals.They r etur n some of these ani mals to thei r natur alhomes.Those ani mals that cannot li ve on thei r own stay at Popcor n Par k Zoo.At fi r st thi s unusual place was not a zoo.It was called the For ked Ri ver Ani malCar e Center.The wor ker s ther e took car e of lost or unwanted cats and dogs.The change to the center began i n 19 7 7 when a r accoon needed help.The wor ker scar ed for the ani mal.Fi nally i t was better,but i t could not car e for i tself.Ther accoon was allowed to li ve at the center.Once people hear d about the wonder ful wor k bei ng done at the center,they begantaki ng all ki nds of hur t or homeless ani mals ther e.Soon the center was no longerjust a home for cats and dogs.So many ani mals wer e li vi ng at the center that i tbecame mor e li ke a zoo.It was ti me for a new name.Popcor n Par k Zoo got i ts funny name because many of the ani mals ther e li ke toeat popcor n(爆米花)made wi thout oi l or salt.Also the popcor n i s sold at the zooto help make money to car e for the ani mals.People buy the popcor n to feed the ani malsas a tr eat.Popcor n Par k Zoo now takes car e of mor e than 200 ki nds of ani mals.All the ani malsat the zoo get lots of car e and love.5 1.Wor ker s at the zoo look after .A.only homeless cats and dogs B.hur t or si ck ani malsC.all the unwanted cats and dogs D.young or old ani mals5 2.The zoo got i ts name because.A.vi stor s can make popcor n themselvesA.vi stor s can make popcor n themselvesB.the wor ker s at the zoo li ke to eat popcor nC.the popcor n i n the zoo i s fr ee for vi si tor sD.many ani mals ther e li ke to eat popcor n5 3.Fr om the text we can know that.A.the ani mals at the zoo ar e looked after wellB.all the ani mals wi ll be r etur ned to thei r natur al homesC.the zoo was a ver y famous par k i n the pastD.the zoo spends much money taki ng car e of the ani malsCHuec.o Tanks State Hi stor i cal Par k i s home to thousands of Nati ve Amer i canpai nti ngs and dr awi ngs.Anci ent wor ks of r ock ar t dati ng back thousands of year sli e wi thi n caves hi dden i n the hi lls.The pai nti ngs at Hueco Tanks have lasted forcentur i es.The walls tell stor i es of many people and many ti mes for at least 10,000 year s.Sever al di ffer ent gr oups of people have tr aveled thr ough and li ved i n the ar ea.Thesegr oups often left thei r mar k wi th r ock pai nti ngs and dr awi ngs.Sci enti sts havestudi ed these anci ent wor ks of ar t to lear n mor e about the people,who made them.Sci enti sts beli eve that ar ound 6,000 BC a gr oup now known as the Deser t Ar chai cpeople occupi ed(占有)the ar ea.The ear li est of thei r dr awi ngs ar e si mple wavyand str ai ght li nes.Later dr awi ngs show scenes of people holdi ng spear s(矛)whi ledeer and other ani mals r un ar ound them.Ar ound 1,000 AD the Mogollon people li ved i n the ar ea.The Mogollon wer e far mer s.Mor e than most far mer s,the Mogollon valued water.For them water held gr eat meani ng.Thi s gr oup of far mer s pai nted many pi ctur es of water flowi ng over the land and r ai nwi th li ghtni ng.The Mescaler o Apaches cr eated some of the most r ecent r ock ar t at Hueco Tanks.They stayed i n the ar ea for a shor t ti me ar ound 1,6 00 AD.Spani sh explor er s hadar r i ved i n Nor th Amer i ca by thi s ti me.Many of the cave pai nti ngs fr om thi s per i odshow Spani sh soldi er s on hor ses.In 18 4 9 the Cali for ni a Gold Rush was well under way.Some people tr aveled thr oughhot,dr y West Texas as they made thei r way to Cali for ni a s goldfi elds.Hueco Tankspr ovi ded water and shade(阴凉处)for these tr aveler s.Many of these tr aveler s putthei r names and dates on the r ocks at Hueco Tanks.These wr i ti ngs ar e sti ll foundon the r ocks today.In May 19 7 0 Hueco Tanks was made a state par k,gi vi ng the Texas Par ks and Wi ldli feDepar tment contr ol of the ar ea.The Texas Par ks and Wi ldli fe Depar tment i s usi ng technology to help take car eof the r ock ar t.By studyi ng these wor ks of ar t,vi si tor s and sci enti sts can lear nmuch about the li ves of some ear ly Nati ve Amer i cans.5 4.Whi ch of the followi ng may be the dr awn by the Deser t Ar chai c people?5 5.What can we lear n fr om the passage?A.Deser t Ar chai c people r ai sed many ani mals.B.Mogollon people consi der ed water ver y i mpor tant.C.The Mescaler o Apaches cr eated most of the pai nti ng.D.People began to pr otect the pai nti ngs i n 19 7 0.5 6.The passage i s an i ntr oducti on of _.A.the Nati ve Amer i canJ s li fe B.the hi stor y of Hueco TanksC.the development of the Mi dwest D.the r ock ar ts at Hueco TanksDShe was only about fi ve feet tall and pr obably never wei ghed mor e than 110 pounds,but Mi ss Bessi e was a tower i ng pr esence i n the classr oom.She was the only womantough enough to make me r ead Beowulf and thi nk for a few stupi d days that I li kedi t.Fr om 19 3 8 to 19 4 2,she taught me Engli sh,hi stor y and a lot mor e than Ir eali zed.I shall never for get the day she scolded(批评)me i nto r eadi ng Beowulf.ButMi ss Bessi e,I complai ned,I ai n t much i nter ested i n i t.”Her lar ge br own eyes became shar p.“Boy,she sai d,“how dar e you say ai nt to me!If ve taught you better than that.”“Mi ss Bessi e,“I sai d,T m tr yi ng to joi n the football team,and i f I goar ound sayi ng i t i sn,t and they ar en,t,the guys ar e gonna laugh me offthe team.”“Boy,she r epli ed,you 11 play football because you have guts(勇气).Butdo you know what r eally takes guts?Refusi ng to lower your standar ds to those ofthe cr owd.It takes guts to say you ve got to li ve and be somebody fi fty year s afterall the football games ar e over.”I star ted sayi ng“i ti sn t”and they ar en,t,“and I sti ll joi ned the teamwi thout losi ng my fr i ends r espect.Negr oes,as we wer e called then,wer e not allowed i n the town li br ar y,exceptto sweep floor s or clean tables.But wi th the help of some ni ce whi tes,Mi ss Bessi ekept getti ng books out of the whi te li br ar y.That i s how she i ntr oduced me to theBr ontes,Byr on and Keats.If you don t r ead,you can,t wr i te,and i f you cant wr i te,you mi ght as well stop dr eami ng,“Mi ss Bessi e once told me.So I r ead whatever Mi ss Bessi e told me to,and tr i ed to r emember the thi ngs shei nsi sted that I stor e away.It could be embar r assi ng to be unpr epar ed when Mi ss Bessi esai d,“Get up and tell the class who Fr ances Per ki ns i s and what you thi nk abouther.”For ty-fi ve year s later,I can sti ll r eci te her “tr uths to li ve by”.Mi ss Bessi e noti ced thi ngs that had nothi ng to do wi th schoolwor k,but wer eessenti al to a youngsterJ s development.Once a few classmates made fun of my wor n-outhand-me-down over coat.As I was leavi ng school,Mi ss Bessi e patted me on the backof that old over coat and sai d,uCar l,never wor r y about what you don,t have.Justmake the most of what you do have a br ai n.”No chi ld can get all the necessar y suppor t at home,and mi lli ons of poor chi ldr enget no suppor t at all.Thi s i s what makes a wi se”educated,war m-hear ted teacherli ke Mi ss Bessi e so essenti al to the mi nds,hear ts and souls of thi s countr yJ schi ldr en.5 7.The under li ned wor ds“tower i ng pr esence i n the fi r st par agr aph meansABCD5 8.ABCD5 9.ABCD6 0.ACMi ss Bessi e was str ong enough to i nfluence her studentsMi ss Bessi e was watchi ng the students all the ti methe students thought she was tall and heavythe students felt ner vous i n fr ont of herWhat can we i nfer fr om the passage?Car l s fr i ends came fr om poor fami li es.Car l hated to r ead Beowulf i nMi ss Bessi e wanted Car l to beMi ss Bessi e di dn,t want Car lMi ss Bessi e asked Car l to r eadpubli c.a better man.to play football.a lot becausehi s par ents wer e too poor to affor d bookshe was not allowed i nto the li br ar ythe whi tes di dn,t want the blacksshe expected hi m to have a goal i nWhi ch of the followi ng would be theDr eams Go wi th Educati onUnfor gettable Mi ss Bessi eto r eadli febesBt ti tle of the passage?B.An Unfor gettable LessonD.Readi ng Makes a Full Man【答 案】六、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。(共2 6分,每 小 题2分)4 8.B 4 9.A 5 0.C 5 1.B 5 2.D 5 3.A5 4.A 5 5.B 5 6.D 5 7.A 5 8.C 5 9.D 6 0.C【北京 市 通 州 区2011年中考一模英语试题】阅读下面的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。AThe Ser vi ces of Our Li br ar ycan bor r ow up to fi ve books;one CD or one cassette.As many vi deos as youA卜/_ _0螭AUDIOB00KS 据 台*Pi ctur e books for*Vi deo fi lms*Musi c for ever yone:chi ldr en*TV playsr ock;classi cal;pop;*Infor mati on about the*Musi c vi deosblues;folkwor ld*Speci al i nter ests*Language cassettes(盒*NovelsYou can enjoy your self带)i n 4 2 languages i n the*Books i n 3 0 languagesand take ti me to watchwor ld*Stor i es of all ki ndsyour favor i te vi deos atSpeci al r ooms for you toYou can enjoyhome.You can bor r ow aenjoy li steni ng.newspaper s and magazi nesi n the r eadi ng r oom.vi deo for a week for$1.CDs and cassettes can bebor r owed Fr ee!*Youwant.*You*Youcan keep books for thr ee weeks;CDs and cassettes for one week.can r enew(续借)them by phone,by post,or i n per son at the li br ar y i f youwant to keep them longer.4 8.We pr obably can see thi s“Ser vi ces”i n aA.li br ar yB.ci nemaC.hospi talD.shop4 9.5 0.Ther e ar e _A.twoWe can keep theA.one weekki nds of vi deos i n the li br ar y.B.thr ee C.fourbooks fr om thi s li br ar y no longer than B.two weeks C.thr ee weeksD.si xD.fourweeksBI loved musi c when I was young.I lear ned to play the gui tar at 11 and I wr otemy fi r st song four year s later.My dr eam was to become a countr y si nger.Afteryear s of har d wor k,a r ecor d company was showi ng i nter est i n me.One day dur i ng atr i p to mountai ns,a fr i end offer ed me a bi t of meth,a ki nd of dr ugs(毒品).I smokedi t.And that was all that I thought about for the next year and a half.I couldn,t li ve wi thout i t.When the poli ce came to me,I looked li ke death.The fi r st seven days i n pr i son,I just slept.When I woke up on the ei ghth day,I had never known such shame andgui lt(罪恶感).1 walked down the hall to the pay phone.My mama i s the sweetest per sonon the ear th,and I knew thi s was goi ng to br eak her hear t.When I hear d her voi ceon the phone,I told her wher e I was.She just sai d,“Son,don t you know you can,t do anythi ng to make me not love you?”Her wor ds gave me the confi dence to face my tr ouble.And I also r eali zed thi swas my chance to star t a new li fe.When people hear my wor ds,I hope they wi ll not make the same mi stake as I have,but I do know that you can over come almost anythi ng,especi ally smoki ng dr ug.Thats why I shar e my stor y her e.5 1.The wr i ter wr ote hi s fi r st song when he was _ year s old.A.11B.13C.15D.175 2.Why was the wr i ter put i nto pr i son?A.Because he offer ed other s meth.B.Because he took dr ugs.C.Becauser efused the company.D.Because he di dn,t pay for hi s phone.5 3.The wr i ter pur pose i n telli ng hi s stor y i s toA.show the dr ugs dangerB.thank hi s motherC.war n hi s fr i endsD.help other peoplesCSometi mes you thi nk your teacher hates you?You r e not theonly one.Teacher s and students someti mes have per sonali tyclashes(冲突),just li ke any two people who don t get along.After all,teacher s ar en,t per fect.However,most of the ti me,ther e ar e lot of r easons why youcomplai n about your teacher,s bad atti tude(态度)to you.So tr yto fi nd out i f your teacher r eally does di sli ke you.Or somethi ng else i s goi ng on.Her e ar e some q uesti ons to ask your self:*Is your teacher angr y at you per sonally,or at somethi ng you ve been doi ng?All teacher s have somethi ng that they str ongly di sli ke.Maybe your teacher hatesi t when people whi sper(低声说话)i n class.If you tr y har d not to do these thi ngs,the si tuati on mi ght get better.*Ar e you the only per son bei ng tr eated badly,or i s your teacher shouti ng atthe whole class?Ask your classmates i f they ve been havi ng tr ouble wi th the teacher too.Ifthey say yes,per haps your teacher i s havi ng pr oblems outsi de of school,or i s newand feels somethi ng badly.*Ar e you wor ki ng up to your abi li ty?You and the ki d si tti ng besi de you both got a C on the last test,and your teachertold you that you could do better,but di dn,t say anythi ng to her!Isn,t thi sunfai r?Well,teacher s often tr eat di ffer ent students i n di ffer ent levels i ndi ffer ent ways.They wi ll be angr y i f they feel someone does not do the wor k he i sable to.It s thei r way to encour age a student to tr y a li ttle har der.*Ar e you mor e sensi ti ve(敏感)than most students?Tr y to fi nd out i f you ar e ver y sensi ti ve to be cr i ti ci zed(批评).If the otherstudents ar en,t as sensi ti ve,they wi ll not be i n such tr ouble even though the teachertr eated them the same way.Ther e*s nothi ng wr ong wi th bei ng sensi ti ve,but i f youact to cr i ti ci sm di ffer ently than most ki ds,thi s would be the r eason why you thi nkyour teacher doesn,t li ke you.5 4.The wr i ter thi nks that i t i s _ when teacher s and students have clashes.A.not a matter at all B.a ser i ous pr oblemC.somethi ng nor mal D.no good for students5 5.If only one boy i s cr i ti ci zed i n a teacherJ s class,the boy should _.A.ask hi s classmates for help B.thi nk mor e about hi mselfC.talk wi th the teacher at once D.tr eat the teacher the same way5 6.The wr i ter wr ote the passage to tell students how to _.A.get along wi th thei r teacher s B.do dur i ng a class as a studentC.under stand the teacher s*feeli ng D.act when they ar e cr i ti ci zedDTher e ar e sever al ki nds of di stances(总 叵 离)people keep.Dr.Hall names themi nti mate,per sonal,soci al,a