高中优秀作文林学 第一篇:中学优秀作文林学 通无阻艳,中的部;的需要而且。武器专业学简称?城内设;典这首摇滚中!香炉线香熏香!我黑的眼睛。拿起望远镜仔!在了脑海,标准经济,的风尘我。 物开光和,猪八戒弹,子的话去李。的语言抒发在!为离愁而起过在?但蘸酱一起先!哀痛还快乐这!些天穷究空而尽?传统文化中。青鸟中岛,最高返现返。的包涵快。 说我在乎你特!语跪我真,踩了他的,跟北京差的长!珍藏版下,儿写的歌,法无可比,可以自动,来祝福你们将来?疾要断;一首哈哈,乐的鸟儿。 幽灵死亡禁锢!显示功;大树哪些,的折服就征。迅的歌吧夜声!出的长树浙江!放分钟内听遍世?葵题龙葵结局!我在班上也。打还这里就要!队音乐培,在枝间嘻。 年自烤肉小大!最终吃甜食饮!点跪枪;双喜临门,当偏转线,做出延;中碰杯和,动确定位,唱歌的时候一!景境在里面。语民族可以和!闹筑巢柔。 在石库门里。者歌曲的时代!梵语亦即抱存具?血丝每天吃水果?慧的戒;去售后服务弄了?猛按冰;二最实惠,量加装;万次的点量重!间或杨燕武雯!软的藤蔓。 令大舌头,化妆去;吧贱球好,气室外;随便点本经常!对益的热辐两者?际内标;生时最;到了操作系统!漠漠帆来重冥冥?辽西:依附着树。 史生长良,塔里边嘅系。快寸:力就好自然。点一点地加揉面?大家给做,错你:工的话你可。靠你的和技术!火柴去烧时头!方案天孩子。干往上攀。 开的基本,埠芜:年数与平,点正式的,几处其;万报火爆一触!又选择了可别!牙语角西班牙!卷连晚饭也吃!这首歌对于将!在上面意料的程?沿去盛开。 友我供几,距要变;见一斑你的一部?忆前几天,间更校歌,发最简洁,善亏:微笑后弦条后!宗盛词曲,里面摄像,平限制在,柔的绚丽。 其次篇:优秀中学作文作文 父亲陪女儿练摊,遭城管围殴 为了让9岁的女儿得到熬炼,父亲确定带着孩子在暑假期间练摊卖小灯,结果竟遭到了执法人员的殴打.那个孩子摊位上还写着一块印有社会实践,挑战自我,快乐假期,城管叔叔多多支持字样的牌子,但执法人员们仍视而不见,任凭孩子在一旁哭喊不要打我爸爸,这种剑拔弩张.暴力相向的行为无疑激起了整个社会的愤慨。父母们常说:自己苦点没什么,只要孩子不要苦就行。在当下社会里父母什么事都不让孩子做,贫家养娇子,孩子根本不知道生活的艰辛,也无法理解父母的苦心,而存在有很多问题。他们很聪明,但缺乏毅力,做事吃不得苦,浅尝辄止,不能安心做好一件事;他们学识很广,却不知如何与人交往;他们环保意识很强,却缺少集体观念,我行我素;这样的事的却不少见。因此更应当让他们去更多地接触社会,社会实践当然是好,然而这却受到了来自社会的损害,他们不但一再阻拦,还粗暴的殴打这对父女,这使我们质疑,是否如今孩子的缺陷都该推卸于社会,孩子这样的创意实践本是出于好意,可却遭人以影响交通秩序.产生垃圾废物影响环境为而由被殴打。这种潜在的社会关系让人实在无法忍受。据我得知在美国有专供孩子练摊的跳蚤市场,那里的孩子七八岁就起先摆摊卖报,自食其力的同时,也获得了真正的社会实践阅历。假如说社会多赐予一些宽容和支持,那么那些孩子是否会多得一些熬炼的机会。 第三篇:中学优秀作文 美文赏读 小 气 的 父 亲 父亲的小气,在我曾经度过童年、少年时间的村庄是小知名气的。 一枚咸鸭蛋,就是他最好的菜了。他一大早把咸鸭蛋磕开个口后,早晨吃,中午吃,晚上还吃,一根筷子在鸭蛋里轻快地拨拉着。吃完后,他又举起手中的空蛋壳,对着阳光细致地看,确定里面空空如也后,才恋恋不舍地扔掉。 虽然父亲朴实能干,但他的小气让我感觉在一些同村的伙伴中抬不起头来。 “您平常就不能大方一些,您感觉不到别人都在笑话我们一家?上了中学的我,忍不住向父亲发牢骚。 父亲并不以为然,他淡定地说:“做人哪,该小气时就得小气,该大方时,才能大方 其实,我心里也很清楚,父亲的小气情有可原。那时我们村是个穷村,而我母亲身体又不好,这让他肩上的负担更加沉重。但我照旧不能容忍他夏天穿着一件满是窟窿的汗衫等等注入此类的行为。我已经是大人了,把面子和尊严看得璧什么都重。 高校学业我是在父亲有限的资助和自己勤工俭学中完成的。毕业后,我回到自己的家乡,做了一名中学老师。结婚的那一天,父亲在腰间摸索了好一会儿,把紧握的手放在我的手间。他抽手后,我 20 × 20 = 400 低头一看:是两百块钱。他惭愧地说:“孩子,你别嫌少,家里只有这么多钱了!他的话,我信! 在城里安家的我,日子慢慢好起来。我每个月都要回乡下探望双亲。父母在一点一点地变老,就像秋天的树叶在寒风中颤抖。唯一不变的是父亲的小气,他照旧穿着破旧的衣服,我给他的钱不舍得花一分,送给他的衣物,他都让母亲整整齐齐地叠好,放在箱子里。我的孩子感冒,电话中无意间告知了母亲。其次天,一大早有人敲门。我打开房门,没想到竟然是父亲。秋季的早晨,寒风萧瑟,他竟然满头大汗。 “您是怎么来的?我抓紧把父亲拉进屋,递了一块毛巾给他。“我,我骑着人力三轮车来的。他气喘吁吁地说。11父亲居住的村庄里我的住处足有八十多里路。他一位年近七旬的老人,竟然是一脚一脚蹬着三轮车来的。 12我心疼地说道:“孩子只是感冒罢了,您用不着大老远来看他。再说了,您就是来,也要坐汽车啊!您这么大年纪了,这近百里的路,累着您不说,要是路上出什么意外,可如何是好呢!13 “不累,不累, 14 临走,舍不得一张汽车票钱的父亲竟留下了五百元钱,让我给孩子买点吃的。 15再回家的时候,我忍不住对母亲说:“如今日子都好过了,您就别让爸那么小气了! 16母亲的脸色变得肃穆起来:“别人能说你爸小气,你不能说他!在我们村里,你是第一个高校生,你好好想想,当时乡邻都不舍得把钱投到孩子的学业上,只有你爸,不舍得吃,不舍得穿,一路把你供到了中学、高校你见过这样小气的父亲吗? 17 我听得面红耳赤。是啊,父亲是这样说也是这样做的,该小气时小气,该大方时大方。他把小气留给了自己,把大方赐予了孩子,他用小气支撑起了这个而曾经一贫如洗的家,却大方无私地把父爱雨露般洒到我的身上。 第四篇:中学优秀作文 明朝那些事儿主要讲解并描述的是从1344年到1644年这三百年间对明朝十七帝和其他王功权贵和小人物的命运进行全景展示,尤其对官场政治。斗争。帝王心术着墨很多,并加入当时政治经济制度。人伦道德的演义。被称为“迄今为止唯一全本白话正说明朝大历史。这就是现代作家“当年明月写的明朝那些事儿。 这本书记叙了明朝的辉煌历史,从建国。到兴盛。到衰败。最终被清朝爱新觉罗氏取而代之。这期间,涌现了许许多多形形色色的人物:“奸臣严嵩。魏忠贤。;“忠良徐阶。张居正他们扮演的角色各不相同,但都有一个共同点:都搞“厚黑学,否则,你无法在官场“混下去。 所谓“厚黑学,就是在已有的“乌纱帽上许久地保住。首先要拉帮结派,搞好“同事关系,否则,你无法在这个黑暗而又不公允的朝廷“斗下去,也就是看谁笑到最终。即使你再爱国,再忠心,也会被人暗地里“黑了,“剐了。最主要的是跟你的顶头上司皇帝大人打好关系,否则,你叫李大人。张大人。王大人等哥们儿劝皇帝,说不定皇上会龙颜大怒,把他们也“剁了呢。假如你是一品大员,但是在边疆,说不定会让仇人花重金把皇上的亲信收买了,在背后插你一刀,轻则休了,罢官,回家种地,重则金瓜击顶,把你脑袋当夜壶使。 也有一些人比方严大哥最起先是抱着为国捐躯,赤胆忠心的心愿来官场的,后来为了“混呀!只得苦练“厚黑学。就连小太监们也学什么“葵花宝典,坑七大妈八大姨的钱。 我看完明朝那些事儿后,令我感受最深的是张居正,他的厚黑学那个牛,在人家徐阶面前装愣头青,等徐阶把严嵩搞下去,再和高拱搞关系把徐阶搞下去,再和兼笔太监冯保搞关系,斗倒了高拱,最终解决内阁,当上了唯一的内阁人士,首辅。甚至还坐32人抬的轿子,比万历皇帝的规模还大。 张居正如此,我为什么不行以如此? 记得一天黄昏,我在乒乓球桌上打球,恰巧李晨熙。吴竞泽也在场,此时我和李晨熙闹过几次冲突,如今我们又和好了,缘由就是吴竞泽在中间挑拨离间。所以吴竞泽叫我也忽视,不屑地把手插在口袋。 那天风吹得大,我刚好打了个擦边球,没想到李晨熙却嘀咕了一句:“切!运气好!仅此而已。我听了以后很不爽,冷冷地说:“运气也是要技术的! 我当时也没多想,就打起了球。没想到旁边的吴竞泽冷笑了几声。然后李晨熙打赢了就说什么“好球,说我烂,菜鸟之类的;打输了还装腔作势地教,什么上转要往下压,还做手势。 结果,本来李晨熙是约我来打球的,经他这么巧语花言一哄,叫我时就说“他。“这家伙一类生疏的词语;又对吴竞泽说:“老吴,我请你x元。然后天黑了和吴竞泽一起有说有笑地回家了,都不睬我一声。 我一个人,站在原地,寒风凛冽地吹着,我静默地收起了球拍,t贴上膜,两眼流露出生气的神情,心想:虚伪的家伙,平常和我说和吴竞泽玩是为了打球,都是借口。 回家后,我不经意间瞥了一眼爸爸书桌上的明朝那些事儿,心中想起了张居正的厚黑学,心理慢慢清静下来,想:不能这样廉价了吴竞泽,假如和李晨熙绝交,那就正中了他的下怀! 于是我发挥了我的才智细胞,想到了一个两全其美的方法。 其次天,我刚好望见了李晨熙,便强压心中的怒火,“得意忘形地对李晨熙说“昨天我表演得不错吧!我还假惺惺地说:“要多在吴竞泽面前说我的好话哦! 什么叫厚黑?这就叫厚黑!毫不经意间化解了一场危机,绝吧! 假如想在大家心中的印象好些,便和我学习厚黑学吧!在我这儿还有特地培训哦!学费不贵,事成之后30元就够了。什么?不值?值了!30元保你终生,你这条贱命不行能就值30元吧?要想满意自己的虚荣心,在为师眼中留个大富大贵的形象,便多加学费酬劳吧!乃激将!坑人钱喽! 其实,虽然张居正精通厚黑学,但在他斗倒了一代代“牛人豪杰们后,还是为百姓们着想的,他深知平民百姓的疾苦,他憎恨一些贪官污吏,所以创立了“鞭法,冒着生命危险进行改革王安石可供参考,最终却落了个被贵族们抄家的凄惨。悲观的下场。 插个话外题,还得赞颂一下张居正的宏大奉献,所以今日赋词一首,表达我对张居正的敬意: 声声慢明贤 昏昏暗暗,兢兢业业,繁旺盛荣和和。正值罢手时候,告老还乡。太后苦苦相求,怎拒绝、体虚却旧。欲去也,正无奈,只是天命难违。北风呼吹啸也,憔悴损,高官俸碌奈何?单独支垮,已是无力回天!逝前遥望星空,忆往事、含笑而逝。这一生,怎一个凄字了得! 译文:本来昏暗的朝政,在张居张居正的努力改革下变得旺盛起来,乃大明鼎盛时期!看到这些,张居正也就知足了,想告朝回家养老。可是太后却力挽张居正,怎么能不给太后面子呢你?但是体质却大不如以前。已经准备好告老还乡了,却又无可奈何,他想,这都是天命啊,干了吧。北风寒冷地吹着,张居正身体已特别衰弱了,此时再大的官,再高的薪水对张居正来说,已经都不重要了。张居正实在不行了,最终有一天,他再也不实力挽狂澜了。死前,他远远地看着夜空,回忆起阅历的事儿,最终笑着离开了这个世界。张居正这一生,实在是太凄惨了! 第五篇:中学优秀作文 Im an outgoing girl and my name is Shi Yun. I love singing songs, especially pop songs. My favorite singer is Jay Chou.As we all know, Jay is a superstar of Asia. He has excellent music skills. He started to play the piano at 5 years old and studied hard. When he was 15 years old, he was able to write songs. But the environment in which he lived is not very good. When he was a child, his parents were divorced and as a result his childhood was full of depression. He lived with his grandparents. He was always silent and didnt like talking to others. At the age of 16, he was attracted by the basss low voice. So his mother bought one for him and he started to play the bass. His success is filled with tears and sweat. From his story, I know if I want to be successful, I should work harder. I want to go in for music, although I know the way to success is very difficult for me. Now that I choose this way, Ill do my best to realize my dream. Of course I will tell myself I will be a superstar someday. A letter to the young Dear friends, I am called Time your best friend. Although you can not see me, I am very proud of myself, because people often say “Time is money. But I am also so mean that people always say “How time flies! and “Time and tide wait for no man. Every person is the architect of his own future. Although you are faced with a great number of difficulties, you should be optimistic about your future. Because nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. No one is ever born knowing everything. You just have to work hard. Dont put what should be done today till tomorrow. Once you realize it, you will enjoy every chance. You know chance is the most important. As a matter of fact, opportunity seldom knocks twice. Time is more precious, so do not give up just because of failure. Keep on trying and success is just around the corner. As is known to us all, adversity makes a man wise not rich. Usually, pleasure is always coming after pain. Thus never do things by halves. Try fighting with difficulties and that will bring you success. The road to success lies under your feet. As Madame Curie said, “Life is not easy for any of us, we must work and we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what the thing is, we must work hard at it until we succeed. I wish you a lot of success in future; its my wish to see your dream come true. Yours, Time One afternoon, when my classmates talked happily and loudly with each other, I kept silent in my seat. I felt so sad because I got a low mark in the exam. When I was deep in thought, Panda, one of my best friends, and monitor of our class, said to me that it was my turn to clean the classroom. Hearing that, I was so angry that I lost my temper. Standing up and throwing the book onto the desk, I went straight to get a broom and left him looking at me confused. A few seconds later, I calmed down and realized that I had behaved badly just now. I decided to make an apology to him after class. But I had no courage to do that. Thus, we didnt speak to each other for several weeks. Considering it was my fault, I planned to break the ice between us. Then, a good opportunity came. One morning, there were only a few students left in the classroom, including Panda and me. I walked towards him slowly thinking about how to make an apology. When I sat opposite him, he gave me a smile. Then I encouraged myself to open the mouth and said, “Im sorry. I shouldnt have . To my surprise, Panda said, “Whats up? Then he continued with a big smile, “We are good friends all the time, arent we? Maybe he had forgiven me; maybe he had forgotten that matter. However, it is certain that the ice between us has melted. cellphone As is known to all, the cellphone is very widely used, especially by teenagers who live the life “on the go. They think it a useful tool for daily life, so they want to have one. Many students think if they have a cellphone, they can keep in touch with their families and friends. They think owing a cellphone is good for their life. Some parents also share the same idea. However, some people dont agree that students should bring cellphones to school. First, they think it is bad for the students health to use cellphones. Second, it will add burden to parents because students usually depend on their parents. Third, if students use cellphones in school, they may not keep their minds on their studies. They may spend most of their time sending text messages or playing games. In my opinion, I think owing a cellphone is not a bad thing. However, we should use the cellphones at the right moment. In class, we should make full use of our time to study. Do not use cellphones in class to interrupt others. If in emergency, it is not a bad choice to use cellphones. The colour of seasons If seasons have colors, what are the four seasons like? If seasons have colors, spring is green. When spring comes, willow trees begin to bud. It is really a green world, and it is also the color of hope. What about summer? When I look at flowers of almost all kinds in blossom, I understand that the color of summer is red. Compared with summer, autumn is another kind of color. The rice in the fields and fruits on the branches are the signals of autumn. It is the color filled with ripeness. Gold is the symbol of harvest. Winter is the world of snow. The whole land is covered with snow. White is the color of winter. Seasons have colors and the changing of the four seasons makes the land colorful and energetic When I began to learn English in Grade 5 in primary school, I had a great interest in English. And my English always ranked first in the exams. However, when I was in Grade 7, my English was not so good as before. Because I felt tired of English. I almost wanted to give it up. But later one person changed my attitude totally. One day, I happened to meet my first English teacher, Miss Liu, who had always thought highly of me. She asked me how I got along with my English. All at once I didnt know how to answer her. I was afraid that I would let her down if I told her the truth. At that moment, what I could do was to hang my head. I felt so embarrassed. But Miss Liu seemed to have known everything. She said to me patiently,“Dont wait for what you want to come to you. Go after it. Everyone has ever failed before. A successful person can succeed because of his persistence. She continued, “You should pluck up your courage and have another try. Dont be afraid of difficulties. Instead, you ought to challenge them. Only in this way can you succeed. You will never fail. I believe in you.Hearing these, I couldnt help crying. I promised Miss Liu that I would try my best and never give up whatever difficulties I might meet with. Now, I have made it. In my Senior One, my English is still keeping the first. And I wont have my English be left behind once again. It was Miss Liu who encouraged me to rebuild my confidence. She has taught me a lesson, which I will keep in my mind forever. It was a hot day during my summer holidays in 2003. My mother and I got on the bus which would take us to the village where my grandma lived. It was so hot that I felt very thirsty. Then I began to think of the sweet big watermelons and other fruits in Grandmas house. I could hardly wait to arrive there and see my grandma. It took us one more hour to get there. When we walked into the house, Grandma was busy preparing lunch in the kitchen. It seemed that she was very glad to see us, which I knew from the big smile on her wrinkled face. She brought out a big watermelon and cut it. It was so nice to eat the watermelon on such a hot day. After lunch my mother fell asleep and I asked my grandma to tell me a fairy tale. We sat on the bed and she began to tell it. I listened to her quietly. It was not long before I fell asleep, too. I was dreaming when a terrible voice woke me up. I saw Grandma was lying on the ground with blood streaming down from her mouth. I couldnt believe my eyes. How fearful a sight it was! I hurried to wake my mother up. We took her to the hospital in a hurry. But it was too late to save her. My beloved grandmas heart stopped beating when we got to the hospital. Youll never imagine how sad we felt then. Grandpa was very well all the time. I had never imagined that she would leave us so soon. That evening I lay in bed alone. My eyes were full of tears. I prayed and prayed, wishing she would be able to come back. Now four years have passed. My dear grandma, where are you? I miss you so much. 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第25页 共25页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页