全国2003年 4 月英语词汇学试题第 部 分 选 择 题(共 30分)I.Each of the statements below is followed byfour alternative answers.Choose the one thatwould best complete the statement and put theletter in the bracket.(30%)I.The process of meaning relation is alsocalled.()A.extension B.degradation C.specialization D.elevation2.Idioms in the coursebook are used in a()A.broad sense B.narrow sense C.figurativesense D.special sense3.The relationship between the linguistic sign anda referent is.()A.conventional B.non-conventionalC.concrete D.specific4.The way to define an antonym is based on()A.contradiction B.contrarinessC.oppositeness D.relativeness5.The fact that the whole vocabulary can bedivided up into fields can be exemplifiedby.()A.Rogets Thesaurus B.Concise OxfordDictionaryC.New Websters Dictionary D.Co-buildDictionary6.Context meaning.()A.explains B.interprets C.defines D.all theabove7.Though still at work today,can hardlycompare with what it was in the p a s t.()A.word-formation B.borrowing C.derivationD.conversion8.Structural stability means the structure of anidiom is generally.()A.movable B.unstableC.unchangeable D.ununderstandable9.Sentence idioms can be divided into()A.declarative and imperative B.interrogativeand exclam ativeC.verbal and adverbial D.both A and B10.is considered to be a highly-inflectedlanguage.()A.Old English B.Middle EnglishC.Early Modern English D.Late ModernEnglish11.A morpheme that can stand alone as a word isthought to be.()A.affixational B.derivational C.free D.bound12.The introduction of at the end of the 6thcentury had a great impact on the Englishvocabulary.()A.printing B.Christianity C.Frenchwords D.all the above13.Which of the following statements is true?()A.Every word has reference.B.Every word has sense.C.Every word is semantically motivated.D.Every word is conceptually motivated.14.Which of the following statements isCORRECT?()A.The English language is noted for its modestborrowings.B.Loan words only refer to those borrowings inform.C.Loan words are all unrecognisable as beingforeign in origin.D.Loan words can be grouped according tomanner of borrowing.15.The relationship between words and things inthe world is established by means of.()A.reference B.sense C.concept D.mearning第二部分 非选择题(共70分)II.Complete the following statements with properwords or expressions according to the coursebook.(10%)16.The degraded meaning sexual desire nof theword lust comes from its old meaningM,17.Bound morphemes include two types:boundroot and18.The headword or entries are defined in thesame language in a dictionary.19.The basic word stock forms thecommon of the language.20 Conceptual meaning is also knownas meaning.III.Match the words or expressions in Column Awith those in Column B according to 1)senserelations,2)types of context,and 3)modes ofword-meaning changes.(10%)A B()21.difference in connotation A.fond(fromfoolish to“affectionate)()22.perfect homonym B.homely/domestic()23.degradation C.date;date()24.transfer D.diseasing(fromdiscomfort to illness)()25.elevation E.fabulous(fromresembling a fable to incredible)()26.narrowing F.journal(from“dailypaper1*to“periodical)()27.extension G.silly(from happy to“foolish”)()28.generalization H.pitiful(from full ofpity to deserving pity”)()29.grammatical context I.It was a nice ball.()30.lexical context J.Visiting aunts can beboring.IT.Study the following words and expressionsand identify 1)types of word formation,2)typesof affixes,3)types of dictionaries,and 4)the typeof idiom.(10%)31.LDCE()32.deadline()33.-ize,-en,-ate()34.an affix that indicates grammaticalrelationships()35.VOA()36.The Oxford Dictionary of EnglishEtymology()37.CED()38.telephone phone()39.fly in the ointment()40.hostess()V.Define the following terms.(10%)41.a variation of an idiom42.morphs43.synonym44.jargon45.semantic motivationVI.Answer the following questions.Your answersshould be clear and short.Write your answers inthe space given below.(12%)46.What is the role of context?47.Is it true that archaic and obsolete words inEnglish will remain for ever out of use?48.What is the difference between partial and fullconversion?Explain with two examples.Analyze and comment on the following.Writeyour answers in the space given below.(18%)49.Read the extract,pick out the idioms andexplain their meanings.Then rewrite the extractin standard non-figurative language.Sam is getting on,too.His hair is pepper andsalt,but he knows how to make up for lost time bytaking it easy.50.Comment on the following pairs of sentencesin terms of subordinates and superordinates.a.The girl got a book in the university.b.The girl borrowed a dictionary from thedepartment.全国2004年 4 月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题I.Each of the statements below is followed byfour alternative answers.Choose the one thatwould best complete the statement and put theletter in the bracket.(30%)1.There are major classes of compounds.A.two B.for C.three D.five2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Connotative meaning refers to associationssuggested by the conceptual meaning.B.Stylistic meaning accounts for the formality ofthe word concerned.C.Affective meaning is universal to all men alike.D.Denotative meaning can always be found inthe dictionary.3.After the invading Germanic tribes settleddown in Britain,their language almost totallyblotted out.A.Old English B.Middle EnglishC.Anglo-Saxon D.Celtic4.The idiom“Jack of all trades results fromA.addition B.position-shiftingC.dismembering D.shortening5.are those that cannot occur asseparate words without adding other morphemes.A.Free roots B.Free morphemesC.Bound morphemes D.Meaningful units6.The major factors that promote the growth ofmodern English are.A.the growth of science and technologyB.economic and political changesC.the influence of other cultures and languagesD.all the above7.Since the beginning of this century,has become even more important for theexpansion of English vocabulary.A.word-formation B.borrowingC.semantic change D.both Band C8.Which of the following characteristics of thebasic word stock is the most important?A.Stability B.Collocability.C.Productivity.D.National character.9.The two major factors that cause changes inmeaning are.A.historical reason and class reasonB.historical reason and psychological reasonC.class reason and psychological reasonD.extra-linguistic factors and linguistic factors10.The fundamental difference betweenhomonyms and polysemants is w h e t h e r.A.they come from the same sourceB.they are correlated with one central meaningC.they are listed under one headword in adictionaryD.all the above11.Degradation of meaning is the opposite ofA.semantic transfer B.semanticpejorationC.semantic elevation D.semanticnarrowing12.An idiom consists of at least twowords.Each has a single meaning and oftenfunctions as one word.This is c al l ed.A.semantic unity B.structuralstabilityC.rhetorical function D.none of theabove13.Which of the following suffixes can be used toform both nouns and adjectives?A.-ion.B.-ism.C.-ity.D.-ist.14.More often than not,functional words onlyhave.A.lexical meaning B.associativemeaningC.collocative meaning D.grammaticalmeaning15.Linguistic context is also known ascontext.A.social B.verbal C.lexical D.physicalII.Complete the following statements with properwords or expressions according to the coursebook.(10%)16.In the course book,the idioms are classifiedaccording to functions.17.Linguistic context can be further divided intocontext and grammatical context.18.The languages made only a smallcontribution to the English vocabulary with a fewplace names like Avon,kent,Themes.19.Morphemes which are identical with rootwords are considered to be.20.According to semanticists,a word is a unit ofIII.Match the words or expressions in Column Awith those in Column B according to 1)stylisticmeanings;2)language groups;3)degrees ofinflections and 4)onomatopoeic motivation.(10%)AB()21.apesA.colloquial()22.Old EnglishB.a language of fullendings()23.IrishC.Italic()24.tinyD.very formal and official()25.FrenchE.yelp()26.cattleF.poetic()27.domicileG.Celtic()28.abodeH.gibber()29.foxesI.a language of leveledendings()30.Middle EnglishJ.lowIV.Study the following words and expressionsand identify 1)types of affixes;2)types ofmeaning and 3)types of motivation.(10%)31.mismanage()32.elephants-trumpet()33.pretty()34.forehead()35.bossy()36.sun:a heavenly body which gives off light,heat()37.anti-establishment()38.subsea()39.a sea of troubles()40.harder()V.Define the following terms.(10%)41.idiom42.functional words43.degradation44.bilingual dictionary45.conversionVI.Answer the following questions.Youranswers should be clear and short.Write youranswers in the space given below.(12%)46.What factors should one take into accountwhen he chooses a dictionary?47.What are the features of compounds?Giveexamples.48.Cite ONE example to illustrate whatgrammatical meaning is.Vil.Analyze and comment on thefollowing.Write your answers in the space givenbelow.(18%)49.Read the following extract and try to guessthe meaning of the word in italics.Then explainwhat contextual clues help you work out themeaning.Get me an avocado,please,Janet said,smacking her lips,but her brother,with a glanceup at the branches,said that there were none ripeyet.50.Make a tree diagram to arrange the followingwords in order of hyponymy.apple,cabbage,food,vegetable,mutton,fruit,peach,meat,beef,orange,spinach,pork,celery2005年 4 月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试卷+答案第一部分选择题I.Each of the statements below is followed byfour alternativeanswers.Choose the one that would bestcomplete thestatement and put the letter in thebracket.(30%)1.There are two approaches to the study ofpolysemy.T h e y a r e.A.primary and secondary B.central andperipheralC.diachronic and synchronic D.formaland functional 2.Which of the following is NOT a stylisticfeature of idioms?A.Colloquial B.SlangC.Negative D.Literary 3.Synonyms can be classified into two majorgroups,that is:.A.absolute and relative B.absolute andcompleteC.relative and near D.complete andidentical 4.In the early period of Middle English,English,_existed side by side,A.Celtic and Danish B.Danish andFrenchC.Latin and Celtic D.French and Latin5.Amonomorphemic word is a word thatconsists of a single morpheme.A.formal B.concreteC.free D.bound 6.Whch of the following groups of words isNOT onomatopoeically motivated?A,croak,drum B.squeak,bleatC.buzz,neigh D.bang,trumpet7.LDCE is distinctive for its_.A.Clear grammar codes B.usage notesC.language notes D.all of the above8.From the historical point of view,English ismore closely related toA.German B.FrenchC.Scotttish D.Irish 9.Which of the following is NOT anacronym?A.TOEFL B.ODYSSEYC.BASIC D.CCTZ 10.In the course book,the authorlists types of context clues for inferring wordmeaning.A.eight B.sixC.seven D.five 11.Sources of homonyms include_.A.changes in sound and spellingB.borrowingC.shortening D.all of the above12.The written form of English isa(a n)re p re s e n ta tio n of the spokenform.A.selective B.adequateC.imperfect D.natural 13.Structurally a_ is the smallestmeaningful unit of a language.A.molpheme B.stemC.word D.compound 14.Unlike affixes,_ are often freemorphemes.A.sufrixes B.prefixesC.inflectional morphemes D.roots15.The four major foreign contributors to theEnglish vocabulary in earlier times were French.Latin,_.A.Scandinavian and Italian B.Greek andScandinavianC.Celtic and Greek D.Italian andSpanish 第二部分非选择题II.Complete the rollowing statements withproper words orexpressions according to the course book.16.The name given to the widening ofmeaning which some words undergo is_.17.Longman lexicon of ContemporaryEnglish is a dictionary.18.When a new word appears for the firsttime,the author usually manages to give hintsor_in the context to help the readers.19.Radiation and_ are the two coinageswhich the development of wordmeaning follows from monosemy topolysemy.20.Middle English refers to the languagespoken from 1150 to_.III.Match the words or explessions inColumn A with those inColumn B according to 1 )word Origin,2)wordformation.and 3)types of Synonyms or antonyms.AB()21.skillA.backformation()22.babysitB.blending()23.telequizC.French origin()position/compoundingD.SCandinavianorigin()25.governmentE.clipping()26.same/different F.relative synonyms()27.gent G.Germanic()28.EnglishH.absolute synonyms()29.change/alter I.contradictory terms()30.big/smallJ.contrary termsIV.Smdy the following words or expressionsand identify 1)types of bound morphemes underlined,2)types ofmeanings,3)processes of meaningdevelopment,and 4)forlnation of eompounds.31.neck primary meaning:that part of manjoining the head tO the body;a secondary meaning:the narrowest part ofanything.()32.contradict()33.mother:love,care()34.upcoming()35.window shopping()36.radios()37.property developer()38.Candidate-earlier meaning:white-robed;later meaning:a person proposed for aplace,award etc.()overcoat39.handsomo-tyoewhter()man40.northward()V.Define the following terms.41.encyclopendia42.borrcwed43.blending44.extension45.phrasal verbVI.Answer the following questing questions.Your answers should beClear and short.Write your answers in thespace given below.46.what is the difference prefixation andsuffixation?Explain with two examples.47.what is extra-linguistic context?48.what is polysemy?Illustrate your points.VIL Analyze and comment on the following.Write your answers in the space given below.49.Study the following sentence and try toguess the meaning of the word in italics.Thenwhat contextual help you to work out themeaning.Carnivores are very dangerous.Not longago,a tiger escaped from the zoo and killed adog inThe street and ate it.50.Connotative meaning is not stable.Comment on this statement with one example.英 语 词 汇 学 答 案(课 程 代 码0832)I.Each Of the smtements below is followedby four alternative answers.Choose the one thatwould best complete the statement and putthe letter in the bracket.1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A9.B 10.A11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.BII Complete the following statements withproper words Or expressions according to thecourse book.16.extension generalization17.specialized18.clues 19.concatenation20.1500III.Match the words or expressions in ColumnA with those in Column B according tO 1)word origin,2)word formation,and 3)types ofsynonyms or antonyms.21.D 22.A23.B 24.H25.C 26.I27.E 28.G29.F 30.JIV.Study the following words or expressionsand identify 1 )types of bound morphemesunderlined,2)types of meanings,3)processes of meaning development,and4)formation ofcompounds.31.radiation 32.bound root33.connotative meaning 34.adv+v-ing35.n+v-ing 36.inflectional affix/inflectional morpheme37.n+v-er 3.concatenation39.collocative meaning 40,suffix/derivational affixV.Definethefollowingterms.41.An encyclopedia provides encyclopedicinformation concerning each headword;it is notconcerned with the language per se.42.Borrowed words,also,known,as loanwords,are words taken over from foreignlanguages.43.It refers to the formation of new words bycombining parts of two words or a word with apartof another word.44.Extension is